Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 306 Nether Space

Chapter 106 Underworld Space (Three-in-One)

However, at this moment, in the eyes of all the mythical beasts, there was respect that they had only appeared in the face of the Dragon Emperor before. No matter how old the young man is, what he has done now is enough to prove that he deserves the entrustment of the Dragon Emperor.

In the face of the crisis of life and death, he did not choose to retreat, but insisted on meeting this potentially fatal attack, and even his face did not change at all. It's easy to say that it's like death, but how many people can really do it? The mythical beasts are originally very disdainful of human beings. In their opinion, if there were not so many negative emotions generated by human beings, there would be no such thing as the Lord of the Underworld. However, at this moment, they only respect Zhou Weiqing. In their hearts, the status of human beings has changed. Among human beings, there are also heroes!

However, what Zhou Weiqing didn't see was that although Tianer's body was shaken away by him, there was a circle of white-gold sacred power around his waist, and the other end of the holy power was in Tian'er's hands.

While the black vortex swept Zhou Weiqing's body, Tian'er also tried her best to pull the rope condensed by the sacred force. Although she could not pull Zhou Weiqing's core of the magic array, she could rely on the reaction force to send herself back.

The power of the vortex of destruction energy can only be described as terror. The terrible energy burst out by the Lord of the Netherworld at the cost of self-detonation collides with the sacred power vortex around Zhou Weiqing's body, producing a strong energy impact, and the energy of both sides is being consumed violently. However, the destruction energy was so pure that it forcibly broke the vortex of holy power condensed with the twelve great beasts around Zhou Weiqing's body in a short time.

Of course, the holy power of Zhou Weiqing and the twelve great beasts is not so easy to offset, and the black vortex is also shrinking at an alarming rate.

Zhou Weiqing's face still looked unchanged. He knew very well that even if this destructive energy worked on him, he must not lose his life. The weakening of the holy power, coupled with the strength of his own defense ability and the protection of the holy elixir, will only be hit hard at most, but the Lord of the Netherworld will be sealed. At the moment before the vortex of destruction, he had used powerful divine thoughts to output enough holy power to complete the whole seal. Although this leads to insufficient defense, the seal will be completed.

However, at the next moment, Zhou Weiqing's face changed. Tian'er's delicate body hugged his body again from behind, and the strong holy power burst out of Tian'er's body, protecting both of them. At this time, the black vortex had forcibly broken all the holy forces and enveloped Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er together.

One reason for Zhou Weiqing's change in face was because of Tian'er, and the other was because of the strange change of the power of destruction. It did not directly attack Zhou Weiqing. Although it cut off the connection between Zhou Weiqing and the twelve great beasts in an instant, the destruction energy only swept Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er's body The huge pulling force also burst out at this moment. This destructive energy did not advance but retreated, and turned into a black streamer that instantly drilled back from the last gap of the Nether Seal Array.


The holy light flashed, and the white-gold light rose in an instant, turning into a huge beam of light and bursting out, spewing out with the winding abyss channel.

The seal of the whole magic circle was finally completed at this time. The seal is re-arranged, and the holy power slowly accumulates after the violent rise.

The sealing space is full of soft energy fluctuations. Unlike the original seal hosted by the Dragon Emperor, the sealing space at this time is really like a separate world. In the sky, countless stars shine in the air, and under the feet, it is the earth emitted by the milky white halo. The appearance of the Lord of the Nether can no longer be seen at all. It is completely and perfectly sealed in the Nether Seal Array.

However, as the leader of all this, Zhou Weiqing disappeared. He and Tian'er, under the last destructive energy, disappeared.

The light of holy power gradually dissipated from the mythical beasts. Looking at the perfect seal, the mood of each mythical beast was extremely heavy and could not be happy to say anything.

"Wei Qing..." The elf queen dodged and appeared in the place where Zhou Weiqing had disappeared before, and her whole body was stunned. In order to complete the seal, Zhou Weiqing did not defend and avoid the last attack of the Lord of the Underworld, and was forcibly brought into the underworld space. And there is a world that belongs to the Lord of the Underworld. Even if the Lord of the Underworld had a huge consumption before, Zhou Weiqing and Tianer could not be its opponents!

