tian zong dao yan

Chapter 39 The Mysterious Blood Hidden Door Owner

"Boom~" With the wave of the sword in Xuankong's hand, a terrible sword spirit shot out of the sword in his hand, mixed with bursts of thunder, roaring at the blood.

"Blood cracked sky!" At the moment when Xuankong started, the bloodsha also shot at the same time, and the sword in his hand shot fiercely, instantly turning into a terrible bloody sword spirit stabbing Xuankong.

In the sky, two red and white horrible swords exuded endless pressure and collided fiercely in the surprised eyes of everyone.


A terrible loud noise came from the place of impact. The next moment, the red sword shadow collapsed, and a red shadow was instantly hit by the white sword and hit the cliff a hundred feet away. Suddenly, a big pit emerged, and the gorge wall was also blown out by the huge sword spirit that followed in an instant. Countless rubble, full of smoke and dust.

" hiss~" looked at the huge opening on the cliff, and the warriors on the field couldn't help taking a breath. Xuankong's strength was completely beyond everyone's expectations. The power of a sword not only broke the bloody sword spirit and shot him away, but also left a big opening several feet deep on the cliff. What kind of strength is needed to do this?

"Is the practitioners of the Blood Hidden Gate dead?" Looking at the direction of the cliff, Qin Bing frowned, although the attack of Xuankong was extremely powerful. But there was a feeling in his heart that the practitioners of the blood hidden door did not die!


In the moon sky, the green shirt shook. In the blink of an eye, Xuankong came to the cliff, looked at the huge pit, and said in a low voice, "Blood, come out, I know you're not dead!"

"What? He's not dead yet!" Listening to Xuankong's words, everyone was shocked again. It's incredible that they have not died under such an attack!

"That's true." Qin Bing was not surprised. Previously, there was a faint guess in his heart. Although it was only his intuition, this hazy guess became a fact.


Just as everyone was whispering, a red shadow instantly swept out of the big pit above the cliff, which was the previous blood. It's just that he is obviously not very good at this moment. The bloody robe all over was ragged and stained with blood, as if it were taken out of the blood.

"Xuankong is really awesome. It's not unfair to lose in your hands!" Blood looked at Xuankong and said slowly.

"Your ability is not weak, but it's a pity that you have done a lot of evil over the years. I don't know how many sects have been slaughtered, but today I can't keep you!" Xuankong shook his head and said that he could take his blow, and Xuankong also appreciated this blood in his heart.

I don't know how many people have been killed in order to collect blood soul beads over the years. Just the ghost sword gate and the seven killing gates in this Mingyan dynasty, and the slaughtered warriors are nearly 10,000. Such an act, no wonder Xuankong is so angry.

As soon as Xuankong's words fell, the aura in heaven and earth ran wildly again, converging into aura beams visible to the naked eye, constantly pouring into the sword in his hand.


With the influx of the aura of heaven and earth, a strong pressure suddenly emerged from the ancient sword, and the sword body kept buzzing. Under this momentum, even Wu Kuang and others felt a shudder. Obviously, Xuankong had already killed the blood.


Xuankong's arm was slightly raised, and the long sword came out, with an earth-shaking strong fluctuation, incarnating a huge horrible sword spirit, hatefully crancing at the blood. The shadow of the sword passed, the strong wind raged, and the sword spirit did not come, but it was already a fierce pressure to cover the sky and the sun, making people dare not look directly at it.

Facing the must-kill blow of Xuankong, the seriously injured blood did not dare to be careless. The blood fog around him surged like boiling water crazily. At the same time, the golden picture scroll also appeared out of thin air. The next moment, an extremely strong breath shot out of the golden scroll and fell into the blood fog in an instant. And the bloodsha also turned into a red shadow at this moment, retreated quickly and swept towards the distant sky.

The boiling blood fog was strangely condensed, turning into a blood-colored palm, and suddenly a strong breath came out of the blood fog. The blood-colored palm moved slightly and suddenly grabbed the sharp sword spirit.


What surprised everyone was that under the claw of the bloody palm, the sword spirit was smashed, and countless broken sword spirits suddenly shot away. The next moment, there was a violent explosion around. The sword spirit of countless shots on the cliff instantly blew out big pits, and it was also unavoidable on the ground. The ancient giant tree was shot by the fierce sword spirit and scratched the powder in an instant.

"How can this?" Everyone looked at the dark blood-colored giant palm with an unbelievable face. Xuankong's must-kill blow was actually blocked by this bloody giant palm!

"What the hell is going on?" Looking at the bloody evil that has already been swept out for many miles, leaving only a small black spot, and then looking at the bloody palm that exudes a strong breath, Qin Bing's mind was also a little confused for a moment.

It's not only him, but also the three martial arts crazy people were equally surprised to look at the bloody palm.

