Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 166 Unparalleled Participation in the War

He smiled and said, "Commander of Oni, please remember that now you are no longer affiliated with the Seventh Army, but to cooperate with our Wushuang Battalion, and our Wushuang Battalion does not need to accept orders from the Seventh Army. Didn't you just say that we didn't gather in time? Now we will make up for this part of the time. The whole army is advancing with flank defense.

Oni's facial muscles are obviously a little twitching. He has been in the army for nearly 20 years, but it is the first time he has met such a commander. Can this work? However, the order given by Shenji at the beginning was indeed no matter what the Wushuang Battalion did, the heavy infantry division had to cooperate. In desperation, he could only grit his teeth and not interfere with the order at all.

At this time, Oni made a very smart decision. At the same time, he gave the order that from this moment on, all the soldiers of the heavy infantry division, like the soldiers of the Wushuang Battalion, would only obey the order of one person rowing the wind before the end of the battle, and be commanded by the acting commander of the Wu

Oni's cleverness is not because he thinks that rowing is better than his own command, but he feels that after he has done so, whether it is the commander of the Shenji Legion or the headquarters of the Northwest Army, it is easy for him to shikud. After all, on his side alone, he has not violated any military orders.

Who is that person? That is the essence of human beings, Tiangongying, which is not an outstanding talent, but is willing to be commanded by him. It can be imagined that under the elegance of his face, there is something hidden.

So, the wind just took a look at Oni and guessed what he thought at this time, and he didn't break it. At least Oni's order was absolutely beneficial to this battle.

The army of beasts sent seven main divisions this time, and the remaining ten divisions plundered the array in the distance. They dared to rush so blatantly, which stemmed from their absolute self-confidence in fighting on the plains. Even if the charge was not successful, it would be no problem for them to retreat completely. Even if there was no rear army to respond, in their opinion, the northwest army would never dare to chase them out.

Among the seven divisions of the Beast Army, the most important combat effectiveness is to hit the central front, bringing the most pressure to the Northwest Army, the Tyrant Bear Division composed of all bear heavy infantry.

The Tyrant Bear Division has been famous in the battle with the army of the Zhongtian Empire for many years. Every time they appear, they are almost on the side of the Central North Group Army, and they are best at fighting hard battles. It is also one of the few infantry divisions in the whole orc army.

The bear people are one of the few races in the Beast Empire that do not have the corresponding totem war beasts in captivity. One is because the war bears are too difficult to find and the number is too small, and the other is because the bear people themselves already have extremely strong fighting ability.

Each bear heavy infantry is more than two meters tall. Their figure is as strong as a giant bear, and their tough skin is enough to withstand most blows. The power of terror and the giant stick weapons they use are invincible on the battlefield.

When the Bear Heavy Infantry Division appeared outside the defensive position of the Northwest Battalion, the entire Northwest Army Command was stupid. Of course, they had heard of the horror of this Tyrant Bear Division. On the other side of the North Central Army, I'm afraid that there are more than one army of the soldiers of the Zhongtian Empire who died under the Tyrant Bear Division. In the case of head-on confrontation, human heavy infantry are no match for them at all.

What's more, in addition to the Tyrantagonist Bear Division, there are six other divisions to assist, including a wolf cavalry division, a unicorn cavalry division, two dog-man machete infantry divisions and two mad cow heavy cavalry divisions.

Among these seven divisions, it can be said to be the elite of the Beast Empire. In fact, there is only one violent bear division, but even so, the pressure brought to the northwest battalion is extremely huge. Now that all the more than 600,000 troops in the Northwest Camp have touched more than 300,000, and they have barely blocked them with the fortifications. The number of casualties on both sides is not proportional at all.

On the side of the side chosen by the rowing, there is a dog-man machet infantry division and a wolf cavalry division. And the two Mad Bull Heavy Cavalry Divisions are cooperating with the Tyrant Bear Division to make a central breakthrough. The Northwest Battalion also has the largest number of troops gathered on the central front, and several heavy cavalry and heavy infantry divisions of each legion are all deployed there. Although the battle of the flank is not as fierce as the central battlefield, it is also quite fierce.

The dog-human machete infantry wears leather armor. Their figure is not as strong as that of the bear and the bull, but they are extremely flexible. With the machete in their hand, ordinary arrows can rarely hit them. Flexible skills and strong strength are their weapons to defeat the enemy.

