Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 203 Unparalleled Under

In this way, in the process of the restoration of the country in the future, the whole country, which originally belonged to the northern part of the Tiangong Emperor, is much less powerful to resist. It can be said that Zhou Weiqing's ability to recover more than half of the country's land with the least effort in a short time is of great benefit to his collection of the Tiangong Emperor's army scattered among the people, as well as the whole process of restoration.

Therefore, this battle can be said to be the top priority for Zhou Weiqing and even the whole army of the bow emperor today. Once successful, the strength of the Crecy Kingdom can only be contracted to confront Zhou Weiqing near Tiangong City, the capital of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Zhou Weiqing has been thinking about these things clearly in the past few days, so he must stick to it no matter what.

In fact, with the strength of Zhou Weiqing and his unparalleled soldiers, if they want to break out of Xianyue City, the enemy can never stop them. However, he could never do that. If he runs out of the encirclement, he will lose people's hearts first, and then it will be too difficult for the people of Xianyue City and even the people nearby to trust them.

What's more, there are still 5,000 supply troops sent by the State of Philippe in the city. Do you want to leave them here? In that case, I'm afraid that the ally of the Kingdom of Philippe will no longer exist. What's more, once the Xianyue City is recovered, the side of the Cresi Kingdom will definitely consolidate its defense, guard it with a large army, and it will not be so easy to attack the city again.

Although Zhou Weiqing does not have much experience in commanding the army, he also knows that defending the city and attacking the city are completely two concepts. It is difficult for the attacking side to succeed without three times the strength of the defending side, and the siege is bound to suffer heavy losses. It is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to annihilate the enemy's living power as much as possible in the way of defending the city as before. Of course, this opportunity is also to put him on the stove. Whether they can get through this difficult time depends on their ability.

The enemy is getting closer and closer. The Crecy army was extremely careful in the process of advancing. In addition to the front rushing car and siege equipment, the heavy infantry was in front of it. Although three parts were killed that day... there were still nearly 1,500 heavy infantry. Holding tower shields, they made steady forwards and built a strong defensive formation with the heavy cavalry behind them.

With the weight of the tower shield, even the condensed arrows of the unparalleled warriors are difficult to shoot through.

has entered the range of 1,000 yards. At this time, Zhou Weiqing also obviously felt a sharp increase in pressure. The enemy can clearly see that the other party's catthrow truck has been full of stones, although this thing has to enter within 200 yards to exert its power. But once these catapults are really powerful, then it will be a disaster for the ordinary soldiers of the Heavenly Bow Emperor on the top of the city.

"Unparalleled air army, ready to take off with me. Throw all the spears." Zhou Weiqing gritted his teeth and had already made a decision. You can't let the enemy advance to the city like this. With the front cover, the power that the unparalleled archers can exert is much less. Once you enter the siege battle, there are so many enemies, and there are only more than a thousand people in the city. How can they be fully taken into account? It is necessary to break the opponent's heavy cavalry and heavy infantry formation first, and delay the forward of the siege equipment. Then give full play to the attack power of the unparalleled archers to have a chance to block the enemy.

"Follow me. ... With a loud shout, Zhou Weiqing's wings suddenly flapped behind him, and his whole body had risen to the sky like a cannonball. The command at the top of the city was also handed over to Lin Tianshi beside him.

A scene that shocked the whole battlefield appeared, and 200 unparalleled air troops released their condensed wings at the same time, like 200 streamers, followed Zhou Weiqing to the sky.

When the Crecy army saw this scene, their first reaction was, was the army of the Heavenly Bow Emperor's army crazy? They are going to jump off the city tower?

However, soon they opened their mouths in shock, because the two hundred figures who rose up showed no sign of falling, and a pair of illusory condensed wings bloomed behind them one by one, pushing their bodies straight to the sky.

Zhou Weiqing's eyes were full of cold eyes at this time. In the face of this kind of war, his mood calmed down instead. He is the kind of person who has more pressure and more potential to explode. At this time, in his heart, it seemed that a fire was burning, but there was no cowardice. He has always been afraid of death, but when the flame in his heart really burns, he is the craziest. This is the bloodline of Zhou Dayuan's handsome man!

Under the leadership of Zhou Weiqing, the two hundred unparalleled air army turned into black spots in an instant. Even when the Cresi soldiers realized that they wanted to shoot them with bows and arrows, they had no range. The power of the general long bow is between 200 and 400 yards. In just a short time, the unparalleled air army has climbed to a height of 500 yards.

None of the strong people on the Cresi side rose up, not to mention whether they had condensed wings or not. In the face of this scene, they were stunned.

As royal pearl division, they know better than ordinary soldiers what the two hundred people suddenly flew out mean. The minimum standard for condensing wings also requires a bead master with two beads.

In the eyes of these strong people, the body bead master with two bead cultivation is of course nothing, but there are too many people! Two hundred imperial pearl masters, what's the concept? The whole Kingdom of Cresi can't be taken out. Even if you go to a big country such as the Kingdom of Baida Emperor and the Kingdom of Feili, the two hundred imperial pearl masters are quite an amazing number. As the saying goes, quantitative change leads to qualitative change. So many royal stick masters are too horrible. The casualties they can cause on the battlefield can be imagined.

Just as the Cresi army fell into shock, a thin black spot had fallen from the sky.

The spear throwing of the Unparalleled Division has been improved several times. At the beginning, throwing the spear was only a reduced version of the ordinary spear, but after continuous improvement, throwing the spear has changed a lot.

Now the spear used by the unparalleled warriors, the front part is like a cone-shaped sharp edge, which is completely made of titanium alloy. Although the weight is light, the strength is extremely high, and it has a strong piercing effect. The last two-thirds are much thicker and stronger than at the beginning, in order to increase the weight.

At the tail of the throwing spear, there is a cross-shaped tail wing, which is to keep it vertically down when the spear falls from the sky without deviation.

The third update will be sent at the end of the month. Please ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. ( To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)