Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 278 The Sword of the Evil God

The Elf Queen frowned: "What's going on, and what's the purpose of your visit this time?" Zhou Weiqing did not hide it. At present, he briefly told his purpose this time and what he experienced after coming to the Elf clan.

After listening to his explanation, the Elf Queen suddenly said, "No wonder you can enter the sealed land of my Elf clan. With the existence of sacred power, the power of nature can't stop you. Young man, you are also the best human I have ever seen. At such a young age, she has such cultivation, and can even attract the projection of evil gods. It seems that soon, you will surpass Fei Liya's husband." The elf queen's face remains unchanged, but when the twelve elf elders behind her heard him say that they were coming to ask for the blood of the elf queen, their faces became extremely ugly, and Not good.

Zhou Weiqing said helplessly, "You are flattered. Well, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen this time, Your Majesty. Although the situation is unclear now, I am willing to help you find your daughter. Although I couldn't stop the other party because of the sudden incident at that time, and I didn't know how the other party did it, I left a trace of mind on Ling Ai, which should be helpful to find her.

If someone else says this, the Elf Queen will never believe it. How difficult it is to leave the divine mind to others. Even a god-level strong man like her dare not say that she can do it. However, Zhou Weiqing is different. He has the holy power, and she just felt it just now. Zhou Weiqing's holy power is powerful. If there is no holy power, how can he compete with his divine level with his heavenly emperor-level cultivation?

In this world, it is not only Xue Aotian, the owner of Snow God Mountain, who is today's god-level. In short, some hidden god-level beasts are powerful enough, and so is she, the elf queen. But the god level does not mean invincible, and the god level also has levels.

Looking at Zhou Weiqing's sincere face, the Elf Queen nodded and said, "That's great. Before, I was practicing, and suddenly felt that there was an external energy fluctuation in the sealed land, and then my daughter's breath disappeared. She should no longer be in the land of elves now." Then I'm sorry to trouble you." Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Your Majesty, please rest assured, I'm willing to help you not in exchange Liquid, I just hope to be friends with the elves. As for the purpose of my coming this time, if possible, we will discuss it when I rescue my love and see if I can exchange it with you with something I have. You also know, "What does a set of eleven legendary suits mean for us human beings?" The elders behind the Elf Queen have become more ugly. Naturally, they can see that Zhou Weiqing will not give up the purpose of this trip easily. However, at this time, it is not easy for them to interrupt.

Although they don't like these alien human beings, since Zhou Weiqing said that he had a god on the little princess, he would never fabricate with his cultivation. It's about the heirs of the elf clan. They also had to suppress their temper, and it was more important than anything else to save the little princess.

The Elf Queen looked at Zhou Weiqing and nodded slightly, with a strange brilliance in her eyes. At this time, no one knew what she was thinking. In addition to this strange change in her eyes, she was worried about the her daughter's being taken away.

After Zhou Weiqing said this, he sat down directly on the ground cross-legged. He closed his eyes, stimulated the holy power, and entered the state of meditation.

Although the elves have restrained their hostility, his confidants subconsciously surrounded Zhou Weiqing in the center. The cultivation of all the women is not weak, and they all have holy power in them. In case the elves really launch an attack, they can still resist it.

The red-gold nebula holy power operated in Zhou Weiqing's [body], slowly went up, and carefully injected into his soul under his control.

You should know that the soul is a strange energy that exists near the human brain, which can be said to be a part of life. If the general Tianzhu master does this like Zhou Weiqing, it is almost no different from suicide. How fragile the human brain is, as long as there is a little Russian damage, it can bring fatal consequences.

But Zhou Weiqing's holy power is different. Even if he uses holy power to hit the brain, the holy power will produce a protective effect without hurting himself. Holy power is creation, not destruction.

A layer of red gold light gradually emitted from Zhou Weiqing's head, and it could be clearly seen that a strange king character number appeared on his forehead. What's more amazing is that under this king character number, there is a hidden dragon-shaped road. The powerful soul fluctuation broke out almost in an instant.

