Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 149 The Divine Master Joins

As he spoke, Duan Tianlang did not hesitate to kneel down for Zhou Weiqing, and looking at him like that, he was by no means pretending, and even tears remained.

Zhou Weiqing dared to let him kneel down and hurriedly knelt down first, holding Duan Tianlang's waist with both hands, so he didn't let him kneel down.

"Uncle, don't do this. It's for the younger generation to live a long life. I'll show it to you." Zhou Weiqing said hurriedly.

At this time, he didn't care about rip-offs, and he was even ashamed that he wanted to rip-off. He could fully see that the uncle's desire for the design of the hateful ringless suit had reached the price of being willing to exchange his life for it. For a strong man like him, reputation is more important than life. He actually wanted to kneel down for his junior, and Zhou Weiqing's heart was deeply touched. He asked himself that if it were him, he would never have had such a deep persistence.

With reverence, he agreed at once.

After listening to Zhou Weiqing's words, Duan Tianlang did not show any joy. Instead, his body shook for a moment, and his eyes showed a little trance.

Long Shiya saw something wrong at a glance. His body flashed and came to the back of the broken sky wave. He pressed his hands on his vest, with a solemn look in his eyes, like the wild waves of the sea, swarming from all directions and poured into the body of the broken sky wave. Long Shiya's palms patted out There are hundreds of palms.

Duan Tianlang is indeed because he has no love these years and has not deliberately controlled his body. His longevity has been exhausted, which is why Long Shiya has been gone for so long. When he saw the broken wave, the broken wave was almost gone. It was he who used his strong talent to help Duan Tianlang recuperate his body, and finally pulled him back from the death line, so he brought him here. Of course, this is also because of the emergence of the hateful ringless suit, otherwise, Duan Tianlang may not accept the help of Long Shiya. Sometimes, living is not necessarily a happy thing. After he helped Long Shiya make a complete set of hateful sets, he had no goal. In terms of creation, he asked himself that it was impossible to catch up with his ancestors. The only thing he thought about was the hate ringless suit.

Zhou Weiqing experienced the strength of the emperor-level strong man for the first time. Long Shiya, which stimulated the heavenly power, only felt that within the line of sight, the power of heaven and earth of various attributes in the air was like the devouring whirlpool she had used before. With Long Shiya as the center, he frantically gathered This is not devouring, but attracting. It seems that at this moment, the world is under his control.

The confused eyes of the broken wave gradually regained their brilliance, and a faint white light slowly emerged from his skin. He took a slow and deep breath. This inhalation turned out to be like a long whale absorbing water, swallowing the huge heavenly power attracted by Long Shiya into his abdomen, and then slowly spit it out. Zhou Weiqing faint It seems to be a gray airflow.

The vitality was rekindled, and Long Shiya's hands slowly put down. "Old man, don't scare me. I managed to pull you back from the life and death line. If you die now, are you willing? The design drawing of the hateful ringless suit is right in front of you."

Duan Tianlang looked at Long Shiya. There was no gratitude in his eyes, but with a little chagrin, "It's all you old thing. If you hadn't pulled me back, could I know the hateful ringless suit? Maybe I have been reunited with your sister-in-law a long time ago. If you do this, I will at least live for many more years. Don't worry, I'll pay attention. As long as I don't want to die, it's not so easy for hell to pull me away.

Zhou Weiqing respectfully held a pile of design drawings and handed it to Duan Tianlang. He believed in Long Shiya and the story he told, but he did not take out all the design drawings, but nine of them. He respected Duan Tianlang and believed in his teacher, but after all, he did not have the consent of Huyan Aobo, so he left one.

"Uncle, this is nine of the ten design drawings of the ringless suit. I'm sorry, I can't show you all of them without the consent of the teacher who sent me this design drawing. When I meet Mr. Huyan again, I will ask him to agree and then show you the last design drawing.

Duan Tianlang nodded silently, his hands trembled a little, and he took the nine design drawings from Zhou Weiqing. His eyes turned red at once.

"How many years, more than a thousand years. Hate the sky and hate the world, and finally be able to meet again. Thank you, Wei Qing. You made your uncle fulfill your last wish. Uncle is old, but he still has some stock for so many years. There is not much difference between the materials needed for the condensation liquid of this hate ringless suit. Uncle will try to make a complete hate ringless suit. As long as God allows me to live to be old enough, I will definitely succeed. When I see you put on a complete hate ring, it's not too late to die.