Two figures fell from the sky. It was Huiyao and Duosi who transformed into human figures and landed on the ground. Duosi couldn't help rushing into Huiyao's arms, and Huiyao's face was also difficult to see the extreme.

All the mythical beasts fell down. At this time, the underworld tiger Philia in the outer circle had also rushed over, but she couldn't even scream.

Zhou Weiqing and Tianer disappeared, and the blow she suffered was also huge. She had a great guilt for Tian'er, but at this moment, she watched her daughter disappear in front of her. Her mood can be imagined.

"He is a hero." The voice of the dragon turtle sounded, "He, like His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, is a hero who saved our world."

The Elf Queen stood there in a daze, "But why do heroes have to die? I brought them here, but I couldn't take them back. How can I explain it to his confidants? How to explain it to those people outside.

With a miserable look on her face, the Elf Queen sat down cross-legged in place and muttered to herself, "Maybe I think too much. I share life with him. If he dies, I will not be able to live alone. Let me stay with him here. Waiting for the moment of dying with him.

"Your Majesty. Don't be too pessimistic." The strong voice of the dragon turtle sounded again, "Maybe Zhou Weiqing still has a chance to come back alive."

The Elf Queen was stunned for a moment, "What did you say? Can he come back alive? He was captured by the Lord of the Nether!"

The dragon turtle said in a low voice, "But our seal has also been completed. When the Lord of the Underworld attacked the seal, he had been using his original energy of destruction in order to destroy the seal. Moreover, it has been hit by His Majesty the Dragon Emperor and you one after another. In addition, he finally blew up his most powerful pair of former Ao and captured Zhou Weiqing at the cost, and his own cultivation has also been greatly weakened. Although it is very strong in the underworld space, since we have completely perfected the seal, it cannot be replenished by any external negative emotions into destructive energy in the underworld space. The cultivation of Zhou Weiqing and Tianer is not weak. In this case, there may be a fight. I'm just wondering why the Lord of the Underworld chose to capture them instead of attacking them at that time.

After listening to the dragon turtle's words, whether it was the Elf Queen or the other mythical beasts around, their faces changed. The original solemn weight was slightly relaxed. Yes, they cooperated with Zhou Weiqing before, and the power of the sealing array has always been against the Lord of the Netherworld. That is to say, the current Lord of the Nether is by no means in its prime. In this case, Zhou Weiqing may not have no chance.

The Elf Queen nodded slowly, "I hope so. As long as I am still alive, it proves that Wei Qing is not dead, but even if he defeats the Lord of the Netherworld, how can he escape from the seal that even the Lord of the Netherworld can't break through?

At this time, the ghost tiger Philia also woke up after listening to the words of the dragon turtle, "Your Majesty, you don't need to worry about this. Since our seal is called the underworld seal, it is only effective for the destruction energy of the Lord of the underworld. As long as Weiqing and Tianer can defeat the Lord of the Underworld without the limit of destruction energy, they can use their holy power to cross the seal and return. Oh, my God! Bless the children."

As she spoke, Philia slowly knelt down on the seal and prayed silently.

Huiyao patted Duo Si, who was still trembling with sadness in his arms. "Let's go out first. The people outside are also anxious. At least tell them what happened here."


The two dragons rose up at the same time and flew out of the abyss.

Darkness, endless darkness.

When Zhou Weiqing and Tianer were swept by the vortex of destruction energy, all they could feel was endless darkness. Zhou Weiqing's mind has been powerful to the level of natural change because it was previously connected with the twelve great beasts. Although it was forcibly disconnected by the destruction energy, at that moment, he still sensed what had happened.

It's over. This is Zhou Weiqing's last thought before breaking out of the seal and entering the crack. He never thought that the Lord of the Underworld had come up with such a way. Instead of attacking him directly, he used the self-exploding energy to pull him and Tian'er into the underworld space.

Powerful and unstable destruction energy fluctuations continue to rhythm around his and Tianer's body, and everything around him becomes unreal. Twisted and illusory energy fluctuations constantly squeeze the bodies of the two people. What Zhou Weiqing can do now is to use his holy power to protect himself and the sky from being eroded by the destructive energy outside.

The only thing he is grateful for is that in the past, because he had always been the holy power to mobilize the twelve mythical beasts, now he and Tianer's cultivation are basically in full bloom. However, even if they are in full bloom, can they defeat the Lord of the Netherworld?

