tian zong dao yan

Chapter 39 The Peak of the Day

Cold and summer are easy, spring and autumn pass by, and time flies. In a blink of an eye, it is the third year for Qin Bing to enter the wilderness.

In the past three years, relying on the elixir found by Xiaobai and Qin Bing's own efforts, his cultivation has also progressed rapidly. Even if he has the existence of "King Kong's not bad magic power", a big man who consumes true energy, he is still cultivating to the peak of the day after tomorrow.

The battle with Xiaobai and other barbarian beasts not only enriches Qin Bing's actual combat experience, but also makes rapid progress in the cultivation of "King Kong's not bad magic skills". However, this strong skill is indeed difficult. Even if Qin Bing has a strong talent and tens of thousands of years of gentle and countless elixirs, it takes three years to practice. Refined to Xiaocheng. Although it is only Xiaocheng, Xiaocheng, the fourth layer of "King Kong's not bad magic power", is extremely strong. His physical defense does not even have to be bad, and his own strength is almost horrible.

Even if he does not rely on the explosive power of Zhenqi and simply relies on physical strength, Qin Bing can easily compete with ordinary acquired warriors. Qin Bing is also quite satisfied with the results of such cultivation.

There is "King Kong is not bad magic power" outside, and there are the Three Classics of Shaolin. Qin Bing's strength is better than three years ago. Now, as long as the time comes, he can easily break through the innate.

However, Qin Bing is not in a hurry to break through the congenital. After all, any skill is the most important foundation. This impatience makes Qin Bing understand more than ordinary martial artists.


Qin Bing, who sat on the ground, exhaled a turbid breath and slowly opened his eyes. The calm look is the same as his temperament, giving people a feeling that is impenetrable.

If there is a congenital master beside you, you will definitely be surprised, because this feeling is clearly to return to nature and understand the natural situation of heaven and earth. It should be noted that such a situation generally only occurs in the congenital strong. The acquired breakthrough is to feel nature, and after the breakthrough of the congenital, further understanding will naturally return to nature.

However, such a situation now appears on an acquired martial artist, which is indeed a little incredible. Even Qin Bing is extremely surprised by his own changes. In his previous life, he had cultivated to the realm of martial arts and had his own understanding of nature, but that life was different from this life, and the perception of the two generations was naturally different. Combined with the perception of the two generations, Qin Bing's understanding of nature did not even have to be bad. This is why he, who is still at the peak of the day after tomorrow, can have a sense of nature that many innate strong people have never had.

After all, no one has the experience of Qin Bing and can have the soul of two generations! Experience of two generations!

"Xiao Bai!" He shouted in the dense forest, and a white figure quickly rushed out and came to Qin Bing in the blink of an eye.

In more than two years, Xiaobai's body has not changed, and it is still the same size as two years ago, which once made Qin Bing doubt whether this little guy would not grow up. In the past two years, Xiaobai's strength has not changed much. It is still the peak of the day, but the battle is not bad compared with Qin Bing now. You know, he is several times better than two years ago. Isn't it that Xiaobai's strength has also increased several times? But even so, Xiaobai is still the peak of the day after tomorrow. To be precise, it is the acquired limit. With only one chance, Xiaobai can immediately become a congenital beast, but such an opportunity is extremely rare.


The little white tiger opened its mouth and roared at Qin Bing. The next moment, its body became stronger than Qin Bing.

Looking at Xiaobai, who turned into a giant tiger, Qin Bing smiled, turned over and patted Xiaobai on the back, and the two disappeared from the same place in an instant.

"The Chen family in Tongzhou has been dormant for two years. Do they really intend to stay dormant all the time?" Qin Bing also paid great attention to the news of the Chen family in Tongzhou, and even specially notified Du Tianhao to help pay attention to it.

However, what disappointed him was that since the sudden silence of the Chen family two years ago, there has been no rumor at all. The Chen family, one of the best in Tongzhou City in those years, seemed to disappear and was completely silent!

The more so, Qin Bing became more vigilant about the Chen family and could make the arrogant Chen family so silent. What they wanted was absolutely not small!

As for the Wang family in Yizhou, Qin Bing also learned something through Du Tianhao. In addition to the Liu family, the Wang family is the most powerful family in the whole Shu country. Although this family does not have an innate strong man, even if the king of Shu sees it, he still has to give in three points of courtesy. In fact, this family has a great impression in all aspects of Shu and can completely compete with the Liu family!

What is more shocking is the eldest son of the Wang family, who is also a martial arts genius and is said to be the most rebellious figure among the young generation of Shu. Du Tianhao's evaluation of this person actually surpassed Qin Bing. However, this person did not enter the Shu Wangzong, but went to a medium-sized dynasty to worship. Even Du Tianhao does not know what his strength has reached now. After all, Tongzhou is still not close to Yizhou, and the forces of General Zhendong have not been able to easily penetrate Yizhou!

"If I guess correctly, this Wang family should be the * of the Chen family. The Wang family's plan is not small, and the Chen family will never be silent for long!" Although he doesn't know much about the Wang family, Qin Bing also has some speculation about the elixir from the Wang family.

At noon, in the wilderness, the cooking smoke curled up, and most of the warriors who entered the wilderness began to prepare lunch.