Listening to what he said, Zhou Weiqing was suddenly overjoyed, which means that he will have a master who specially made a legendary suit for himself to follow

Without Long Shiya's reminder, Zhou Weiqing had knelt to the ground with a bang and kowtowed Duan Tianlang three times. Duan Tianlang received his gift with a smile on his face.

"Son, I don't accept your thanks for receiving your gift. It has been too many years since the separation of the pulse of force. As the head of the sixty-generation head of the sixty-generation of the pulse of the force, I allow you to recognize your ancestors and officially become the doorman of the vein of force.

"Hey, old break, be kind." As soon as Long Shiya heard this, he was a little anxious. He now sees Zhou Weiqing more closely than his wife, for fear that his precious apprentice will be robbed.

Duan Tianlang smiled and said, "Oced, Long Pangzi, don't follow me. Can I really rob your apprentice? However, you can't deny that Weiqing is the doorman of my strength. Although I won't accept him as an apprentice, what I have learned will still be passed on to him. As for whether he has the energy to practice, it's his own business.

Long Shiya was stunned and said, "Lao Duan, when are you so good at playing tricks?"

Duan Tianlang laughed and carefully put away the design drawings in his hand, "What do you mean by cheating? I passed on my ability to Wei Qing. It's his business to learn or not. How can I cheat? I don't want to talk to you, old man. All right, Weiqing, find a place for your uncle to rest. I want to take a good look at the glory of hate after bathing and burning incense. Speaking of this, his eyes burst into a star-like brilliance, and the spiritual breath bursting out of his body was not inferior to Long Shiya at all.

Zhou Weiqing hurriedly pulled his own one-horned horse and asked Long Shiya and Duan Tianlang to get on the horse. Although Long Shiya's figure was more magnificent, Zhou Weiqing, the one-horned devil horse, was extremely strong, and there was no problem in carrying both of them. He himself followed the devil horse, urged the heavenly power, and chased in the direction where the army left.

Because of the drag of the carriage, the Wushuang Battalion was not very fast. Zhou Weiqing and others soon caught up with the army. Naturally, someone gave up a devil horse. As the battalion commander, Zhou Weiqing could not walk all the time.

As for Long Shiya and Duan Tianlang, it naturally attracted a lot of curious eyes. Long Shiya sat drowsy on the horse, while Duan Tianlang looked thoughtful and ignored foreign objects.

It didn't take long to get to the front of the company camp of the Northwest Group Army. So many people came over and were naturally stopped by the patrolling soldiers. Zhou Weiqing took out the token given by the magic machine and asked the patrol soldiers to report. After a while, a team of people had already met in the direction of the Seventh Army.

The titanium alloy full-body armor of all the soldiers of Wushuang Battalion has been put away. They are just wearing military uniforms, and the full-body armor Zhou Weiqing will not be easily exposed. In terms of equipment, I'm afraid that no army in the whole Zhongtian Empire is better than their unparalleled battalion.

is really an acquaintance, but her face is a little ugly. It is Shenbu, the head of the 16th Division, and her sister Shenyi is also with her. When the two sisters saw Zhou Weiqing, they looked better. If it hadn't been for the strict order, they would have been eager to beat Zhou Weiqing severely immediately.

"Oh, isn't this the head of the divine cloth division? Hello, hello, why do you bother to pick us up? Seeing Shenbu, Zhou Weiqing also felt a little funny. He couldn't solve the hatred between himself and the two sisters.

Shenbu urged him to step down the horse and came to Zhou Weiqing coldly. He said, "At the order of Lord Shenji, the commander of the Seventh Army, come to meet Commander Zhou. The commander of Shenji ordered your special first battalion to be stationed next to our 16th Division. The place has been vacated. Just go directly to

Zhou Weiqing hugged his fist and said, "Thank you very much." Although he said thank you, everyone could see the disapproving in his eyes. Shenbu knew that they had changed their name to Wushuang Camp, and he also called them the special first battalion, which was undoubtedly mocking them as a ruffian camp. Why did Zhou Weiqing give her a good look?

Shenbu turned the horse's head and said, "Then come with me. Camp Chief Zhou, I must remind you that this is the Northwest Camp. Please restrain your soldiers well, otherwise, the military law will deal with it.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Please rest assured, as long as the female soldiers of your 16th Division are not Sichun coming to us to find men, the brothers of our Wushuang Battalion are all very honest."

His voice was quite loud, which immediately caused a lot of laughter. These ruffians of the Wushuang Camp were stationed in the north, almost all of them crawling out of the dead. Who would they be afraid of?

