Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 198 Crash! Redemption! Swallow! Up

Zhou Weiqing did not know that the state he is in now is called collapse, that is to say, his body is in the process of collapse.

After he triggered his unbearable energy, he certainly gained strong combat effectiveness and saved his life under the king-level assassin. However, it also makes his body have to bear the reverse phagocytosis of this energy.

The dragon and tiger transformation is accurately said to be the power generated by blood variation. Such mutation is unique even in the whole vast continent. After all, the bloodline of the dark demon evil god tiger inherited by Zhou Weiqing does not belong to this world. In addition, the fusion with the bloodline of the dragon has led to the emergence of a mutant bloodline like Zhou Weiqing.

When the dragon and tiger transformation is completed, the power of the bloodline can be partially mobilized by Zhou Weiqing, and this blood energy will be gradually stimulated with the growth of Zhou Weiqing. According to the normal situation, if Zhou Weiqing cultivates to the level of nine beads, the second form of the dragon and tiger will naturally appear, so that he can have a strong physical combat ability and imitate the instinctive physical battle of the dragon and tiger, which is extremely powerful.

However, now his cultivation is only six beads. Whether it is his own physical strength, the fusion of natural power, or the fusion of the legendary suit, it is far from the perfect combination with the dragon-like tiger form.

The energy of the bloodline was stimulated by him, but it was only a very short time to maintain the attack form. Then, Zhou Weiqing had to bear the precipitation process after the explosion of blood energy, and this process required him to be strong enough to fully integrate with this bloodline energy and make it silent again. It's like lifting the evil spirits at the beginning. However, Zhou Weiqing did not have enough strength to precipitate the suddenly awakened bloodline, which caused the terrible bloodline energy to have a strong conflict in his [body], impacting his body. As long as the body can't bear it, his body will be washed away by the huge blood energy. If this kind of collapse of death really occurs, Even the resurrection of sacred attributes can't save him, because once he really collapses, his body will burst in an instant and turn into nothingness. At this moment, the outbreak of blood energy is completely beyond Zhou Weiqing's control, nor can it be carried through by strong willpower.

If there are six emperors Long Shiya here now, he may be able to use his emperor-level energy to help Zhou Weiqing suppress the huge energy generated by the boiling bloodline to gradually precipitate, but Long Shiya is not there! With a bang, the two shadows hit the door and entered Shangguan Xueer and Tianer. At this time, their hearts were full of anxiety, and they rushed back at the first time.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw Zhou Weiqing's strange appearance at this time. His body did not shrink, and he was still as strong as a dragon and a tiger. However, the scales on his body were only a thin layer looming. Seeing that he was about to disappear, he could clearly see the horrible things on the surface of the Cracks.

The two women are the descendants of the two strongest holy places. At this time, they do not affect their judgment because of panic.

Tianer took action at the first time. As soon as she flashed, she had come to Zhou Weiqing's side and pressed her hands on Zhou Weiqing's body. The strong sacred energy broke out in an instant, turning into a thick golden light and shrouding Zhou Wei's body. The powerful healing effect and the effect on the increase of the body It works on Zhou Weiqing.

The sacred attribute is worthy of being one of the four sacred attributes. Its healing ability is unparalleled in the world. The cracks on the surface of Zhou Weiqing's skin and the cracks in the internal meridians healed rapidly, and the trembling of his body was obviously weakened a little.

And Zhou Weiqing suddenly felt a warmth all over his body in the severe pain, which made his pain suddenly weaken a little.

Shangguan Xueer came to the other side of Zhou Weiqing's body and looked anxiously at Tian'er. She didn't have the ability to treat, and now she didn't know how to help Tian'er to save Zhou Weiqing.

"How is he?" Shangguan Xueer asked eagerly.

Tianer frowned. As soon as her sacred energy entered Zhou Weiqing's [body], she immediately felt Zhou Weiqing's situation at this time.

I'm afraid that no one in the world can surpass the knowledge of Zhou Weiqing's body. She and Zhou Weiqing have combined the most times, and the two often practice together and operate the four holy attributes. Therefore, the energy of Zhou Wei's half bloodline or the operation of his own natural power is the most clear. Therefore, at this time, she also directly discovered the huge crisis faced by Zhou Weiqing.

"It's the blood energy that broke out. The state just now was caused by his own blood energy, but his current body can't stand this level of energy, resulting in counterphagocytosis. The body may collapse at any time because of this energy," Tianer said eagerly. Her sacred energy can only suppress Zhou Weiqing's internal blood energy for a while, but it can't help its precipitation, because after all, it is external energy. Once Tianni's natural power is exhausted, Zhou Weiqing's suppressed blood energy will also burst out in an instant.