When Zhou Weiqing's idea was released, both the elf queen and the elders of the elf clan were shocked. This divine thought fluctuation was too powerful. Even if this is the sealed place of the elves, the strength of this divine idea shocked them. At least the Elf Queen can be sure that she can never release such a powerful mind.

The divine mind is strong, it cannot enhance the attack power, and it cannot attack directly, but this means that it can have stronger control, and the detection ability is much stronger than others. In short, if the exploration distance of the Heavenly Emperor-level strongman with the same cultivation as Zhou Weiqing is one, then Zhou Weiqing's exploration ability with the support of the Holy Force is ten, which is also an important reason why he can find the entrance to the sealed land of the elves.

The Elf Queen restrained her own mind so as not to affect Zhou Weiqing's exploration, but she could feel that Zhou Weiqing's exploration was going in one direction, as if she was attracted by something.

Sure enough, God's mind was left on his daughter. This way of exploration has proved what Zhou Weiqing said.

After a short time, Zhou Weiqing suddenly got up and nodded to the Elf Queen, "Your Majesty, why don't we go together?" The faces of the elf elders standing behind the Elf Queen changed at the same time, and the leading elders hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is not appropriate, in case..." Zhou Weiqing When he was smart, he naturally knew what they were worried about. He said lightly, "In case, I will leave my wives here, but I and Her Majesty the Queen will save them." The Elf Queen nodded, signaled the elders not to be impatient, and made a gesture of invitation to Zhou Weiqing, "Thank you very much."

Zhou Weiqing smiled. He also had a lot of thoughts in his heart. Since he has seen the power of the elves, and there is no doubt that there must be many magical places in the sealed land of the elves. He has just formed the Unparalleled Religion. How can he not attract the elves? Naturally, he will not miss such a good opportunity to get closer.

In Zhou Weiqing's eyes, the red-gold light shone instantly. He nodded to the Elf Queen and said, "That's the result." Under the stunned gaze of the crowd, Zhou Weiqing actually took a small hand of the Elf Queen. Then, the silver light flashed, and the space around their bodies suddenly collapsed. As soon as the light flashed, they disappeared out of thin air. It turned out to be through the edges and space.

A group of elf elders were stunned, and Zhou Weiqing's confidants didn't look so good. Shangguan Fei'er said angrily, "Xiaopang, a bad guy, even takes advantage of the elf queen." Shangguan Xueer glanced at her and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Weiqing is to protect Her Majesty the Queen. Do you think it's so easy to wear the edges of space?"

Tianer said leisurely, "Even so, sisters, we should be careful. God knows whether this bad guy is lustful or not. He has always been very fraternal." Shangguan Binger didn't say anything and couldn't help laughing.

The little witch laughed even more and said, "Your character! His character is really untrustworthy.

As Shangguan Xueer said, Zhou Weiqing took the elf queen through the edges and held her hand to protect her. Otherwise, once he entered the alien space, it would be difficult to figure it out if he lost his way. It was a huge threat to the god-level strongman.

The elf queen's little hands are a little cold, but they are soft and boneless, and they are very comfortable to hold in their hands.

When Zhou Weiqing held the Elf Queen's hand, she obviously felt that the Elf Queen's body trembled slightly, but she did not struggle. Obviously, she also understood what her purpose was.

Zhou Weiqing really has no evil thoughts in his heart this time. Is he the obscene elf queen in the place of the elf clan? He won't do such a stupid thing. Moreover, after having five wives, he is now much more restrained. After all, for a man, he must be responsible, and he has a lot of responsibilities now.

I really don't dare to provoke too much. Moreover, the elf queen is a god-level existence. Zhou Wei didn't want to ask for trouble, and he didn't feel so charming.

And the Elf Queen was pulled by Zhou Weiqing, which was another feeling. There are shyness and novelty. In the elves, she is the supreme existence, and she rarely leaves the sealed land of the elves. The inheritance of the elves is different from that of human beings. It does not need **. Her daughter can be said to be conceived by his blood through special methods. Not to mention human men, no one has touched her, even the elf male. The elf queen is not only supreme in the elf, but also represents holiness. Only the most holy existence can fit with the goddess of nature.