Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 232 Dacheng, Undead Skills

'Gun Fei'er suddenly exclaimed, "Look at his wrist."

In the eyes of the three Shangguan sisters, their eyes suddenly widened in surprise, and the nine eye-catching beads of life appeared on Zhou Weiqing's hands and wrists respectively.

This is completely beyond what they can understand. It's only ten days! He unexpectedly rose from seven beads to the level of nine beads. You know, Zhou Weiqing is not yet 22 years old this year. In the history of the mainland, it is not that the upper Tianzong before the age of 30 has never appeared, but it is already rare. Judging from Zhou Weiqing's current situation, I'm afraid he can even break through the Heavenly King level before he is 30 years old.

The metallic luster was inhaled, which made Zhou Weiqing's whole body seem to have some strange changes in an instant, like a golden statue falling from the sky and falling to the ground. All the previous tyrants disappeared in the body, and everything seemed to be normal. However, the four women who are familiar with him all feel that Zhou Weiqing now seems to have changed dramatically compared with the past.

The original Zhou Weiqing was at most durable, but he was definitely not handsome. But at this time, he has a touch of charm full of wildness. The eyes are shining, and the light is like a sword, full of sharpness, giving people the feeling that he is like a destructive artifact, which may destroy all enemies at any time.

What's more shocking is that just a while ago, the power of heaven and earth within at least hundreds of square meters was swept away by him. At this time, the power of heaven and earth from the outside flowed towards this empty area, generating a large number of fluctuations of power, which made everyone have some profound feelings.

Jiuzhu, the upper Tianzong, for most Tianzhu masters, this is the peak they can achieve in their lives. Zhou Weiqing did it. Now he finally has enough strength. When he is equipped with the corresponding hateful ringless suit, his strength will definitely be improved exponentially. Even in the face of the king-level strong, there may not be a chance to compete in the case of one-on-one.

"How is this possible?" Shangguan Xueer muttered to herself and looked at Zhou Weiqing, and her eyes were already full of strangeness.

As the heir of the Haomiao Palace, she has always known that she has absolutely excelled in the Tianzhu Master of the same age, but at this moment, Zhou Weiqing, who has achieved Jiuzhu, knows that she can no longer be on the same level as him.

Because Shangguan Xueer has guessed the reason why Zhou Weiqing improved his cultivation so quickly after a short time of surprise. In addition to the holy power, what else can produce such a magical effect? But the holy power is the ability that the three sisters can't cultivate. It's just that even Shangguan Xueer herself felt a little strange. Seeing that Zhou Weiqing became so powerful, she didn't have any jealousy or the desire to win, only deep joy.

I was slightly shocked. Have I really regarded myself as his woman and his vassal? Look at her two sisters, and then look at Tian'er. Shangguan Xueer thought helplessly, this playful guy!

Looking down at his body, Zhou Weiqing only felt that his whole body was full of a force that seemed to explode at any time. What's more strange is that he found that there were some changes in the color of the Holy Force in his body. It was originally silvery white, but now there is a faint layer of golden light, as if it were coated with a film on the Holy Force.

You should know that the holy power is the highest level of energy, and this layer of golden light can not be successfully integrated. It can be imagined that the energy level it contains has also reached a very high level. And this is what is brought about by the great success of the immortal god. Even Zhou Weiqing doesn't know what it is, but he can deeply feel the strong breath it has.

Zhou Weiqing is not the first person to practice the immortal magic, but he is definitely the first to complete the immortal magic and open all thirty-six dead holes. In the process of operation, the holy power in the body was able to coordinate itself, and after the wind swept up the remnants of the clouds just now, Zhou Weiqing suddenly found that the original small holy power vortex in his body had disappeared, only the vortex brought by the thirty-six dead holes, but these vortexes were also completely pure. Holy Office, in the vortex operation, the Holy Power has been able to begin to circulate. That is to say, he no longer has to worry that the Holy Force will not reply to this question after consumption. He has completely transformed his natural power into holy power through the completion of the immortal skill. In the future, all he has is only holy power, not natural power.

Perhaps because of this change, there have also been some strange changes in the original beads on Zhou Weiqing's wrists. The ice jade beads on his right hand have completely turned into the silver-white color owned by the Holy Force, while the stone cat's eye beads in his left hand are more golden brilliance on the original basis.

