Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 248 Dragon Claw Hand-- Top

Chapter 248 Dragon Claw Hand... (Part 1)

Before she finished her confident words, her voice changed.

Zhou Weiqing's Gemini Hercules Hammer has been put away for a long time. When he rushed to wake up like lightning, he directly showed a unique trick.

The legendary dragon claw hand...

At this time, the awakening transformation has not been fully completed. Although the legs are close to the state of the dragon's tail, the change of the upper body is still continuing. Zhou Weiqing's arrest made her ashamed and angry. Moreover, a strong suction also broke out instantly from Zhou Weiqing's hands.

The strong heavenly power was madly pulled away from the dream awakening body and constantly injected into Zhou Weiqing's body. The real body change of the Dark Dragon that she was doing also suddenly stagnated.

Looking at the dream awakening closely, Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "If you want to talk about life-saving skills, who doesn't have a few? If your dark demon dragon is really finished, I'm afraid I'm not an opponent. However, the change took too long. The hegemonic state can only prevent me from hurting you, but it can't stop me from touching you, can I?

At this time, Mengwakening's eyes were wide open. Looking at Zhou Weiqing's speechless, there were bursts of numbness in her chest. More importantly, the speed at which the natural power in her body was being sucked out was increasing. The real body of the Dark Dragon could not be maintained because of the loss of a large amount of her natural power. More importantly, what she has lost is not the six-bead level of natural power, but her own natural power.

It doesn't matter. Zhou Weiqing was also shocked. The power of waking up is much more terrible than he thought. The huge heavenly power is as vast as the sea. When it is absorbed, it is quickly transformed into holy power in his body, and then through the operation of holy power, it becomes the bright holy power light like a galaxy.

After only a dozen breaths, Zhou Weiqing felt that his holy power had improved more than in the previous month.

Heavenly Emperor! She turned out to be the emperor's level of cultivation, not the king of heaven...

Zhou Weiqing was also a little stunned at this time.

The dream awakening was also dull. The real body of the dark dragon disappeared, and even the dark dragon transformation and her condensation equipment disappeared. The powerful devouring power of the devil makes her natural power pass away crazily. What she couldn't tolerate most was that Zhou Weiqing's hands were on her plump chest.

"You, you..."

Suddenly, the terrible energy instantly burst out of the dream. Zhou Weiqing only felt that his whole body was shaken, and he was being swallowed by the evil spirit. He was forcibly shaken away, and the swallowing of the evil spirit also stopped. The whole person kept flying hundreds of meters before falling to the ground fiercely.

Not to mention that the strength he can show now is only six beads. Even if all of them are shown, with the help of the Holy Power, he may not be able to steadily devouring the natural power of a heavenly emperor-level strong man.

A robe quickly enveloped himself, lost the dark magic dragon transformation, and the dream woke up **. Dressed, as a strong man at the level of the emperor of heaven, she fell softly to the ground the next moment and gasped loudly. The body is even constantly **.

Chest, for both men and women, is a very ** position. The demon devoured a large number of heavenly forces to pass through this position, and Zhou Weiqing's strange hands made his whole body numb now. The throbbing on her chest triggered a series of reactions in her body. Although Zhou Weiqing was shocked, at this moment, her brain was blank.

Zhou Weiqing lay in the distance, and his heart was also shocked. Although Mengwakening shook him away, he just sent him away and did not release enough strength to kill him. Although the fall was quite miserable, with his physical ability, he was not seriously damaged.

Twenty-nine-year-old emperor level? How is this possible? After he woke up many times, he finally shocked him.

No wonder the four elders of Xuantian Palace and Master Nie Han are respectful to her. Her cultivation has reached such a level.

The empty space was quiet, and only two people gasped.

Mengxing's hands protected her chest, but her delicate body was constantly trembling. The indescribable strange feeling kept spreading from her chest to every part of her body.

Kill him, I should have killed him. But now she can't afford to have any strength and murderous intent. The whole person's mental state is a little unstable.

Zhou Weiqing lay in the distance humming and didn't get up. He doesn't want to bear the anger of a heavenly emperor-level strongman at this time. What's more, she won't provoke her by waking up in violation of vows.

Calmness lasted for a cup of tea. When she woke up, she gradually came to her senses and slowly stood up. When she stood up straight, her delicate body couldn't help shaking.

Looking at Zhou Weiqing, who was still lying on the ground in the distance, a black crystal was thrown over by her with hatred. The next moment, her body had turned into illusion and disappeared.

