Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 230 Seven Pearls, Lower Sect Lower

Chapter 230 Seven beads, lower rank (lower)

It has no choice but to trust the human beings in front of her. This is her last chance.

"Then let's get started. Thank you." In the last four words, Duo Si said very earnestly, and there was a strong gratitude in his eyes. The next moment, the thick red light spread out of its body and slowly injected into Gonglong Huiyao's body.

When Duo Si exuded her natural power, Zhou Weiqing and others were secretly horrified. The terrible natural power of the divine realm that day, even if it was not aimed at them, they could still feel the terrible pressure.

With the divine power of Duo Si, Huiyao's body suddenly lit up, and a faint red light emanated from Huiyao. At this moment, if it hadn't been for the fact that he had died, no one would have thought that it was just a corpse. The breath emitted by Huiyao is still so horrible.

Zhou Weiqing nodded to Tianer and took her hand to Huiyao. On Duosi's side, the upper body of Huiyao was covered with wings. After careful selection for a while, Zhou Weiqing finally set the target on the glorious dragon claws.

Take a deep breath. At this time, Zhou Weiqing is definitely in the best state. He holds Tianer's hand in his right hand, and the whirlpool of great holy power takes the lead in forming. The silver-white light that had just dimmed before lit up from the two of them again, especially where their hands were holding. The halo of the silver-white whirlpool was looming. At this moment, a faint aura even rose from around the bodies of the two of them, and even the celestial power fluctuations emitted by Duosi could not Inside the field.

Zhou Weiqing's left hand was slowly raised at this time. The rich gray gradually swallowed his palm like an airflow. The evil breath instantly changed Zhou Weiqing's palm into a gray crystal shape. In the palm of his hand, there was also a small gray vortex.

The light in Zhou Weiqing's eyes must have finally printed his left hand on the huge dragon claws in front of him. The next moment, behind him, the dragon tiger turned into wings and opened in an instant, and the cold perception was fully opened, feeling the changes in the dragon's body.

Just for a moment, Zhou Weiqing felt the destructive energy that Tianer said.

Yuan Weiqing also doubted whether this destructive energy would be the same as that of Blood Red Prison. But when he really came into contact with this destructive energy, he knew he was wrong. At least from his current feeling, the terrible energy in the dragon's body is completely different from the destructive attributes exerted by those in the Blood Red Prison.

If the destructive attributes of those people in the blood red prison are only full of destruction and exclude all other attributes. Then, the destructive energy in the dragon's body is really full of the atmosphere of destruction.

Pure black energy, it is impossible to tell whether it is gaseous or liquid at all. The terrible energy fluctuation Zhou Weiqing only felt a little, and his whole body was cold, because he exerted a cold perception, so the feeling at this time was very keen. At this moment, he only felt that his spiritual world seemed to be This terrible idea of destruction was destroyed.

The body trembled violently, and Zhou Weiqing's palm almost bounced away. At this moment, the vortex of the great holy power was mobilized, and a strong smell of holy power instantly spread to every corner of Zhou Weiqing's body, including his spiritual world.

The vast breath of sacred power, full of vitality and creativity, forced the terrible breath of destruction out of Zhou Weiqing's spiritual world, which stabilized his palm.

At this time, Zhou Weiqing clearly felt that in the dragon's body, a pure and extremely fiery red energy suddenly enveloped the black destruction energy. Obviously, it was the dragon Duosi who took action.

There was no chance. The holy power was released, and Zhou Weiqing directly injected the extremely strong holy power into his demon devouring. Suddenly, on his left hand, the gray and white light shone, and the effect of the demon devouring was also released at this moment, and a solid suction was transmitted to the giant through the huge dragon claws. Long Huiyao's body pulled the destructive energy to flow out.

The demon devouring is worthy of the demon devouring. Even the dragon Duosi can't force out the destruction energy. Under its traction, it directly trembled.

A trace of dark energy came straight to Zhou Weiqing's evil spirits along the blood of the dragon's Huiyao's body. It seemed that because he felt the crisis, this destructive energy was full of powerful attack power. It seems that this energy has its own life.

Zhou Weiqing did not dare to be careless at all. He gritted his teeth and introduced the trace of destructive energy into his body.


