Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 271 Every fire is a floating cloud

Chapter 271 Every fire is a floating cloud (three-in-one)

The Holy Power of the Star River is the energy of creation. Zhou Weiqing can definitely be described as unique in four words. With enough elixirs, his cultivation speed is extremely abnormal. From the moment he had the Holy Power of the Star River, he had already got rid of the level of energy given to him by the Dark Devil Evil Tiger.

This is still because the second elder and the fourth elder elixir contain destruction attributes, so that the feedback purification of Xinghe consumes most of the energy. Otherwise, with the purity of the heavenly emperor-level strong man, it is not just as simple as ascending to the peak of the heavenly king level.

Although this is the only case, it is enough for Zhou Weiqing. The bright golden light renders his dark golden hateful ringless suit with a layer of dazzling brilliance. The strong fluctuation of the holy power suddenly soared in the air, and eight star lights swept out, giving the treatment and increase again.

With the support of Zhou Weiqing, Long Shiya and others suddenly cheered up and steadily suppressed the enemy. There is no doubt that if it develops according to the current situation, these strong people in the bloody prison in front of them will have no chance.

In the void, Zhou Weiqing stepped out and came directly above the battlefield.

The eldest elder of the blood red prison and the third elder looked at each other. The eldest elder nodded hard, and the strong natural power broke out in an all-round way, while the body of the three elders swelled in an instant.

Self-explosion, this is the choice of the three elders. In the face of such a powerful Zhou Weiqing, they have no other way. If they don't launch it before Zhou Weiqing takes action, it's hard to say whether they have a chance to self-explod.

The three elders wanted to bring vitality to the elders and others with their own sacrifices, and he also saw that Zhou Weiqing was promoted with their Tiandan. As long as he self-exploded successfully, there would naturally be no remnants of Tiandan.

"Wing to blow yourself up? Then you have to ask me if I agree. Zhou Weiqing was in the air and smiled indifferently. The nebula light mass on his chest suddenly rotated violently. Then, a golden beam of light poured down from him, just covering the body of the three elders.

Because this golden beam of light has no attack power, although the three elders are extremely violent, they can't block it.

The next moment, the third elder almost exclaimed in surprise, because he was shocked to find that he tried his best to urge the Tiandan, which was about to explode, to calm down so calm down. Under the golden light, it seemed to be very comfortable.

This is the power of his origin! But at this moment, the three elders actually found that they could not control it. Although it is not completely out of control, at least in the current situation, he can never do it if he wants to self-destruct again. And his own strength has been sharply reduced by at least 30%.


In order to give the three elders the opportunity to self-explod, the elder faced the joint attack of the two heavenly emperors alone, or the six emperors and evil emperors who had just got the increase of Zhou Weiqing again. How could he resist for too long? At this time, a mouthful of blood was spewing out. While the body was flying back, I happened to see that the three elders were shrouded in Zhou Weiqing's galaxy halo and could not self-exploding.

What kind of energy is this? At this time, the elder had a feeling of being bold and cold. Although Zhou Weiqing has not used any powerful attack skills from the beginning to the end, it is because of his existence that he has completely suppressed the strong people in the blood red prison. If it weren't for him, how could he lose this battle with an absolute advantage?

The elder hates Zhou Weiqing, but he has nothing to do now. With a click, he spewed out a mouthful of blood again, and the elder roared crazily. In an instant, the dazzling dark red flame burst out of his body in an instant.

As soon as this horrible dark red flame came out, even the six emperors and the evil emperors did not dare to continue to attack and retreated in a panic.

Long Shiya couldn't help whispering, "This guy is crazy. He actually burned his own Tiandan, which is the flame of life fueled by the soul and Tiandan."

The fire attribute Tianzhu Master has a life flame that burns vitality to temporarily obtain strong power. However, the life flame of a Tiandi-level strong man is different from that of an ordinary Tianzhu Master.

Although the life flame of the emperor-level strongman does not burst out unparalleled terrible energy in an instant like the self-explosive Tiandan, it lasts longer. Moreover, because this flame of life not only burns the elixir, but also the soul burns together, its power is even more terrible. Once burned by it, the enemy's soul will also be ignited.

This is also the reason why Long Shiya and Wu Yunyue dare not continue to pursue. The elder of the Blood Red Prison is desperate! In contrast to the strong strength, the ordinary Tianzhu master can stop the flame of life at any time, but once the flame of the life of the emperor-level strong burns, it is impossible to stop. In this case, once you have such a choice, you will definitely die, and it is more tragic than self-exploding Tiandan.