Suddenly, the body is light, and the destruction energy around it seems to be scattered. Although it still exists, it is no longer as condensed and pure as before.

"My God, why do you want to keep up?" Zhou Weiqing pulled Tianer over from behind him and took her little hand. For a moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

The seal was completed, but he and Tianer were brought here and entered the underworld space. Zhou Weiqing's only feeling now is the consciousness of death.

Tianer looked at Zhou Weiqing and seemed to care about everything in the outside world, "Fool, how can I let my child's father die by himself? Anyway, I want to be with you. Don't try to leave me."

Zhou Weiqing clenched Tianer's hand. He didn't blame her again. At this point, it was useless for him to say anything more.

"It's very touching, isn't it? Is this the love that you human beings do? The sound of yin and yang came from all directions.

The originally dark space suddenly lit up.

The light appears from the front, which is a green halo, dark green, which is easy to bring people a sense of fear.

The huge body emerged in the green. It was a huge crab with a width of nearly one kilometer and eight long legs open. If you look carefully, you can find that there are countless lines on it, and these lines are actually the appearance of a personal face. Everyone has different emotions on his face, including anger, panic and resentment, but they all show strong negative emotions.

Two huge eyes shine at the top of the body, like two small dark green suns. Not far from both sides of the eyes, there is a huge gap in the huge body, which is exactly the position of the crab. Obviously, it is its body that self-exploded before.

Lord of the Netherworld, Zhou Weiqing finally saw the ontology of the Lord of the Netherworld. The big guy in front of him has evolved to the natural variable level, and it has the natural variable level with the power of destruction contrary to the power of creation.

"You look so disgusting." Zhou Weiqing said with a disdainful face.

The Lord of the Underworld was not angry because of his words, "It has arrived in my world, and you still talk about it. What's the use of it? I didn't expect that my plan would be destroyed by such a small human like you.

Zhou Weiqing smiled coldly, "Do I still want to be nice to you if I don't scold you? Will you let me go if you do that?

The enchanting voice of the Lord of the Underworld is full of some charm, "Why didn't I let you go? As long as you let me brand the mark of destruction in your soul and help me break the seal, I will not only let you go, but also return to your human world, you can also become my spokesperson in the human world. I can even promise you to leave you a piece of land so that you can live a happy life.

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said, "Hahahahaha, You Ming, do you want to coax a three-year-old child? It's not easy for us to seal you. How can you expect me to let you out? Moreover, do you think that your mark of destruction can be imprinted in my soul? My body is almost made of holy power, so don't daydream.

"Then, your result will only be destruction." The voice of the Lord of the Nether suddenly turned cold. Sen Ran was murderous and broke out without reservation, just like a wild wave, hitting Zhou Weiqing and Tianer fiercely.

The strong white-gold holy power shines on Zhou Weiqing, covering him and Tian'er. Anyway, he has also felt the mystery of the natural change level, coupled with the integration of the origin of the Dragon Emperor. Although he can't become the god of creation, his cultivation is also a step further.

"Then come on. Let's see if I can remove some of your crab legs before you kill me.

The Lord of the Underworld does not seem to be in a hurry to take action against Zhou Weiqing now. In its huge dark green eyes, there is a strange brilliance.

"Zhou Weiqing, are you wondering why I caught you here instead of using the last moment of self-exploding to attack you? Don't you feel strange that I paid such a high price to bring you to my dark space?

Zhou Weiqing's heart moved, "What's the matter? Do you want to solve the puzzle for me?

The Lord of the Underworld made a series of evil laughter, "Why not? Do you think that the ghost seal, led by your holy power, can completely seal me in it and never get out again? It's not even possible to have any contact with the outside world?"


spoke, the murder that it had erupted before was slowly restrained.

Zhou Weiqing said quietly, "Isn't that so? Nether, it's useless for you to play these tricks with me. I won't be fooled by you anyway.

The Lord of the Underworld snorted disdainfully, "Trick? Do I need to play any tricks with you? Your lives are under my control. I just want you to close your eyes. To tell you the truth, that's right, you take the lead and replace the original underworld seal completed by the original Dragon Emperor's power with the Holy Power as the core. I have no possibility to break through. It is also impossible to strengthen itself through the connection with the outside world through cracks. This time, I suffered unprecedented trauma, and I didn't even have the ability to break through the seal again. My cultivation has been greatly damaged, the loss of the former Ao, coupled with the consumption of the source of destruction, now I am no longer the real sky change level, but have regressed to a slightly stronger strength than the burning sky.

