tian zong dao yan

Chapter 55 Mysterious Wonderland

Aoyu looked around the hall and had a panoramic view of the people in the hall. He also came from the Yuanying period, and naturally understood the importance of the pregnancy elixir.

"Who is the leader of Tianjianmen this time?" Ao Qing's eyes fell on the man who came in to report, and said lightly.

Bingdi Purple Lotus is in Tianjianmen. If you want to capture it, your biggest opponent is also Tianjianmen. The so-called knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will win a hundred battles, you should naturally understand the leader of Tianjianmen this time.

As soon as Ao Qing's words came out, the people in the hall immediately looked at the man below.

"Your Majesty, Qin Tian and Yang Yi are leading the team of Tianjianmen this time!" The man said hurriedly.

As a demon monk of the Qingjiao King who is adjacent to Tianjianmen, he also has a great understanding of the senior management of Tianjianmen. Naturally, he knows the five people of Lanyu.

Qin Tian! The man's words had just fallen, and the look of everyone in the hall couldn't help changing. Even Ao Qing, who was at the top, became extremely ugly.

"Qin Tian!" Ao Qing frowned.

Qin Tian is the most dazzling figure in the 20,000 miles of sea in the past ten thousand years, like a comet-like rise. In terms of strength, even the Qingjiao King dares not say that he will win. He can be said to be the most difficult figure among the five peaks of Tianjianmen. Some people even compare him with the god of martial arts who founded the Wuwang Pavilion in those years, which shows how high his reputation is in the eyes of practitioners. Although he has been extremely low-key for thousands of years, in the face of him, any diviner feels great pressure.

This is not the most critical. The most important thing is that there is a presence behind him that even Ao Qing dares not provoke. Although this existence is also full of trouble, his strength is enough to easily destroy the whole lineage of the Qingjiao King.

In the face of such a person, even if he is as arrogant as a green dragon king, he has to think about it carefully before he dares to take action.

The people below looked at Ao Qing, who was immersed in meditation, and did not ask. As demons who have lived for thousands of years or more, these people are also characters in the same era as Qin Tian, or people who grew up listening to Qin Tian's legend. They also dare not underestimate Qin Tian.

"No matter who it is, it can't stop me from getting the determination of Bingdi purple lotus!" After a long silence, Ao Qing finally opened his mouth, and a proud voice resounded throughout the hall.

"Your Majesty, can't you underestimate this Qin Tian?" Xuanqi can follow Ao Qing all the way until now, and his knowledge and strategy are not weak, and he can't help saying.

Ao Qing nodded confidently and said, "Don't worry, I have never underestimated Qin Tian!"

"This time, when they went to Lingbao Island, they sent a total of six practitioners of the god period, and our side also have a six god period. Qin Tian gave it to me, and the other five gods period can delay them." Ao Qing laughed.

When the people in the hall heard the words, they nodded one after another. Ao Qing's arrangement was not flawed, but everyone knew that such an arrangement was not enough to get the icy purple lotus. After all, the opponent is Qin Tian, not other practitioners!

"Xuanqi, Ao Li, summon the horse, let's go when I come back!" Ao Qing said to Xuanqi and arrogantly in the hall.

"Yes!" Xuanqi and Ao Lian said hurriedly.

Ao Qing, who was at the top, nodded slightly, and his body shook and disappeared from the same place in an instant.

Looking at Ao Qing, who disappeared, Xuanqi and others did not have much curiosity. The concept of status in demon cultivation is very serious. Since Ao Qing did not say it, Xuanqi and others will never ask questions curiously.

And with the action of Xuanqi and Arrogan, the elites of the whole green dragon king also began to gather rapidly. The number of demons is already extremely large, and the mythical beasts in the same realm are comparable to ordinary elite disciples. The gathering of the whole green dragon king is definitely a terrible number.


In the depths of the sea, a figure passed by quickly, and all the demons were avoided. The powerful breath made ordinary demons dare not look directly at it, and this dark shadow was Ao Qing.

