Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 194 Guangfu Xianyuecheng Middle

It is precisely because of the barriers of these small countries, coupled with the sudden war launched by the Kingdom of Danton, even if there is a rescue between the Kingdom of Zhongtian Emperor and the Kingdom of Blancpao, it is too late.

The northwest of the Kingdom of Denton is bordering the Kingdom of Baida. Surprisingly, the Kingdom of Denton and the Kingdom of Griffino is so lively, but the other side of the Kingdom of Baidu seems to be very calm, and everything seems to have nothing to do with them.

In the end, the war was finally ended under the mediation of the Zhongtian Emperor, but after all, the Zhongtian Emperor was too far away to intervene here. Therefore, the final result of the war was that the Kingdom of Danton stopped attacking, and half of the land that had been occupied was returned, and the remaining half belonged to the Kingdom of Denton.

In fact, it is not easy to return the half. The Kingdom of Denton agreed verbally, but can they really do it?

A small test knife of the Kingdom of Emperor Danton also reminds the Kingdom of Zhongtian Emperor. This is a powerful country that has been operating in the south for many years and has never appeared on the battlefield of the Great Land. It seems that it is no longer as calm as before. Among them, no one knows whether there is any act of the blood red prison of the Kingdom of Danton.

But there is no doubt that the overall strength of the Kingdom of Danton on land has been improved again because of this war of aggression, and it has surpassed the Kingdom of Philippe and the Kingdom of Patta, and even slightly surpassed the Kingdom of Blancpain. Although the strength of Love Valley is not bad, its overall combat effectiveness is not as fierce as that of Blood Red Prison.

The biggest advantage of the Kingdom of Denton is that there is no threat in their south, backed by the sea, and the calm development over the years, so that their wealth on the land is by no means inferior to that of the Kingdom of Zhongtian Emperor.

Timiao Palace.

"What is Denton trying to do? Shangguan Tianyue frowned and paced back and forth in the hall.

Shangguan Tianyang sat in the main seat, frowning and thinking.

"Brother, what should we do? There is a tiger in the north, and now the Danton Kingdom in the south is also going to make trouble. Shall we teach them a lesson?"

Shangguan Tianyang glanced at Shangguan Tianyue, shook his head and said, "How to teach them the blade? Unless our Haomiao Palace comes forward, it will be difficult to do it. We have always ignored the Kingdom of Danton! This time they showed their fangs, which showed us the current strength of Denton. You also know the strength of Griffino. What does it prove that such a vast land can be captured in such a short time? It proves the strong combat effectiveness of the Kingdom of Emperor Denton. ......

"We have always believed that there is no threat to the Kingdom of Denton and the Kingdom of Griffin in the south. After all, they can't touch the war and have no chance to train. The combat effectiveness of soldiers is far worse than ours. Now it seems that we are wrong. The combat effectiveness of the Kingdom of Denton is far above our judgment, and with the secret support of the Blood Red Prison, this happened. Dalu has been really uneasy in recent years! First, the Kingdom of Tiansong Emperor was destroyed, and this time Griffino was attacked. If it goes on like this, there is no need for the Kingdom of Beasts to attack, and we will be in chaos first. At present, the Danton Kingdom has a little tail. Our main forces are concentrated in the north, and the Danton Kingdom has more than one million soldiers. It is not easy to suppress them.

Shangguan Tianyue also sighed... "Yes! It's hard to free up now. It's just that we are watching the Kingdom of Denton messing around in the south?

Shangguan Tianyang frowned slightly and said, "If it's just a Danton Kingdom, it's nothing. At worst, we'll come forward in person. I'm afraid now. Isn't it just Danton's Kingdom that is making trouble? Didn't you find out about this incident? Is it a little too calm in the Kingdom of Baida? They were also close neighbors of the Kingdom of Denton, but they didn't show anything. If the Kingdom of Baida and the Kingdom of Denton join hands, then the south will be troublesome. ......

Listening to what Shangguan Tianyang said, Shangguan Tianyue's face also changed greatly.

In the south of the land, if the Kingdom of Baida and the Kingdom of Denton join hands, as long as they want to do it, they can calm down the effects of more than a dozen scattered in a short time, and the Kingdom of Griffino will not pose any threat to them at all. Once the territory of the two emperors continues to expand, it will directly threaten the Zhongtian Emperor and the Feili Emperor. The main opponents of Zhongtian and Feili are aimed at the Kingdom of Beast Emperor... When there is such a north-south attack, that is the arrival of the real crisis.

Shangguan Tianyang said in a low voice, "Call the third brother, we must prepare for a rainy day. It seems that our support for Zhou Weiqing's little guy must be strengthened. Let him become a sharp nail and plunge from the north into the south.

In the south of the country, it is bordering the country that originally belonged to the Tiangong Emperor.

