Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 201 The Resurrection of the Holy Force! Purgatory Angel

Boss, let's go out and kill for a while; what about the three divisions? It can't keep us. L Ma Qun is begging Zhou Weiqing to fight.

Zhou Weiqing shook his head and said, "No. The enemy is different this time. And you showed up in the last battle, after all, the enemy has taken precautions. If both of you are here, I will send you out to destroy each other's confidence, but there are only 200 of you now. If you are really entangled by the heavy cavalry of the other two battalions, even with your combat effectiveness, it is not easy to retreat completely.

Leizi on the other side said, "Big boss, let's go. Fly over their heads and let them know what the divine soldier is.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "You have a chance to take action. However, our unparalleled air force can't be exposed so early. It's not the right time. Are you ready to throw the spear? That thing is better to deal with the enemies who are besieged than arrows.

Leizi nodded and said, "It's been ready for a long time. From the beginning of entering Xianyue City, we ordered the blacksmith to build it and we brought a lot of mouths ourselves..." As he spoke, Leizi also drew the storage ring in his hand to Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing once asked Lin Tian to buy storage rings on a large scale. Now, in addition to the senior management of the Unparalleled Division, the surplus storage rings have been equipped with the first brigade.

Although Zhou Weiqing only has these 700 soldiers available now, don't forget that even in the whole unparalleled division, the 700 people he brought are the best among them.

"Ready to fight at any time. It will take at least half a month for our reinforcements to arrive. During this period, we must stick to the head of the city. Never give the enemy a chance to take advantage.

"Yes." A group of unparalleled division generals responded to the promise.

What Zhou Weiqing was worried about was not the enemy's frontal attack. With the city wall as the support, it was almost impossible to break through the city guarded by unparalleled soldiers from the front. However, there are only 700 people in the Unparalleled Division here. As the saying goes, if the enemy is besieged and then attacks from four directions at the same time, his manpower will be very overstretched.

In order to cope with such a situation, Zhou Weiqing has made a unified distribution. The unparalleled archers arranged 200 people in the right place, and 100 people on each of the remaining three sides, while the unparalleled cavalry was transformed into heavy infantry defending the city, with 50 people in each direction. With these forces, it is impossible to take into account all directions, but there is no way to do it. As long as the enemy's commander is not a fool, he will definitely launch such an attack because of the current strength of the Unparalleled Division.

The double-free cavalry have been put in place on the four walls, but the five hundred unparalleled archers are facing the emperor's south wall. With their condensed wings, they can rush to other directions at any time, so they are not in a hurry to see the position.

Crecy didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. After coming outside the city, he didn't attack for three consecutive days. It's just that they are stationed only ten miles away from Xianyue City, but the pressure formed has not diminished at all.

There is no doubt that this is a psychological tactic, and Crecy's team must be an excellent general. When they came to the fourth day outside the city, Zhou Weiqing was urgently invited to the city. At this time, it was just after breakfast time. When he saw the sobriety outside the city, even with Zhou Weiqing's calm mentality, his face changed a little. He finally understood why the Crecyrs had not attacked for the first three days.

A large number of siege equipment is transported from the rear to the Dacrecy barracks, including some special punches used in siege. The target of these cars is not to crash into the city gate, but that each car at the troop transport gate is five meters wide and ten meters long, with wheels on all sides, with iron plates and covered cooked cowhide on it. Chongmou is extremely important in the front, with countless sharp blades. Each Chongmu can accommodate at least 50 soldiers. There is a push rod in the car. They only need to push Chongmu to ignore most of the arms and arrows, including heavy cavalry, and rush all the way to the city. This kind of rush, as many as 50 cars were transported at once. In addition, there are even ten stone throwing, crash cars and other siege equipment, plus four temporary towers that can push forward. It can be said to be extremely complete.

Zhou Weiqing did not expect that when he knew that there were only more than 3,000 defenders in Xianyue City, and most of them were new recruits, Cress actually used so many supplies to attack. It shows how much attention is paid to them. These siege equipment will certainly bring great trouble to the defending side of the city, especially those rushing cars. With them, the attack power of the unparalleled archers and the double cavalry will be greatly weakened on the plain terrain. With Chongmu as a bunker, in addition to the soldiers in the car, it can transport at least 4,000 or 5,000 soldiers to the city at one time. Cooperate with the attack of the ladder to attack the city and the throwing truck. It will put a lot of pressure on the defending side of the city.

