Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 304 Zhou Weiqing, the heart of seal! Medium

Chapter 34 Zhou Weiqing, the heart of seal! ( Medium)

The golden light fell and fell in the middle of the top of Huiyao's head. The light gradually faded. A golden crown appeared on the top of Huiyao's head, and then turned into golden energy and gradually disappeared into Huiyao's head.

This is the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor. Only when the old generation of dragon emperors is dying will it be passed on to the next generation of new emperors, which is the alternation of dragon inheritance.

After the Dragon Emperor completed these, the light in his eyes obviously dimmed, and a large amount of blood was still gushing out of his body, which had dyed the whole seal on the ground red.

"Wei Qing." The Dragon Emperor did not go to see Huiyao again. How he wanted to explain a few more words to his junior! However, he has no time. For him, the disaster of the whole continent in front of him is even more important than the continuation of their dragon clan.

"Senior Dragon Emperor." Zhou Weiqing said respectfully. At this time, his holy power has been fully operational, and he has completed the communication with the twelve mythical beasts. With the support of the Holy Power and the Holy Power of the Elf Queen, these mythical beasts are recovering at an alarming rate.

However, Zhou Weiqing is not the Dragon Emperor after all. Although he has a huge holy power and his cultivation is even stronger than the Dragon Emperor, he does not understand the Nether Seal Array in front of him and does not know how to sacrifice the Array again.

The Dragon Emperor said in a low voice, "From now on, everyone will obey Wei Qing's orders. After I'm away, you should respect Wei Qing as you respect me. Otherwise, even if I am in another world, I will not feel at ease. Do you understand?"

Even if he was on the verge of death, even if he was about to reach the end of his life, when the Dragon Emperor showed his power, all the mythical beasts still bowed their heads to him coincidentally. This is the majesty of the emperor.

The eyes of the mythical beasts are red, and many of them shed tears. They have been with the Dragon Emperor for at least thousands of years. It can be said that the Dragon Emperor is like a master's father's feelings for them. Among these mythical beasts, except for the Huiyao couple who have just joined, almost all of them are willing to serve the Dragon Emperor after being subdued or saved by the Dragon Emperor. Everyone has a persistent and respectful belief in the Dragon Emperor.

Hearing what the Dragon Emperor said, many mythical beasts couldn't help choking. For a moment, the cave was full of sad atmosphere.

"Do you understand what I said?" The Dragon Emperor said in a low voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty." All the mythical beasts responded to the Dragon Emperor's words with almost sad voices.

The Dragon Emperor nodded, and then continued to say to Zhou Weiqing, "Wei Qing, I don't have much time. From now on, you can do as I say. With your holy power, it is absolutely possible to restore the seal and make it perfect. All right, let's start now.

As he spoke, the Dragon Emperor's eyes became solemn. It seemed that he was like a healthy ealent, still with strong majesty. It can't be seen at all that it is on the verge of death.

"This magic array was created by me and the Elf Queen. At that time, there were only six mythical beasts that assisted me, and now, there are only three of the original six mythical beasts left. I won't repeat the principle and structure of the magic array. As long as you can pull it. My blood is now full of magic arrays, restoring the origin of the blood that was previously destroyed by the Lord of the Nether. The next thing you need to do is to complete the communication with all mythical beasts and the magic circle. And you are the sealed heart of the whole magic circle.

Zhou Weiqing listened quietly, and the Dragon Emperor spoke, and his voice had begun to weaken. Obviously, he might not be able to hold on at any time.

"The sealed heart is in my position, that is, the position destroyed by the Lord of the Nether before. After my death, this position will be empty. Now, you have to divide the mind into twelve parts, completely enjoy the god, and complete the communication with the mythical beasts. Then, inject their energy into your body, take you as the center and foundation, convert all their energy into your holy power, and then shoot at my position, that is, the center of the magic array. So as to attract the whole magic array. This process is not complicated. I can feel that you also have the dragon emperor's bloodline of our dragon clan. I will deepen the dragon emperor's bloodline on you before I die, so that the magic circle will recognize you as the new leader. Come on, let's start. I can't support it anymore.

As he spoke, the Dragon Emperor's huge body trembled violently, and the destructive energy was constantly emerging from him. Obviously, his body was almost unable to suppress the Lord of the Netherworld.

The Lord of the Underworld naturally also feels the actions of the Dragon Emperor. Although the recovery of the seal takes time and huge energy, once it is really recovered, it will no longer have any chance. Therefore, it has no time to consume its own source of destruction now, and directly launched the Dragon Emperor with the power of a strong source. Impact, trying to break through the seal of the Dragon Emperor with the ontology as the medium, and took the lead in killing Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er.

