Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 200 Holy Power Vortex Under

If we really condense it into Tiandan with holy power, then it is not a head elixir, but a holy elixir. No one has walked this road of cultivation. We can only groped forward little by little. Although it is very difficult to practice the holy power, as Xueer said, once I successfully condense the holy elixir, then I can really stand in the forest of the strong in the mainland.

The wonderful use of holy power is only the tip of the iceberg that they can master now. If they want to try more, they need a lot of holy power. Moreover, the recovery speed of Shengli is too slow now. Only when Zhou Weiqing and Tianer join hands to stimulate the large sacred power vortex can they go up faster. Therefore, now they really need a lot of energy to constantly purify the holy power in order to understand more about the mystery of this holy power.

Shangguan Xueer stood aside and listened silently. She was really envious of Tianer, and now she no longer rejects her by Zhou Weiqing's side. Compared with their three sisters, Tian'er is the most suitable for Zhou Weiqing.

One of them has the blood of the dark demon evil god tiger, and the other has the blood of the sacred spirit tiger. They add each other and happen to have all four holy attributes. The two are so compatible.

Zhou Weiqing said, "Let's go, we should go out, too. Regarding the Holy Power, this is the secret between us. Tian'er, Xue'er, I hope this secret can only be our own. I know that you come from the Holy Land, and you have a lot of things to think about your own home. However, in this matter, the fewer people know, the better. After all. As the saying goes, the man is innocent and guilty. Once people know that we have such ability, I'm afraid it will make the strong all over the world coveted. At that time, we will really be unable to move.

Zhou Weiqing is quite excited about Tianer's proposal. There is no doubt that they want to have a lot of natural power in the true sense, and it is impossible to achieve it under the normal cultivation of the current cultivation. Zhou Weiqing can also vaguely judge that the ability of holy power is not what they should have at this level. Even if the four holy attributes are complete, it should be to condense the elixirs before practicing, and gradually convert the elixirs into the elixirs, and they have it in advance and can practice it. The key point is that Zhou Weiqing has the devouring of the demons.

Only by swallowing up demons can it be possible to provide them with enough energy support. And it is unrealistic to get so much energy to devour the Tianzhu Master, unless Zhou Weiqing really wants to take the risk of it and kill.

Therefore, the heavenly power of devouring the heavenly beast is obviously the best choice. It's just that there are still too many things to deal with here, and it can't be separated. Zhou Weiqing has secretly decided that when everything here is on the right track, he must go to the Beast Empire with Tian'er. Go to the beast heaven to improve yourself and the holy power of Tian'er. If they can really have the holy power of expansion, then their strength can be imagined in the future. If they break through the king level, they are likely not even to encounter a bottleneck. Among other things, with the existence of holy power, their cultivation speed can be greatly improved. And the holy power has many unknown mysteries, just like a door to the golden mountain has been opened. How can he not be full of expectations and fighting spirit?

The two girls nodded at the same time. Although they didn't say much, their eyes had given Zhou Weiqing a positive answer. At least before the formation of the elixir, once it is known that they have this magical energy, it will definitely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The three of them walked out of the quiet room of practice and immediately shocked the broken waves living next door. The door opened, and the broken wave came out of the room.

"Why, San Ding) The little guy's retreat is over?" Duan Tianlang said with a smile, with a little sense of pleasure in his tone.

Shangguan Xueer and Tianer were slightly blushed by him. Only Zhou Weiqing, a thick-skinned guy, didn't care, but looked complacent.

"Uncle, thank you very much these days." Zhou Weiqing saluted the broken waves respectfully. His respect for the broken sky is no less than that of his teacher Liu Jue Emperor Long Shiya. This priest is definitely one of the most admired people in Zhou Weichi's heart.

Duan Tianlang smiled and said, "You still see your uncle like this! Your teacher's fat man is not here. How can I take care of you when I encounter this kind of thing? If the fat man knew that an assassin dared to touch his apprentice, hey hey, I'm afraid that even if he chased to the ends of the earth, he would also find the assassin out and kill him.

"I'm not very familiar with the assassin industry, but an assassin who can achieve the level of heaven must also be quite powerful in the assassin's world. The last time you were able to save the danger, it was the element of luck. During this period, you can't be careless at all. Long Pangzi has been gone for so long, and he should be back soon. At least before he comes back, he still needs to maintain the necessary vigilance. Where you go, uncle will follow you.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Then thank you, uncle."