"What should I do?" Shangguan Xueer asked eagerly.

Tianer Yinya gently bit her lower lip, hesitated for a moment, and then said to Shangguan Xueer, "Help me, inject your heavenly power into my [body], and help me. I will try to use my own two holy attributes to attract the holy attributes in his [body]. I'm afraid that only the fusion of the four holy attributes can help him silence the boiling blood.

"Good." As soon as Shangguan Xueer dodged, she had already come to the back of Tian'er. She put her palms against Tian'er's vest and took a deep breath, "You must succeed!" Tian'er nodded, "It will definitely succeed."

Shangguan Xueer began to slowly inject her heavenly power into the Tianer [body]. There was no need for Tianer to say anything at all, and she also knew what to do. I don't have any attributes in my natural power, but the purest natural power transmission. Only in this way can the sky be directly turned into its own use.

With the help of Shangguan Xue'er, Tian'er suddenly refreshed, and the output of the sacred power became more powerful.

One characteristic of the natural power cultivated by the Haomiao Palace Gongfa is that it is vast and long-lasting. With the support of such a natural power, Tianer is obviously relieved.

The faint purple gradually rose in Tianer's eyes, and strong spiritual fluctuations appeared. Tianer took a deep breath. Suddenly, two purple lights shot out of her, but they did not shoot directly on Zhou Weiqing, but spread out into a faint layer of purple light and the god she released. The holy energy enveloped Zhou Weiqing's body.

Both Tian'er and Shangguan Xue'er are extremely nervous at this time. I don't know if she can succeed in this method. After practicing with Zhou Weiqing for so long, each time the four holy attributes are gathered together, but they have not been able to mobilize the mystery of the four holy attributes, but in this case of cultivation, it is much faster than the speed of their own cultivation.

Now Tianer is facing two problems. One is that she doesn't know whether the two holy attributes she output can attract the two holy attributes that Zhou Weiqing has, and the other is that she doesn't know whether the gathering of the four holy attributes can help Zhou Weiqing suppress the boiling blood.

As long as one of these two problems can't be solved, she can't save Weiqing next week.

Sacredness and spirit, the two sacred attributes enveloped Zhou Weiqing's body, but they made Zhou Weiqing's body tremble violently again. Just as the sky was shocked, the two fluctuations of gray and light distortion appeared at the same time.

The mutual attraction of the four holy attributes successfully attracted Zhou Weiqing's two holy attributes. As soon as the four holy attributes appeared, they immediately appeared in a vortex, slowly rotating above Zhou Weiqing's body, and Zhou Weiqing's violently trembling body also took the opportunity to come down in an instant, and even his mouth was full

It's also amazing. As soon as these four holy attributes gathered and circled, the boiling blood energy in Zhou Weiqing's [body] immediately silenced a little, and it was no longer so violent. Under the control of Tianer, the energy after the fusion of the four holy attributes slowly entered Zhou Weiqing's [body], drove all the more than 20 dead cave cyclones already owned in his [body], and gradually integrated into the energy of the four holy attributes.

Neither Zhou Weiqing nor Tianer knows that when the four holy attributes gather together, there is only one particularity, that is, to seize the creation of heaven and earth.

It is the magnificent power of heaven and earth that can break through the boundary of people, that is, the boundary of the god level, and it is also the power of heaven and earth that makes Zhou Weiqing and Tianer practice extremely fast when they practice together.

At this time, it is still the fusion energy of the four holy attributes that dominate all other energies, abruptly suppressing the boiling bloodline of Zhou Weiqing's [body].

Tianer's choice is correct. With Zhou Weiqing's current situation, even if it is changed to Long Shiya, he will suppress his bloodline with the power of heaven, I'm afraid there will be side effects. Only these four holy attributes can't be integrated. The key to seizing the creation of heaven and earth lies in the word creation. In the face of the creation power generated by the fusion of the energy of these four attributes, even such a noble dragon and tiger has to submit to it.

It can be said that Zhou Weiqing's dragon and tiger transformation is the most powerful blood energy in the world today, and the fusion of the four holy attributes is the most powerful attribute energy between heaven and earth. It's hard to say which of the two is better or worse. However, now these two energies are not colliding, but the energy of the four holy attributes is repairing and guarding the bloodline energy. In addition, Zhou Weiqing's dragon and tiger bloodline is far from being fully used. Therefore, under the right medicine, Zhou Weiqing's physical condition is rapidly getting better.

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