Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 252 I don't regret it! Up

"If these can't be strong evidence. Well, when playing against the demon sea dragon, even the oriental palace owner went to the array, and you, who are combined with the dark demon dragon, have become the most important combat power. In addition, other things can be fake, but the dark magic dragon suit can't be fake. There is only one legendary suit in our vast continent that can be compared with it. The owner of the Oriental Palace doesn't have it, but you do. Isn't this enough to prove your identity? I don't think waking up is your real name, is it? Although I lied to you, my name is indeed Zhou Weiqing. It turns out that we are both liars, so it's considered to be even, okay?"

Listening to Zhou Weiqing's analysis, Meng woke up and turned back. She did not refute Zhou Weiqing's words, but looked at him seriously.

"Can you tell me why you chose to save us at that time? Can your bluffing ability really block the demon sea dragon?

Zhou Weiqing looked at her with a little persistent look and smiled bitterly, "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"Of course it's the truth." I woke up and said angrily.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Tell me your real name, and I'll tell you."

After waking up for a moment, Bei Teeth bit his lower lip and whispered, "My name is Dongfang Hanyue."

"Oriental Cold Moon? Good name. It's a good match for you." Zhou Weiqing praised.

Dongfang Hanyue said, "It's up to you."

"I don't know." Zhou Weiqing said calmly.

Dongfang Hanyue looked at him in surprise, "Is this the answer you gave me?"

Zhou Weiqing said, "This is the most real answer. I don't know why I saved you. For me, the most favorable situation is that you and the demon sea dragon are both defeated. When in danger, using the space transmission stone is my greatest opportunity. I am 70% sure that I can escape when I win the space transmission stone. You just thought I was stupid at that time. However, I don't regret it."

When he heard Zhou Weiqing say the four words I don't regret, the original fierceness and anger in Dongfang Hanyue's beautiful eyes melted. Looking at him, he fell into a dull state.

"I'm going to find something to eat." Zhou Weiqing stood up and walked towards the seaside. He also needs to calm down now. Because at this moment, it is equivalent to facing the opportunity of a second choice. Moreover, this is probably his last chance.

He is 80% sure that the stone of space transmission is on the dream awakening of the real name of Dongfang Hanyue. She is the real ruler of the Xuantian Palace. On this desert island, she is so weak that even if she doesn't hurt her, as long as she gets the stone of space transmission from her, she can take Binger back, and the task of this trip has been completed.

But can he really make up his mind to do this? If he could spend it, he wouldn't have said so much to wake up.

He walked to the seaside and let the sea submerge his feet. Zhou Weiqing's perception spread, but he found that in this vast sea, he could not feel half the breath of life.

"Your sister and brother want to eat some seafood to relieve the mood. Do you have any humanity?" Zhou Weiqing roared angrily at the sea.

After a few steps, he squatted down on the beach helplessly and drew circles on the sand with his hand. "Zhou Xiaopang, you soft egg makes your heart soft and makes your heart soft."

The circle was scratched, but the helplessness on his face did not diminish at all. Let him bully a seriously injured girl, and she is also a girl who is quite good to him. He can't do it. He really can't do it. If Xuantian Palace is not good to him and Dongfang Hanyue is not good to him, I'm afraid he would have taken action long ago. However, he clearly remembered that when the danger came, even if she was angry with her, she did not forget to protect her safety. He even risked his own injury.

Suddenly stood up, and Zhou Weiqing strode in the direction of the Oriental Cold Moon.

Looking at his aggressive appearance, Dongfang Hanyue's beautiful face suddenly became paler. She subconsciously put her hands around her chest and moved her delicate body back a little on the beach.

Zhou Weiqing walked to her before stopping.

Dongfang Hanyue is like a frightened kitten, "What are you, what are you going to do?"

Zhou Weiqing lowered his head viciously and said, "Give me the stone of space transmission."

Dongfang Hanyue's eyes showed a stubborn light, "No. If you want to kill, kill."

"Forget it if you don't give it." Zhou Weiqing was out of breath, with a helpless smile on his face. He turned over and lay down directly beside Dongfang Hanyue.

Dongfang Hanyue was stunned again. You know, at the moment when Zhou Weiqing wanted to urge the stone of space transmission just now, her heart was in her throat. But this guy just said that.

"What the hell do you want to do?" Dongfang Hanyue couldn't help saying that she didn't understand what the bad guy was thinking at all.