Out of the quiet room, Zhou Weiqing immediately ordered to call all the senior officials of the Unparalleled Division for a meeting. It has been a month since he came to Xianyue City. He has been closed these days. He has a lot of things to deal with. He must get first-hand information.

It has not been a long time. At present, the middle and high-level divisions of the Unparalleled Division have all gathered in the council hall of the city's main office.

Lin Tianshi was the first to arrive. He blamed himself for Zhou Weiqing's assassination last time. He has always been a follower of Zhou Weiqing and is best at defense. In this case, he failed to carry out the task of protecting Zhou Weiqing. How can he not be depressed?

But perhaps because this incident inspired his fighting spirit, in this month, he finally broke through to the seven beads, and completed the condensation of the seventh combined shield through the condensing scroll obtained from Tianzhu Island. It has made its own defense to an amazing level. Lin Tianshuo asked himself that if the assassin came again, he could at least help Zhou Weiqing block the other party's blow head-on.

Zhou Weiqing was in the main position. Everyone was a little surprised to see their division commander who had not appeared for a month again. Because they found that Zhou Weiqing, Tian'er and Shangguan Xue'er seemed to be a little different from a month ago.

This is mainly reflected in temperament. Everyone can't tell what it is, but it doesn't feel wrong.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "I'm really sorry. I was lazy to recover from my injury during this period. What's our situation now, everyone? Brother Lin, you come first."

Lin Tianshi is always so calm. He nodded and said, "At present, our situation is relatively ideal, and the predetermined goal has been achieved. At present, in addition to the soldiers of our Wushuang Battalion, 3,000 new recruits have been recruited in the city. Although the combat effectiveness of these recruits is not very good, and it is difficult to play any role on the battlefield, it is okay to deal with some daily guard work, at least it will not make our manpower so overstretched. After all, although Xianyue City is not big, the number of residents is quite large. The Crecy Empire has no momentum to attack at present, but they have gathered three divisions in the Star City, 300 miles away from us, including a division from the Baida Empire. Once the operation is launched, we will be able to reach the vicinity of Xianyue City within three days and attack us. The first batch of materials of the Philippe Empire has been delivered, which is enough to support our losses. The supply line with the Philippe Empire has also been established. The main force of our Unparalleled Division has now started and is moving towards the Philippe Empire through the Zhongtian Empire. We have to make peace with us through the Philippe Empire. Although it is a collective action of the army, because it is all cavalry, it can arrive in a month at most. At that time, even if the Crecy Empire can gather a legion of troops, we can fully deal with it. The Philippe Empire is responsible for all the supplies of our Unparalleled Division through their territory. Wei Feng and the deputy commander of the wind blowing commanded.

"It is inevitable that the large troops will arrive earlier than expected. Although the equipment is not yet complete, the Zhongtian Empire has promised us to be responsible for delivering the customized equipment for us. And it also funded a batch of gold coins for us. At the same time, the Zhongtian Emperor ** Department sent a letter asking you to enlighten him in person.

As he spoke, Lin Tianwei took out a letter and handed it to Zhou Weiqing.

A letter from the ** Department of Zhongtian Emperor? Zhou Weiqing was a little surprised by this. At the moment, he opened the letter and looked in front of everyone.

The scratch letter of the Zhongtian Emperor ** is quite short. The first thing mentioned above is the current situation in the south of the mainland, especially the abnormal movements of the Danton Empire and the possible alliance between the Baida Empire and the Danton Empire. There are even some specific information about the distribution of the troops of the Patron Empire. At the same time, the Zhongtian Emperor ** Department expressed its willingness to provide certain funding to the Tiansong Empire. Supplies and money are available, which will be sent directly through some special channels. But they have a request for the Tiangong Empire to restore the country as soon as possible. At the same time, through the war of the Crecy Empire, it will have a certain use for the Baida Empire. Shen Zi also said in the letter that if necessary, the Zhongtian Empire was willing to provide some military support to the Tiansong Empire.

The material support recorded in this letter is not a small amount. After reading this letter, Zhou Weiqing's first feeling was that the Zhongtian Empire was rich.

The financial and material support given by the Zhongtian Empire is even more than the total tax of the previous Tiangong Empire in a year.

On weekends, ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets. Tangtang has got her hands and feet. Please help me pray together so that she can get better soon. Thank you. ( To be continued RA