Listening to the words of the Lord of the Nether, Tian'er's eyes couldn't help showing a trace of joy, but, contrary to her, Zhou Weiqing's eyes immediately became solemn.

What does it mean to explode its shortness? It means that although the cultivation of the Lord of the Nether is weakened, he still has absolute confidence to deal with the two of them. This is the first thing Zhou Weiqing thought of. Moreover, the Lord of the Underworld did not use words to tempt them to break through the seal, but described his own situation, and his mood was still so calm. Could it be that he still had a way to deal with the seal? Are you taking advantage of yourself and the sky?

Zhou Weiqing has followed Mu En since he was a child, and his grasp of human nature and language is much stronger than Tian'er.

Sure enough, the Lord of the Underworld sighed, "I never expected to be forced into such a situation. However, I also have a glimmer of opportunity. And this opportunity was created by myself. I'm not afraid to tell you that when I finally blow myself up, if you let go of the magic array a little, I may rush out. Even if it is just a part of my consciousness, as long as I look for a place to practice and constantly absorb the grievances and negative emotions of your human world, sooner or later I can recover to such strength. I hate that you even want to stop me regardless of your own safety. But will I really let you seal it like this? Zhou Weiqing, you have forgotten the most important thing. Although the Nether Seal Array is powerful, it needs to be continuously injected with energy. The sacred power you injected this time is large enough to maintain the seal for at least ten years, but what about ten years later? Can anyone in your human world have the pure holy power and the origin of the dragon emperor as a guide? Hahaha, hahahaha."

After listening to the words of the Lord of the Underworld, Zhou Weiqing's face finally changed. He has understood the meaning of the Lord of the Underworld.

"Originally, when you shocked this girl out, I was already desperate. After all, she also has pure holy power like you. With the support of the Elf Queen and the new Dragon Emperor, it is still possible to help the magic array supplement the holy power. Unfortunately, she can't bear to part with you! So I came with you. It's like heaven is helping me. As long as I kill you here, and then wait quietly until the holy power supporting the magic circle disappears. Although I can't break through such a magic array with my current cultivation, at least I can secretly open a gap and reabsorb the resentment and negative emotions of the human world to supplement myself. In a few decades, I will have the ability to attack the Nether Seal array again. At that time, I would like to see. Who else in your human world can stop my arrival?

Zhou Weiqing's face was ugly, and Tian'er was a little dull beside him. She never thought that because of her love for Zhou Weiqing, she gave the Lord of the Underworld a chance.

"God, ignore it. It is dividing us. If I guess correctly, it should not be absolutely sure to kill us."

Zhou Weiqing's cold voice sounded in the air, so that Tian'er and himself could hear it clearly. Tianer itself has sacred attributes and spiritual attributes, which were later transformed into holy attributes. The divine mind is much stronger than that of the strong at the same level. Although it is not clearer than last week, when I received such a reminder from him, I suddenly felt that my mind was light, and the negative emotions just generated suddenly disappeared, and the clear and firm light was restored to Mang.

The voice of the Lord of the Underworld suddenly stopped, "What are you talking about? I can't kill you?" The Lord of the Nether screamed as if he had heard something extremely incredible.

Zhou Weiqing nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes, you are not sure to kill us. Is what I said wrong? Underworld, you are really treacherous.

"Do you think what I'm saying is a lie? Is it necessary for me to lie to you as a junior?" The Lord of the Underworld is obviously a little angry.

Zhou Weiqing shook his head and said, "No, what you said is not a lie. On the contrary, what you said is the truth. Only in this way can you better confuse us. You should use these words to divide me and Tian'er, and at the same time let us have negative emotions in our hearts because of regret. That's right, you can't receive the destructive energy of negative emotions outside. But it can absorb the negative energy we release to supplement ourselves. Tian'er and I are both gods, and our negative emotional energy is much stronger than that of ordinary human beings. And since what you said is true, you just need to kill us as soon as we come here, and everything can go according to your plan. Then why do you waste so much tongue? The only explanation is that you are not absolutely sure to kill us under the heavy blow. I'm not right."

