Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 180 Little Fat War Lion King

It is not so easy to use thirty-two times the power. It is necessary to fully mobilize each piece of condensing equipment and integrate the power together to burst out. And Zhou Weiqing's outbreak was all condensed on the crying hammer of his right hand.

The mystery of the hateful ringless suit was shown on the battlefield for the first time, and its opponent is a heavenly emperor-level strongman. The increase of each suit is doubled, which is like a continuous superimposed fusion skill. There is no hateful ringless suit attached to other skills. The real strength is the ultimate of this power!

The two sacred light claws of the lion king Gust tore up the evil attribute of the heavenly power on the crying hammer almost instantly. Whether it is the strength of the heavenly power or the control, Gust is far above Zhou Weiqing. However, to his surprise, the crying hammer shone with a strong layer of dark gold brilliance, accompanied by two claws, and the two claws were broken.

At this time, the laughing hammer has also been cut off.

How is this possible? Did you break my attack without using skills?

Gust couldn't think much about it. He raised his left hand and slapped at the laughing hammer. The strong heavenly power burst out in an instant, while his right hand patted forward, blocking the crying hammer that Zhou Weiqing pointed forward.

The laughing hammer in Zhou Weiqing's left hand deliberately slowed down half a beat, so that it collided with the lion king at the same time as the crying hammer.

Long Shiya, who continued to suppress Gu Yingbing and watched the battle not far away, saw this, and couldn't help showing a faint smile at the corners of his mouth. He said in his heart, this stinky boy is so gloomy!

The two different voices of poof and bang sounded almost at the same time. The tiger king Xue Aoying, who was responsible for supervising the battle, opened his mouth in an instant, because he actually saw that the lion king Gust's body was actually shaken off by a hammer from Zhou Weiqing's front...

In the face of Zhou Weiqing's double hammer, Gust naturally distributes his natural power equally. However, how can he know the meaning of Gemini Hercules for the first time?

With a bang, it was Gust's left hand that collided with the laughing hammer. His powerful heavenly power broke the sound of the laughing hammer and rose to the sky. The feeling of using the wrong force made Gust's whole body weak. Although he barely controlled the balance with his strong strength and body, the feeling of using the wrong power was even It's absolutely uncomfortable.

More importantly, while the laughing hammer fell off, the crying hammer has also reached its position. This side has really collided together. However, the power on the other side is empty, which also has a great impact on this side of the Lion King. The body is unstable, and the natural power to block the crying hammer on this side naturally fluctuates He himself divides the power of nature on both sides. I suffered a big loss at this time.

How horrible is the thirty-two times power contained in the crying hammer? In the state of dragon and tiger change, competing for strength alone, Zhou Weiqing is not inferior to the eight-bead cultivation power-type Tianzhu master, or even higher, not to mention a thirty-two-fold increase. At this time, if he only calculates the power, with the hateful ringless suit, it is enough to compare with the king-level power-type strongman.

The addition without natural power is nothing. After any kind of ability reaches the extreme, it will end up the same way.

Under such circumstances, Gust only felt that an almost irresistible terrorist force hit his chest. In the loud noise, his whole body had turned over and flew out under a virtual attack on both sides of his body. What's more shameful is that the force is so strong that it not only makes his arm numb, but also makes his chest stuffy. Gust forced to swallow a mouthful of back a mouthful of blood, but like this! Come on, he has suffered a serious internal injury.

At this time, Zhou Weiqing suddenly appeared behind Gust, and the Gemini Hercules hammer in his hand was in the control of the yin and yang giant palm, like a meteor chasing the moon.

Space translation. That's right, it was at this time that Zhou Weiqing used the skill he was most used to using!, space translation.

Gust's perception is still as powerful as the emperor of heaven. He found Zhou Weiqing's pursuit at the first time, but at this time, the idea in his mind was: it was impossible.

In the case of using the Liujue Tian Dao array, although it can freely control the integration and use of various attributes of Tianli, and increase the recovery speed of Tianli, you can't use skills! How did he use his space translation?

However, at this time, there was no room for Gust to think about it. As soon as he was smashed away by Zhou Weiqing, of course, he could feel how terrible the power contained in Zhou Weiqing's giant hammer was. Even his emperor's body that day did not dare to really let him hit him.

The huge mammoth shadow appeared above Gust's head at this time. At the same time, a layer of strong golden light burst out like thorns, directly to Zhou Weiqing's double hammer.