The elder saw that Zhou Weiqing restricted the self-explosion of the three elders. He asked himself that his cultivation was much better than that of the three elders, but he was not sure whether Zhou Weiqing still had the ability of secondary restrictions. The death of the second elder and the fourth elder was very stimulating to him, and the current situation is not good, and the blood red prison will be completely destroyed! His heart suddenly went to the extreme and burned the flame of his life.

Long Shiya and Wu Yunyue retreated, and the elder suddenly lost his opponent. He did not chase the two heavenly emperors. He rose up and went straight to Zhou Weiqing in the air. Only when Zhou Weiqing is solved can these people in the blood red prison have the possibility to turn things around.

The elder who burns dark red flames looks ferocious, like a huge fireball. His clothes, hair and skin have begun to burn under the terrible flame of life, and he can't see the human form at all. However, there is no doubt that such a strong man at the level of Heavenly Emperor is the most powerful.

"Be careful, Weiqing." Long Shiya shouted loudly and immediately rose to the sky and went straight to the elder to chase after him, while Wu Yunyue was a step slower. Even if they went to chase, the two did not dare to get close. They all launched a long-range attack to try to stop the elder of the blood red prison.

However, at this time, the elder was completely desperate. With the support of the flame of life, his speed had been raised to the limit, and he almost flashed to Zhou Weiqing.

The nebula swirling in the air was also covered with a faint dark red at this time. It can be imagined how powerful the energy released by the elder was at this time.

Zhou Weiqing's originally very comfortable face also became solemn. What he wants to meet is not only the full-out attack of the elder. At the same time, as long as he can't continue to control the three elders below, the three elders are likely to explode successfully. At that time, with the power of a Heavenly Emperor-level strong man, it is hard to say whether Tiangong City can exist. There are his family and friends there. How can he let the three elders complete the self-exploding?

The elder was so decisive that he found this opportunity without a chance.

The Gemini Hercules hammer appeared in Zhou Weiqing's hands. The strong holy power of the galaxy made his whole body covered with brilliant gold, and the nebula rotated at full speed on his chest, making Zhou Weiqing look like he was covered with a layer of starlight. A dark golden halo also burst out of his body.

In the face of the elder who burns the flame of life, all skills can't work on him at this time. What Zhou Weiqing can do is to fight this blow.

The double hammers were swayed and smashed down. While the Holy Power of the Star River broke out in an all-round way, he still did not forget to control the three elders below.


is described as slow, in fact, it is the next moment when the elder burns the flame of life, he has already hit Zhou Weiqing fiercely. However, their collision has no earth-shaking sound and energy fluctuation. On the contrary, the moment the two collided, there was only a soft sound.

The dark red flame swept through in an instant, covering Zhou Weiqing's body, including the hysterical laughter of the elder.

"Kid, let you bury me with me, I'll burn you, and then blow up the flame of destruction. You will all die, all of you will die--"

"Are you dreaming in the daytime?"

People outside can't see the fight between Zhou Weiqing and the elder. In the terrible flame of destruction, Zhou Weiqing's Gemini Hercules hammer hit the elder's shoulders. But the strange thing is that his powerful power failed to have any impact on the elder who burns the flame of life. Instead, it was glued to the life flame of the elder, and the terrible flame swept Zhou Weiqing's body in an instant along the Gemini Hercules hammer, covering his whole body.

The elder's burning face has become scorched black, and all he can see is those eyes full of resentment. Seeing that Zhou Weiqing was included in his terrible flame of destruction, a trace of openness appeared in his heart.

At this time, how could he not think of the culprit of all this? From the beginning, he was fooled and has been led by Zhou Weiqing. The elder can be said to hate the young man so much that he must take him to be buried with him.

"Oh--" A long sigh came from Zhou Weiqing's mouth, which was shrouded in the flame of destruction.

The elder was stunned for a moment, and then he heard a loud noise, and a huge wave of energy came from below, pushing his and Zhou Weiqing's bodies to a higher sky.

Subconsciously looking down, the elder couldn't help but let out a heartbreaking cry: "Old-three-"

The three elders of the blood red prison can no longer answer his words at this time, because his body has turned into a ball of meat.

Unexpectedly, the three elders suddenly turned around and launched an all-out attack on him with all his strength.