"You--" Shenyi beside Shenbu was about to attack. He was pulled by Shenbu, and then he forcibly resisted it. Shenbu glanced at Zhou Weiqing, urged the war horse, and went towards the barracks.

The position of the Wushuang Battalion is just between the 16th Division and the 17th Division, which is obviously an area specially vacated for them. However, the place was empty, but a lot of garbage was left. Although the weather is cold, it doesn't have any taste, but at a glance, it doesn't make people feel too good.

Shenbu didn't seem to see the garbage. He said to Zhou Weiqing lightly, "Bracks commander Zhou, please station, and I'm going back to recover my life."

Zhou Weiqing still smiled and said, "Master of the Divine Cloth Division, then I won't send it."

Shenbu ignored him anymore and turned away with Shenyi and his own soldiers.

"What should I do, boss?" Wei Feng came to Zhou Weiqing and asked in a low voice.

Zhou Weiqing said lightly, "Do you still need to ask? This is a military camp, not a garbage dump. These things belong to anyone, just throw them.

At this point, he raised his voice and said, "Now, I have issued a new military rule. Everyone heard it clearly for me. From now on, without my order, no one is allowed to leave the camp of our Unparalleled Camp easily, otherwise, the military law will deal with it. However, if someone comes to our camp to make trouble, no matter who it is, no matter what the reason is, you will beat him **. If you lose and lose to our unparalleled camp, you can go to the chief instructor to receive the punishment. Camp and drink when you're done.

As soon as he heard the word drinking, the cheers suddenly sounded. No one felt tired, so he immediately took action and began to clean up the camp and camp. As for the garbage, after being cleaned up directly, it was thrown to the 16th Division and the 17th Division respectively, half on one side.

Long Shiya looked at Zhou Weiqing with a strange look and said, "Xiao Pang, can your army still drink?"

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "My unparalleled battalion is different from the ordinary army, and the method of ** is naturally different. Teacher, I'll ask someone to arrange two of the best tents for you and your uncle to rest first.

Long Shiya smiled and said, "Just let Lao Duan rest alone. I'll have a rest. I'm going to drink too. By the way, find a military uniform for me, so as not to make people look at it.

"Teacher, that's not good." Zhou Weiqing said in surprise.

Long Shiya smiled and said, "What's wrong? Do I still care about this? It's not interesting to drink with a group of soldiers.

Long Shiya's figure is really tough. The oversized military uniform is tight on him, and the length of the trouser legs and sleeves needs to be removed, which is barely enough to cover the body.

Wine is more attractive than anything to these Warriors who have not been infected with alcohol for many years, and the whole camp takes less than half an hour. With the mud seal of a jar of wine being patted open, the strong fragrance of the wine immediately spread throughout the Wushuang camp camp.

Although Zhou Weiqing prepared a lot of wine, he had already ordered three to four people per altar. Everyone was evenly distributed, and no one was allowed to drink too much. After all, I haven't touched alcohol for so many years. In case of alcoholism, it will be two.

"Fier, Feier, let's go for a drink too." Zhou Weiqing's eyes soon found Shangguan Feier not far away.

Shangguan Fei'er gave him a blank look, "Why do you want to drink with you?" Although she said so, she still walked to Zhou Weiqing's side. Seeing their soldiers, there were a lot of people who laughed secretly. In their eyes, the battalion commander and the chief instructor were originally a pair.

When Shangguan Feier came to him, Zhou Weiqing took her hand and got into his tent.

The layout in the tent is still simple. There are four simple meat-based dishes on the table. Zhou Weiqing pulled her to the table and sat down, but still did not let go of her hand.

"What are you doing?" Shangguan Feier obviously felt a fever on her face and struggled to pull her hand back.

But she is not Zhou Weiqing's opponent in the competition. Naturally, she can't pull it out.

Zhou Weiqing didn't say anything, but just looked straight at her. He was a little sluggish, a little confused, and with strong and burning eyes, Guan Feier panicked.

"You..., do you look at me and think of Bing'er?" Shangguan Fei'er lowered his head and didn't want to look at him.

Zhou Weiqing was stunned for a moment, but he still nodded, "A little bit, I miss Bing'er." Shangguan Bing'er's gentleness and quietness are the love of his life.

Shangguan Fei'er's lowered eyes suddenly became a little dim.

"Phil, don't run away anymore. I like you, and I have fallen in love with you for a long time." At this moment, the shocking words sounded in Shangguan Fei'er's ears suddenly sounded.