Although Zhou Weiqing doesn't know how much his cultivation has improved, one thing is most intuitive, that is, when he looks at the Dragon Duosi, he will no longer feel such a strong sense of oppression.

In order to survive the divine skill, Zhou Weiqing can be said to have suffered a lot. At this moment, he finally practiced this skill to the extreme. Although Zhou Weiqing did not know how to continue his cultivation path in the future, at least the immortal skill has been completed, and he once had to endure the pain and The worry was also gone forever, and the cheerful gan in his heart made him look up to the sky and roar again, and his mood became extremely comfortable.

"Congratulations, young man, even I can't see your ability clearly." Duo Si's dragon eyes are also full of surprise, and even with a little joy. Zhou Weiqing's strength enhancement is a good thing for it, because in this way, the probability of reviving her husband will inevitably be higher.

"Let's start now." Looking at Duo Si's eager eyes, Zhou Weiqing nodded to it. After coming for so long, everything is ready now, and it should be the time to resurrect the dragon.

Tianer looked at Zhou Weiqing and was full of pride. Although she was still in the later period of Qizhu, her man became so powerful that he was happier than her own cultivation. What's more, she knew that even her father absolutely did not have Zhou Weiqing's cultivation in this year.

Zhou Weiqing took Tianer's hand to the body of the dragon Huiyao and said to the dragon Duosi, "Dosi, please be by my side. If our ability is not enough to support the resurrection of Huiyao, I need to use your strength."

Duosi just stepped out in one step. Its huge stride brought its huge body to Zhou Weiqing and Tianer and bowed down again. "Thank you. As long as my husband can be resurrected, I am willing to pay no matter how much it costs. You can extract my strength at will.

As he spoke, he carried one of his dragon claws in front of Zhou Weiqing. At this moment, its heart is full of tension. As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. It doesn't know whether it will collapse if this resurrection fails.

Zhou Weiqing said earnestly, "Dosi, don't worry, we will do our best to help you resurrect the glory anyway. Maybe we can do it even without your help. I now have enough confidence to make Huiyao stand up in front of you again.

He is not a big talk. The holy power in his body can finally recover from self-circulation, which means that he can pass the holy power to Tianer to a very large extent. With the resurrection skill supported by sufficient holy power, the probability of success will naturally increase greatly.

Zhou Weiqing nodded to Tianer, "Let's begin."

It's almost just a move of mind, and the vortex of great holy power led by Zhou Weiqing has been established between the two. At this time, Zhou Weiqing felt completely different from before. He was like a deep sea, and the vortex of great holy power dominated by him seemed to have no end.

A series of dark golden lights shone, and the divine spirit suit appeared on the sky one after another. Under the reflection of the sacred power, her holy breath was suddenly covered with a layer of golden divine luster.

The divine scepter held high, and a series of astringent spells slowly spit out from Tianer's mouth. This is the language that Zhou Weiqing and others can't understand at all. Zhou Weiqing and others don't know, but the dragon Duosi can hear it, which is an ancient spell. The heavenly skills that need spells to promote now can be said to be unique. Feeling the more and more powerful sacred atmosphere in Tian'er, the expectations in Duosi's heart suddenly became bigger.

Behind the sky, the illusory brilliance of the Holy Spirit Tiger slowly emerged, almost just a blink of an eye. The virtual shadow of the Holy Spirit Tiger has become solid like an entity. The huge Holy Spirit is looking forward to life in the air and roaring up to the sky. Its huge body suddenly rushed down and rushed from behind the sky. Enter her body.

Suddenly, Tian'er's whole body burst into an extremely dazzling golden light, and the strong sacred brilliance was even shrouded in Zhou Weiqing's body. The strong fluctuation of Tianli climbed to the extreme at this moment. It can be seen that some tiger skin magic lines have also begun to appear on Tianer's delicate skin, but unlike Zhou Weiqing's previous tiger skin magic lines when the evil spirits changed. The magic lines on her body are more like decoration, making her original beautiful face a little more wild.

In contrast to the sacred golden light that broke out all over the body, Tianer's eyes turned into deep purple at this time, and the purple light spewed out, bursting with powerful spiritual fluctuations.