tian zong dao yan

Chapter 17 `Holy Hand`Han Fei

"What's the matter, third uncle?" Hearing Qin Yi's exclamation, Qin Long couldn't help asking.

Everyone, including Xu Lang, looked at Qin Yi.

"The ice is still in the mountains!" Qin Yi's face turned pale.

Qin Bing's strength is not weak, and ordinary beasts are no match for him. Qin Yi has always been very assured that he cultivates alone. But now he is afraid. A "King of Shu" has to send three disciples to chase and kill Jiangyang thieves. What should Qin Bing do if he meets him? Qin Yi will not confidently think that Qin Bing can escape from such a figure.

"What, Qin Bing is in it?" Qin Long was shocked. Naturally, he didn't know that Qin Bing was practicing in Wanliping, but now he was shocked when he heard it.

"Who is Qin Bing?" The beautiful man frowned when he heard the words.

"He is my third uncle's son." Qin Long said in a hurry.

"Oh..." The man nodded and didn't say anything, but said to the two people beside him, "Two brothers, follow me quickly, maybe I can stop him."

"Yes, brother!" Xu Lang and another man nodded.

As soon as the three people moved, they turned into three dark shadows and ran to the thousands of miles behind Qinjiazhuang. It was not convenient to walk there, so they had to walk in.

"What a fast speed!" Looking at the three people who jumped out of several feet in the blink of an eye, everyone outside Qinjiazhuang was secretly surprised.

"Xiaolong, follow up and have a look. I hope Binger is safe." Qin Yi said with a worried face.

"Yes, third uncle, I'll go right away." Qin Long nodded quickly and said to the more than 20 soldiers behind him, "Mar then get off the horse and follow me into Wanliping."

"Yes, my lord." The soldiers responded. Under the leadership of Qin Long, the group followed Xu Lang and the three of them into Wanliping.

Looking at the people who left and looking at Qin Yi with an anxious face, Qin Zheng hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Wanliping is so big that it's not easy to meet a person in the deep mountains. Xiaobing will be fine."

"Big brother is right. Xiaobing will be fine." Qin Wu, who was beside him, also said so.

"I hope so." Having said this, Qin Yi is still very worried. He is not afraid of ten thousand just in case. What if he really meets Jiang Yang thieves?


Xu Lang and the three of them galloped for a while and then came to the mountains of thousands of miles.

"Brother, what do you think would happen if that child really met the 'sacred hand' Han Fei?" The man with a simple knife, who had rarely spoken, asked the beautiful man beside him.

"What else!" The beautiful man said angrily.

Han Fei, the holy hand, was not the holy hand of Qin Bing in his previous life. Originally, Han Fei was just a scholar, but somehow failed in the exam. If he had won the exam, he still had the opportunity to be a civil official in the court. Although he was not as good as a martial artist, it was not wrong. Knowing that he failed the exam, not only did his fiancee run away, but his family's property was also robbed by several uncles, and finally ended up begging. Perhaps it was pitiful that Han Fei actually got the inheritance of a thief. In a few years, he not only became a weak kung fu, but also the ability to steal things was even more terrible.

The runaway fiancee and several uncles were killed by him overnight. Later, he ran around to commit crimes. Every time he stole the previous things of the master's house, he had to leave a "bloody hand", so the whole martial arts called him "left hand", and his kung fu was in his hand. Later, Gradually called it the "Holy Hand".

It's murderous. I don't know how much blood has been stained in my hands for so many years. If someone falls into his hands, the result is needless to say that it is very lucky to fall a whole body. It is impossible to be torn into several pieces.


In the woods, Qin Bing is now holding a huge stone lock to practice. The cultivation of "King Kong is not bad magic power" is also more and more painful in the third layer, especially the cultivation of the inner part. He has been practicing the third layer for nearly a year, and it is only a small achievement.

Sweat kept dripping from his forehead, but Qin Bing did not mean to stop. The usual heavy and weight-bearing training also helped the third level of practice. Today, Qin Bing weighs 300 catties, and the raised stone lock weighs 1,500 catties. This kind of training can make Qin Bing feel the limit of his body. Fortunately, he is bearing the Shaolin Three Classics. If others practice like him, they can't say that "King Kong is not bad magic power" has not been practiced, but they will practice themselves to death.

Every time he trains heavy objects, Qin Bing will run the "King Kong is not bad magic power". Although this kind of pain is not small, the effect is also quite great, which is much better than using true qi alone to nourish his inner body.


Putting down the stone lock on his body, Qin Bing hurriedly sat down cross-legged and quickly operated the "Yijinjing" mental method, because when he was practicing, he found that when he reached the limit, the speed of practicing the Shaolin Sanjing was far faster than usual. Therefore, Qin Bing was practicing after using up his strength every time. Such an effect Bigger.

Calm down, the true qi in the body operates according to the sixth layer of the mind method of Yijinjing, and Zhang Yu's physical fatigue also disappears quickly.