"Ah?" Shangguan Feier raised his head in surprise.

Zhou Weiqing looked deeply at her eyes, "Like is light love, and love is strong love. When I was in danger and you suffered extremely hard but would rather lose your life than let go of me, I couldn't help falling in love with you. I know, I'm an asshole, I'm playful, but if I lose you, I won't be happy in my life. I will never let such a thing happen. I love you, Phil. I will always hold you tightly like this and won't let you escape.

Shangguan Feier never thought that Zhou Weiqing would confess to her at this time. She was not prepared at all. Looking at him, this strange little witch was no different from any girl at this time. Her heart beat faster and her teeth gently bit her lower lip.

"However, you already have Bing'er. If it's someone else, I can beat her away, but Bing'er can't. She has been separated from us for so many years and finally came back. How can I rob her man?

Zhou Weiqing smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I have a headache than you. This is the price of the flower heart. But no matter what, I will never let any of you go. Otherwise, I will regret it for the rest of my life. I know that I am very greedy, but no matter what you think of me, even if I tie you up with a rope, I will not let any of you leave me. I'm a scoundrel and a ruffian. Even if I play tricks, I will rely on you and stick to you, so that you can't get rid of me for the rest of your life.

As he spoke, Zhou Weiqing suddenly pulled Shangguan Fei'er directly into his arms and hugged her tightly. At this time, his mood also became excited.

"Phil, do you know? When I saw you die with my own eyes, my heart almost died with you. If I didn't bring you back to life that time, I would definitely die with you. Don't leave me, really don't leave me. I love Bing'er, and I love you the same. All the difficulties and censures are borne by me alone. As long as you don't leave me, okay?"

Shangguan Feier can clearly feel the strong heat from Zhou Weiqing's body, and can feel the heat in his heart. She is already a little speechless. Although she tells her rationally that if the two are together, they will suffer heavy blame and tests, but At this time, she really couldn't say anything to refuse him. After all, in her heart, his position had long been irreplaceable.

"Hmm." Shangguan Fei'er nodded gently, and the delicate face like a ripe red apple seemed to drip water.

Zhou Weiqing could no longer suppress his inner emotions. His burning lips found her slightly trembling rosy and kissed her deeply.

In the past few months, he has been working hard on six control skills, but his heart has never been calm. He has been thinking about the relationship between himself and Shangguan Feier. He can naturally imagine Shangguan Fei'er's worries. He also tried to make himself forget her. After all, nothing really happened to the two. However, Zhou Weiqing found that he couldn't do it at all. The scene of Shangguan Fei'er's death for him has long been deeply rooted in his heart, which is so profound. Since that time, Shangguan Fei'er's position in his heart has been no less than that of Bing'er and Tian'er. How can he give up?

In the end, Zhou Weiqing still made up his mind. He would rather play with his heart than be unreward. Even if he was said to be a scoundrel, he would never give up what he loved in his heart. That's why I have a confession at this time.

Shangguan Feier's lips began to tremble a little, but soon the slight tremor was infected by the scorching heat. After all, the vast little witch was the vast little witch. When she gradually threw away the shackles in her heart under Zhou Weiqing's infection, she began to respond almost crazily. Isn't she extremely depressed these days? When she threw away the shackles in her heart at this time, the emotions that had been suppressed broke out, even hotter than Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing's big hand didn't know when it had penetrated into Shangguan Fei'er's skirt, feeling the slight trembling of the delicate skin under his touch, and his heart gradually became evil.

Outside, there are countless cheers and shouts, but in this tent, the strong spring gradually ripples.

Just when Zhou Weiqing picked up Shangguan Fei'er and wanted to walk to the bed. Suddenly, a cold hum sounded.

Zhou Weiqing's vigilance is quite strong, even in this situation of being completely immersed in emotion at this time. The cold humming was too sudden. He and Shangguan Feier felt as if there was a feeling of enlightenment. They shivered and had woken up.

Shangguan Feier found that her hand reached into Zhou Weiqing's skirt and stroked his chest. Zhou Weiqing's hand was even more shameless, reaching out in her trousers and holding half of the round and straight.

"Who?" Zhou Weiqing roared, and no one would be in a good mood at such a time.

There was no reply and no movement. Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Feier still maintained the posture just now, but both of them have fully released their natural power and felt everything in the outside world. Zhou Weiqing directly released the Dark Touch, a skill that can enhance perception and range control, and the dark tentacle instantly spread to a radius of 40 yards, trying to stretch. Even if the enemy is strong, as long as it is in this range, it will definitely be detected by Zhou Weiqing.