The voice of the Lord of the Underworld paused, the two eyes above his head circled slightly, and the strong destructive energy suddenly converged madly towards its body. Its voice also calmed down a lot.

"It seems that it is never as good as you human beings. Zhou Weiqing, you won again. However, one thing is that your judgment is not completely correct. It's not that I'm not sure to kill you, but that I'm not sure to kill you without paying any price.

"I have been sealed in this damn place for too long, and I don't want to wait in this dark space even for another minute. And I have to admit that your cultivation has reached a level that threatens me enough. I don't have the strength to change the level now. However, it is still not difficult for me to kill you. At most, I will only sleep in this world for another hundred years.

Zhou Weiqing smiled coldly, "One hundred years? I'm afraid it's more than that. If you consume too much, then why do you break a gap in the dark sealing space and quietly absorb the negative energy outside? If you can't even do this, then you can only destroy yourself here. This is what you are worried about, and you dare not go all out to attack us. I'm not right."

"You..., asshole." The Lord of the Nether was furious. It never thought that the competition for treachery, or wisdom, was far inferior to Zhou Weiqing. He asked himself that he had covered it up very well, but everything was still seen by Zhou Weiqing. At this time, it has no other choice.

The dark destruction energy appeared on the huge body of the Lord of the Netherworld under distorted fluctuations. It can be clearly seen that its whole body began to twist violently.

Zhou Weiqing suspended there motionless, and all the starlight of the hateful ringless suit on his body lit up. Under the gorgeous California, the dragon-shaped light and shadow also rhythmic, constantly hovering around his body.

The faint light flowed in the air, and Zhou Weiqing's eyes had been staring at the direction of the Lord of the Nether without any relaxation. The other hand clenched Tianer's hand, and the holy power between the two kept communicating.

After all, this underworld space is the world of the Lord of the underworld. It can be said that it is equivalent to its divine realm. Zhou Weiqing was worried that once he was not in contact with Tian'er, he would be annihdestroyed by the Lord of the Underworld.

The black light gradually converged. Suddenly, the huge body of the Lord of the Underworld became illusory. In the process of illusory, its body quickly shrank, and everything seemed to become unreal.

Zhou Weiqing pulled Tianer with his left hand, and the Gemini Hercules hammer in his right hand moved forward a little, and a substantial white-gold light shot out and shot at the Lord of the Underworld.

With a buzzing sound, the dark space trembled slightly, and then the white-gold light disappeared out of thin air. Not to mention hitting the Lord of the Underworld, he didn't even fly out for 20 meters.

The distorted light gradually converged, and the huge crab body in mid-air disappeared, and a figure about the same height as Zhou Weiqing quietly appeared in the center of the previous position of the huge body of the Lord of the Netherworld.

It turned out to be a human-like virtual shadow. It was about two meters tall, with wide shoulders and a layer of dark green armor. Behind it, just like burning the sky at the beginning, the eight long legs were opened like wings. On a handsome but cold face, the dark green shining eyes are firmly locked on Zhou Weiqing.

Its armor has no helmet. It is a huge bald head, but the dark green light in its eyes is too strong. The destructive energy around its body is extremely viscous. Zhou Weiqing could clearly feel that this human body was completely condensed by the power of destruction.

"Isn't it strange that I will choose to end this last battle with you in human form? That's because I think the human form is the most suitable for fighting. Now, you all go to hell."

As soon as the voice fell, the underworld took the initiative, and the body shook slightly. The whole underworld space suddenly turned into dark green, and its body disappeared out of thin air.

is coming. Zhou Weiqing's heart tightened and waved the Gemini Hercules hammer in his hand without hesitation. His hammer did not have a direct target, but bombarded the air of the underworld.

With a loud bang, the underworld space shook violently. Zhou Weiqing and the Gemini Hercules hammer in his hand emitted a strong twisted white-gold light.

In this dark space full of destructive energy, he forcibly bombarded a black hole with a diameter of three meters, and the whole dark space also had a rapid spatial variation due to the appearance of this small black hole.

Don't underestimate Zhou Weiqing's hammer. This is the effect of the law of space, the law of time and his unparalleled terror that even the Lord of the Underworld must be afraid of.