At the moment when the black energy entered his body, Zhou Weiqing only felt as if his body was about to explode. Even if there is only such a small trace, its power is far above the destructive energy released by the members of the Danton team.

In particular, I don't know how many times this black destruction energy is powerful in terms of level. The destruction idea attached to it alone almost made Zhou Weiqing collapse.

The three Shangguan sisters standing behind Zhou Weiqing and Tianer clearly saw that the skirts of Zhou Weiqing's body suddenly rose, and the twenty-eight death point cyclones all over his body opened in an instant. Unexpectedly, they could clearly see that the airflow generated by these dead point cyclones were running violently on him. At this moment, There is an extra layer of fine black mesh lines on my silver-white body, which is terrifying and seems to collapse at any time.

Zhou Weiqing gritted his teeth and held back, and the full output of the holy power in his body was unreserved. He knew that the beginning was the most important. If his demon devoured and increased the vortex of holy power could not resolve the destructive energy, then he had no chance of survival at all. But this risk must be risked.

Fortunately, with Duo Si's help, most of the destruction energy is temporarily trapped. Otherwise, if Zhou Weiqing swallows it directly, the destruction energy only needs to separate one strand, which can turn him into powder in an instant.

The holy power is worthy of the holy power. Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er can clearly feel that the rotation speed of the great holy power vortex has reached an unprecedented level, and the demon devouring vorous vortex on Zhou Weiqing's left hand is like a small holy power vortex at this moment, constantly devouring and transforming Powerful and destructive energy.

Zhou Weiqing not only exhausted his own sacred power in this very short time, but also consumed part of the sacred power of Tianer. However, to their surprise, under such circumstances, their great power vortex did not decrease at all. This means that the energy they absorb from the outside world has completely made up for their consumption after being transformed into holy power.

That's just a trace of destructive energy! It can actually transform so much holy power. Is it possible that the level of destructive energy is still above the holy power?

How is this possible? Holy power is already the product of the combination of the four holy attributes. What energy can be condensed on it?

Zhou Weiqing soon had an answer to this question. It is not that the destructive energy can be above the sacred power, but because the destructive idea filled with the destructive energy is perfectly combined with the destructive energy, and the energy is compressed to a great extent, so it looks so horrible. Although the holy power of Zhou Weiqing and Tianer is powerful, they can't really control the mystery of the holy power after all. It can only passively use some functions of the holy power. After a while, it seems that the holy power is not as good as the destructive energy.

But even so, Zhou Weiqing can feel that this destructive energy is at least at the same level as the holy power. Even if it is inferior, it is only half. Compared with other individual holy attributes, I don't know how many times more powerful it is.

The black mesh lines on Zhou Weiqing's body finally disappeared, and the silver-white light turned shiny again. It turns out that the combination of the vortex of the great holy power and the devouring of evil spirits can finally restrain the destructive energy. If Zhou Weiqing can have Shengdan now, it will certainly be much easier to resolve.

The successful attempt not only made Zhou Weiqing and Tianer a great relief, but also added a little hope to the dragon Duosi on the other side looking at them. It is this terrible destructive energy that almost killed their husband and wife. If it can really be disintegrated, then her husband's chance of resurrection will be much greater.

With the first attempt, Zhou Weiqing was more sure to devour again. At his indite, Duo Si released a trace of destruction energy and was swallowed into his body by Zhou Weiqing.

Perhaps because of the last experience, it will be easier for Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er to resolve this time. Moreover, they can also clearly feel that the total amount of sacred power of the two of them began to gradually increase with the transformation of this destructive energy.

Although this destructive energy is full of destruction, it has to be said that its purity is equally terrible. In terms of density, a drop of destruction energy can even be converted into nearly ten drops of sacred power. This is also the reason why Zhou Weiqing and others only digest very little destructive energy every time, but they can still maintain their sacred power.

A little by little, the sacred power in Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er's body is increasing in the continuous accumulation, and time is slowly passing.

When a cycle of absorption and transformation is established, everything becomes much easier, at least so that everyone can see hope.

The holy power in Zhou Weiqing and Tianer's bodies continues to improve and is released in continuous use. In this process, the holy power is also equivalent to infiltrating their bodies and transforming their bodies. The holy power in their bodies is also evolving at an amazing speed.


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