However, to Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er's surprise, they didn't find anyone around the tent with their perception.

When the two looked at each other, they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes, and naturally saw that the other party was the same as themselves, and did not find the enemy.

"What's going on? Am I hallucinating?" Zhou Weiqing said doubtfully.

Shangguan Fei'er gave him a white look, "Will I still hallucinate with you?" There really is someone. Is it your teacher? Otherwise, how could we not find that man?"

Zhou Weiqing felt the warm bounce in his hand. He smiled and rubbed it rudely. "What the hell, let's continue."

"Continue on with you." Shangguan Fei'er blushed. She didn't feel anything in ** before. At this time, she calmed down a lot. Zhou Weiqing's funny big hand kneaded on her little buttocks. How could she make her feel embarrassed? The hand on Zhou Weiqing's shoulder pushed him away, and his flexible body slipped away from Zhou Weiqing's wolf claws.

"Fier, don't go, we can drink." As soon as Shangguan Feier broke free, she turned around and ran away. Zhou Weiqing chased and shouted behind, but he didn't even look back.

Looking at the falling tent curtain, Zhou Weiqing muttered to himself, "What's the matter? I don't know which bastard is making trouble. There is no chance to have sex after drinking. If you want me to know who it is, I can't forgive him. Humph."

As he spoke, he quietly got out of the tent and looked around again. He really didn't find anything. He just saw that his round teacher had already mixed with the soldiers of the Wushuang Battalion, drinking and eating meat.

It's definitely not the teacher. The voice just now is very clear and a little familiar, which is different from the teacher's voice. It won't be Uncle Duan Tianlang. He is studying the hateful ringless suit. How can he have time to meddle in other people's business? But who will they be? If someone is hostile to himself and Fei'er, I'm afraid the teacher can't pass the test.

With full of doubts, Zhou Weiqing was depressed and had nowhere to vent. No one was disturbed by good things at the critical moment, he would never be in a good mood. He knows Shangguan Fei'er too well. If he misses this good opportunity, it won't be easy to take advantage of it next time. Who made herself not her opponent in the first place?

Zhou Weiqing gritted his teeth and secretly made up his mind that at worst, he would risk learning the sleeping skills in the melee with Fei'er one day. Maybe he could take advantage of it again.

In desperation, he had to get close to the soldiers and eat and drink with everyone.

The atmosphere of the Wushuang Camp was extremely enthusiastic, and almost everyone was talking about today's victory. They not only defeated the almost impossible enemy, but more importantly, they were unscathed. They had never thought of such a war. This feeling is so cool.

Not far from the Wushuang camp, a black figure was fighting quietly there, dressed in black and covered with black gauze. From her slender but convex body, it can be seen that this is a woman, and she is never too old.

"This bastard Zhou Xiaopang, he really has an intention for Phil. I really want to kill him." The man in black clenched his fist with hatred.

The cold snort that Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Feier heard just now was actually what she snorted. It was not someone else, but the direct heir of Haomiao Palace, Shangguan Xueer.

Shangguan Xueer has been in northern Xinjiang for some time. According to her father, she was not in a hurry to take Fei'er back, but secretly observed what Zhou Weiqing was going to do.

This observation doesn't matter. The more she looks at it, the more shocking she is. The training method of the Warriors Camp is absolutely different. Unexpectedly, all of them are archers. And their equipment will surprise Shangguan Xueer, who was born in Haomiao Palace on Tianzhu Island. Which country will equip its soldiers with titanium alloy armor? How much does it cost?

Moreover, what surprised her more was that in this unparalleled camp, the number of body bead masters was increasing, just like bamboo shoots after the rain. She soon thought of the secret skills of her vast palace. There is no doubt that Fei'er revealed it to Zhou Weiqing, but where did he find so many precious cores? Even Phil can't do it.

Due to Zhan Lingtian's reservations, he did not return the matter of Zhou Weiqing's worship under the Liujue Emperor, which also made Shangguan Xueer lose the direction of judgment.

Time passed day by day. As a bystander, Shangguan Xueer clearly felt that the strength of the Warriors camp was constantly improving, and the speed of improvement was so amazing. She gradually understood that Zhou Weiqing wanted to build an army composed entirely of the Royal Pearl Division. Such an army is also available in the Zhongtian Empire, but there is only a staffing of only one thousand people. Of course, the cultivation of the Royal Pearl Division in it is much stronger than that of Zhou Weiqing, an unparalleled battalion. At least they are all body Captains, battalion commanders and so on are all powerful Tianzhu Division. The battalion commander himself is even a king-level master. That battalion can be regarded as a killer in the northern army of the whole Zhongtian Empire, and it is not easy to go to the battlefield.

