Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 102 Sect Convening

Go home today, there is only one chapter, and continue to type on the way!! Ask for collection and red tickets~~~


After watching the old man leave, Xiao Fei returned the same way until it became dark.

At this time, I had nothing to do in my heart, so I walked all the way and observed the scenery of Chiyan Peak.

The afterglow of the sunset makes the Chiyan Peak red. The trees on the whole mountain are very rare, and occasionally you can see a few plants, which look quite similar to the umbrella trees on the Chilian Peak. It's just that the umbrella-shaped trees on Chiyan Peak are much smaller than Chilian Peak, and the leaves are much more orange and yellow. It seems that this kind of tree likes hot places, but it can't be too hot.

With a faint heat in the breeze, Xiao Fei can clearly feel the small fluff on his forehead, which are very small and dense beads of sweat.

The mountain road is three feet wide, completely like a road. The road surface is very flat. Occasionally, there is a small fork, which is also composed of first-level steps, which is a path for climbing and the nearest path.

The little arrow squatted on Xiao Fei's left shoulder, his back paws buckled his clothes, and his tail was up. A pair of mung bean-sized eyes were completely narrowed at this moment, as if he were sleeping.

"It seems that a beast elixir should be refined quickly. As long as you help Yuanfei refine the throat bone, and with Yuanfei's cleverness, as long as you do more exercises, you can speak. At that time, you don't have to think about it now. You need to compare it." Every time Xiao Fei communicates with Yuanfei, he finds it very difficult. Yuanfei can understand Xiao Fei's words, but Xiao Fei can't fully understand Yuanfei's sign language.


This night, Xiao Fei fell asleep in a daze during his practice. In the past month, he has often slept on the futon, which has become a habit of life.

Because he found that even if he sleeps, sitting on the white jade futon will increase the cultivation of true qi. Although the increase of true qi is very weak, as long as it persists, the effect will appear over time. It's like when I practiced cutting with a knife, I cut a few times a day, and the dead tree finally fell to the ground after a long time of cutting.

"Dong Dong~" A rapid and powerful knock on the door woke Xiao Fei from his sleep. One of Xiao Fei's most annoying times was the fragrance of sleeping, which was suddenly interrupted. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

Of course, it is not a comfortable thing to do something halfway through and suddenly interrupted.

With his sleepy eyes open, he got up from the futon. His body was a little stiff due to sitting for a long time. Walking to the gate, he opened the door and asked angrily, "Who is it? What's the emergency?"

With a "squeak", the door was opened, Xiao Fei's eyes were still half narrowed, he was sleepy, and he kept yawning with his mouth wide open.

"Hold brother!" A disciple in blue clothes shouted respectfully to Xiao Fei.

His eyes finally widened a little, and he saw a disciple in blue in front of him, who looked similar in age to himself. He suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Ead Elder Wei has ordered you to arrive at the Yangxin Hall at 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock."

As soon as Xiao Fei heard this, he suddenly became sleepless. Then the moonlight carefully looked at the teenager in front of him. The other party stared at a pair of dark circles, and his eyes were full of blood. It seemed that the other party had not rested for a long time, but he was strong. Do you have any other instructions?"

The teenager shook his head and said, "Eternal Wei just asked me to wake up my brother at three o'clock (4:30 a.m.) without any other instructions."

Xiao Fei nodded and said, "Go back and have a rest!" It seems that the teenager stayed up all night to wake himself up on time.

Seeing the teenager turn around and leave, Xiao Fei couldn't help thinking, "Why did the master ask me to go to the Yangxin Hall? Wasn't it used to punish the disciples? I didn't make a mistake!" Suddenly, his heart was worried and a bad idea came out, "Isn't it Zhu Er who was caught?" Thinking of this, I can't help sweating on my forehead. If so, I will at least bear a charge of not reporting.

The more he thought about this possibility, the more dense the sweat on his forehead became. He told himself, "Calm down, calm down, maybe not." He ran to the well and hit a bucket of well water. The cold well water sprayed on his face. He couldn't help but be refreshed, and the waves in his heart just now calmed down.

"First of all, Zhu Er did not bring Tiangefeng by himself. Secondly, if Zhu Er is arrested, he will not necessarily say himself, and he will not let a blue-shirted disciple inform him. Master can't predict." Xiao Fei thought about it carefully and felt that he was scaring himself.

"Since Zhu Er was not arrested, what will happen?" Xiao Fei didn't dare to be too leisurely when he thought about it.

After simply changing a quick suit, he took a step down the mountain. From Chiyan Peak to Tiange Peak, it took Xiao Fei estimated that it took at least half an hour from Chiyan Peak to the main peak of Huanglong Taoist Temple.


Yangxin Hall, Square.

As soon as Xiao Fei stepped into the square, he saw more than 20 disciples standing in front of him. Zhu Yi, Qin Er, Tong Yao, Zhu Tong and other people were all there. Looking carefully, most of them were disciples who participated in the search for immortality.

The best thing to look for in the whole square is Zhu Yi, who is carrying a huge bronze sword on his shoulder, which looks brighter and more dazzling than last time.