"What should I call you?" Reaching out with a move, the sword that was knocked back by the bloody palm instantly returned to Xuankong's hand. Looking at the bloody palm, he frowned.

"You can call me Xueyin!" Strangely, a low voice suddenly came from the bloody palm. The next moment, the bloody palm kept changing and instantly turned into a human shape.

"You should be the person behind the blood hidden door, right?" Looking at the bloody figure opposite, Xuankong said coldly.

"Yes, the blood hidden door is indeed mine!" The bloody figure did not refute and said very calmly.

"Do you think it's too much for you to slaughter these ordinary martial artists so recklessly?" Xuankong said coldly, but he had no intention of going to take action again.

"Your strength is not weak. I didn't expect that there would be such a true practitioners like you on this continent. At that time, I will be a small world!" The bloody figure smiled faintly and said slowly.

"As long as there is the heart of the strong, it will be the same everywhere!" Xuankong said coldly.

"You're right. You are very similar to me in those years. We will definitely see you again in the future. I will fight with you at that time!" The bloody figure was slightly stunned, as if he remembered something and laughed loudly.

"I'm also looking forward to it." Xuankong said solemnly.

"Haha~" The bloody figure laughed, and then the figure instantly dissipated in the moon sky, leaving only the echoing laughter.

"This person is obviously a generation of heroes, but I don't know why he slaughters secular warriors like this." Looking at the previous position of the bloody figure, Xuankong sighed.

At this time, the three Wu Kuang also quickly came to Xuankong.

"E Elder, has the practitioners of the blood hidden door left?" Qin Gang felt it carefully and didn't find anyone else. He couldn't help frowning.

"He has left." Xuankong nodded and said lightly.

"What on earth is that guy that can condense blood fog to form?" Li Xin said with a solemn face, and he saw all the previous situation in his eyes.

"That's a trace of the blood hidden door master!" Xuankong's face was solemn.

"Yuan Shen?" The three of them were stunned and puzzled when they heard the words.

"Senior, Yuanshen, we all know that as long as we cultivate to the Huashen period, we will have Yuanshen, but how can this Yuanshen distinguish a trace and have such power, which is really incredible!" After a moment, Wu Kuang frowned with a puzzled face.

"As long as the strength reaches a certain level, you can distinguish a trace of yuan god. This is just a means, and there is nothing strange." Xuankong smiled and said that he obviously knew very well about this method.

"Why didn't the senior leave him a trace of genity? I think if he destroys this trace of genity, it should cause a strong injury to the owner of the Blood Hidden Gate?" After a moment of silence, Qin Gang suddenly said.

"This man's strength is unfathomable, which can't be provoked by your three sects!" Xuankong shook his head, leaving a trace of the other party's spirit. He was indeed a little sure.

But destroying the other party's yuan god is undoubtedly a great feud of life and death. He is not afraid of being alone, but there are sects behind martial arts and others. Once the blood hidden door retaliates, it is not what their three sects can bear!

Hearing Xuankong's words, the three people's faces suddenly changed, and they couldn't help recalling Xuankong's previous words. There was a sudden tremor in their hearts. Although the strength of the sect behind them is not weak, the strongest in the sect is still far from the separation of the primordial spirit mentioned by Xuankong. Once the blood hidden sect retaliates, the three sects may not be their opponents.

"What if the Blood Hidden Gate comes to deal with the warriors on the mainland again?" Li Xin came to his senses and frowned. The strength of Xueyinmen now seems to be far stronger than their three sects. Naturally, the three sects do not want to provoke, but if Xueyinmen continues to fight against the warriors on the mainland, they have to take action.

"Don't worry, the blood hidden door should be restrained after this time. Two of their four messengers have been injured in my hands over the years, and they should not be able to make any waves. Xuankong also frowned when he heard the words. Naturally, he understood the concerns and worries of the three people and said lightly.

"I hope so!" The three Wu Kuang looked at each other and said helplessly.

In the face of a blood hidden door more powerful than them, they also have no better way to fight hard. Once they provoke the owner of the bleeding hidden door, I'm afraid the three sects will not have a good time. Regardless, it undoubtedly chilled the hearts of the warriors on the mainland. At this moment, the three sects are undoubtedly in a dilemma.

"Let's go down and check the warriors of the Seven Killing Gate first. This time, the blood hidden door came. Although we came in time, the foundation of the Seven Killing Gate was destroyed." Qin Gang looked at the broken seven-kill door below and sighed. Originally, he planned to lead the Seven Kills Gate as a branch of the sect after observing the Seven Kills Gate. He didn't think that the Seven Kills Gate would be found by the Blood Hidden Gate at this time.


Four figures flashed and came to Qin Bing and others in the blink of an eye. Immediately, a group of people, led by the four, walked towards the Seven Kills Gate.