As Zhou Weiqing was worried, the third elder was ready to self-explod at any time. When the elder burned the flame of life, his eyes were completely red. Among the four elders, he is the most irritable. Seeing that his three brothers can't survive, he can't care about anything else. As long as they can self-detonation, these people in the blood red prison will definitely be able to escape back. He wants to live and die with his brother, and he wants to kill all Zhou Weiqing here as much as possible.

Therefore, he is ready. As long as Zhou Weiqing relaxes his control, he will still choose to explode without hesitation.

Unfortunately, the script did not go according to the wishes of the two elders of the Blood Red Prison. The two heavenly emperors who had originally rescued Zhou Weiqing suddenly turned around and launched a full attack on the three elders. Don't say that he was caught off guard. Even if he is on guard, how can he block the two peak emperors now!

Both the evil emperor and the six absolute emperors have the increase of Zhou Weiqing's holy power, while the three elders have been consuming, and are shrouded in the light under Zhou Weiqing's galaxy light, which is equivalent to being controlled by Zhou Weiqing's star core elixirs. In this case, how much strength can he exert

There is no suspense. After all, the three elders failed to complete this self-explosion. Under the killing of the two heavenly emperors, they turned into meat mud. Of course, his dying blow also made Long Shiya and Wu Yunyue spray blood again and kill a Heavenly Emperor at the price of minor injury, which is definitely worth the deal.

Long Shiya and Wu Yunyue did not go to rescue Zhou Weiqing, but chose to kill the three elders. Is this their intention? Of course, the answer is no. For them, Zhou Weiqing's life is far more important than the three elders of the Blood Red Prison. The reason why they chose this is that they got the voice of Zhou Weiqing!

In the sky, two dazzling starlight suddenly burst out, with a loud roar, and the scream of the elder was accompanied by a large number of flames of life.

The starlight circled in the air, and Zhou Weiqing reappeared in everyone's sight. It seemed that he was unharmed. He held the Gemini Hercules hammer and floated in the air in the air.

"Impossible, this is impossible..." The elder's voice was full of unwillingness. At this time, he still looked like a flame, but his physical function was also gradually weakening in the constant burning, and he was hit by Zhou Weiqing's strong Xinghe Holy Power, and he could no longer make the strongest offensive just now.

"Let you be a ghost." Zhou Wei smiled lightly, "If you choose another way to attack me so desperately, even if I can block it, I will definitely be hit hard. I can't use the power of the galaxy perfectly. What a pity! How did you blame the tears that day before? You also forgot that I am immune to fire attributes, which is the real immunity. As for the destruction attribute attached to your own flame, is it my opponent for creating sacred power?

"Oh, it's just a pity that you have a pretty good Tiandan. Goodbye, Elder."

The strong holy power of the Xinghe River swept out from Zhou Weiqing's double hammers, covering the remaining fire of the elder's life, the nebula rotated, and the elder's breath of life was completely worn out in a short time. Unfortunately, his Tiandan has lost most of its utility because of burning the fire of his life, and he can't give feedback to Xinghe. Otherwise, with the cultivation of the elder, his elixir will definitely make Zhou Weiqing go further.

His eyes turned to the battlefield below. Zhou Weiqing's double hammered horizontally on both sides of his body, and the holy light of the galaxy fell and turned into seven pillars of light, as if with long eyes, covering all the seven heavenly king-level strong men remaining in the blood red prison.

This light is darker than when it was aimed at the three elders before, but it is enough to deal with these king-level strong men. What Zhou Weiqing did was not give them any chance to self-explod. If they can't blow themselves up, they can't escape. When he had just said that to the elder, he had already shown his determination not to leave a living person.

"Kill." The cold voice exhaled from Zhou Weiqing's mouth, with the limitation of the Holy Power of the Star River, and all of them launched the strongest attack without any scruples.

After Long Shiya and the evil emperor Wu Yunyue casually solved a few remnants of wanting to escape, they joined the main battlefield. There are two heavenly emperors. What other opportunities can these strong people in the bloody prison have?

Starlight shot high into the sky and went straight to the bright and gorgeous nebula, which also heralded the end of the battle.

Looking at the scene around him as if he had experienced a catastrophe and the pile of broken meat, everyone in the cult had a feeling of being separated from the world. Among the six heavenly king-level strong men of the heavenly cult, Ming Yu and Ming Hua's father Ming Wu are also included.