In the Beast Empire, the Dog Man is a large clan. Although their combat effectiveness is worse than that of most orcs, they are better than the large number of people and have an excellent relationship with the werewolf race, so their status in the Beast Empire is also quite low. This can be seen from the strength of the six divisions of the dog people in the army of all beasts.

Since the establishment of the Wushuang Battalion, this is the first time that it has really stepped on the battlefield and participated in the war. Of course, the wind will not let them eat hard bones. Moreover, on the other side of the central battlefield, there are too many troops gathered by both sides, and it is difficult to give full play to the advantages of

Under the mobilization of the wind, the Wushuang Battalion and the Heavy Infantry Division soon came to the flank front. The defense here is responsible for the strength of six divisions of the Northwest Battalion, including the 16th Division of the Seventh Army.

As the division commander of the 16th Division, Shenbu commanded the battle. She had already found that the Wushuang Battalion was approaching this way, and she was overjoyed. As the first person to contact the Wushuang camp and suffered a lot of losses in the Wushuang camp, she knows much more about the Wushuang camp than other generals in the northwest camp. Especially after she and Lin Tian got better, she should know more about the Wushuang camp. Lin Tianshi will not tell her the core secrets, but some things are not very There is no need to hide anything.

Seeing the Wushuang Battalion coming with the heavy infantry division, God was overjoyed. He temporarily handed over the command to his deputy division commander, and then rushed over on horseback in person. After a brief communication with the rowing wind, he made part of his defense area and stationed the heavy infantry division and the Wushuang battalion.

Other divisions did not pay much attention to this side. They just thought that they were reinforcements sent by the military department. Seeing the addition of a heavy infantry division, they were naturally overjoyed to resist the wolf cavalry. The heavy infantry was the most suitable.

The heavy infantry division quickly entered the combat position. According to the usual centralized training, every two heavy infantry guards protected one unparalleled battalion soldier.

In fact, some are not suitable for archers to fight now, because the enemy is a little too close to this side. It is very difficult for the front 16th Division to resist. Without a distance, it is very difficult for an archer to shoot the enemy without hurting his own soldiers, unless he is a divine archer.

Even in the Wushuang Battalion, not every soldier is sure of this. After all, their training time is not too long. However, the Wushuang camp is also divided into elites.

The first battle order is to give it to the first brigade of the most elite Wushuang Battalion. The order to them is simple and direct, shooting nearby enemies, and giving the soldiers in front of the 16th Division time to retreat.

When Shenbu saw the 500 condensing bows of the first brigade of the Wushuang Battalion open towards the front line, she was already so nervous that she couldn't breathe. At this time, she did not give any orders to dodge and retreat. If one is not good, her soldiers will be affected or even severely damaged.

He didn't give Shenbu too many opportunities to think, and the first brigade's volley has been launched.

The harsh roar sounded loudly. Not to mention several other divisions around, even the heavy infantry division responsible for assisting the defense of the Wushuang Battalion was shocked. You know, when training together, the soldiers of the Wushuang Battalion used ordinary long bows, but now they are condensed bows, which makes a big difference.

The sound of popping sounded one after another, and I couldn't see the trajectory of the arrow at all. What I could see was the suddenly rising blood mist and the screams I heard.

The first brigade not only has condensed wings, but also has the best archery, and each of them has quite good natural cultivation.

The soldiers of the 16th Division, who were desperately resisting the enemy, suddenly felt a light pressure. The dog-man machete warriors and wolf cavalry who were still in front of them at the previous moment, turned into corpses with a bloody fog the next moment. Such a change is so sudden for them that many people have not yet realized it.

From the direction of Shenbu, the arrows shot by the 500 soldiers of the first brigade of the Wushuang Battalion were like long eyes. They could always drill through the cracks, and then hit the enemy accurately. The five hundred feather arrows did not fail. Although there were also missed shots, there was absolutely no one that hit the friendly army.

If this kind of arrow only appears on a person, it will not attract much attention. At most, it will be called a magic archer. But if such an arrow appears in the hands of 500 people at the same time, it will be enough to produce an unparalleled strong shock.

The wolf cavalry and dog infantry are quite good in defense. However, in front of the condensation bow, their tough skin has no blocking effect at all, and can only throw a corpse.

"Sixteenth Division, retreat on both sides." Shenbu gave the order at the first time. She was able to sit in the position of division commander not only because she was a Tianzhu division, but also because of the previous impulse, she was definitely an excellent commander.


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