Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 303 On the Underworld Seal

Chapter 103 The Underworld Seal (Part I)

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This underworld seal was originally dominated by the Dragon Emperor, assisted by the elf queen of that generation, and completed by other strong men. Now the leading Dragon Emperor has been hit hard. It can be imagined to what extent the power of this seal has been weakened. Moreover, without the help of the Dragon Emperor, can they successfully stabilize the seal?

Although there is a little anxiety in the heart, everyone knows that at this time, it is useless to be anxious, only prayer.

The dragon turtle fell very fast, and there was a layer of twisted light around it. There is also a strong destructive energy below that hits the dragon turtle's body, but its defense is really strong. It bears these strong destructive forces and does not suffer much damage. Fortunately, it is the strongest defensive beast in the world.

Zhou Weiqing pressed his hands, and a soft holy power was injected into the dragon turtle's body. When the holy power just entered the dragon turtle's body, the dragon turtle's huge body trembled obviously. But soon, it felt the benefits of the Holy Power. The falling figure paused slightly. Long looked back and nodded to Zhou Wei. From its huge dragon eyes, Zhou Weiqing clearly saw a little joy and excitement. Obviously, the dragon turtle has felt the suppression of the holy power on the power of destruction.

After falling for nearly a quarter of an hour, suddenly, the pattern on the dragon turtle's back lit up, and a huge airflow was released from its abdomen, supporting its huge body. The trend of falling slowed down and slowly landed.

The darkness around

gradually disappeared. When they arrived here, everyone saw a magnificent scene instead.

The walls around the cave are shining with all kinds of gorgeous brilliance, which are actually inlaid with countless gems, all kinds of colors. Under the light of the dragon turtle, it emits colorful brilliance, and the more down, the stronger the light of the surrounding gems will be. Zhou Weiqing dared to say that if these gems are dug out and sold, they will definitely be sold at a sky-high price. Because he hasn't even seen many gems.

"No wonder, the stones around the cave wall are constantly eroded by our sealing energy and destruction energy. Over the years, the internal structure has changed and gradually formed. It's not a real gem, it just contains a lot of attribute energy. It's a bit like the nucleus of our heavenly beast and your human elixirs. The dragon turtle explained.

With a bang, the dragon turtle's huge body finally touched the ground, but it did not stop. The huge dragon claws supported the ground and quickly walked inward with a passage ahead.

Zhou Weiqing and others found that they had finally reached the bottom of the abyss. What a terrible distance it is! The surrounding temperature is obviously different from when they first fell. The original cold has turned into scorching heat, and the surrounding air will ripple like water from time to time.

"Is it close to the center of the earth?" Zhou Weiqing asked curiously.

Dragon Turtle said, "To be precise, it is the periphery of the center of the earth. Our dragon clan mainly controls the power of fire, and so do the royal families of all dynasties. With the help of the heat of the center of the earth, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor raised his cultivation to the highest level, so that he could always support the seal.

Zhou Weiqing sighed, "For the sake of the mainland, the predecessors of the Dragon Emperor and you have paid too much." He asked himself that he might not be able to persist for so many years. This loneliness alone is not what ordinary people can bear.

This time, the dragon turtle did not travel too often. Suddenly, the front suddenly opened and it was bright.

This is a huge square. Even if the dragon turtle has such a huge body, it looks a little small here.

Here, Zhou Weiqing felt a strange energy fluctuation, which made him feel very kind. He looked at it intently and saw that in the center of this huge square, a total of 13 groups of energy were suspended in the air and were constantly changing their brilliance. And just under the energy of these thirteen regiments, there is a huge magic array. That degree of complexity can definitely be compared with the design of Zhou Weiqing's eleven hateful ringless suit. The first feeling that seems to give people a sense of dizziness.


version of the thirteen regiments of energy suspended in the air. The largest one in the center is 200 meters in diameter, and the twelve regiments around it are basically more than 100 meters in diameter. It forms a huge magic array. Zhou Weiqing already had the peak cultivation of the god level at this time, but in front of this magic array, he still had a small feeling.

Huiyao and Duosi jumped down from the dragon turtle's back respectively. Looking at the huge magic array in front of them, Huiyao couldn't help exclaiming, "Is this the seal of the Netherworld? Is the underworld still below?

