Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 195 No Double Cavalry Under

Oh my God! What's in their hands? Shouldn't heavy cavalry be equipped with standard heavy spears? What is this in their hands? What a mother! Is that a mace? It's not solid, is it? How much does it weigh?

Born in the mad warrior clan, each person has a pair of super-heavy maces, which is heavier than the crow's black gold butcher axe, and the Ugin dog warriors are a pair of wheel heavy axes.

The two sides have not yet launched a real battle. In terms of momentum, the no-double cavalry has completely suppressed their opponents more than ten times.

Almost in an instant, the heavy cavalry of both sides hit each other hard.

The horses and crows rushed to the front of the team, and naturally they were also the first to collide with each other. The horrible scene began at this moment.

The two giant maces in the horse's hand swept out simply and directly at the same time, and ignored the heavy spears that rushed to him by the two Crecy heavy cavalry.

The general standard martial arts equipment configuration of the vast land cavalry is a kind of heavy spear. The length of the heavy spear of the Crecy heavy cavalry is nearly four meters, as thick as the arm. Only these carefully selected heavy cavalry strong men can hold it. With the charge, the combination of strong penetration and strength, it is absolutely able to match other arms. It produces a destructive power that destroys and decays.

Unfortunately, they met a double cavalry. Two heavy spears directly stabbed the armor of the horse group's chest. However, the two crest heavy cavalry could not stand up at all. They usually had no unfavorable charge. At this time, they felt as if they had hit a big mountain, and the violent anti-shock force made him Our charge stopped, and the horses they stepped on were still running forward, and their bodies were lifted up by their heavy spears and separated from the back of the horse.

And at this time, the mace in Ma Qun's hand also arrived. With two loud bangs, the mace showed that it bombarded the heavy spear, and the thick spear actually bent from it, and then hit the chest and abdomen of the two heavy cavalry with the mace.

As if two cans were smashed, the Crecy heavy cavalry was instantly sunken by the armor hit position. Then, in the position of the humming crack of the armor, blood spewed out, like two huge shells, hitting both sides fiercely and each of them brought down several Crecy heavy cavalry.

The same scene is staged in the position of almost all the heavy cavalry of the mad warriors. With their defense, there is no need to pay attention to the opponent's attack at all. The Crecy heavy cavalry have all gone to heaven in the wrong time.

The attack of the Ujin heavy cavalry was another kind. The crow rushed into the enemy's array not far from the horses. She did not let the other party attack like the horse. The Wujin slaughter axe in her hand was one point to both sides, and the two wheels of the big axe were like chopping melons and cutting vegetables. In the wrong time of the second horse, the Wujin slaughter axe passed by the two heavy cavalry, leaving two corpses that had lost their upper body in an instant.

If you use one word to describe the collision of heavy cavalry on both sides, then flesh and blood are the most appropriate.

is also a heavy cavalry, but no double cavalry rushes into the Crecy heavy cavalry formation, just like a tiger into a flock. On the battlefield, broken armor, blood, and minced meat splashed everywhere, and screams sounded one after another.

It was almost only a dozen breaths, and the charge of the heavy cavalry of both sides was over. However, behind the no double cavalry, there is no Crecy heavy cavalry who rushed through alive. In such a short time, the no-double cavalry has been like a meat grinder, destroying all the 400 Cresi heavy cavalry.

The Crecy light cavalry on both wings, the Crecy archer, who originally used bows and arrows to assist the attack behind the heavy cavalry, and Zeng Jian, the commander of the sixth division who commanded the Crecy army in the distance, were already dumbfounded.

When did they see such a horrible killing machine? That's a four hundred heavy cavalry, that is, after more than a dozen breaths, they were all killed by the other party like cutting melons and vegetables. This, this...

While Zeng Jian was sluggish, the charge without double cavalry continued, destroying the other party's heavy cavalry. Then they appeared in front of them, and naturally they were the archers.

If the previous Crecy heavy cavalry was a sheep in front of the non-double cavalry, then these fragile Crecy archers are a weak little white. The tiger rushed into the small white group and scared them to death. What's more, these tigers are all equipped with teeth and have such horrible equipment.

An archer camp could not even slow down the speed of the no-double cavalry by half. When the two hundred lions rushed through in a short time, the blood had stained the earth.

Not to mention that the enemy is stupid, even Zhou Weiqing, who is ready to support the dual cavalry at any time in the air, is stupid.

Who is my equipment? Is this still a heavy cavalry? This is simply killing puppets; puppets! The strength of a division lost more than one-tenth in an instant. This is the first time that no double cavalry has appeared on the battlefield in the true sense. Their combat effectiveness is much stronger than Zhou Weiqing expected.

