Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 146 Single-handed Butler on

After the collective launch of the ten-round condensing bow, the fast wolf division, a powerful and elite division famous in northern Xinjiang, has suffered an unprecedented blow. Before fighting with the other party, it has lost more than 20% of its troops, and more than 2,000 wolf cavalry died under the condensation bow. The officers of the Fast Wolf Division, who rushed to the front, were still 500 yards away from the Inverted Triangle of the Wushuang Battalion.

However, at this time, the attack power and speed of the Wushuang Battalion suddenly stopped. Because most of the natural power of these soldiers has been exhausted, their condensation bows disappear and are replaced with ordinary hard bows, which will naturally be lost in time.

After all, the vast majority of these soldiers are newly awakened with the help of drug stimulation and Shangguan Fei'er. There is only one original bead. Being able to shoot ten arrows under the condition of releasing the condensed bow is the limit they can reach so far. Of course, there is still a part that has not been launched, that is, the part of the special forces in the Wushuang Battalion who follow the wind.

Although these special forces are usually trained alone, they are still in each squadron and can only be drawn out in war. At present, there are more than 80 people, who are under the unified command of the seven archers of the Tiangong Battalion. Thirty-six of them are the fire-based pearl masters, the rest are the pearl masters of various attributes, and even seven heavenly pearl masters.

These seven Tianzhu masters have just awakened their own life beads. There is no doubt that they have greater development potential in the future. Although they are over 20 years old, Tianzhu masters are Tianzhu masters after all. Naturally, these people will be pulled out to train alone. They are the mainstay of the future unparalleled camp.

The long bow is still releasing arrows, but without the condensation bow and the help of heaven, the power is significantly reduced. After releasing the blood force, the wolf cavalry's defense is quite amazing. These ordinary arrows often take more than a dozen arrows to shoot one. As a result, the casualty rate of the Fast Wolf Division has begun to be greatly reduced. After more than 2,500 people lost, they finally rushed within 300 yards from the Warriors of the Warriors Battalion.

Zhou Weiqing sat on the one-horned devil's horse and never said anything. The soldiers had always been commanded by the wind. And his eyes were condensed on the front of the fast wolf division charging, stepping on the Golden Wolf's Battler, which was more than four meters long. Needless to say, he also knew that this must be the head of the Fast Wolf Division. With the momentum emanating from the other party, Zhou Weiqing can vaguely feel the strength of the opponent.

At least eight beads of cultivation, this is Zhou Weiqing's judgment of Butler. He has only one task, which is to entangle Butler as much as possible and prevent him from killing the Warriors of the Warriors. Therefore, he did not shoot arrows with his soldiers before, but waited quietly.

"Blon commander, the one riding the golden Wolf is not easy to deal with. The golden war wolf itself is a lower-level beast. The combat effectiveness is very strong. The warrior who can ride it will only be stronger than it. Wei Feng lowered his voice and reminded Zhou Weiqing.

Although it is difficult for personal strength to affect the overall situation on the battlefield, the strength of individual strength can easily drive one's morale. Moreover, when this individual's strength is strong to a certain extent, it is not absolutely impossible to affect the war situation.

"It's okay, he gave it to me. The others are yours. Mr. Rowing, the enemies rushing to the front, except for this golden wolf, the rest are all your special squadron.

The wind took a deep look at Zhou Weiqing. How could he not see Butler's strength? But at this time, he must not doubt Zhou Weiqing's decision. Zhou Weiqing is the head of the Wushuang Battalion. At this time, his order is everything. Even if his order is wrong, it cannot be refuted. Otherwise, once it affects the morale of the whole battalion and causes chaos, it is likely to be the end of the destruction of the regiment. There are also more than 7,000 wolf cavalry, and there are more than 7,000 wolf cavalry who have been angered to the extreme. No one will doubt the brutality of these wolf cavalry. Once they are allowed to rush into the front of the battle to fight in close combat, then the war will be completely out of the predetermined track.

In Zhou Weiqing's plan, there is no close combat. Although the melee ability of the soldiers of the Wushuang Battalion has been greatly improved, they can be said to be the disciples of Shangguan Feier. However, once a close battle occurs, the number of variables will also increase significantly, and casualties are bound to occur, which is contrary to This plan will also affect his goal of improving the morale of the whole camp.

A round of volley continues, and the enemy is getting closer and closer.