Zhou Weiqing lay there, resting his head on his hands and said, "Isn't it too bad if I give up such a good opportunity if I don't work hard?" I have asked, and it proves that I have tried my best. If you don't give it, I can't help it. So it can only be counted. I'm a pure man. You can't be a weak woman on this desert island. Hurry up and get back to work. When you recover, I'll leave."

"Then you don't want to get the space transfer stone?" Dongfang Hanyue asked doubtfully.

Zhou Weiqing smiled bitterly and said, "Of course, this is the task of my trip. However, I will think of another way. You should take good look at your baby. Don't let me get it.

"Hmm." Dongfang Hanyue snorted, barely supported his body to sit up, closed his eyes, and practiced silently. At the moment she sat up, a faint smile was clearly outlined at the corners of her mouth. It's just that Zhou Weiqing, who was lying there, couldn't see it.

Feeling the Dongfang Hanyue around him entering a state of cultivation, Zhou Weiqing lay there and looked at the sky boredly, and scolded in his heart, Zhou Xiaopang, you are really a good person. If she hadn't been a beautiful woman, would you have done this? No, you definitely won't. You obscene and lustful guy. However, in any case, I'm a real villain, better than a hypocrite. Hey, Hanyue beauty, you really let me down. Even if you don't promise each other, you have to give a kiss. My brother is so kind to you. Will you die if you are touched?

Although his heart was full of this obscene idea, he turned over and sat up after Dongfang Hanyue entered, turned around and came to her back, and put his hands on her back.

I'm not trying to help her recover, I'm trying to feel the moving curve. That's what Xiao Pang told himself. The next moment, the silver-white halo had enveloped the bodies of the two people.

Good people do it to the end.

Dongfang Hanyue did not exaggerate her injury at all. The meridians in her body were not only seriously damaged, but also a little scattered. If this kind of injury occurs on ordinary people, I'm afraid they are all dead. But she must be a strong man at the level of Tiandi, and she can barely support it.

Her healing process is obviously not fast, but with Zhou Weiqing, it's different.

The soft holy power was slowly injected into the body of Dongfang Hanyue. Dongfang Hanyue's delicate body suddenly trembled, and the warm energy was introduced into the body from behind through a pair of warm hands. That feeling was very strange. Dongfang Hanyue only felt that her delicate body was slightly weak. And after the soft energy**, the chaotic energy in the meridians was easily assimilated.

With the progress of the soft energy, the broken meridians were gradually wrapped in the silver-white light, and there was no pain. Dongfang Hanyue only felt that his body seemed to be immersed in warm water, indescribably comfortable.

She simply gave up self-healing, and did not maintain half of her vigilance, and completely opened her body to Zhou Weiqing. Let his holy power swim in his own body.

Gradually, in that comfortable feeling, Dongfang Hanyue actually fell asleep and slept extremely peacefully. Since she weighed on the heavy responsibility of Xuantian Palace, she hasn't slept so sweetly for a long time.

"Your sister, don't bring something like this. I'm not a good person." Zhou Weiqing, sitting behind Dongfang Hanyue, was depressed. This girl is not afraid that I will take advantage of the danger of others. What is she doing? Even if she hides the stone of space transmission, she can't do this. Doesn't she know how lethal it is to men in this delicate state? I can't afford to hurt.

The night gradually enveloped the island. Bring darkness and silence.

A pile of bonfires became the only light to illuminate the island. At this time, Zhou Weiqing sat by the bonfire and roasted dry food.

The Xumi ring has returned to his hands, and there is quite a lot of food and water in the ring. So although there is no seafood to eat, it is not enough to be hungry.

The bonfire occasionally makes a crackling sound. Although the dry food is simpler, the taste is still quite good.

Zhou Weiqing tried his best to restrain himself from throwing his eyes on the other side of the bonfire. Because under the light of the bonfire, the red face of the cold moon in the east is as sweet as an apple.

Even if Zhou Weiqing's ego is full of dirty and filthy things, he can't break through the suppression of his two monarchs of morality and conscience. But this taste is definitely not good.

While helping Dongfang Hanyue treat the meridians in his body, Zhou Weiqing wanted to leave. However, at the thought that there was another demonic sea dragon that he didn't know where it was, he was still reluctant to leave Dongfang Hanyue and leave by himself.

Let's wait until she wakes up. I haven't had the feeling of being out of control for a long time. But Zhou Weiqing now has to admit that the mission of this trip is completely out of his control.


With you for so many years, no matter how hard the third brother has worked and how lonely he has endured, I will not regret it. Thank you for supporting my third brother and sisters. V