With a buzzing sound, the body of the Lord of the Underworld appeared in the right rear of Zhou Weiqing and Tianer, less than ten meters away from Zhou Weiqing himself. If Zhou Weiqing's action was a little slower, then the attack of the Lord of the Underworld had already fallen on him.

At this time, Zhou Weiqing's eyes also lit up, and the dazzling white and gold brilliance shone in Zhou Weiqing's eyes. The terrible energy fluctuation exudes a strong breath. Instead of turning back, he folded his right leg and kicked it, and bombarded out in the direction of the Lord of the Nether with a twisted white and golden brilliance.

While his right foot kicked out, a thick incandescent glow also burst out from his right foot and turned into a condensed light mass.

At the same time, Zhou Weiqing pulled Tianer's delicate body and threw her out.

After practicing for such a long time, their hearts are connected. There is no need for Zhou Weiqing to say more at all. Tian'er also knows what he should do. A chain of sacred energy swept across Zhou Weiqing's waist, connecting their bodies, and she flew directly out dozens of meters. In this way, we can assist Zhou Weiqing as much as possible without affecting his close combat.

Zhou Weiqing kicked out with his right foot, his body circled, and the Gemini Hercules hammer went straight to the Lord of the Nether with terrible power.

Seeing the incandescent ball kicked by Zhou Weiqing's right foot, the Lord of the Underworld was also surprised. He did not expect that Zhou Weiqing could release such a pure holy power without the help of the mythical beasts.

What he doesn't know is that with the maintenance of the magic array before, Zhou Weiqing has a new understanding of the holy power. Although there is no help from the mythical beasts now, the combination of the holy power between him and Tian'er can also purify the holy power.

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing has completely put life and death aside. When he came to this underworld space, he never thought that he could go out alive. What he wants to do now is to weaken the Lord of the Nether as much as possible, and even hit him to the extent that he can never be recovered. Only in this way can he not waste the seal he led before. Zhou Weiqing also believes that although the possibility mentioned by the Lord of the Underworld exists, the strong outside led by the Elf Queen will also find a way to continue to maintain the magic array. There is no pure holy power, but the semi-sacred power still exists. The cultivation of the Lord of the Underworld has been weakened to the extent of his eyes, and it cannot be restored. How can he break through the seal? Now in his battle with the Lord of the Nether, every time he consumes the original energy of the Lord of the Nether, the Lord of the Nether will be severely destroyed further.

After making such a determination, how could Zhou Weiqing be half cowardly in the face of the Lord of the Netherworld?

There was no weapon on the hands of the Lord of the Underworld. Seeing the incandescent ball of light bombardment, his right hand poked out like lightning and grabbed the incandescent ball of light.

With the hissing sound, the incandescent ball was forcibly extinguished by him. However, at the moment when the photosphere burst, a roar sounded from the Lord of the Netherworld, and his body shook.

Then, Zhou Weiqing's hammer arrived, and the eight long legs behind the Lord of the Underworld pushed forward. At the same time, he stabbed on the huge hammer head, making a crisp sound. The terrible energy fluctuation also broke out at this time. Zhou Weiqing suddenly found that he had a feeling that he could not use the power. The power of the Lord of the Underworld was used from eight directions, and the powerful power of destruction pierced into his Gemini Hercules hammer like eight sharp needles, and suddenly detwitted most of the With a soft bang, Zhou Weiqing had to pull back and exit dozens of meters away.

At the same time, a layer of distorted light appeared in front of Zhou Weiqing, blocking the eight destructive energies shot from the eight long legs one after another. As soon as all the destruction energy touches this layer of distorted light, it will immediately disperse. None of them can fall on Zhou Weiqing. It is the skill of space-time chaos.

The Lord of the Underworld was blown up before, because the light ball kicked by Zhou Weiqing with his right foot was the holy power version of the dark demon evil god thunder. Simulate three kinds of energy mixed with holy power to produce an explosion. Even the Lord of the Underworld was fooled and suffered a small loss.

After a short collision and contact, Zhou Weiqing's heart was cold, and the cultivation shown by the Lord of the Underworld is much stronger than the strongest moment of burning the sky before. Although it is not a natural change, the purity of the power to destroy the origin is far greater than its own holy power. It is almost impossible to defeat him. RO