However, the Dragon Emperor has decided to pay for his own life. Even if the Lord of the Underworld goes all out, it is not so easy to completely destroy the Dragon Emperor. After all, they have been dealing with for too long. The Dragon Emperor knows the Lord of the Netherworld very well, and has adapted to its destruction energy for so long. In addition, the fire attribute energy of the Dragon Emperor has been strong to the extreme of the fire. At this time, he burns life, burns the core of the Dragon Emperor, the god-level In this way, as long as the life of the Dragon Emperor does not burn to the end, it is impossible for the Lord of the Underworld to break through its seal.

Zhou Weiqing did not dare to neglect, the divine light in his eyes was stagnant, and the powerful power of ideas spread in an instant. He was very smart and did not directly divide his divine thoughts into twelve parts. What he wanted to communicate with was the twelve mythical beasts. It can be imagined that the divine thoughts of these mythical beasts were powerful, and their total was far greater than Zhou Weiqing. And most importantly, Zhou Weiqing is not familiar with this underworld array. Once the communication fails, there may be no time to communicate again.

Therefore, Zhou Weiqing just separated two divine thoughts and released them towards Huiyao and Duosi at the same time.

The two giant dragons have the closest relationship with Zhou Weiqing. They have known each other for so long, and they know each other very well. Moreover, Zhou Weiqing also has the blood of the Dragon Emperor, and there is no problem in communicating with the two dragon gods.

Therefore, Zhou Weiqing made such a choice. Soon, his divine thoughts came into contact with Huiyao and Duo Si.

Suddenly, Zhou Weiqing only felt that two vast divine thoughts came from each other. The divine thoughts were very soft, and there was no conflict between each other's divine thoughts in his judgment. As soon as Huiyao and his wife felt the divine thoughts from Zhou Weiqing, they immediately completed the communication with him. In a loom, they could see two faint golden rays released from the middle of Huiyao and Duosi's heads, just like two silk threads, releasing towards Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing guided their divine thoughts to connect to himself with his own divine thoughts. At the moment when these two divine thoughts were connected to his divine thoughts, the ghost seal array below suddenly lit up a dazzling red light.

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing had a very strange feeling, which could not be described in words. He only felt that what he could perceive at this moment was almost doubled.

This perception is not only macroscopic, but also microscopic. Everything around has become clear. With the energy of the Dragon Emperor, the energy of destruction and the energy of many mythical beasts, anyone's mind will be oppressed to a certain extent. However, after combining the thoughts of the two giant dragons, Zhou Weiqing immediately found that My mind seems to have been magnified, and the perception of everything around me has become much clearer, and I have been able to cover the power of the mind in the whole range of the surrounding magic array.

Not only that, in his mind, there are also some more things that belong to the magic circle. For the whole magic circle, he has a strange understanding, as if he understood a lot at this moment.

Is it so wonderful?

At this time, the Dragon Emperor also took action. He opened the huge dragon mouth, and a blood-red light spewed out of the Dragon Emperor's mouth and flew straight to Zhou Weiqing.

When Zhou Weiqing and Huiyao's husband's thoughts were connected, the blood-red energy had already come to him, and it directly hit the position of the holy elixir on Zhou Weiqing's chest.

Suddenly, an indescribable blazing heat spread all over Zhou Weiqing's body in an instant. He only felt that at this moment, the holy power in his body and even his soul were boiling. But this feeling is not painful, but a sense of comfort full of comfort. It seems that his whole body is immersed in the hot spring, and all the pores of his body are open, comfortably and greedily absorbing the energy that makes him feel extremely comfortable.

There was a gentle light in the Dragon Emperor's eyes, and he slowly closed his eyes. In his heart, the last thought was to pray for the success of the seal, and pray that everything he did would not be in vain.

The red light he just released is the origin of his dragon phoenix. Just like the source of the destruction of the Lord of the Nether, it is its most fundamental and pure energy.

Although the Dragon Emperor himself is a god-level peak strongman, which is not comparable to the heavenly transformation level like the Lord of the Underworld, the strength of its Dragon Emperor's origin is also quite terrible.

If there is a choice, then the Dragon Emperor will not hesitate to impose his origin on his own clan, the next Dragon Emperor.

In that case, it only takes ten years at most, and Huiyao can have the same strong cultivation as his peak.

However, now the Dragon Emperor has no other choice. It is not Huiyao who has become the seal of the underworld in his place, but Zhou Weiqing. In order to let Zhou Weiqing have the power to attract the whole magic array, he can only choose to give his Dragon Emperor to Zhou Weiqing, because only in this way can he truly launch the magic array without any rejection. RO