Seeing that the siege equipment were pushed forward and slowly approaching Xianyue City, the Crecy army in the rear also began to take action.

Fifty rushes are mixed around a large number of siege equipment, although they are full of soldiers. The heavy infantry of the two battalions and the heavy cavalry of the two battalions guarded the siege equipment to slowly press forward. In the rear, there are at least four battalions of infantry. The Crecy people actually sent out the main force in the first attack, and looking at their meaning, they didn't attack from the flank at all, and it was just a traitor to the front.

I was fooled. Zhou Weiqing immediately realized his mistake. The enemy grasped the mentality that he thought that the other party would attack from all sides with their small troops, and instead gathered all the main forces in front to launch an offensive. With so many siege equipment, this battle is by no means easy to fight.

"Big boss, let's go out of the city for a while. Destroyed their siege equipment. Everyone in the city was a little depressed, and Ma Qun couldn't help fighting again.

Zhou Weiqing waved his hand, "No, there are too many enemies, and Chongmu is the support. It's too dangerous for you to go out. Yan Zhexi said, "Big boss, do you want to bring back the two-sided cavalry on the other three sides?"

Zhou Weiqing shook his head and said, "No, the other three sides may also face the enemy's attack at any time. You see, the light cavalry have detoured from the Crecy barracks in the distance. Although their siege ability will not be too strong, it is not something our recruits can resist. This is a tough battle, brothers, cheer up. If we win this battle, we can survive until the arrival of the reinforcements..." Without the heavenly king-level assassin hidden in the dark, I'm afraid that no matter how strong the enemy in front of us is, the same Weiqing will not be discouraged. But the dark enemy involved his great energy and should beware at any time. This feeling is very uncomfortable. The enemy is getting closer and closer. The command of these Cresi soldiers is in place. They have no intention of rushing at all. They just move forward slowly, but they are very steady and the lineup is neat.

Zhou Weiqing smiled coldly, "I'll give them some gifts first." As he spoke, he outlined his hands in front of him, and the six unique gods were released. At the same time, the dragon and tiger changed. The huge wings were opened behind his back. All the royal pearl masters present could clearly feel that the huge attribute energy in the air was crazily condensing towards Zhou Weiqing's body. Shangguan Xueer and Tianer, who stood on both sides of Zhou Weiqing's body, subconsciously approached him and were always wary of everything around him. Zhou Weiqing is going to attack the outside world, which obviously gives the heavenly assassins who don't know where they are hiding to have the opportunity to sneak attack. Be careful to sail the ten-thousand-year-old ship. Of course, the two women should be vigilant and careful.

Not only them, but also Lin Tianwei stood behind Zhou Wei. He was more direct. The seven-bead combination condensed shield was released, and his eyes glanced coldly at the surroundings, ready to respond at any time.

The overlord's bow exuded a cold breath. Zhou Weiqing shouted loudly, and the bow was like a full moon. Under the cover of the six unique gods, he was like a magic sleeve in the state of dragon and tiger change, especially the loud shout like a tiger, which cheered up the spirit of all the soldiers on the city.

In the face of the enemy's oppression and the pressure of threats in the past few days, the morale of the soldiers in the city is a little low. Zhou Weiqing may not be an excellent commander, but in the overall view, it is enough to compare with the best commander. He knows exactly what he should do at this time.

There was a layer of dark luster on the overlord's bow. In an instant, Zhou Weiqing transformed into a power of darkness in an instant with the huge heavenly power condensed by the six unique gods. The eyes of the stone cat in the corner of the six-pointed star also shined. Obviously, what Zhou Weiqing is using now is not a simulation skill, but a direct release of one of the six skills stored on the six god array.

A dark brilliance quietly appeared above Zhou Weiqing's head. The brilliance gradually spread and turned into a human figure, but there were three pairs of wings behind him. At this time, Zhou Weiqing shouted again, and his eyes suddenly turned white. Then, a very special breath gushed out of his body and floated up from the position of his head, turning into a wisp of silver-white fog into the dark brilliance in the air. This silver-white smell seemed to be the best nutrient, but in an instant, the black brilliance soared threefold, more than ten meters high. The wide six wings behind it stretched out, and the whole figure was gradually becoming clear. Everyone in the city felt that they couldn't breathe. Although the huge black brilliance was not aimed at them, they were still like this. Zhou Weiqing took a step forward, but he had already stepped out of the city, and his whole body was suspended in the void. The same is true of the huge black shadow above his head. At this moment, his appearance is completely in the eyes of tens of thousands of people on both sides.