Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 302 Resentment Space

Dongfang Hanyue turned around and returned to the top of the dark demon dragon head. He grabbed the single horn of the dark demon dragon and turned his back to Zhou Weiqing and refused to see him again.

Zhou Weiqing's eyes finally turned to the sky that had been looking at him not far away, but did not come to approach him.


Tianer looked at Zhou Weiqing faintly, "I know you better than them, so you don't have to persuade me. You have no reason to persuade me. I also have holy power. You can contribute to the mainland. Why can't I?

"But you have our child in your stomach!" Zhou Weiqing said with a wry smile and said faintly, "However, I don't want my child to lose my father before he is born. If that's the case, I'd rather have a family of three die together. Don't say anything more, if you force me not to go, or knock me out. Well, the moment I wake up, whether you can come back alive or not, I will commit suicide immediately. You know exactly what kind of temper I am.

"You..." Zhou Weiqing looked at the sky with a mouthful and didn't know what to say for a moment. Indeed, among all the women, it is Tianer who knows Zhou Weiqing best. The two of them practiced together for the longest time, creating holy power together, and their hearts were connected. Watching Zhou Weiqing solve the problems of other women. Naturally, I have figured out the countermeasures.

Zhou Weiqing looked at Xue Aotian with some help, trying to ask his father-in-law to help him. But Xue Aotian shook his head gently at him, "Although Tian'er is my daughter, I support her in this matter. If we hadn't had the Holy Power and couldn't help you, I would have gone with you. Wei Qing, in fact, you don't need to think so much. You have to understand that if you can't succeed, it is likely that our world will no longer exist. At most, we just live a little longer than you. And with the help of the day, your chances of success will increase. Take her with you. We are all waiting for your good news. No matter what difficulties you face, you should have confidence. We are waiting for you to triumph.

Zhou Weiqing nodded silently and solemnly said to Xue Aotian, "Even if I die, I will definitely die in front of the sky. I will protect her with my life."

There is a trace of relief in Xue Aotian's eyes..." I believe it.

At this time, the elf queen in the distance had also slowly opened her eyes, and the twelve elf elders were waiting for her with worried faces.

They also know that the Elf Queen may not be able to come back alive. The Elf Queen has been the most powerful ruler of the Elf clan for tens of thousands of years, and has brought them great hope. Moreover, the lives of the elf queens of all dynasties are connected with the ancient trees of life. Once the elf queen dies, the ancient tree of life will also wither, and it is necessary for the blood of the new generation of elf queens to be rejuvenated. But if so, the evolved ancient tree of life will disappear, and the new ancient tree of life will only return to its original form. For the elves, this will never be good news.

Looking at the elders, the Elf Queen sighed, "You have also heard the words of the Lord of the Snow God Mountain. How can there be a complete egg under the nest? If we can't stop the Lord of the Underworld, we will not continue to exist in this world. If we fail this time, then there is no need to say anything. If I die after success, then you still have to take our people to the Tiangong Empire in accordance with the agreement between me and Weiqing, where the Unparalleled Church will take care of us. At that time, let my daughter inherit my throne.

"Your Majesty." The twelve elf elders knelt down in the air, and their voices were full of sadness.

The Elf Queen smiled and said, "Life is always there, not to mention that I may not die. Wei Qing is the real strength of this war. At most, I'm just assisting from the side. As long as we can suppress the Lord of the Underworld and consolidate the seal, our goal will be achieved. Well, we have to rush there, otherwise the seal will be broken... It will be too late.

The turquoise light converged, and the six wings behind the elf queen all turned into the same color. The next moment her figure flashed, she had come to Zhou Weiqing and Tianer.

Two loud dragon chants sounded, and the dragon Huiyao and Duo Si flew to Zhou Weiqing with hatred. Huiyao said in a low voice, "I'm carrying you. If we work together, we can't let the Lord of the Underworld succeed in any way.

Looking at the dazzling blood red, Zhou Weiqing sighed in his heart, but at this time, he couldn't say anything of consolation. After all, the pain in the hearts of the couple is too deep.

"Then let's go." Tong Weiqing said in a low voice.