However, Zhou Weiqing's training method is completely different from that of that battalion. He trains archers and archers with condensed bows. As long as the distance is enough, he has a full opportunity to easily kill the imperial pearl master of the same level. If Shangguan Xueer hadn't known that Zhou Weiqing's purpose was to restore the country It is possible to become her brother-in-law. I'm afraid she has already come forward to stop him from continuing.

The only thing that makes Shangguan Xueer more gratified is that there seems to be nothing between her eccentric sister and Zhou Weiqing. One is to practice in isolation, and the other is to train soldiers every day. They spend very little time to communicate together, and it seems that they are not even friends. Therefore, Shangguan Xueer guessed in her heart that Fei'er must have stayed with Zhou Weiqing as she thought. The main purpose was to supervise him.

With this idea, Shangguan Xueer is much more relieved. After observing for a period of time, maybe she will meet Fei'er and go back. After all, as the heir of the Haomiao Palace, she has a much heavier burden than Shangguan Feier, and she still has a lot to do. It's not as easy as Shangguan Fei'er.

Just when Shangguan Xueer was ready to appear, today's battle appeared. When Shangguan Xueer saw that the Wushuang Battalion was preparing for battle, she immediately gave up the idea of meeting Shangguan Feier. She decided to wait a few more days to witness the combat effectiveness of the unparalleled battalion, so that she could return to her father when she went back.

It doesn't matter. Shangguan Xue'er was completely shocked.

The wind and lightning of ten thousand wolf cavalry lost more than 40% in the end, while the whole unparalleled battalion was unharmed. In this war, in addition to the unexpected archers of the Wushuang Battalion itself, it can also be said to be extremely classic in tactical arrangements. Whether it was the shooting in the early stage, Zhou Weiqing blocked the opponent's strongest Tianzhu Division, or the break of the 300 Air Force. It can be said that the cooperation of each step is perfect. Shangguan Xueer is convinced that even if the remaining wolf cavalry finally rushes over, their results will never be good. Taking advantage of the terrain, the Wushuang Battalion will certainly bring them a heavier blow. In the end, it is very likely that this wolf cavalry army is the result of the destruction of the whole army.

When she had this idea in her mind, Shangguan Xueer had to admit that she had underestimated Zhou Weiqing before. It seems that this guy is annoying, cunning, obscene and shameless. But she had to admit that this guy was also gifted, and Shangguan Xueer thought that his overall view was a little inferior. After all, she has been hard since she was a child and has not had much contact with military knowledge.

The strong combat effectiveness of the Wushuang Battalion is far above her judgment. What if those wolf cavalry can really get close? Are these unparalleled battalion soldiers with the guidance of their sister poor melee strength? They all have natural power, and everyone's body has been transformed by natural power. Even in the face of strong wolf cavalry, they will never suffer losses. This is a victory belonging to the Wushuang Battalion, and also the victory of Zhou Weiqing.

In half a year, only half a year has passed since Zhou Weiqing came to northern Xinjiang, and he has already owned such an army. Now Shangguan Xueer increasingly understands why her father and uncle value Zhou Weiqing so much. They are right. Compared with Zhan Lingtian, Zhou Weiqing is better. Whether it is the pattern or vision, it is incomparable to Zhan Lingtian. As long as he is given enough time and a stage to play, Zhou Xiaopang will definitely have an unlimited future in the future.

After watching the battle, Shangguan Xueer has decided to rush back as soon as possible. She must report what happened here to her father as soon as possible. It is good to make the next plan for Zhou Weiqing. Even Shangguan Xueer now feels that talents like Zhou Weiqing must be tied to the chariot of Haomiao Palace. Perhaps, in the near future, he will be the most powerful weapon for Haomiao Palace to defeat Xueshen Mountain.


I have been outside these days, and there are some things to deal with. I have to make as much time as possible to break out of these three updates today. Three-in-one, this is the sincerity of the third brother. The gap in our monthly ticket has been widened. Brothers and sisters, can you give the old... hope that I can have the motivation to explode at the end of the month?

Ask for a monthly ticket, at least let's close the gap first, so that I can see that hope, okay? Thank you all.