Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 32 Revenge, Courance

"Isn't this the handyman disciple who defeated Zhu Tong?" One of the blue-shirted teenager, with high cheekbones and rough skin on his face, pointed to Xiao Fei and said, "This guy is still challenging Brother Chen Yifan."

Xiao Fei looked at several blue-shirted disciples in front of him indifferently. The chores disciples who had just climbed to Tiancuifeng looked sideways and looked for the green fruits of blue water and refined them.

"Well, Brother Xuanhong, look at the green fruit that I made the logo last time." Another teenager with narrow eyes pointed to the fruit in Xiao Fei's hand, and his eyes were full of greed.

"Relying that you are an official entry disciple, you are arrogant and domineering." Xiao Fei glanced at the blue-shirted disciples with great disgust and ignored them.

"That handyman disciple, didn't you hear us? Why don't you bring the fruit in your hand?" The teenager with high cheekbones answered the teenager with narrow eyes and scolded Xiao Fei.

"This is what I picked," Xiao Fei said lightly. Brother Zhangcheng has said that no effort, first come first. I came early. This green fruit is mine. Whether you have already like it before or not, it is mine.

"Do not scare me with Brother Zhang Cheng. You, a handyman disciple, only deserve to enjoy this kind of spiritual fruit, and the one in your hand can only be enjoyed by the formal entry-level disciple." The teenager snorted coldly and reached out to pick a date-sized green fruit from the tree. Don't say that we will force your fruit. We will exchange this for your fruit.

"This is revenge." Xiao Fei took a look at Zhu Yi, who was immersed in cultivation, and said in a low voice.

The five people were obviously stagnant and couldn't help looking at each other. They didn't expect Xiao Fei to be so direct.

Now that it has been said, there is no need to take a roundabouts. Xuanhong said coldly, "We are just here to avenge Brother Zhu Tong. He is my brother. Since you bullied him, you are bullying us. Don't be arrogant and domineering because you have practiced Huanglong boxing. You should know that it is the means of immortal cultivation. Relying on human martial arts to bully my brother, the following crimes. He said, "Now Zhu Tong and others have to cut down three hemlock trees for you every day. You must feel very happy!" He looked at Xiao Fei with a smile. I now give you two choices: first, exchange green water and green fruits; second, challenge our official entry disciples again, and you can choose from the five of us.

"I guess you must choose the second one," another teenager said with a smile. "We don't bully you when you are young. I'm eight layers of Qi practice, Xuanhong's nine layers of Qi practice, this one is six layers of Qi practice, this one is five layers of Qi practice, and the last one is four layers of Qi practice." You have to choose.

"How to calculate winning or losing." Xiao Fei looked at several aggressive guys in front of him and said angrily.

"If we lose, we will give you our fruits. At the same time, our formal entry disciples will no longer find fault with you; if you lose, you will leave the green fruit in your hand, and hide from the place where we see our official disciples in the future, otherwise you will fight once and never fight back." He added, "Don't worry, our fruit is definitely higher than the green fruit in clear water."

"Since you have made a plan for a long time, just say the content of the test." Xiao Fei was very angry and said viciously.

"Don't say that we bully the small with the big. It's up to you to decide the content of the test." Xuanhong looked like he was determined to eat Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei thought that he could take out his hand to compete. Huanglong's boxing skills are definitely not good. One-slashing and running wind are both human martial arts, and they are also impossible. The sword formula has not been practiced and cannot be counted. Their cultivation is much higher than mine. If I compare with them in spells, swordsmanship and martial arts, I will definitely lose, and I'd better find the best one.

What is Xiao Fei's best at? Of course, he hunts beasts, but the disciples who practice immortality also hunt beasts. "Let's compare who catches that animal first." Xiao Fei pointed to an animal that looked like a squirrel in the distance and said, "Don't use magic." He added.

"It's a good idea to try to catch a rat." Xuan Hong was stunned and continued to laugh. Who do you choose to compare with?

"I'll choose you." Xiao Fei pointed to Xuanhong and said, "But you can't disturb his practice." He pointed to Zhu Yi.

"No problem." Xuanhong promised.

"Since you want to gamble, bet more." A few stones were quickly thrown out by Xiao Fei and hit the front and left and right sides of the arrow mouse. It folded and quickly ran towards a peak.

It is a towering peak. There is only one foot-wide road leading to the top of the mountain. The peaks more than 20 feet high are very dangerous, surrounded by thousands of abyss, and only one is connected to this valley.

"Where shall we go to catch it!" Xiao Fei smiled coldly and took the lead in walking towards the peak.

Xuanhong was stunned. He looked at the frightening peak in the distance, gritted his teeth, and walked over.

This place is more dangerous than the cliff, and the one-foot-wide road is also full of cracks, as if it is about to collapse at any time.

The peak is surrounded by cold wind, the whole peak is bare, the grass is not growing, the rocks are extremely smooth, and only the stones on the path look rough.

Xiao Fei walked to the top of the peak step by step, and the cold wind on both sides shook his body as if he was about to fall. Xiao Fei's father's words sounded again in his heart, 'fear is like a shadow', afraid that danger will come, because the first reaction of fear is to escape.

The higher he went up, the stronger the cold wind blowing on both sides that invaded the bone marrow. He was calm and walked slowly.

All the miscellaneous disciples looked at Xiao Fei in shock, and even Xuan Hong, who followed him, looked at the teenager in front of him in surprise. He couldn't figure out that such a new disciple would have so much courage.

The sisters were even more surprised at this moment. Even the cold girl's face was not cold at this moment. She looked at Xiao Fei in a daze and asked herself secretly, "If it were me, do I have the courage to go up?" She shook her head slowly and smiled bitterly.

"There are still five feet," Xiao Fei roughly estimated that this road is not steep and does not require both hands and feet. If you crawl with your hands, your legs and feet will be weak.

He was getting closer and closer to the top, and even he could see that there was a platform at the top. The arrow rat squeaked and watched Xiao Fei keep approaching. It was extremely frightened.

"There is still one foot." Xiao Fei smiled slightly.

"I won't compare. You won." Xuanhong's liver and courage were cracked, and the cold wind blowing on both sides froze his legs. He only felt that his body would be blown into the abyss by the cold wind. He only walked about ten feet, only half of it.

Xuanhong crawled on the ridge. He was extremely scared. At this moment, he just wanted to leave this damn place as soon as possible. What pride, what kind of air, go to hell!" As long as I practice until the foundation period, I can fly up easily.

Xiao Fei turned his head with a smile, turned around and continued to walk towards the peak.

When he stood at the top of the peak, a force protected him, and the wind around him was much less. He turned around and looked at the valley. Xuanhong collapsed on the ground in some way. The other three took out a strange fruit. Xuanhong trembled and took out a fruit with their hands. They gently put down the fruit.

Xiao Fei has convinced them.