Approaching Zhu Yi, Xiao Fei said hello, "Brother Zhu, what are we doing?" He felt that it must be the same thing. Originally, because he was the only one who was recruited, now it seems that it should be a group of disciples.

"Xiao Fei?" Zhu Yi turned his face, and a small electric flash appeared in his eyes. When he saw Xiao Fei, his face suddenly smiled. I heard that you have been refining tens of thousands of alchemy in the past two months.

Xiao Fei was stunned. The news was too unreliable. He quickly explained, "There are not so many!"

Zhu Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't ask you to borrow Xianjing." You see, are you relieved now?

Xiao Fei couldn't help smiling bitterly. At that moment, this guy felt that he had a master's demeanor. He didn't expect that he would become serious again in an instant. In fact, I only refined a few hundred pieces of Peigu Dan.

Hearing their laughter, several disciples looked at them, especially the giant sword on Zhu Yi's shoulder, which was a very conspicuous sign.

"Hee hee, Xiao Fei, you finally went down the mountain!" Qin'er walked to Xiao Fei and jumped gently, jumping a step closer to Xiao Fei, a playful present. At the same time, there is also a faint fragrance of flowers coming from the body. The fragrance of flowers is very light. If there is nothing, it makes people feel refreshed.

Xiao Fei sniffed gently and sincerely praised the other party, "It's so fragrant. What kind of flower fragrance is this?"

Qin'er tilted her head, and the two cute sheep's horn braids also shook. "This is the fairy fate I'm looking for this time."

Xiao Fei blinked his eyes and asked in disbelief, "Flower fragrance, what kind of fairy fate is this?"

Qin'er pouted and corrected, "Don't underestimate the fragrance of flowers. You will be unconscious by the fragrance of flowers. Sure enough, I have cultivated to a high level and can also transform into a world of flowers. That's awesome!"

As soon as Xiao Fei heard this, Xiao Ran immediately rose to respect and hurriedly asked, "What's the name of such a powerful formula?"

Qin'er saw Xiao Fei's expression and immediately said with satisfaction, "The Secret of Ten Thousand Flowers can transform thousands of flowers." With his right hand shaking gently, a small flower appeared silently.

Seeing this little white flower, several men around him suddenly sighed.

Originally, they also picked flowers for Tong Yao every day. Who wanted to get tens of thousands of flowers? It seems that their efforts these days have been in vain.

Qin'er saw Xiao Fei's surprised appearance and put her head to Xiao Fei's ear and told Xiao Fei in a small voice, "I'll tell you a secret. Don't tell others?" Xiao Fei nodded and was talked by a girl in his ear. Inexplicably, he felt nervous, and his cheeks couldn't help but be a little hot. In order to please my sister, I said that my sister liked flowers, so they sent flowers every day, and then I used those flowers to practice my "Thousand Flowers Tips". You see, my current entry is not bad, but those guys are too lazy and send too few flowers, which is not enough for me to practice. Qin Er muttered and looked at several teenagers in the distance, saying that she was a little hateful in the end.

Xiao Fei looked around. At this time, it was just in the darkness before dawn. He straightened his waist and said, "Then tell those guys to be diligent and pick more flowers."

After Xiao Fei finished speaking, he couldn't believe that he would say this. For a moment, she was a little stunned. When Qin'er heard it, she looked happy. "Yes, I can say that my sister likes their flowers, but she dislikes them too little. In this way, those guys should have the motivation to pick flowers."

When Xiao Fei heard this, he suddenly looked helpless. Zhu Yi's forehead, who was listening, couldn't help sweating and secretly glad that although he also liked the cold Tong Yao, he had not taken action, which was really fortunate. Otherwise, don't be directed to pick flowers by the girl in front of you.

Suddenly, a chill came. Xiao Fei suddenly looked up and saw Tong Yao walking towards him step by step. No, she came to Qin Er, and Xiao Fei suddenly felt that she had some inexplicable and messy ideas.

"Qin'er, don't be unruly." Tong Yao really couldn't stand it anymore. Her sister whispered in a man's ear when she had nothing to do. Does Qiner like this guy? Looking at the familiar face in front of her, she looked carefully, but commented in her heart, "He doesn't look much. I heard that he is less than 15 years old. He can be so tall, his skin is slightly dark, and his eyes are bright enough to be harvested as an apprentice by Elder Wei Yifei. His future is not bad."

When Qin Er heard her sister's words, she couldn't help sticking out her tongue and made a face. Xiao Fei suddenly smiled. This girl is so playful.

"Hmm!" There was a small cold hum. Since Tong Yao came over, Xiao Fei felt more than a dozen pairs of eyes staring at him, and this cold hum did not escape from his sight. To be precise, it was the sight of divine consciousness.

Zhu Tong?

Xiao Fei's face suddenly became gloomy. This guy poisoned himself when he was looking for immortality, which was really abominable. The two of them stared angrily!

At this time, a melodious bell sounded, stirring up the silent fog of the dawn, and the nourishing hall shrouded in fog slowly revealed.