tian zong dao yan

Chapter 61 Reiki Irrigation

The aura of heaven and earth around Qin Bing also changed dramatically at this moment with the change of his momentum. The aura in the air kept converging, and gradually a whirlpool formed by a white fog appeared above his head.

The changes in the bamboo forest woke up Xiaobai lying on the ground in an instant. After seeing the source of all this turned out to be his master, Xiaobai's eyes also showed a trace of worry.

The aura above Qin Bing's head continued to condense, and a strong pressure dispersed.


Suddenly, a yellow figure flashed, and Huang Kui's figure appeared beside Xiaobai in an instant. Since the old man was closed, it was this congenital beast who took care of this bamboo forest.

Huang Kui, who was also practicing just now, suddenly felt the changes in the bamboo forest. After experiencing a breakthrough, it naturally knew that someone broke through the congenital situation. So I quickly rushed to see what was going on.

"Don't worry, your master is fine." Huang Kui took a look at the worried Xiaobai and whispered, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Hundreds of years ago, it also watched its owner Ling Yun Wusheng break through. Today, its owner has turned into a pile of loess, and the breakthrough of the teenager in front of him evokes a trace of memory from the bottom of his heart.


The aura above Qin Bing's head was still converging, and there was a small explosion in the air. The converged aura suddenly poured in from the top of Qin Bing's head as if it had found an exit.

On the ground, Qin Bing's body shook violently, with a painful look on his face. Although he broke through the congenital experience in his previous life and experienced the pain of Reiki, after all, the aura of the earth was very limited, and the pain he suffered was not as great as it is today. It was also a natural breakthrough, but this time he suffered several times more pain than in his previous life.

"Hear your mind, there must be no deviation at this time!" Feeling the great pain caused by the aura poured into his head, Qin Bing clenched his teeth and persisted.

Breaking through the congenital, Reiki irrigation is a must-go through. The infusion of powerful Reiki is not only to transform the acquired qi in the body into innate Reiki, but also has the effect of washing the marrow. Qin Bing, who had one experience, naturally understood the benefits of Reiki irrigation. If it is a plain waste, it will not only affect her future practice, but may even be injured.

"The longer the Reiki irrigation time, the better the effect. Such an opportunity can only be once. Next time, you can only wait until Wu Sheng. You must stick to it." Reiki is still pouring in, washing Qin Bing's body and meridians. At this moment, his body is already numb, and his consciousness is also a little blurred, and he is still persisting with the wis of will in his heart.

"Damn, it's endless. This aura can't last any fragrance!" Huang Kui looked at Qin Bing in the aura and couldn't help but be shocked. Naturally, he knew that the longer the Reiki was injected into the body, the better it would be for the body. However, he has never heard of which martial artist can continue to pour incense.

It should be noted that because of their physical strength, the time for barbarian beasts to break through the innate receipt of Reiki infusion is much longer than human beings, but even so, the barbarian beasts that can continue to maintain a ray of incense when breaking through the innate is extremely rare, and only those barbarian beasts with special blood are possible. Huang Kui lasted less than a ray of incense in those years. Although he did not, he was also very close, which has always been a very good thing for him.

But today, he found that he was not very optimistic about a human being, and he had lasted for a long time in the reiki irrigation than him. You should know that the time when his master, Ling Yunwusheng, broke through the innate and received aura infusion, was just a cup of tea.

The length of time to receive Reiki irrigation is not only a great help for future practice, but also a standard for qualification evaluation. At the beginning, Ling Yun was favored by mysterious old people for this reason and had the opportunity to break through the god of war and achieve endless longevity. However, he hurt his foundation and couldn't make progress for the rest of his life. Finally, he had to leave with regret.

The aura in the air is still converging and injecting into Qin Bing's body.

"No..." Man always has a limit. The time and intensity of Reiki filling were far beyond Qin Bing's expectations. In the end, his consciousness could no longer support it and fainted.

However, the aura in the air did not stop because of Qin Bing's coma, and it was still pouring in and washing Qin Bing's body.

"No, that's okay..." Huang Kui was really dumbfounded this time. Qin Bing's acceptance of such a long aura infusion had already surprised him. However, when he saw Qin Bing unconscious and his aura was still constantly washing his marrow, Huang Kui finally couldn't help swearing. The whole lion was completely dumbfounded.

Unlike Huang Kuina's shocked face, Xiaobai's eyes are full of worry at this moment. Naturally, he feels that Qin Bing in the aura is in a coma at this moment. If it continues to be filled by the aura, he must face great danger. But Reiki irrigation is also a huge opportunity. Once Qin Bing persists in the past, his future achievements will be unlimited!

