tian zong dao yan

Chapter 20 The Arrival of Jianzong


Shu Wangzong, in a quiet courtyard, Qin Bing is skillfully practicing Tianmoquan and soul search fingers. In every move, Qin Bing strives to be the best, and the roaring sound in the air is unconscious.

Not far from him, Xiaobai lay quietly on the ground, not looking up at Qin Bing, who was practicing.

Today is the second day after Qin Bing came to Shu Wangzong. Yesterday, Liu Xuan arranged him in this quiet courtyard. These courtyards were originally inhabited by the elders of Shu Wangzong, but at this time they were temporarily used as temporary residences for the allies of Shu Wangzong who came from various places.

However, even if they are all allies of Shu Wangzong, there are also superiors and inferiors. Innate warriors such as Qin Bing have no other family, and he enjoys even better treatment than Du Tianhao and others. This is the gap in strength. No one gossips and wants to get the corresponding respect and show your strength!

"Brother Qin is still practicing." Just as Qin Bing was concentrateing on boxing, Liu Xie and Xu Lang walked into his courtyard.

"Brother Liu!" Qin Bing stopped his fist, wiped the sweat on his forehead, picked up the water on the stone table and poured a few mouthfuls.

"Brother Qin really works hard. No wonder he can practice until he is innate at such an age." Liu Xie looked at Qin Bing's sweaty clothes and couldn't help sighing.

Qin Bing's efforts are in his eyes, and he is no worse than the most hard-working disciples of Shu Wangzong. No wonder he can make today's achievements.

"I have been used to it over the years, and practicing can also deepen my understanding of boxing." Qin Bing smiled and immediately said, "Brother Liu came this time, but what's the matter?"

Liu Xie nodded solemnly and said in a low voice, "Compared with Brother Qin, he has noticed that yesterday afternoon, many alliance forces have come this afternoon. My father decided to hold a meeting tonight to study how to deal with the alliance of the Wang family."

Qin Bing did feel that there were more and more warriors who came to Shu Wangzong for many days, most of whom were the peak warriors of the day, with dozens of people. So many acquired peak warriors were definitely not made up by any family in the State of Shu, but by the combination of countless family forces.

Many of these forces have not communicated with each other at all before, and even some of them are hostile, but because of the struggle between the Liu Wang family, they chose to stand on the side of the Liu family. It is absolutely necessary to discuss these warriors to form a combative group instead of a scattered alliance.

"I will definitely go there then." Qin Bing solemnly said that since he had chosen the Liu family, he would naturally not flinch.

"Brother Qin, there is one more thing." Liu Xie took a four-sided look and saw that there was no one around him. He leaned over and whispered in Qin Bing's ear, "My father hopes not to expose your real strength before fighting with the Wang family. Other fathers have given strict orders."

Qin Bing was slightly stunned when he heard the words. Even if he understood what Liu Xuan was thinking, he nodded to ensure the concealment of his strength. When he fought together, he would definitely be able to surprise the Wang family.

"It seems that the struggle between the Liu and Wang families is about to begin." Looking at Liu Xie and the three who left, Qin Bing sighed. Even if he continues to practice his boxing skills.

In the evening, Liu Xie, Du Tianhao and others came to Qin Bing's courtyard and invited him to attend the evening meeting together.

The meeting was held in the main hall of the King of Shu. There are more than 20 family forces in the alliance with the King of Shu. Among them, at least one martial artist at the peak of the day came, and the most came four martial artists came. The group successively entered the main hall one after another.

Liu Xuan, the king of Shu, and the elders of Shu Wangzong have long been waiting in it.

Seeing that everyone was almost here, Liu Xuan slowly stood up and pressed his palm empty. Suddenly, the hall was silent. "First of all, I would like to thank all the families and forces for their support and sending such a strong team to support our Shu Wangzong."

"King Shu is polite."

"The suzerain is so angry."

In the hall, as soon as Liu Xuan's words fell, the voices of the warriors changed one after another.

When the hall was quiet again, Liu Xuan continued, "Although everyone has come, as the saying goes, no rules will make a circle. Many of the people present are unswate warriors, and even some families have grievances, but everyone came here to help our Shu Wangzong. In order not to let everyone be too unorganized during the battle, I decided to choose four commanders among the warriors present.

As soon as Liu Xuan's words came out, it exploded among the warriors. Some old people nodded, and there were also some warriors including their own hostile forces, which was worried. The battle between the two families of Liu Wang will definitely kill people. If you get the position of leadership by your hostile forces, there is any danger to send yourself up, and then you will not rush or not.

"The suzerain is a good idea."

"What if we are told to rush forward if we know we will die?"

"Luo Wanping, the head of the Luo family, can be the leader."

There are echoes, objections, and even directly elected leaders. In a word, most martial artists still agree with Liu Xuan's proposal. After all, everyone joined Shu Wangzong, but gambled on the future fate of the whole family. Once Shu Wangzong was defeated, the family would be over. As long as it is beneficial to the alliance, most warriors can still accept it.

