tian zong dao yan

Chapter 36 One-on-Three

"Blood River Map, start!" The next moment, the man in red robe shouted loudly, and a strong suction suddenly gushed out of the golden scroll. At the same time, on the ground, the practitioners of the blood hidden door also felt a strong suction at this moment. They did not make much resistance to this. With the suction in the golden scroll, they were also sucked into the air for the first time, turning into bloody shadows and shooting into the golden scroll.

"This~" The man in blue looked at this scene, his face suddenly changed and he said angrily, "This guy is simply bluffing. He wants to take the opportunity to save those practitioners of the blood hidden door!"

The other two looked extremely ugly. Recalling that they had sacrificed the other party's blood river map before, they quickly retreated, and their faces turned red.

"No wonder the blood river map in this guy's hand only has such power. It should be just an imitation, and there is no full power of the blood river map at all." The elegant man's face darkened and he said angrily.

"I want to go, but it's not that easy!" The man in blue sneered and moved forward hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye. He came to the bloodsha, and the two people beside him also followed quickly.

"What is the golden picture scroll in the hands of the blood hermit monk? Is it the same as the storage bag?" Looking at the man in red in the moon sky, Qin Bing frowned and muttered.

And the martial artists of the three dynasties beside him also looked not very good. Everyone rushed in to deal with the practitioners of the Blood Hidden Gate, but at this moment, the practitioners of the Blood Hidden Gate were all taken away by the blood, and everyone naturally had no opponents.

Unlike Qin Bing and others, Wu Laomo and others looked at the red-robed figure in the moon sky, but they frowned. Obviously, the golden picture that can take away the living is not ordinary.

"Blood, don't think you can leave if you put them in the blood river map. Daqin is not the place where you want to come and leave if you want!" The man in blue suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at the blood in front of him with a cold smile.

"I said, you can't keep me!" Bloody curled his lips and smiled disdainfully.

"Hmm!" The man in green snorted coldly and turned back to the two practitioners around him and said, "You two, today we will join hands to not let this demon escape, otherwise our three dynasties will be attacked by the blood hidden door again."

The elegant man and the burly man looked at each other and nodded solemnly. Immediately, the two shook their bodies and surrounded the man in red robes.

"Death!" The cold light flashed in the eyes of the blue-shirted man, and the white light on his hand suddenly appeared. A long sword suddenly appeared in his hand. Then he waved his right hand, and the white sword instantly shot into the bloodsha with a terrible momentum.

"Well, you dare to show off with this little ability!" Blood sneered disdain, and a red light flashed in his hand, and a blood-colored sword appeared in his hand in an instant. He waved his hand to meet the white light.


A terrible loud noise, the blood-colored sword and the white sword had a violent impact, and just after the loud noise, the white sword flew backwards in an instant.

In this violent collision, the blue-shirted man's face suddenly flushed. Obviously, in the collision just now, he suffered a lot. "This guy's strength is really strong!" His figure flashed, his hand turned over, and the white light that flew back instantly returned to his hand.

And at the same time, the elegant man and the burly man also took action at this time. The elegant man waved the long stick in his hand, and suddenly the shadow of the stick in the sky, mixed with a suffocating horror, rushed to the blood killing.

"Eacon's little skill!" Blood Kill's face was calm, he snorted coldly, and the blood-colored sword in his hand stroked in the void. Suddenly, a huge bloody sword shadow, like a run-runcated wild horse, quickly swept out and hit the stick shadow fiercely.


Suddenly, there were violent sounds from the shadow of the stick, and the shadow of the stick was constantly scattered.

Looking at the scattered stick shadow, the elegant man's face changed slightly and his figure quickly dodged away. The next moment, a bloody sword shadow instantly broke through the stick shadow and swept to his position.

"Bang~" The bloody sword shadow hit the ground fiercely without any obstacle, and bombarded the towering giant tree into powder in the blink of an eye, leaving a big pit of more than ten feet on the ground.

"Sigh~" Looking at the big pit not far away, Qin Bing and others all took a breath. If such an attack falls on them, I'm afraid there will not even be any scum left.

"The practitioners in the Yuanying period are so horrible!" Qin Bing was also secretly surprised. You should know that this bloody sword shadow has been resisted a lot by the stick shadow of the elegant man. I'm afraid it is less powerful than one-tenth of the bloody attack, but even such an attack is still not what these martial saints can resist.

"Open the mountain!" Just as the warriors on the ground were stunned by the aftershocks of the bloodshed, a sudden shout came from the moon sky, and a burly figure suddenly appeared above the head of the bloodshed. The bloody sword in his hand also split in the air without any hesitation, and suddenly a horrible bloody knife came from the top of his head.

"Hmm, it turns out that you are the strongest of the three!" Bloody eyes condensed slightly, feeling the horrible breath contained in the bloody knife light, and did not dare to be too big, and tried his best to stimulate Zhenyuan in his body.

"Blood cracked sky!" The next moment, Xuesha's mouth exploded, and the long sword in his hand suddenly turned into a huge bloody sword light, facing the bloody knife light split in the air.

"Boom~" made a terrible loud noise, and the two figures were blown away in an instant. At the intersection of the sword and knife, a terrible wave-like momentum overflowed towards Thursday from that point. The treetops of the giant tree under the bloodshed were whirped by the raging wind, and countless broken branches flew away.


The rapidly falling red figure shook and stabilized itself in an instant, and the burly figure thrown upwards was also stable after being thrown dozens of feet.

"One-to-three, there is no fall!" Looking at the bloody figure in the air, Qin Bing's face suddenly became solemn. Although there were three Yuanying practitioners on the side of the three dynasties, they did not have any advantage in the previous battle. It's even a little down.

"This bloody martial artist is really strong. He can resist the elder's blow and stabilize his body!" Wu Laomo's face was also extremely solemn. Previously, Bloody seemed to be an even match with the burly man, but in fact, the burly man lost. The attack in the air is far more powerful than the frontal attack, but even such an attack is still under the blood. Obviously, the strength of the blood is stronger than the burly man.

"Wu Kuang, this guy is not easy for the team to deal with!" The green-shirted man and the elegant man also came to the side of the burly man at this moment, looked at the blood below and frowned.

"It's really difficult to deal with. The previous blow seemed to be a draw, but I actually suffered a loss." Wu Kuang nodded solemnly, shook his numb arm, and said coldly.

"We will try our best to delay him. Qin Gang has found someone to invite Elder Xuankong. As long as we delay this guy for a while, he will never escape!" The elegant man also said helplessly. Obviously, the strength of the three of them was not enough to kill the blood. Fortunately, Qin Gang had arranged a backhand.

"Qin Gang, is what Li Xin said true?" Wu Kuang couldn't help but be happy when he heard the words and said quickly.

"Just in case, I did send someone to invite Elder Xuankong. I believe it won't take long for Elder Xuankong to come!" Qin Gang nodded, but there was nothing to hide.

"That's good. It's no problem for the three of us to try our best to hold him back." Wu Kuang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Obviously, in the face of the terrible strength of blood killing, he could only delay the other party's grasp.