Everyone's final eyes fell on Zhou Weiqing in the sky. There was a little more madness in their eyes, and the indescribable emotions of reverence, shock, envy or jealousy fully showed the strong emotional fluctuations in their hearts at this time.

When he came here with Zhou Weiqing, the evil emperor Wu Yunyue and the Liujue emperor Long Shiya, to see so many strong people in the bloody red prison, these days the cult kings have already had the consciousness of death. They don't know what the tactics arranged by Zhou Weiqing are. Naturally, they lack any confidence. If it hadn't been for the order of the master and the dignity of the Heavenly King, someone might have wanted to escape.

Before the battle began, Zhou Weiqing's series of flattery, negotiations and gambling appointments made the strong cults confused these days and did not know what the young man was going to do. They didn't even know what Zhou Weiqing had done, and the evil emperor Wu Yunyue didn't tell them.

Wu Yunyue thought very clearly that this battle can be overcome and can really win. So, no matter what the conditions are, he will agree with Zhou Weiqing. If he can't pass, what's the point of saying those?

And in Zhou Weiqing's series of performances, the strong men of the heavenly cult were stunned. They can't imagine that a young man who looks only in his twenties has shown powerful abilities such as mind, strength and calculation. Not only did he turn the other party around, but the two emperor-level strong men on his side can also be said to have always obeyed his command, and it was under his command that he led everyone to victory.

Winning, it really won, and it was a complete victory. Although we were all injured, there was no dead or disabled.

They are facing the four heavenly emperors and the eight heavenly kings of the blood red prison with destructive attributes! Even if you don't count those Tianzong-level strong people, these forces are much more powerful than when they attacked their heavenly cults. And the fundamental key to this complete victory lies in Zhou Weiqing alone. The dazzling light emitted by Zhou Weiqing even made them ignore the six emperors Long Shiya.

Among other things, Zhou Weiqing's Xinghe Holy Power has completely suppressed the destruction attribute, which makes the hearts of the strong cults these days full of openness. Without the suppression and union of destructive attributes, their respective combat effectiveness can be fully exerted. How can they be afraid of those who are in the bloody prison? The final battle also fully confirmed this point.

Zhou Weiqing was still suspended in mid-air, and one golden light after another shone on him after feedback from the starry sky. At this time, everyone could faintly see that a wisp of blood flowed down from the corners of Zhou Weiqing's mouth, and they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

In the face of the destruction attribute of the blood red prison, only his power of the galaxy can compete! If he really has a long and short story, isn't he still fighting when he meets the strong man in the blood red prison next time? The sudden rise of the Denton Empire naturally has a lot to do with the Blood Red Prison. The strength of the Blood Red Prison is not just the people sent. Although it can be said that the Blood Red Prison has hurt the muscles and bones this time, no one is sure how many strong people in the Blood Red Prison will meet next time.

Yes, Zhou Weiqing was injured. He was injured after the elder burned the fire of his life. Yes, no matter how strong the elder's flame is, as long as it does not exceed the level of the god level, it can't break Zhou Weiqing's fire attribute immunity, and the destruction attribute is also suppressed by the creation of the Holy Incomparably, the fire of destruction released with the belief of death can also attack people's souls.

Zhou Weiqing's injury also came from the soul, but he had been holding back because he was afraid of affecting morale. At this time, the battle was over. After releasing the feedback of Xinghe, he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

There was a burst of blackness in front of his eyes, and the feeling of dizziness made his suspended figure a little unstable.

Fortunately, Zhou Weiqing's own soul level has already reached the level of Tiandi, or even higher. He himself did not know what the strength of his soul had reached. The auxiliary increase of the dragon and his self-improvement after condensing the sation of the dan made his soul power continue to rise. In addition, he solved the elder in the shortest time, so although he was injured, it was not fatal.

However, at the next moment, Zhou Weiqing's body trembled violently in the air, and a series of unstable golden light burst out of his body.

Not good. This time, Zhou Weiqing was a little scared. He suddenly realized that he should not give feedback to the last kings and the Tiandan of the three elders at this time. Because he has reached the peak of the king level before. He also got the Xinghe feedback from a heavenly emperor and seven heavenly kings, which raised his cultivation to a level in an instant. Emperor of Heaven.

Yes, just when Zhou Weiqing's soul was damaged, his cultivation was about to be promoted to the Heavenly Emperor.