More than 100 miles southwest of the border of the Kingdom of Philippe, there is a small city. This small city originally belonged to the Kingdom of Tiangong Emperor Wei, called Xianyue City. The city is not big, but the location is very good. It is backed by the Kingdom of Philippe Emperor, with continuous undulating mountains on the right, and on the left The traffic is very convenient, so it can also be regarded as the most prosperous city in the north of Tiangongdi. The resident population in the city is about 200,000, with more than one million people. Although the city is not large, the population density is the second largest in Tiangongdi's capital Tiangongcheng and another important town in the west of Tiangongdi's country.

In a strange forest 20 miles outside Xianyue City.

Zhou Weiqing quietly lurked in it with his unparalleled warriors. The benefits of fewer people... There are a total of 700 people, and they are all cavalry. It is not difficult to sneak into the Kingdom of Tiangong Emperor from the border of Philippe.

The unparalleled warriors rested in place, and a figure galloped from the outside and came directly to Zhou Weiqing.

"The boss, oh, no, regimental commander, I'm back." The man was not tall, but he looked very capable... The civilian dressed in cloth ran to Zhou Weiqing before stopping.

"How about it? Kou Rui, how is the situation in Xianyue City? Zhou Weiqing asked with a smile.

It was Kou Rui, his classmate at Feili Royal Military Academy, who came to Zhou Weiqing. The mission of Emperor Tiangong visited Feili City. Zhou Weiqing ended his three-year appointment with his classmates ahead of schedule and brought them out. The war for the restoration of the country was about to begin, and his desire for talents was very eager.

Kou Rui is best at scouting, but this is the first time he has conducted a reconnaissance in actual combat, and it is inevitable that he is a little excited.

"Lunion leader, I explored the situation of Xianyue City in detail. I don't know if it's because the Cresi Kingdom at all thought that the Feidi Kingdom would not attack them. The defense of Xianyue City is much weaker than we thought. The garrison in the city has only three battalions of 3,000 troops, and in the case of the rotation of defending the city, less than 1,000 people can participate in the defense in a short time. They are all soldiers of the Kingdom of Cresi.

While talking, Kou Rui squatted down and picked up a branch on the ground to simply draw the defense distribution in Xianyue City.

"According to what I heard, the nearest garrison to Xianyue City will also be located a hundred miles away. There is a division. It will take about two hours at the earliest from receiving the news to the support."

Kou Rui performed the investigation work of an excellent scout conscientiously, and he only told the situation of his investigation in detail, but did not give Zhou Weiqing any advice, which was not what the scout should do.

Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment and said, "Now that the situation has been explored, let's take action immediately. Lei Zi."

"Ap. ... Lei Zi, the captain of the first brigade of the Unparalleled Division, has come to Zhou Weiqing with an arrow step. When he first came, his dece had already disappeared, not because he was hit a lot, but because he liked the atmosphere of the Warriors. Although the blade training was very difficult, the treatment given to the soldiers by the Wushuang Division was unprecedented to him, and what attracted him most was the condensation and rubbing resources.

Moreover, his current friend is also sincerely convinced of Zhou Weiqing, the leader of the regiment. Even the nine-bead-level Tianzhu master can handle it, which is something Leizi can't do.

Leizi's strength is definitely at the top of the Wushuang Division. Not long ago, he just broke through the realm of seven beads and became a subordinate Tianzong.

"Leizi, you choose 50 brothers with high cultivation and dress up to enter Xianyue City. When we start outside, you are responsible for taking your brothers to open the gate.

"It's an order." Leizi was overjoyed, and he couldn't be more willing to have a good start. It's just a small town. It's hard to say whether there is a royal pearl division among all 3,000 soldiers on the other side. As a subordinate Tianzong, he is confident to complete this task alone, not to mention bringing the 50 brothers with the highest cultivation.

Zhou Weiqing stared at him and said, "Don't be careless. This war is extremely important, and no problem can be solved at all. Not only do you want to open the gate for me, but you are not allowed to hurt a brother, otherwise you will wait to be dealt with by the military law. After that, fifty of you will get 5% of the money you snatched from the 3,000 defenders.

Lei Zi laughed and said, "Big boss, don't worry. Our brothers are all precious, and even Crecy's miscellaneous fish want to hurt us?"

Leizi went to prepare, and Tian'er was very excited to get close to Zhou Weiqing, "Xiaopang, how are you going to attack the city later?"

Zhou Weiqing smiled... He looked confident, "I have my own tricks."

Half an hour later, when the Warriors began to act, listening to the order given by Zhou Weiqing, Tian'er was stunned and said, "Is this the trick you said? ......

Zhou Weiqing's order is extremely simple, just two words, "Charge."

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Silly girl, many things are complicated by people's thoughts, so they become complicated."

I don't know if it's because of the beginning of the decline. I've been dizzy these days, and my blood pressure is a little low. I measured it in the morning, and it seems to be quite low. Everyone should also pay attention to the body. The hottest period of the year is coming.

Ask for a monthly ticket. We are so close to the third. Can you come on? Thank you all. ( To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)