As he spoke, Zhou Weiqing took Tian'er's hand and recommended it to Huiyao's big head, and the Elf Queen fell on the top of Dosi's head by herself. The two dragons chanted again, and the strong fiery red light spewed out from them. With Zhou Weiqing, Tian'er and the Elf Queen, they turned around and directly penetrated into the huge abyss cave on the ground. It disappeared in an instant.

No one spoke, led by Tianyang, Xue Aotian and Long Shiya. These strong men in the world slowly closed their eyes and prayed for them silently in their hearts. There is no doubt that they all know that Zhou Weiqing can't defeat the Lord of the Underworld, so they can only pray that the whole sealing process can be completed smoothly.

Flying A abyss, the surrounding air suddenly became gloomy and cold. Zhang Hao, with the strong fire element on Huiyao and Duo Si, dispelled the gloomy cold. Zhou Weiqing and others can only get to the warm area.

"Wei Qing." Huiyao's voice suddenly sounded in Zhou Weiqing's ear.

"What's the matter? Huiyao?" At the beginning, when he first saw the dragon Huiyao, he was still an extremely weak ordinary celestial pearl master, but now he has grown into a strong god-level peak like Huiyao, and he is also a god-level peak with a holy elixir!

Huiyao said to Zhou Weiqing in an extremely calm voice, "Weiqing, I know, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to avenge the children in my life. Since I met you, you have helped us many times, and every time we are with you, our problems can be solved. What I want to say is that if you have the opportunity to kill the Lord of the Underworld this time, please do your best. As long as I can kill him to avenge my children, in the future, Dos and I will be willing to be slaves and guard you and your descendants for the rest of their lives, and will never change.

Zhou Weiqing's body was shocked, and he could feel the determination, firmness, helplessness and despair in Huiyao's voice.

Take a deep breath, Zhou Weiqing said slowly, "If you can, you must do your best."

"Thank you." Huiyao said with a little trembling.

The conversation was over, and they didn't say anything more. Zhou Weiqing calmed down and carefully observed the surroundings.

This huge cave is probably as wide as thousands of meters in diameter. Therefore, even the huge body of Huiyao and Duosi can fly side by side in it, and it doesn't seem crowded at all.

The wall of the cave is presented as dark gray. In the loom, you can feel the existence of some faint destruction energy. The cave is obviously not artificially cut, but it seems to be broken by some powerful force.

Zhou Weiqing asked the elf queen above Duosi's head, "I'm about to face that guy. Tell me about it. After all, I don't know much about it. How did it appear in the beginning?

The Elf Queen nodded and said, "Speaking of which, the appearance of this underworld is still caused by you human beings."

"Human-made?" Zhou Weiqing said doubtfully.

The Elf Queen nodded and said, "Yes, when the Netherworld first appeared, it was not a living thing. To be precise, it should be a powerful existence that evolved from an energy body to a living body. It has appeared since there have been creatures in the world.

"So what kind of energy body is it? Where does the power of destruction come from?

The Elf Queen said, "It comes from the negative emotions of you human beings. The most important thing comes from resentment, hatred, fear, killing and other negative emotions. And these negative emotions are mixed together to form destruction.

Looking at Zhou Weiqing's unbelief in his eyes, "It's hard to believe it, right? Or, you will think it's too much for me to blame you human beings for all this. But in fact, it is indeed created by these negative emotions of you human beings. In ancient times, the dragons and our elves ruled the continent. At that time, although we also had wars, there were few wars, and we were far less intrigues than you human beings. The most important thing is the quantity.

"Our elves and dragons used to be particularly powerful, but even in our heyday, we are not as much as one in 10,000 of your current population. You human beings have the ability to reproduce that makes us envious and even jealous. There are a lot of intrigues between each other, and there are naturally more negative emotions.

"At the beginning, these negative emotions only spread out, but with the increasing number of negative emotions, it caused some energy mutations, thus opening up a small space. In ancient times, we called it a resentment space. At the beginning, this space was so small that no one could notice it. But as you human beings gradually become stronger and gradually become the masters of this continent, wars and killings are repeated, which makes this space of resentment more and more larger. By the time we find out, it has generated its own consciousness, which is out of control. That's the current Lord of the Netherworld.