In the weeds, a fat hare was jumping back and forth, looking for delicious tender grass, and a black spot shot in the air at this moment.


With the black click of the hare, a soft sound accompanied the hare falling down.

"There is something to eat at noon today." Looking at the wild rabbit, Qin Bing couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth, and his figure flashed towards the hare.

"Oh, there are other warriors here?" As soon as he picked up the hare, Qin Bing felt a soft voice not far away.

In the past two months, Qin Bing has been realizing nature and has found a quiet place. Normally, there is no place that warriors are willing to go, so he has not seen other warriors in more than two months. Today, when he came out to hunt, he unexpectedly met other warriors. It happened that Qin Bing also wanted to know how the barbarians were doing recently. He rushed to the place where the voice came from.

"Brother, there is something!" Outside the weed, an old man looked at the shaking weeds and immediately shouted. The bow and arrow in his hand had been put on. A moment later, a black light shot out of the man's hand.

"Lao Wu, don't be so anxious. You can't even see your prey now. Don't shoot randomly!" Looking at the man beside him, he shot an arrow, and a strong man in his forties beside him, he couldn't help frowning.

"Is it a person?" The next moment, a man nearly seven feet tall appeared in their eyes next to the weeds. Looking at the young teenager opposite him, the middle-aged man in his forties felt that he could not see through the teenager and couldn't help staring at the man in his twenties beside him.

"I'm sorry, little brother. My brother has just come to the wilderness and doesn't know much about many of the rules. If there is anything offensive, please forgive me!" The middle-aged man bowed his hand apologetically to the teenager holding the arrow by the weeds.

The man holding the arrow was Qin Bing, who swept out of the weeds with the hare. Just as he was about to get out of the weeds, a black light shot at him. Fortunately, the black light was not very powerful and was intercepted by him. Now seeing that the other party was just an arrow accidentally shot, Qin Bing smiled and didn't care, and threw away the arrow in his hand.

"Are you two coming from Tongzhou?" Looking at the two people opposite, Qin Bing asked.

The leading middle-aged man shook his head and said with a smile, "We are from the State of Qi."

Qi is a country in the southeast of Shu. This country is also a small dynasty, but this country is not bordered by the barbarians. If you want to enter the barbarians, you must take advantage of Shu.

Hearing that the two came from the State of Qi, Qin Bing couldn't help but be a little disappointed. These warriors only passed through Tongzhou to get some feeds. They would not stay in Tongzhou for a long time, and it was impossible to know many things about Tongzhou. If you want to inquire about the long-term dormant family, it is obvious that the two of them can't know too much.

The middle-aged man also felt Qin Bing's disappointment, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes. Finally, he said, "I heard Xiaoyou's voice. Xiaoyou should be from Tongzhou, right?"

Qin Bing nodded, and he had nothing to hide about this at that time. Tongzhou was almost a place where the southeast countries entered the wilderness, and outsiders were also quite familiar with Tongzhou's accent.

"Are you worried that your relatives and friends in Tongzhou will be poisoned? In fact, it's not necessary." The middle-aged man saw Qin Bing nodding and said with a smile.

"Is there something wrong with Tongzhou?" Hearing this, Qin Bing's face suddenly changed and she was shocked.

"Isn't the little friend for what happened in Tongzhou a month ago?" The middle-aged man was stunned and looked at Qin Bing strangely.

Qin Bing shook her head and said with a wry smile, "To be honest, the boy has been in the wilderness for some time, and he doesn't know much about things outside, so..."

"So that's it!" The middle-aged man nodded as if I knew it. In fact, there are not a few warriors who came to practice in the wilderness. Some big families even directly sent their descendants to practice in the wilderness.

"Month ago, the Chen family, who had been silent for two years, suddenly issued a statement..."

"Wait, do you think the Chen family in Tongzhou is the family that has been silent for two years?" Listening to the middle-aged man's words, Qin Bing couldn't help interrupting him.

"It's this family." The middle-aged man nodded and continued, "The statement claimed that anyone who provoked his Chen family would make amends to the Chen family within three days, which was extremely arrogant and immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of many martial artists. In the past two years, the Chen family has been weak, and naturally no one takes it seriously. But three days later, the three most powerful teams of the martial arts team that offended the Chen family in Tongzhou City were directly killed by the Chen family in Tongzhou. Suddenly, those other warriors no longer dared to underestimate the Chen family, who had been silent for two years!"

"Kill the three most powerful martial arts teams?" Qin Bing raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice.

"Ye." The man nodded and said with a frightened face, "These three teams are very powerful. It is said that there are as many as six first-class masters alone, 40 or 50 people, and the weakest are second-rate masters. Unexpectedly, no one escaped."

"The Chen family finally did it!" As soon as the Chen family, who had been silent for two years, took action, suppressed his voice that Tongzhou dared to oppose by thunder.

If the two brothers of the Chen family have cultivated to the peak of the day after tomorrow, with their strength, killing these people is not a problem. Qin Bing's mind turned sharply. Once the two brothers of the Chen family with seven unique swords reach the peak, they will definitely be comparable to Du Tianhao. Even if they are not as good as Du Tianhao, they will never be too weak. Such a figure is absolutely easy to kill ordinary first-class martial artists!