Charged on the golden Wolf Warriors at the front, Butler's ferocious face could be seen very clearly. His Wolf Warriors broke out at an unprecedented speed, like a golden straight line, exceeding the distance of nearly 100 yards from the rest of his men and rushed straight to this side.

Butler naturally saw Zhou Weiqing at a glance. He sat on the back of the one-horned devil's horse. He looked so tall. The tall figure standing proudly under the war has exposed Zhou Weiqing's identity.

"Kill--" Butler roared, and his blood all over his body had boiled to the extreme because of anger. He was convinced that as long as he rushed into the other party's formation, it was not impossible to kill all these people. You know, he is the upper Tianzong with Jiuzhu cultivation, and the enemy is only 1,500 people. It is impossible to have a Tianzhu master with such a strong strength as himself.

Zhou Weiqing finally changed. His right hand slowly raised in the direction of Butler, and the two sides were still 150 yards away. Once he entered 100 yards, as long as the other party's cultivation was enough, there was a possibility to launch an attack. Therefore, he chose to release his breath at this time.

In the loud noise, the titanium alloy full-body armor originally worn on him was actually thrown off by him, revealing the shirtless upper body, and the strong muscular bronze skin shone in the sun.

A shout sounded from Zhou Weiqing's mouth, and then his whole body had rushed out like an arrow. His charge was so forward and so tough. The whole person burst into a kind of murderous atmosphere in the air.

Any army, the character of the general leading the team, will completely affect the whole army. Zhou Weiqing's sudden outbreak, and he was not afraid to meet the strongest of the other party. At this moment, he naturally raised the fighting will of the Warriorshuang Battalion to the highest level.

The speed of arrows is significantly accelerated. Under the command of the wind, all the arrows thrown are far away from Zhou Weiqing to avoid accidental injury.

In the air, Zhou Weiqing's body has begun to change. The magnificent tiger skin magic pattern suddenly emerged, and the rich black and gray brilliance instantly spread to every inch of his skin. The fierce momentum mixed with the domineering atmosphere of the world came out. His muscles all over his body swelled rapidly, and his eyes turned blood red in an instant. The whole person rushed into the air, as if a demon had come.

I don't know that at the same time as the demon change in his body, a purple-red shadow has been shaken up behind him. Isn't it the figure of the dragon demon girl?

The vast majority of soldiers don't know what this sky skill image means, but how can Butler not know that he is charging and is full of ferocious upper Tianzong? He, who already has nine beads, has personally climbed the Snow God Mountain. In his heart, he is the supreme existence.

The sudden burst of momentum on Zhou Weiqing's body and the day's skill image mixed with demons appeared at the same time, making Butler's strong fighting spirit like being splashed with ice water, from head to toe. What shocked him more was that when he stepped down the wolf, his partner's speed suddenly decreased, and even his body trembled a little.

I don't know why, at this time, Butler suddenly felt the breath he had once felt in the great snow god mountain owner, the breath that once made him fall to the ground. At this moment, he was afraid.

Moreover, due to the distance and the strong breath suddenly shown by Zhou Weiqing, he didn't pay attention to it at all. The beads on Zhou Weiqing's wrist were just four pairs.

In fact, how can Zhou Weiqing, who has released the state of evil spirits, be at the level of four beads? And Butler's feeling is not wrong. However, from the perspective of the advantages and disadvantages of the bloodline, the dark demon evil tiger inherited by Zhou Weiqing is not inferior to the sacred heavenly tiger. What's more, he still has the breath of curing the dragon spirit. Although he can't use the ability to cure the dragon spirit now, the breath of the blood has long been mixed into his body. Under the unreserved release of the demon, it naturally rippled out.

Zhou Weiqing's eyes released a cold light. At this moment, he was immersed in a wonderful feeling.

This feeling was that he began to accumulate when thousands of soldiers in the Wushuang Battalion released arrows at the same time. In the fierce roar of the condensation bow, the blood in his body seemed to have been ignited, and there was only one opponent in front of him in his eyes. Because of this, when Butler rushed 150 yards When surrounding, Zhou Weiqing can elevate his momentum to the peak.

Before coming to the frontier, when he met the opponent of Jiuzhu's cultivation, Zhou Weiqing would only have one choice, that is, to turn around and run away. The gap between the two sides is too huge.

However, when he came to the frontier, he not only became a disciple of the six emperors, but also personally faced a king-level opponent. Although he was not the absolute main force at that time, after experiencing another level of strongman and facing the patriarchal strongman again, he would not have any fear in his heart. What's more, he has made a lot of preparations for the current battle.


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