Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 62 Return of Nightmare

"Five layers," Xiao Fei was also stunned, and then ecstatic, "I guessed right."

He took the jade card in the hand of the stunned brother, and ran happily to His Highness.

Zhu Yi's eyes narrowed like a crescent moon and asked with a smile, "Xiao Fei, how many layers have you practiced?"

"Five floor." Xiao Fei's face was still full of joy.

"Ah!" Zhu Yi, who was originally smiling, suddenly stiffened. He looked at Xiao Fei in disbelief, and a voice came out of his heart. Fifth floor, how can this be possible? Although he could see that Xiao Fei was strong and had practiced martial arts before the Taoism, and there must be some cultivation foundation, but it was obviously not enough to practice the third level of Qi. In only half a year, he could reach the fifth level of Qi practice.

I have only improved on the second floor in the past half a year, which is from the second layer of Qi practice to the fourth floor, but Xiao Fei has made too much progress. Genius is definitely a genius. Finally, Zhu Yi can only define Xiao Fei as a genius.

"Brother, don't say that genius is not genius. I'm starving to death." Although the test was very fast, it was still a moment (9:30), and I didn't eat for two days, and I was hungry.

He pulled up Zhu Yi, who was still wanting to speak and ran to the canteen in the back mountain. Because many disciples had not eaten yet, there was still a rolling white atmosphere, and the food was being heated in more than a dozen huge iron pots.

Xiao Fei actually ate a lot of this meal. Two large bowls of dishes and seven steamed buns are almost equivalent to two meals.

Zhu Yi's eyes were stunned and his heart was stunned. The boy's cultivation was growing fast, and his appetite also increased fast. After only a few dozen days, his appetite increased like this.

After dinner, a burst of sleepiness surged up. Xiao Fei did not rest for two days. Regardless of Zhu Yi, who was stunned, only left a sentence, "I'm so sleepy. I'll go back to sleep first." Then he turned around and walked to his 32 and 25 courtyard.

Enter the yard and close the door.

Put on the soft bed, and a soft feeling came, which was very comfortable. I don't know whether this room is magical or strange. Whether it is winter or summer, the temperature is always very pleasant. It's not cold or hot, it's really comfortable.

Xiao Fei sighed a few times and moaned comfortably. After turning over the bed a few times, he fell asleep.

Xiao Fei doesn't remember how long he hasn't had a dream, half a year or three months, but at this moment, he fell into a strange nightmare.

In a trance, he didn't know where he was.

This is a strange place, surrounded by gray fog, which flowed slowly like running water. He gently stretched out his hand and could feel the fog sliding through his fingers like water. Suddenly, the feeling like real running water came, moist and cold. Xiao Fei can be sure that this is definitely not Taihua Mountain.

Where is this place? Xiao Fei smelled a special smell - dead. Why is there a sense of death? His heart was full of surprise. This special smell was stronger than the canyon chasing the blood demon. There was only corrupt death and blood in the canyon, but now it is a real breath of death. There is nothing else.

shrouded in the smell of death, he wanted to scream loudly, but he could not make a faint sound. Although his father taught him not to be afraid and not to escape. At this moment, he wanted to turn around and run away, but he found that he couldn't turn around. The only thing he could do seemed to be to walk forward.

But where is it ahead? Xiao Fei didn't know. Looking around, he could only see dozens of feet away. In sight, Xiao Fei saw a black rock more than one person high at a distance of seven or eight feet in front of him.

He walked slowly, and the land under his feet was very soft, as soft as the bed he was lying on at the moment. A cold air penetrated from his feet, and he felt cold all over. There was a coldness that penetrated into the bone marrow around him. His thin clothes became wet in the gray fog and clung to his body tightly.

Under the double breath of death and cold. He just wants to escape quickly and leave this cold place. Xiao Fei really doesn't like the cold feeling.

The further you go, the colder you will feel. But his intuition told him where he had to go, and he didn't know why he felt that there was something waiting for him.

This is a strange feeling. Xiao Fei pulled his stiff lips and laughed at himself. He was really over-hearted.

Xiao Fei looked at the strange stone within reach in front of him. The edges and corners were clear, and there was a faint cold light on the dark rock surface. In the cold light, a crystal drop of water hung on the rock, and the water droplets slowly slid down on the smooth surface of the black stone.

With a tick~, this quiet place was broken with the drop of water droplets.

Under the black boulder, small ripples ripples in the small pool, and the fog in the air fell on the black boulder.

It's like the black bouldre is a seed, and these gray fogs keep eroding the black stones.

After approaching the black boulder, Xiao Fei obviously felt a slight vitality. This subtle vitality was welcoming the overwhelming and devastating gray fog, and at this moment, an idea came to his mind.

"These gray fog carries the smell of death, and this black boulder has vitality. Does this gray fog want to destroy this black boulder?"

Xiao Fei unconsciously stretched out his right hand and gently touched the black stone in front of him.

"Boom!" Suddenly, an idea rushed into Xiao Fei's mind.

"Oh, it's a familiar feeling." The voice said to himself in a suspicious tone.

"Who are you?" Xiao Fei was shocked and asked with some stale.

After half axiang, when Xiao Fei felt suspicious and no one spoke, a familiar feeling came. It was a feeling of being naked in front of others, and that's what the masked man saw at the beginning.

"So it is, so it is." Then, the voice said to himself.

"Who are you?" Xiao Fei was furious and roared loudly.

"I didn't expect to be so weak because of someone who could help." The voice sighed.

"What's wrong with me? Send me back quickly. I still have to take the assessment!" Xiao Fei obviously heard that this guy needed help, but he actually disliked that his skills were too low.

"The boy has a big temper, hehe." The sound suddenly relaxed, "After so many years, I finally woke up again."

Xiao Fei saw a bald monk-like young man stretching his arms and stretching his waist, as if he had just woken up.

"Although you don't have the strength to help me, I'll give you a chance to wake me up." The young man looked at Xiao Fei, who was still suspicious, and said. I'll wait for you for ten years. In ten years, if you can't help me, I'll leave.

"Who promised to help you?" Xiao Fei sneered. No one asked for help to look so arrogant.

"Anyway, I haven't been anywhere for the past ten years." The bald monk sat on the ground with a big look.

"If you like to stay, just stay and send me out." Xiao Fei's eyes are white. Who wants to stay in this dead and cold place!

The bald monk smiled very strangely.

Xiao Fei only felt that the world turned upside down, and there was a rotation in front of him...