Fastly walked through the bottom of the sea at such a terrible speed for nearly two hours. Ao Qing came to a silent seabed. There was a huge undersea whirlpool in front of him, and in the center of the whirlpool was a dark place.

Looking at the huge whirlpool in front of him, Ao Qing smiled at the corners of his mouth and shook his body. In an instant, he turned into a dark shadow and rushed to the whirlpool. The next moment, his figure disappeared into the darkness.

Through the dark place, a charming scenery and aura-rich fairyland appeared in front of Ao Qing.

When Ao Qing appeared, several horrible breaths came from the fairyland. These breaths were not weaker than Ao Qing at all, and even had several breaths that were faintly stronger than Ao Qing, and these breaths were clearly demonic.

"Ao Qing, what's the matter with you?" A slightly unpleasant voice rolled from the fairyland, and when this sound sounded, the previous powerful breath disappeared in an instant.

"Senior, come here again to ask for help." Ao Qing said respectfully.

If Ao Qing's appearance is seen by the demons outside, he must be extremely surprised, but Ao Qing is not uncomfortable at all. This is the demon clan. ** Naked strength is respected, and the strength of any demon monk in this fairyland is not weaker than him. And this open demon cultivation is the strongest in this fairyland, and it is not the existence that Ao Qing can match at all.

"Has the Qingjiao King's vein been attacked?" After a moment of silence, the voice was a little surprised.

Although this place is isolated from the world, with the strength of the owner of that voice, it is not difficult to know about the outside world.

"The green dragon's vein has not been attacked. The younger generation came here for other things this time. This matter is also important to my demon clan." Ao Qing said hurriedly.

"Hum~" Suddenly, a cold hum suddenly came from the fairyland, and Ao Qing's face suddenly turned pale.

"Ao Qing, haven't you forgotten our original agreement?" There was a chill in the voice, and even if it was as strong as Ao Qing's eyes, there was a trace of fear.

"The younger generation dare not!" Ao Qing said hurriedly.

At the beginning, the strong people in these fairyland stayed in the area of the Qingjiao King's vein, which was to have an agreement with Ao Qing. Unless the Qingjiao King's vein reaches the moment of survival, they will never take action.

Now the green dragon king is obviously not at that point, but he comes to ask for help. Naturally, the strong man in the fairyland is quite dissatisfied.

"Why on earth did this come? Let's talk about it?" After a moment of silence, the voice said faintly.

Hearing this, Ao Qing couldn't help but be happy and quickly told the original story of the ice purple lotus.

"Qin Tian?" The voice sounded again, "I've heard of this man. It's really difficult to deal with with your strength."

"Moreover, his eldest brother, even I don't want to offend him." There was a trace of helplessness in the voice, as strong as him, and there was also a character who did not dare to provoke.

"Lao San, it's up to you this time." The voice came faintly.

"Yes!" Another strong voice came from the fairyland.

"Don't force Qin Tian too much. His eldest brother had better not provoke him." The previous voice sounded again.

"Yes, big brother!" The thick voice was slightly respectful.


The next moment, a dark shadow flashed out of the fairyland, and the speed was much faster than that of Ao Qing.

"It's so strong that even I can't see through his strength!" Looking at the flying figure, Ao Qing's face changed slightly. On the body of this shadow, even he could not feel the strength of the other party. Obviously, the strength of the other party was much stronger than him.

The dark shadow fell, but it was an elegant middle-aged man. The man looked at Ao Qing and said faintly, "Let's go!"

"Yes!" Ao Qing said hurriedly.

Immediately, two figures disappeared from the fairyland.

After Ao Qing left, a voice came from the originally silent fairyland.

"Brother, why did you participate in this?" A voice was slightly puzzled.

"We are originally part of the demon clan. If you can help with this matter, just help." The previous voice sighed.

Originally, with their strength, if they were in the real world, they must be the existence of a hegemony, but they are determined to be in the illusory fairy world, otherwise they would not practice here secretly. However, after all, they are demons, and they are still willing to contribute in the face of things that are beneficial to the demons.