Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 205 Reinforcement, Philippe God of War

With Tianer's current cultivation, it is quite good for her to cover a range of 100 square meters when she uses this skill. However, with the support of the Holy Force, she increased the area by nearly five times. With the unparalleled warrior as the center, it covered more than half of the city, and the recovery effect was more than 30% higher than when she barely used it.

Zhou Weiqing's judgment is correct, and one of the myss of the sacred power lies in creation rather than destruction. Therefore, it is also a skill that can attract the image of the heavenly skill, and the holy art performed by Tian'er is much less than that of his alchemy angels. After the end of the skill, the two people are evenly distributed, and each of them can have more than 20 drops of sacred power left.

Although the range recovery has also brought a lot of benefits to those enemies, this kind of recovery has no effect on the dead, nor can it make the amputated limbs reborn.

Therefore, although nearly a thousand enemies in the covered area have also received great benefits of recovery, the unparalleled warriors on the top of the city stood up again.

The full recovery of physical strength may be much short of the overall strength recovery for the unparalleled archers. However, for the two-free cavalry, it gave them a complete second spring.

The mace and tomahawk, which had been waving before, were raised again, and the lightly and seriously injured warriors also picked up their martial arts weapons. The situation of the battle was finally reversed at this moment.

Zhou Weiqing did not dare to slack off at all, but the overdraft of the body was far from the recovery technique of Tian'er just now. He held Tian'er's hand tightly, and the two jointly urged the great holy power vortex in the body Yin to restore the consumed heavenly power. Tian'er's skill just now not only consumed more than 20 drops of their sacred power, but also consumed a part of the power that had just gathered.

However, with the help of Shengyaoshu, the unparalleled warriors who have recovered most of their combat effectiveness rushed into the enemy's array again, at least for the time being, there will be no big problem.

After a battle of cattle, the Crecy people's physical strength was also consumed a lot, and it has become extremely difficult for them to break through the head of Nancheng.

"My God, what's going on over there?" Zhou Weiqing was eager to learn the news from the North Gate. After a little relief, he couldn't help asking.

Tian'er smiled and said with a little excitement, "It's Emperor Feiyin, and the reinforcements of Feili Diyin has arrived. The pressure on our side is not as great as yours. With the support of my body recovery technique, there are no strong and siege equipment in the enemy. It's far less than the fierce battle on your side. The enemy can only charge us with human sea tactics. But he was beaten back by a wave of us. But after all, there are too few of us. When he couldn't take care of all directions, the reinforcements from the State of Philippe suddenly arrived.

"How many people have come?" When Zhou Weiqing heard the news, he was frankly surprised. He didn't think that Emperor Yinguo really had such a good impression on him that he would send troops at this critical moment.

"There are only a thousand people. However, it is a thousand people who are strong every day. It was just a charge, and the enemy under the North Gate was pierced by them.

After going back and forth several times, there is no ability to continue to attack. If I'm not mistaken, it should be the people who competed with us on the court of Philippe Yinguo last time.

Hearing what she said, Zhou Weiqing suddenly realized and said happily, "It turned out to be the underworld. Haha, he came in time!"

Tianer nodded and said, "As soon as my problem is solved, I will tell those reinforcements to support the West City Gate first. After all, Leizi's strength can't be compared with me and Cher, and the West City Gate is also very dangerous. Then I ran over myself first. Fortunately, you're fine. These Crecy people are so crazy that they attack at all costs.

Looking at Tianer's slightly red eyes because he was worried about himself, Zhou Weiqing's blood color condensed in his eyes gradually faded a little because of killing Yin. "Crecy people don't have a chance. We have killed at least 10,000 people on the front, and now everyone has regained a certain amount of combat effectiveness. If we continue to drag it, it will only be beneficial to us.

Both of them are recovering bit by bit. Although it is difficult to restore the peak state, it can still be done within a certain period of time. With their cultivation, once the natural strength is restored and rejoined into the battle, there is no strong support on Crecy's side, and the situation on the field is bound to be reversed.

The vortex of the great holy power is too strong to attract the power of heaven and earth, which is more powerful than Zhou Weiqing's more than 20 dead Yin acupoint vortex with the six unique god awn arrays plus dragon and tiger changes and immortal skills.

If they stare at it, they can even faintly see that the power of heaven and earth in the air are gathering towards them, which is almost the variable power of heaven and earth, and the intensity can be imagined.

"Wei Qing." Some tired voices sounded. When Zhou Weiqing turned his head and looked at it, he saw Lin Tian carrying Xiaoyan, who had fallen into a coma, and walked over slowly. With Lin Tian's strong defensive power, there are few complete places for the armor on his body at this time, and the scars on his body can be seen everywhere.

Zhou Weiqing hurriedly pulled Tian'er to welcome him, "Brother Lin, how are you?"