The civilians of Xianyue City on the top of the city are dumbfounded. Is this a battle? This is simply a slaughter. There are only 200 people, but there are so many people on the other side, but there is no chance at all. Does such a powerful army belong to our Tiangong Emperor?

Leizi kept waving his arm there and muttered, "Awesome, it's awesome. ...Looking at him like that, he can't wait to appear on the battlefield. However, while he was very happy, he was also a little depressed. Looking at this, they had no chance to take action.

Heavy cavalry is always the most horrible killing machine on the battlefield, and without double cavalry, it is the god of killing.

Seeing that a bow and arrow camp was so submerged, Zeng Jian also reflected. At this time, his face had changed greatly, and he was even more chilled. In this case, he had no time to think at all. He quickly ordered, "Retreat, withdraw to the camp, the first and third battalions of the infantry set up stab to block the enemy, and the second battalion returned to the camp and refused.

While giving orders, he had taken the lead in flying to the camp with his own guards. These are not human beings, but demons! There is no way to resist at all.

Although most of the crest soldiers were stunned, their blade training was usually in place, and the above orders were almost subconsciously executed.

The infantry of the two battalions quickly set down the gun array. The so-called stabbing array is specially used to block the enemy cavalry. The handle of the long gun is poked into the ground, and the tip of the gun is slanted forward. The purpose is not to stab the enemy, but to prevent the enemy's horses from advancing.

Unfortunately, the no double cavalry they faced, even if it was a war horse, was fully armed.

Destroyed and devastated, the two hundred and two-fold cavalry rushed into the two battalions fiercely at the next moment. So far, none of those Crecy light cavalry dared to rush up from the flanks.

Two thousand to two hundred? There is an absolute advantage in quantity, but what's the use of absolute advantage in the face of horrible strength?

At the beginning, when the mad warriors and the Wujin people were still in the Kingdom of Feili, they didn't know how many times they had fought with the Kingdom of Beasts. They only had simple weapons, and they had no armor at all, but they still made the Kingdom of Beasts lose soldiers. Now, under the equipment of Zhou Weiqing's spare no effort, their terrible combat effectiveness has directly chased the Mengma Division of the Beast Emperor, and how can these Cresi soldiers in front of them resist? Although their number is only 200, the number can no longer be explained under the condition that the personal strength of the two sides is absolutely unequal.

As the saying goes, if there are too many ants to bite the elephant to death, you have to bite them first. The armor without double cavalry is too horrible. The horror armor is half a foot thick, and ordinary people can't even pick it up.

Zhou Weiqing looked coldly in the sky. He knew that there was no need for him to fight this battle. He didn't want to annihish the enemy completely. One wanted to kill too much, and the other was to preserve his strength. After all, the main force of the Wushuang Division has not arrived, and everything should be stable, which is why he ordered the double cavalry not to rush into the opponent's camp.

A sneer was brought at the corners of his mouth. The goal of today's First World War has been achieved. Being rushed by the no-double cavalry, does this Crecy Division still have the courage to attack the city? If it is not to hide the real strength of the Unparalleled Division, as long as the 500 Unparalleled Air Force joins the battle and there is enough time, it is not a problem to annihirate the Crecy Division.

Although he already has a strong combat effectiveness of the Unparalleled Division, Zhou Weiqing was still very careful at the beginning of the restoration of the country. He has his own idea. If he reveals all the strength of the Unparalleled Division too early, then the Kingdom of Cresi will definitely send heavy troops in a short time, and even the Kingdom of Bai With the reinforcement of troops, it will take at least two months for the main force of the Unparalleled Division to arrive. During this empty window period, with the 700 people in his hand, it is difficult to resist in the face of the attack of several legions.

According to Zhou Weiqing's deployment of the current military team in the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Heavenly Bow, within two months, he had to resist the offensive of at least one or two groups of enemies before he could wait until all the members of the Unparalleled Division arrived. Of course, this does not count the situation of his teacher Liu Jue Emperor Long Shiya.

Long Shiya has told Zhou Weiqing that he will not participate in the war. The strong man of the land has the rule of the strong man. The emperor-level strong man is not allowed to participate in the war, because at their level... If he fights against ordinary people, then it will definitely cause the scene of life. For this reason, in the convention of the Tianzhu Division, it is strictly forbidden for the emperor-level strong to participate in the war, otherwise, they will be attacked by all the strong at the same level.

The second update is coming. I watched the child for a day today. It's really tiring to watch the child! But I'm also very happy. Now I can finally code words steadily. I will try my best to write it. There will still be two updates tomorrow and three updates the day after tomorrow.

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