Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 254 Enchantment of Evil God

Chapter 254 Evil God Posation (Middle) (Ask for Recommendation)

It is by no means a fool that the demon sea dragon can be cultivated to the god level. It is good to be afraid of death, but it does not mean that it is stupid. Dongfang Hanyue rushed over to save Zhou Weiqing, which it saw clearly. It was also caught off guard by the attack of Dongfang Hanyue. What is most needed now is to breathe. As the saying goes, attacking the enemy must be saved. This comprehensive attack focused more on Zhou Weiqing. In this way, not only can Dongfang Hanyue be rescued, but if it succeeds, it can also destroy a potential enemy first.

Although Zhou Weiqing's cultivation has not been seen by the demon sea dragon, the energy fluctuation and the breath of the dragon emperor on his body still make the demon sea dragon quite afraid.

Sure enough, seeing that the attack of the demon sea dragon actually went towards Zhou Weiqing, Dongfang Hanyue could no longer care about the crazy attack. With a sudden pat of the wings behind him, the whole person stood in front of Zhou Weiqing. The dark silence dragon slaying gun in his hand was waved in front of him, like a red shield Dragon's shooting attack.

The attack power of the Dark Silence Dragon Slayer Gun is really powerful, but it will also consume a lot of Tianli. At this time, it was used by Dongfang Hanyue as a defense, and her own Tianli suddenly began to decline significantly.

Dongfang Hanyue's expression hidden under the mask has obviously become severe. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid she and Zhou Weiqing will die here. I can't continue to fight. Let's leave first. The demon sea dragon in front of her is not a threat. As long as the dark demon dragon recovers, she and the dark demon dragon can kill it.

While thinking about it, Dongfang Hanyue waved the dark silence dragon slaying gun in her right hand, and grabbed Zhou Weiqing directly behind her with her left hand, intending to take him out of here first.

With her cultivation and full acceleration, even if the demon sea dragon chases all the way, it may not be able to stop the two people from escaping. After all, it is not too far from Xuantian Continent.

However, as soon as she grasped her backhand, she had a mutation.

A cold breath suddenly came from behind. The cold breath made Dongfang Hanyue tremble, and the dark silence in his hand almost could not maintain the defense in front of him.

You know, she is wearing a full set of dark magic dragon suits. In this case, she will be affected by a chill. You can imagine what a terrible energy it is.

The next moment, the evil ice cooling behind her quietly disappeared.

Because he couldn't turn back, Dongfang Hanyue did not see Zhou Weiqing's change.

Just before, when she waved to Zhou Weiqing, Zhou Weiqing's body finally no longer shone with a looming gray light. Behind him, there was a gray light and shadow exactly the same as his height, taking a step forward and integrating with Zhou Weiqing's body.

At that moment, the color of Zhou Weiqing's hateful ringless suit changed from the original dark gold to a crystal clear gray crystal. The whole person's momentum has also changed dramatically.

Loneliness, desolation, coldness, and the endless evil.

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing's eyes finally opened. It was a gray full of evil, endless gray. The whole person was immersed in the strange gray.

Step by step, he has already dodged out from behind the Oriental Cold Moon, and his body has also undergone earth-shaking changes. The Gemini Hercules hammer in his hand turned into gray ** and instantly integrated into his arms. The yin and yang giant palm changed at the same time. The right side turned into a tiger's palm, the left turned into a dragon claw, and the whole body also expanded a lot in an instant. Unexpectedly, it directly entered the second realm of dragon and tiger transformation, like a dragon and tiger.

His right foot still turned into a hook, but this time, it was a gray hook, and a gray breath burst out of his body. His whole body was like a gray meteor, going straight to the demon sea dragon.

This time, there was no earth-shaking terror like the evil god projection, but where Zhou Weiqing's body passed, the water elements that had made him breathless before disintegrated by themselves, and a vacuum-like channel appeared.

When Dongfang Hanyue saw him, he had already rushed out nearly half of the distance. His whole body twisted strangely in the air, suddenly turned over for a week with an almost incredible action, and his right leg was swayed fiercely and went straight to the demon sea dragon.

After entering the dragon-like state, Zhou Weiqing's attributes rose horribly. In this state, he could not use most of his skills, but his physical strength had increased to an extremely amazing level.

The spirit of the demon sea dragon was originally concentrated on the oriental cold moon, and the sudden outbreak of Zhou Weiqing can be said to be a sudden rise.

The demon sea dragon is a god-level strong man. Although facing the raid, it can still burst out incomparable combat effectiveness at the first time.