If you are promoted to the Emperor of Heaven under normal circumstances, it will naturally be a good thing. The strength of the Xinghe Holy Force to reach a new level will probably only be known by Zhou Weiqing's experiment. However, with his current situation, it is extremely dangerous.

Whether it is a breakthrough from the nine beads cultivation to the Heavenly King level or from the Heavenly King to the Heavenly Emperor, it is not a simple cultivation improvement, nor is it just a change on the celestial elixir, but an all-round improvement from the inside to the outside, from the beginning to the end, from the soul to the

In this process of ascension, although the pain is not strong, it is a process of sublimation. If the damaged soul is sublimated, there is a danger of collapse!

What should I do? At this time, Zhou Weiqing was also a little confused. He had never encountered such a situation, and naturally he did not know how to deal with it. The power of the galaxy from the feedback is impossible to retreat, and his body has begun to change. Naturally, the soul also began the process of sublimation, and the severe pain followed. Zhou Weiqing only felt that his spirit had begun to be in a trance. During the violent rotation of the soul vortex, cracks kept appearing in the depths of his soul, and his mind even began to wake up.

Liujue Emperor Long Shiya and the evil emperor Wu Yunyue have also been looking at Zhou Weiqing. From their point of view, after receiving feedback from the galaxy, the golden light on Zhou Weiqing's body began to become stronger and stronger, and the brilliant bright gold gradually began to appear a faint layer of red to merge with it, becoming more gorgeous red gold Sex, and the breath from his whole body became more and more powerful.

Is he going to advance? Are you going to advance to the level of Heavenly Emperor? Long Shiya and Wu Yunyue were stunned.

You know, when this battle just started, he was just a high-level cultivation of the Heavenly King. After a battle, he actually promoted the level of the Heavenly Emperor. When they promoted the Heavenly Emperor, it took decades to complete it. Zhou Weiqing's improvement speed has completely subverted their The cognition of Tianzhushi.

"No, his situation is not right." Long Shiya naturally knew more about his baby apprentice than Wu Yunyue. He found the change of Zhou Weiqing's situation at the first time. At this time, although Zhou Weiqing was in the process of sublimation, his face was as pale as paper, and his body was constantly shaking. The figure suspended in the air and the red gold emitted from his body were extremely Unstable, giving people a feeling that it may collapse at any time.

This is by no means the situation that should be reflected in the normal promotion of the Heavenly King to the Heavenly Emperor. Long Shiya's face suddenly changed. For him, even if he killed the blood red prison, it could not be compared with the safety of his precious apprentice!

In a loom, Long Shiya can also guess that Zhou Weiqing must have had a problem because of the previous fight with the elder. Although he is not sure where Zhou Weiqing's problem is, there is an injury on his body, and the forced promotion under the condition of a serious injury is likely to bring a devastating disaster to a Tianzhu master. .

What made the Liujue Emperor most painful was that in this case, he had no way to help Zhou Weiqing. If Zhou Weiqing's cultivation is still low, for example, when six beads break through seven beads, he can still help him with Long Shiya's cultivation. But now he is about to be promoted to the level of the Heavenly Emperor, and he is also the Heavenly Emperor with the Holy Power of the Star River. In this case, Long Shiya asked himself that he could not do anything to Zhou Weiqing. Zhou Weiqing's improvement in cultivation is likely to become a powerful existence. And disturbing him by himself in this process will only accelerate his crisis, and he will be devoured by Zhou Weiqing's Holy Power.

Just when Long Shiya was shocked and anxious, in the distance, two figures came like lightning in mid-air. The two figures came very fast, and they seemed to be connected together. A pair of huge blue-gold wings kept beating, and soon came to the battlefield. Above.

"Who is it?" Wu Yunyue shouted loudly and was about to attack, but she was caught by Long Shiya.

"My own people, they are here to help Weiqing break through. Don't act rashly." Long Shiya's words calmed down a group of strong cults.

The two figures quickly arrived in front of Zhou Weiqing. The owner of the huge blue wings suddenly threw the other person in his arms to Zhou Weiqing.

It's strange to say that Zhou Weiqing's strong golden holy power has no rejection of these two outsiders.

The woman who was thrown out was also a woman, floating in a long white skirt in the air, like a fairy descending to the earth.

Almost as soon as she flashed, she had already come to Zhou Weiqing. She opened her arms without hesitation, hugged Zhou Weiqing's neck tightly, and raised her head and kissed his lips.

These two sudden girls are naturally Shangguan Bing'er and Tian'er.