As soon as the dream woke up disappeared, Zhou Weiqing in the distance got up from the ground, hurriedly changed into a dress and put it on, and tidied up. At least when he went back later, he didn't let Binger see anything.

After doing this, he went to the place where he had woken up before, picked up the black crystal, and then looked at his hands. He smiled and said, "When there is no armor and scales, it feels really good. It's terrible. It can be transformed into a heavenly emperor level. I was almost played to death.

With both hands, Zhou Weiqing smiled strangely. He patted his right hand with his left hand, and then patted his left hand with his right hand. "Is it obscene? **Is there any swing?

Tianli injected the black crystal into his hand, and the light flashed. He had reappeared in the empty space on the sixth floor of Xuantianbao.

The dream wake-up has long disappeared. After the dark, Zhou Weiqing was also a little helpless in his heart. This time, he offended her. It is obviously difficult to restore the previous harmonious relationship. However, it is not completely fruitless. At least he has clearly guided the real strength of Mengwakening.

The emperor-level strongman, the emperor-level strongman who can change the dark demon dragon. Zhou Weiqing knew that if she used all her strength when she woke up, it must be a change of wind and clouds!

Zhou Xiaopang, who always thought he was very talented, was actually hit today. The 29-year-old Tiandi level asked himself that if there were no more adventures, it would be impossible for him to achieve it.

Back to the room, Shangguan Binger has not practiced and is waiting for him to come back. The battle between Zhou Weiqing and Meng Awakening was actually not long, so he came back soon. Although he had sorted it out before, he still seemed to be a little embarrassed.

"What did she ask you to do?" Shangguan Bing'er looked at him doubtfully.

Zhou Weiqing smiled bitterly and said, "Be hit, she is testing my ability. Maybe it's because the six attributes I showed in front of the Dark Dragon made her jealous. Or doubt." He dares not tell the truth...

Shangguan Bing'er didn't doubt anything, but said worriedly, "Are you all right?"

Zhou Weiqing shook his head and said, "It's okay. She just tested my strength, so she also used Liuzhu's cultivation to fight with me. However, her cultivation is stronger than I guessed before, the Heavenly Emperor level, the 29-year-old Heavenly Emperor level.

"Ah?" Shangguan Bing'er was also shocked, "So there are at least six heavenly emperor-level strong people here, plus the god-level god-level of the dark demon dragon. This strength is completely above our vast palace.

Zhou Weiqing nod his head and said, "At present, it looks like this. After all, their family is dominant in this Xuantian Continent, and it is very normal for this to happen. But you don't have to worry. After all, we come from the vast continent, and there is no fw for them to see. As long as we don't take action, we can stay here smoothly all the time. It seems that we should be more careful in this action to deal with the demon sea dragon.

Shangguan Binger nodded deeply and said, "Xiao Pang, my father and uncle have said that safety is the most important. On the other side of Zhongtian City, they should have already begun to prepare. Your safety is the most important thing. If it really doesn't work, we can't take risks even if we return empty-handed.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "It's too early to say this. We still have enough time. Let's take it step by step. It's not bad for us to stay here. At least the aura here is full enough, and it's also good for us to practice. I just swallowed up some of my natural power. Let's solve it first.

Back to ** to do it cross-leggedly, Zhou Weiqing has almost entered the state of cultivation as soon as his mind moves. This is also one of the benefits of having holy power. There is no need to worry about going crazy or something. The holy power in the body runs by itself. Zhou Weiqing obviously found that in the core of Dantian in his body, the number of holy forces like the galaxy is a little more, and the galaxy halo in the core of the thirty-six dead caves has also been significantly enhanced.

Sure enough, it's still swallowed up quickly! At the last moment of the battle with Mengwakening, although Zhou Weiqing did not devour for a long time. But Mengxing is a real emperor-level strong man. At that time, Zhou Weiqing has received considerable benefits.

The heavenly power of the bead master and the heavenly power of the heavenly beast are completely different concepts. Although the natural power in the body of the powerful heavenly beast is also quite large and pure, after all, there is a trace of animal nature that makes it impure. After absorption, the impurities still need to be eliminated through continuous filtering. Moreover, the cultivation methods of heavenly beasts are completely different from those of human beings, so after the heavenly power they cultivate are filtered, only a small part of it can really be used by Zhou Weiqing.

But the dream is different. She is an authentic Tianzhu master, and she is also a Tianzhu master at the level of Tiandi. The purity of the heavenly power in her body amazed Zhou Weiqing. Although its attributes cannot be compared with Zhou Weiqing's holy power, after swallowing into the body, there is almost no need to filter, but a simple transformation can become a great tonic of the holy power.


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