The water element in the air solidified almost in an instant, forming countless ice layers to block Zhou Weiqing. At the same time, the huge body of the demon sea dragon suddenly turned halfway in the sea, and the thick dragon tail went straight to Zhou Weiqing's body and pumped over.

"How dare you." Dongfang Hanyue was shocked. Of course, she knew how terrible the physical attack of the god-level strongman was. With the output of natural power in her body, the dark silence dragon slayer gun in her hand almost used her original power to turn into a red lightning and went straight to the demon sea dragon to throw.

The bloody dragon gun soared in the air, and its length suddenly surged to ten feet, with extremely fierce power falling from the sky like blood-colored lightning.

However, Dongfang Hanyue's action is slow after all, and the bloody lightning can't catch up with Weiqing's speed and the attack of the demon sea dragon last week.

At this time, the demon sea dragon was also cruel. He must kill Zhou Weiqing first. He would rather be injured and escape. Anyway, this is the sea, and there is no existence like the dark demon array. As long as it wants to go, it is impossible for Dongfang Hanyue to stop it.

If it is still Zhou Weiqing before, but the sudden cooling cold current can freeze him in mid-air, but now Zhou Weiqing is obviously in an extremely strange state.

As soon as the cold current around him approached the gray halo on his body, it dissipated by itself and could not cause any impact on him. Then, he collided with the thick dragon tail of the demon sea dragon.

Zhou Weiqing's right leg and the dragon tail of the demon sea dragon, which is disproportionate at all. When the two collided, they made a shocking roar.

Zhou Weiqing's body was like a cannonball, which was directly pumped into the air. However, Dongfang Hanyue, who was in the air, widened his eyes.

The body of the demon sea dragon, after flying Zhou Weiqing, still maintained its previous appearance and remained motionless. Even if it was blatantly penetrated by the dark silence dragon gun, leaving a huge wound, its body still remained in that state.

Then, another violent roar sounded, and this time it was made directly on the demon sea dragon.

Above its thick and strong dragon tail, it made a roar, and the gray halo instantly spread with a punch, flying flesh and blood. The whole dragon tail was directly smashed by more than a third.

The sad scream broke out from the mouth of the demon sea dragon. Its huge body fell directly into the sea, and no longer stopped. Under the cover of the terrible waves, it fled in a hurry.

At the same time, he was hit by Zhou Weiqing's attack and Dongfang Hanyue. Even if it was a god-level strong man, it was hit hard. It's afraid of death. How dare it stop at all?

Dongfang Hanyue flashed and had connected Zhou Weiqing in the air into his hand. At this moment, the gray on Zhou Weiqing's body had completely receded, and even a legendary suit disappeared. The whole face was as pale as paper and as angry as a hairspring. There are constantly fine blood beads oozing out of the pores. Fortunately, his heart beats so powerfully, otherwise, Dongfang Hanyue really thought he was dead.

Holding his body, Dongfang Hanyue carefully tried to inject Tianli into his body, but was shocked by the situation in his body.

The thirty-six dead point cyclone was running slowly. As soon as her heavenly power entered Zhou Weiqing's body, she was immediately assimilated by the holy power. And looking at the situation in Zhou Weiqing's body, all the meridians were unharmed, but the qi and blood were slightly weak. Those silver-white energy is constantly swimming in his body, protecting his body.

How did he do it? Dongfang Hanyue lost his mind and looked at the man held in his arms. I'm afraid the power of the blow just now is not inferior to his dark silence to the dragon-killing gun. What is that gray light? Although he is in a coma now, the blow just now clearly made the god-level heavenly beast also suffer! What is the extent of this guy's strength?

Zhou Weiqing didn't know how long he had been asleep. When he woke up in a daze, he found himself lying in a wooden**.

This seems to be a very ordinary cabin with a fishy smell.

Spiritual recovery, he checked his body as soon as possible.

Breakthrough? This is Zhou Weiqing's first reaction. Yes, the holy power in his body has blatantly broken through the thirty-eighth weight, and has officially entered the second level of the heavenly power.

You know, after entering the heavenly power, every weight is a huge threshold. Especially after forty weight, each weight means a class.

In just a few months, he made another breakthrough. Although it was at the cost of facing a strong enemy many times, at least he is still alive now. To live is to win.

Brother is still so sharp! Zhou Weiqing couldn't help showing a proud smile on his face. He lay still. Although the holy power in his body recovered, his head hurt at this time. Thinking about some problems, it was like a needle prick.


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