The noise in the hall lasted for a while before it quieted down.

"Since most families and forces have no objection to this matter, then we will elect four leaders." Liu Xuan saw that there were only a few martial artists who had objections, and he was also relieved. He continued, "The first leader is the direction of Shudong. What I mean is that Du Tianhao is the leader. I don't know who has any objection to the family and forces in Shudong?"

The four commanders are divided according to the four directions located in the State of Shu, which also avoids the situation of being too far apart and not knowing each other. After all, even if you haven't seen a real person in one direction, most of them have heard of this person, and there are fewer gaps in cooperation.

In the noise in the hall, after nearly an hour of repeated deliberation, the four commanders were also elected. They are Du Tianhao, Luo Wanping, Shen Xu and Xu Huan. Du Tianhao himself is the leader of Zhendong, and his strength and power have not been questioned. Luo Wanping is Luo Ping's father and the head of the Luo family. Although the Luo family is not as famous as the Liu Wang family and is famous for business, its heritage is not bad, and its popularity is even better. As for Shen Xu and Xu Huan, Qin Bing has never heard of them. These two masters are two families in Shuxi and Shubei respectively.

"Now that the four commanders have been elected, as soon as the battle begins, the warriors must obey their orders. If there is any violation, there will be no mercy!" Liu Xuan glanced at the warriors present and said in a low voice.

"Yes!" All the warriors nodded.

This competition is not only Shu Wangzong, but also related to their life and death. If Shu Wangzong is defeated on the battlefield, they will naturally be cleaned up by the Wang family. If Shu Wangzong wins, they will also have a hard time. These warriors are all from families or big forces, and there is a family or power behind them. To understand this truth, they also understand that even if they die in battle, as long as Shu Wangzong wins in the future, they will never treat their family badly. If you resist the order, it will be the whole family involved.

The evening meeting is over here, and there is no communication or planned arrangement. The four commanders and Qin Bing were left.

In the secret room of Shu Wangzong.

In the secret room, Liu Xuan and five people sat at the stone table.

"This time, our Shu Wangzong intends to uproot all the forces of the Wang family after the arrival of Jianzong. This action depends on the four warriors who restrain their subordinates." Liu Xuan looked at several people and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, we will live up to our mission!" Four people responded with a roar.

Among these four leaders, except for Du Tianhao and Shu Wangzong, which are real cooperative relations, the other three families have been allies of the Liu family for hundreds of years. The loyalty of the Liu family is loyal to everything on the side of the Liu family.

"In this way, I am much more relieved. When it comes to action, I will arrange tasks for you." Liu Xuan nodded with relief.

Qin Bing and the five people nodded. Although there are so many forces in the alliance of King Shu now, there may not be no spies sent by the Wang family. At this time, the plan must not be leaked.

"Qin Xiaoyou, at that time, you will attack as a strange soldier and kill the Wang family unprepared. If possible, your beast will also take it with you." Liu Xuan turned his head to Qin Bing.

"I understand!" Qin Bing nodded. There is no doubt about Xiaobai's speed and strength. Even if Qin Bing does not use spiritual weapons now, it is difficult to hurt it.


The next day, in the afternoon, a pair of yellow-shirted sword warriors suddenly appeared in Yizhou City, with a long sword embroidered on their yellow shirts. But all the warriors of Shu know that this group of people are the people of the Sword Sect, led by Wang Ming, the suzerain of the Sword Sect.

For this action, Jianzong also made a hard time. In a short period of time, relying on the savings of the clan, he abruptly promoted several excellent junior disciples to the acquired realm. After several previous battles, the number of acquired warriors of the Jianzong was seriously insufficient. Even in the alliance with the royal family, they are in a very unfavorable situation.

"Brother, the Wang family is in front of you!" Wang Tong turned around and said to Wang Ming.

"Hmm!" Wang Ming nodded gently. This time, a total of three Jianzong came to the peak of the day after tomorrow, and almost all the people of Jianzong were pulled out. For the sake of the battle between Liu Wang's two families, Jianzong blocked everything.

"Brother, we got the information a few days ago that Wang Jun, the eldest son of the Wang family, and his uncle have arrived home. Now the three innate masters of the Wang family, there is not much suspense in this battle. As long as we win, Jianzong will still have a chance to rise!" Wang Tong said excitedly that the reason why Jianzong was willing to block everything had nothing to do with the arrival of Wang Jun and his uncle, two innate warriors.

"I hope so." Wang Ming looked at the direction of Shu Wangzong outside the city and sighed. The closer he was to Yizhou, the more uneasy he became. Originally, the strength of the Wang family should have been stable to win or lose, but he was still a little worried. Worried about the failure of the Wang family, Jianzong's centuries-old foundation was buried in his hands.