However, Qin Bing returned to its peak with half-pillar incense, but he did not stop the operation of true qi in his body, but continued to practice, because this was the best time to practice.


"Hmm!" Suddenly, Qin Bing's ears, which closed his eyes, moved slightly.

There was a slight sound of breaking air not far away, and the sound was rushing towards his side.

"Someone came, and he is still a master!" Qin Bing hurriedly stopped the operation of true qi in his body and suddenly opened his eyes.

The next moment, a figure appeared not far from Qin Bing, but a thin middle-aged man in his forties with a burden on his back.

"Kid, it's your fault that you see something you shouldn't see!" This man was Han Fei, who was chased and killed by Xu Lang and others along the way. He was extremely annoyed. Now when he saw Qin Bing, his belly of nameless fire suddenly appeared.


Just as Qin Bing was still guessing who the sudden guy was, the middle-aged man did it directly at this time. His body moved like lightning. In a flash, he had already arrived in front of Qin Bing and turned his hand and bombarded Qin Bing's chest.

Han Fei's palm seemed ordinary, but the palm showed the power contained in this palm.


Qin Bing, who had just come to his senses, didn't have time to think. His palm was imprinted on his chest. Before taking him to react, his whole body flew back a few meters and hit the ground heavily.

"Kid, if someone hadn't chased me behind me, how could I have made such a discount for you?" Looking at Qin Bing hitting the ground, Han Fei snorted coldly, and the anger in his heart seemed to dissipate a lot at this moment. He immediately turned around and walked to the depths of thousands of miles.

"Damn it, you sneaked on me, you old bastard." At this moment, there was an angry curse behind Han Fei.

Qin Bing was also very angry this time. He practiced well here. Suddenly, a person came and disturbed him. Before he could speak, the middle-aged man actually killed him directly, as if it was not that he disturbed Qin Bing, but Qin Bing disturbed him. Qin Bing, who had always admitted that he had a good temper, was also angry and scolded him when he got up.

"Are you all right?" Han Fei heard the scolding behind him and quickly turned around, but saw the teenager who had just been slapped by him. At this moment, he actually got up. Not only that, looking at the vigor, he didn't seem to be hurt at all. Although Han Fei just hit him casually, but he also attacked angrily. Under one palm, an adult man also died again. The teenager was not injured at all, which made him wonder whether he had used a little less strength just now.

"Idiot!" Qin Bing snorted coldly. Although Han Fei's palm strength was good just now, the "King Kong is not bad magic power" has already been cultivated to the third layer. He is already covered with steel and iron bones, and his body is armor made of 300 catties of iron blocks, and he has not been hurt at all.

"Kid, I didn't kill you just now. This time I'm going to make your life worse than death!" Han Fei smiled ferociously, and immediately hit Qin Bing again. His palms kept patting out. Suddenly, the shadows of his palms formed an impenetrable wall and rushed to Qin Bing.

"Come back!" With a sneer in his heart, Qin Bing stepped on the snow and unfolded in an instant. His body flashed, dodged Han Fei's attack.

"Oh!" Seeing Qin Bing dodging his attack, Han Fei's face couldn't help changing slightly, and a surprised look flashed in his eyes.

You should know that Han Fei's kung fu is on these hands, and the kung fu in his hands is extremely good. Even some people with similar strength dare not resist him head-on, and the teenager in front of him is only ten years old actually dodged his attack, which surprised him.

"Who the hell are you?" Han Fei was not in a hurry to take action, but asked Qin Bing in front of him.

"If you hit it, why do you talk so much nonsense!" Qin Bing snorted coldly that this guy would take action as soon as he saw him. If his strength hadn't been bad, he would have been beaten to death by him. Now when he sees that he is not easy to deal with, he wants to leave. How can there be such an easy thing in the world?

"Little son of a bitch, I'm not bold and young. Do you know who I am?" Han Fei was not in a hurry to take action. He also saw that it would take a lot of effort to kill the teenager, but there were pursuers behind him, which was extremely unfavorable to him after dragging him for too long.

"Who are you?" Qin Bing couldn't help but be curious. After living in Qinjiazhuang for six years, it was the first time he had seen such a strong person. Even if this person's strength was in his previous life, he may be regarded as the peak of a second-rate master.

"Have you heard of the name of my 'sacred hand' Han Fei?" Han Fei smiled faintly, as if his reputation was quite good.

"Han Fei..." Qin Bing frowned and seemed to be thinking hard. Suddenly, his face changed, as if he remembered something, and hurriedly said, "But the 'sacred hand' Han Fei in Tongzhou City specializes in treating animals?"

"There is also a... boy in Tongzhou, you want to die!" Han Fei couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the words. He immediately looked at the smiling look on Qin Bing's face, and immediately realized that the other party was playing himself, and he couldn't help but be furious.