Just when Xiaobai was thinking about whether to stop all this, the aura in the air stopped converging at this moment and began to dissipate slowly. The aura that made the two beasts tremble were finally stopped after nearly one and a half incense.


The crazy aura had just begun to dissipate, and the nervous Xiaobai jumped at Qin Bing the next moment. Just as Xiaobai was about to touch Qin Bing's body, a huge yellow claw stood in front of it.


Xiaobai looked at Huang Kui, who was standing beside him, roared, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"It's better not to disturb him now. The martial arts can withstand such a time. His future achievements are immeasurable. It's not a good thing for him to disturb him now." Huang Kui was surprisingly not unhappy at all, but whispered.

When Xiaobai heard the words, his outstretched claws paused and looked at Qin Bing, who was already unconscious on the ground. His eyes flashed with a few thoughts. He looked at Huang Kui beside him, and finally withdrew his claws and guarded them quietly.

Seeing Xiaobai's action, a trace of appreciation flashed in Huang Kui's eyes. He immediately looked at Qin Bing on the ground and whispered, "Kid, your harvest this time is not small. If you get the master's treasure, if there is a chance in the future, I'm afraid the master's last wish will still need your help!"

After saying that, Huang Kui also went aside to carefully guard Qin Bing.

Suddenly, a very strange scene appeared in the bamboo forest. Two barbarian beasts lay quietly on the ground, and not far from them was a comatose teenager.


Time passed, and it was not until dusk that Qin Bing, who was in a coma, regained consciousness.

The first thing Qin Bing, who recovered from consciousness, was to check his body. After he fell into a coma, he didn't know anything. God knew how long the horrible aura irrigation lasted. If you are directly bombarded by the aura, I'm afraid I will be the first person to die by the great opportunity!

"It's okay, I'm fine." After a careful examination, Qin Bing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

My body is not only nothing, but also surprisingly good. My body is stronger than my previous life.

"It seems that my decision to choose to practice the Shaolin Three Classics and King Kong's immortal magic skills is right. Such a powerful body and the concentration of true qi are definitely much better than those who have just broken through the innate martial arts!" Comparing his current situation with his previous life, Qin Bing became more and more happy.

"Kid, you finally woke up." Just as Qin Bing was happy, Huang Kui next to him came to him and smiled.

"I have been guarding the younger generation for such a long time." Before Qin Bing was in a coma, he sensed the arrival of Huang Kui, but at that time, he was at a critical moment in the aura tank and could not be distracted. At this moment, Huang Kui came and couldn't help but be grateful.

"It's just a little thing, but it's you. It's really rare for the world to have such aura irrigation time." Huang Kui shook the huge lion's head and sighed.

"Let the seniors laugh. Such a long time of Reiki infusion also jumped the younger generation. Fortunately, he did not explode himself, otherwise the younger generation may become the first person to die of Reiki infusion." Qin Bing said with a wry smile that the previous Reiki infusion body made him jump. At this time, he thought that he was afraid of the intensity and time.

"You can rest assured that no one has died because of Reiki." Huang Kui shook his head and continued, "Your little tiger was very worried just now. Now that you are fine, I will leave first."

When Qin Bing heard the words, she couldn't help looking at Xiaobai, who was acting coquettish beside her. She felt a little guilty and touched Xiaobai's head.

Looking at the intimate Qin Bing and Xiaobai, a trace of confusion flashed in Huang Kui's eyes, and his body turned into a yellow figure and disappeared from the bamboo forest.

"Xiao Bai, I'm worried you." Qin Bing said with an apologetic face.


When Xiaobai heard the words, he roared with tears, and his head kept arching Qin Bing's hand back and forth.

"Let's catch the pheasant and make a big dinner?" After touching Xiaobai for a while, Xiaobai was much calmer. Qin Bing, who had not eaten for a day, also felt a little hungry and couldn't help saying.


Xiaobai suddenly roared excitedly.

"You greedy." Looking at Xiaobai, who was still so greedy, Qin Bing smiled softly, and one tiger instantly turned into two shadows and disappeared into the bamboo forest.

"If the master is still alive, maybe we will be as happy as them!" After Qin Bing and Xiaobai's bodies disappeared, not far from the bamboo forest, Huang Kui's huge but somewhat lonely figure slowly walked out and sighed.

"Wu, one day I will let you bury me as my master!" The next moment, a sharp murder flashed in Huang Kui's eyes, and he said coldly.

The sound was so low that only he could hear it. As soon as he blurted out, it passed away with the wind, mixed with the rustling sound in the bamboo forest.