Although they did not participate in the war here, they have been paying attention to this side with the strong men of the Skybow Empire. After the dust here settled, the roar of the battle naturally disappeared, but the nebula light in the air still existed.

At this time, Tian'er suddenly had a strong feeling and felt that Zhou Weiqing's situation was not good. The sacred power of her and Zhou Weiqing is cultivated by the two of them. Naturally, they have the ability to communicate with each other, not to mention in such a close distance. Therefore, Tian'er asked Shangguan Bing'er to send her over as soon as possible.

At the moment when Zhou Weiqing's lips kissed Zhou Weiqing, the trembling of Zhou Weiqing's body suddenly became more intense, but the next moment, his hands wrapped around Tian'er's slender waist, and the strong red-gold light directly revolved around him and Tian'er, and even swept Shangguan Binger in.

These holy power of the galaxy will naturally not hurt the two women, because their bodies are also full of holy power. Although they are not as powerful as Zhou Weiqing, how can these energy of the same origin hurt each other with the power of creation?

Shangguan Binger and Zhou Weiqing went to the Xuantian Continent to practice with him. Naturally, such a good opportunity will not be let go. The wings are open to maintain the floating of their bodies, and at the same time feel the powerful holy power of the galaxy around them.

On the other side, the situation of Tianer and Zhou Weiqing is another.

Zhou Weiqing almost did not hesitate to cross the huge holy power of the galaxy that he was about to be promoted to the emperor of heaven to Tianer's body.

With the injection of Zhou Weiqing's huge energy, Tianer's delicate body suddenly turned red gold. Zhou Weiqing's mind is a little unclear now. What's more, under the initiative of Tian'er's traction, he has no idea whether doing this will hurt the child in Tian'er's stomach. He no longer has the ability to judge, but subconsciously finds a place to vent.

A more strange scene was staged the next moment. As Tianer's body turned red gold, Tianer's lower abdomen lit up, and a layer of strange white that no one had ever seen appeared from there.

It was a small mass of light, presented as pure and flawless white. When that little white appeared, Zhou Weiqing's so powerful and high Xinghe Holy Power was overshadowed by it. All the red gold almost became more peaceful at that moment. They It seems that it is no longer centered on Zhou Weiqing, but hovering around with that small white light.

The huge promotion power in his body left his body. Zhou Weiqing was finally relieved, and his soul stabilized. All he needed was time to repair his soul. This process is not difficult.

Subconsciously opening his eyes, Zhou Weiqing saw the sky kissed by himself. Suddenly, his body suddenly shook, and his eyes were full of shock and pain. How can I inject such a huge amount of energy into Tian'er's body!

If Tian'er is not pregnant, it will only be good for Tian'er, because Tian'er will get its own energy from it. The holy power is created by the two people together. For these holy forces, there will be no rejection at all. But the current situation is different. Tianer is already pregnant. If she suddenly receives such a huge energy shock, will it hurt the fetus? If that's the case, Zhou Weiqing will regret it for the rest of his life.

However, Zhou Weiqing soon found something wrong. He was surprised to find that a special energy that made his whole body comfortable, as if returning to the core of the universe, was constantly released from Tianer in his arms.

This energy is very weak, but its supremacy is beyond doubt. All the sacred power of the galaxy seems to have become its people at this moment. Even the nebula in the sky stopped rotating at this moment. The huge power of the galaxy fell from the sky, covering Zhou Weiqing, Tian'er and Shangguan Binger.

Isn't this the power of the galaxy the energy of the galaxy's feedback? However, Zhou Weiqing did not use Tiandan for feedback this time! This energy is completely given to them by the countless stars in the air.

The soft energy first circled around Zhou Weiqing and Tianer. Zhou Weiqing's broken soul returned to normal almost the next moment under the injection of this holy power of the galaxy.

Zhou Weiqing found that this sacred power was different from the star river feedback he released before, with a faint white in the golden starlight. Although the white is very light, it is its role that makes his soul quickly repaired successfully. Otherwise, Zhou Weiqing may not be able to find this special energy. The existence of.

Then, the red gold he had injected into Tianer's body had been poured back, making Zhou Weiqing's body re-rendered into a red-gold light.

Because Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er's bodies are close to each other, only Shangguan Bing'er, who can see the strange white light emanating from Tian'er's lower abdomen, is the only one in the air.


Well, it's the fourth update, that's the agreement. For the new week, please recommend tickets. RO