The dragon turtle said in a low voice, "It can't be said that it is below, because the underworld belongs to another space. We just suppressed this space. But it is obvious that the Lord of the Underworld should have any way to contact the ground, otherwise his strength will not continue to increase. Human beings, is it the holy power you just put on me?

The last sentence is to ask Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing nodded hurriedly, "Yes, that's the holy power."

The dragon turtle did not hide its excitement, "Great, I can feel that your holy power has a strong restraining effect on the power of destruction. Wait a minute, I'll ask His Majesty the Dragon Emperor to let you into the seal.

As he spoke, a strange voice came from the mouth of the dragon turtle, which seemed to be an ancient language, rushing towards the largest of the thirteen groups of energy in the air with the energy fluctuation of the soul.

The old and majestic voice sounded, "You are finally here, children. We don't have much time. Let's get into the seal.

A soft energy suddenly lit up at the feet of Zhou Weiqing and others, and the halo rose from the surroundings. Zhou Weiqing and others only felt that the surroundings had become illusory, as if driven by the law of space, the next moment, they had come to another place.

It seems that this is already another space. It was dark around, and in this darkness, only thirteen figures were clear. Among them, the largest figure looks at least 80% like Huiyao, but the body is much larger than it, and it is more majestic than Huiyao. In its huge dragon eyes, it is full of endless vicissitudes and fatigue.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but be shocked. The ghost seal is actually a self-contained space. You can imagine how powerful this seal is. Even if he has the holy power, he is not sure that he can rush out, and it is from the inside out. And the underworld was suppressed by this seal, and the Lord of the underworld almost broke the seal many times, which shows how powerful it is.

There is no doubt that the largest figure in the center is the core that supports the whole Nether Seal, the Dragon Emperor.

"Mom." Tian'er shouted almost at the first time. Yes, the ghost tiger Philia is one of the twelve guardians around the Dragon Emperor. It's just that now she is in the shape of a ghost demon tiger beast.

Philia looked at her daughter softly, but did not open her mouth. From her eyes, Zhou Weiqing and Tianer could see the deep fatigue.

Not only Philia, but also the Dragon Emperor, all the heavenly beasts present who are god-level strong people showed an extremely tired look.

"Ancestors." When Huiyao and Duo Si saw the Dragon Emperor, their huge dragon eyes were full of excitement. They knelt down on the ground without hesitation and worshipped the Dragon Emperor.

"Get up, now is not the time to talk about etiquette. You two take over Philia and Gandora. Hurry up.

"Yes, ancestors."

The whole Nether seal is very complicated, but the complexity is mainly reflected in the magic array, and the main function of the thirteen god-level heavenly beasts, including the Dragon Emperor, is to provide enough energy for the seal.

Huiyao and Duo Si took off at the same time. Philia, the ghost tiger, and the other snow-white giant leopard-shaped beast broke away together and were pushed up by them.

With the joining of the new force, the light emitted from the whole magic circle was obviously a little stronger. The dark space around is also much brighter.

The Dragon Emperor nodded to Huiyao with satisfaction. Obviously, he was very satisfied with Huiyao's strength. Originally, Huiyao's eyes full of resentment were softened a lot and replaced by respect.

"Senior Dragon Emperor, what do you need us to do?" Zhou Weiqing said to the Dragon Emperor.

The Dragon Emperor nodded to Zhou Weiqing, "I heard Philia mention you, I hope your holy power can play a decisive role and completely strengthen the seal. You release some holy power first, let me feel it, and then decide what to do.

Zhou Weiqing nodded, raised his hands, and two soft holy lights shot out, emanating in this dark space.

Suddenly, the light from the thirteen heavenly beasts led by the Dragon Emperor seemed to become brighter.

There was a surprise in the simple voice of the Dragon Emperor. "It's really holy power, and it's pure the breath of creation. Although it is not the real power of creation, with the existence of this holy power, there should be no problem for us to strengthen the seal. Wei Qing, next, you will take my place, and you will come to me together.

As he spoke, a brilliant red light shot out from the top of the Dragon Emperor's head, falling at the feet of Zhou Weiqing and Tianer like a bridge.

The energy released by the Dragon Emperor is different from that of Huiyao. The same control is the fire element, but the fire attribute controlled by Huiyao is full of fierceness and manic, but the fire element of the Dragon Emperor gives Zhou Weiqing an unfathomable feeling. The surface feeling is that there is no temperature, and it is also very soft. But if you perceive it carefully, you can find that the purity of the fire element is almost impurity. RO