This skill is a powerful skill that the Lion King Gust relies on to save his life, and it is imprinted from a powerful beast named Brilliant Mammoth King. This brilliant mammoth king itself is the peak of the Heavenly Emperor Baidu Tianzhu Change Bar The fastest text is provided by the invincible diving bath bucket of the Dawn Update Group. To be precise, it is also the patriarch and totem of the Mammoth family. It's just that because of its low wisdom, it did not enter the real ruling class in the Beast Empire, but even so, it also has an extremely noble status. In terms of blood ability, it is second only to the Holy Tiger and the Holy Lion. With the same sacred attribute, the skill it has is called the second brilliant thorn light mask, which is a powerful skill that integrates attack and defense. After only two collisions, Gust was forced to use this skill by Zhou Weiqing, and Zhou Weiqing was proud enough.

However, at this time, something even more unexpected happened to Gust. Behind Zhou Weiqing, a shadow also rose, which was a fat man and looked like an illusory worm. When this brilliance appeared, it squirmed and flew out, just entangled with the brilliant brilliance above Gust's head. In an instant, the two brilliances disappeared together with the brilliant thorn light mask.

This is image hedging and absolute offset.

At the beginning, Gu Yingbing, the prince of the lion's heart, used this method to offset Zhou Weiqing's dragon magic ban, and at this time, Zhou Weiqing also offset Gust's brilliant thorn light mask in the same way.

The so-called image hedging refers to the situation where both sides can release the sky skill image by applying their skills. Either party can control its own sky skill image and the other party's sky skill image to offset it. No one knows why this happened. According to the judgment of the predecessors, it seems that in order to pity the world, God does not want to have the powerful skills of the heavenly skill image to cause too much evil, which is the hedging effect.

Zhou Weiqing used to practice by himself. Naturally, he didn't know the existence of image hedging. He was caught off guard by Gust and suffered a big loss. But during this period, under the guidance of Long Shiya, he also mastered this ability. His mental strength has also reached the level of being able to control image hedging. At this time, it suddenly came out, and immediately formed the power to change the war situation.

Tiger King Xue Aoying has been watching the battle below. When Zhou Weiqing used the space to level, he had already opened his mouth. The evaluation of space translation is higher than that of six stars. To the extent that Zhou Weiqing has just been able to use the Liujue Tiandao array, it is impossible to simulate this skill, and the space translation simulation itself is extremely difficult. He has the same idea as Gust in his mind. How is that possible?

However, when Zhou Weiqing used the image to hedge again this time, Xue Aoying finally found the mystery after careful observation.

When Zhou Weiqing used his skills, a corner of the six-pointed star under his feet lit up, and the stone cat's eyes were even more brilliant. Then the skill appeared.

Finding these, although Xue Aoying saw the mystery, he was even more surprised. Could it be that he could use his skills in the case of using the Liujue Tiandao array? This is too unbelievable.

In fact, Xue Aoying's judgment is correct. Compared with the Liujue Tiandao array, Zhou Weiqing's Liujue God Mang array will be inferior in restoring the speed of heaven, but the disadvantage in this regard is made up by his dragon and tiger change and immortal magic. And the six corners of his six-pointed star can retain a skill when it is used.

That is to say, the Six Gods Mang Array can let Zhou Weiqing temporarily bind six skills on it while having the characteristics of the Six Jue Tian Dao Array, just like in normal battles. The bound skills can be selected from his existing rubbing skills. The natural power consumed is the source of the amazing recovery speed after the formation of the Liujue Tiandao array.

There is no doubt that the effect of the Liujue God Awn Array is stronger than that of the Liu Jue Tian Dao Array. The reason for this situation is also very simple. It is also six attributes. Zhou Weiqing has two sacred attributes. In addition, his Liu Jue Tian Dao array is constructed in different ways, so such a mutation occurred.

A space translation instantly closes up. Zhou Weiqing's second skill is time countercurrent. The reason why this skill is bound by him in the six unique arrays is that it is specially used for image hedging. Even the Lion Heart Prince has god-level skills. How can the Lion King not have them? With mental arithmetic and unintentional, Zhou Weiqing's time against the current suddenly produced an excellent effect.

The disappearance of the brilliant thorn god mask surprised the lion king Gust, and Zhou Weiqing's double hammer had been smashed down, and it was completely too late to use other skills in such a short time. Under the great embarrassment, Gust could only raise his palms, and the heavenly power condensed in an instant and blocked it hard.

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