Although Lin Tianshi looked very tired, his eyes were full of exciting flames. "I'm fine. This battle is really a pleasure! I didn't expect that at the last moment, we still had a chance to turn the tide. Wei Qing, you have to make a big contribution to Xiaoyan this time. He took the opportunity of you to attract those Baida Diyin Tianzhu Masters, released a skill of burning the fire of life, and killed the other party's crash car. Otherwise, I'm afraid we would have been ruined long ago.

Hearing Lin Tianwei's words, Zhou Weiqing was immediately shocked. He hurriedly dodged and lay on the stack and looked down. Sure enough, not far from the city, the huge crash car was still burning, and most of it had turned into ashes.

Because he had been surrounded by many strong men of the enemy before, he was always trying his best to fight, and he had long been unable to care about anything else. At this time, when he saw the burned crash car, his vest couldn't help sweating coldly. He said secretly: It's so close.

You know, this kind of crash car is made of thousand-year-old iron and wooden yin, which is not only wrapped in iron plate, but also cooked cowhide, which is the most solid. Ordinary flames don't want to hurt it at all.

Lin Tianshi is right. If Xiao Yan hadn't tried his best to destroy the crashed car, I'm afraid the city would have been destroyed long ago. With the gate of Xianyue City, how many times can you withstand the impact of the crash of the city car?

"How about Xiao Yan?" Zhou Weiqing hurriedly asked.

Lin Tian smiled bitterly and said, "It's sure to hurt his vitality, but it's okay. He mainly fell into a coma after overdrawn Yindu, and there was no injury on his body. Just now, our Unparalleled warriors tried our best to protect him."

Zhou Weiqing took a deep breath and asked what he didn't want to ask but had to ask, "Brother Lin, the casualties of our unparalleled soldiers..." How about it?"

Lin Tian's eyes darkned, "There must be casualties. Although we have killed at least ten times our own enemies, casualties are still inevitable. Fortunately, everyone tried their best to protect the injured. Many were seriously injured, but not many died.

Zhou Weiqing was slightly relieved. As long as he didn't die, he would do it. He has the sacred attributes of Tian'er. In terms of treatment, it is absolutely a unique level in the world.

"Brother Lin, you protect Xiaoyan and have a rest here. I'll take Tian'er to fight again for a while." In just a while, Zhou Weiqing's talent has also recovered a little. The fluctuation of the natural force in the body has obviously eased a lot. There is no problem to fight again.

"Small, heart."

Lin Tianwei nodded to Zhou Weiqing. He was very excited at this time. He knew that a miraculous victory was about to belong to the Kingdom of Tiangong Emperor Yin. In this victory, Zhou Weiqing himself was undoubtedly the one who made great contributions.

If Zhou Weiqing hadn't dragged down the enemy's strongman with his own strength, if he hadn't given the enemy a lot of killing and wounded, and destroyed some of the siege equipment as much as possible, could he be defended with Xianyue City?

Even if the enemy's siege equipment has little effect, the walls of the whole Xianyue City are now a little dilapidated.

With 3,700 people and 50,000 in the face of the enemy, how can it be done to such a level without a miracle?

Zhou Weiqing pulled the sky, and the two went straight into the battlefield. At this time, Tian'er simply did not participate in the attack, and operated the whirlpool of the great holy power wholeheartedly to help Zhou Weiqing restore the heavenly power. Although Tong Weiqing only fought with one hand, his hand was enough to call it a devastating weapon.

Zhou Weiqing's way of fighting is absolutely horrible for the Cresi people. He specializes in looking for those officers among the soldiers of Baida Diyin. These officers have some natural cultivation, but in front of Zhou Weiqing, they have no resistance at all. As long as the hand is caught by Zhou Weiqing's right hand, almost after a few breaths, it will turn into a mummified corpse, then into powder, and the ashes will fly away.

And their natural power was directly turned into their own tonic by Zhou Weiqing through the whirlpool of great holy power.

Although those bead masters with only two or three bead cultivations are almost useless to Zhou Weiqing and Tianer, they can always accumulate more. It is still possible to kill seven or eight to condense a drop of holy power. Moreover, with this external natural power supplement, Zhou Weiqing not only has no consumption, but also has become more and more powerful. From time to time, he releases a range of skills and kills a large number of enemies.

Under his leadership, there were fewer and fewer enemy troops on the top of the city, and finally they were gradually killed and retreated.

At this time, there was a lot of chaos under the city.

After Zhou Weiqing solved a squadron leader of Baida Diyin Kingdom, he looked down at the city. A black-armed cavalry rushed into the enemy camp under the city from the flank in a triangular formation. The enemy, who was constantly climbing towards the city, immediately stopped.

Well, I've already figured out the canvassing of this chapter. If you don't see it, you should regret it.

The next chapter is called: God is happy. Hey hey, for this awesome Zhang Ping, vote quickly!