Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 104 Yimu Danding

I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. I arrived in Xi'an at 8 o'clock today, and now I have finished writing today's update.


Zhang Cheng was slightly stunned and said with a smile, "Brother still likes to laugh. If the disciples in the sect know that the eldest brother looks like this now, half of them will be sad."

"Haha!" Wu Wei laughed, "But to be honest, I haven't returned to the school for many years, and I don't know whether half of the disciples who will be sad are male or female disciples?"

"Of course it's a female disciple." Zhang Cheng smiled and stretched out his hand to tidy up his clothes. He was tired and ran around, and there was a lot of dust on his clothes. He looked at the scenery around him. "Tut, this place is really cold. Should I also have a big beard!"

"That's not bad. If your clean face is covered with a weed-like beard, well, I'm looking forward to it now."

"I'm afraid that will disappoint the senior brother," Zhang Cheng looked at him with a smile. "This time, as long as the brother Jie Dan is finished, I will complete the task."

"Master is not so stingy this time. It takes a lot of effort to ask for a few elixirs every time. In fact, I'm still some time away from Jiedan. Hey hey, it seems that my brother is going to help me take back the fifth line of defense.

"The eldest brother has the help of six brothers. As long as the demon clan no longer uses that special magic weapon to regain the fifth line of defense, it's just a question of time." Zhang Cheng's tone was very convinced, "Speaking of this strange magic weapon, I'm very curious, and I don't know what that thing looks like?"

Mentioning the magic weapon that can capture two lines of defense in a row, Wu's only expression changed slightly, spat fiercely and scolded, "Fuck the demon clan, every time I was beaten by the ghost crying and howling. This time I was caught off guard!" His expression became very serious. "That magic weapon looks like a cannon. Do you know the kind of cannon in the war between countries?"

Zhang Cheng nodded to show his understanding and asked, "The appearance can be imagined, but the texture is not bronze or black iron."

"The whole cannon shows bronze color, decorated with very strange patterns, and I don't know what the charm array is. Their demon clan seems to be called some magic thunder cannon. You can see the power, and the whole body is broken." Wu Wei finished saying and laughed, "Brother, don't worry. Their cannon needs shells, and that shell doesn't seem to be a bargain."

Zhang Cheng pondered a little and listened to his brother's description that this magic weapon was really magical. There was no such magic weapon in the immortal world and the demon world before. He asked tentatively, "Brother said that this kind of cannonball is expensive and rare, and it is unlikely to be transferred here?"

"It's not the right time for my brother to come, but if you want to see it, you can go to the defense line guarded by Xuantianzong," Wu Wei smiled, as if he was not worried that Xuantianzong's defense line would be broken.

Xuantianzong is the largest sect in Dingzhou and belongs to the super Xuanmen. It is really a master. The strength of Xuantianzong cannot compete with even if there are 50 Huanglong Taoist views.

Zhang Cheng said, "I'm not interested in seeing it, but it's more important to help my brother Jie Dan."

Wu Weiyi smiled, pointed to the brown house in front of him and said, "Go in. Let's have a good talk."


In the early morning at the end of summer, the breeze is blowing, the mountain roads are slightly muddy, and the fragrance of soil floats in the fresh air.

Xiao Fei, Zhu Yi, Qin Er and Tong Yao drove four horses and galloped on the mountain road, splashing thousands of mud spots.

They drove the horses purchased from Taihe City to Taoxing Village, the destination of this mission.

Although the four of them are immortals, Huanglong Taoism is a second-rate sect after all, and the four of them are dressed in a particularly low-key way, all in coarse cloth. For disciples who have not yet stepped into the foundation period, especially the place they are going to go to is the village after being ravaged by the devil. The low-key action is better. Their only flaw is that people who cultivate immortals have a special temperament.

"Brother Xiao, how far are we from Taoxing Village!" After several days of running around, Qin Er was a little unrestrained and said bitterly, "It's too tired to ride a horse. Those elders in the door are really good. If you don't get a magic weapon, let us fly over directly. That's so many pieces!"

Xiao Fei is used to calling Qin Er like this. He has never understood why he changed from a younger brother to a senior. Tong Yao was cold and silent all the way, and Zhu Yi held his huge bronze sword all the way. Zhu Yi said that this sword was called - thunder.

However, in addition to surprising everyone after seeing it, this sword did not show the characteristics of 'thunder'. Zhu Yi secretly told Xiao Fei that he had to nourish the thunder pool in the sword every day with true qi. When facing the enemy, the sword was wrapped in the power of thunder and lightning, specializing in breaking the evil magic weapon.

Xiao Fei heard Qin'er's cry and looked down at the jade Jane in his hand. The whole map of Dingzhou was stored in the jade Jane. He checked it slightly and said, "We have walked more than half the way, and there are still more than 4,000 miles left. It is estimated that it will take five days."

As soon as Qin Er heard this, she pouted and said lazily, "Why is it still so far away!"

Xiao Fei smiled and said, "There is a small town 70 miles ahead. Where shall we go to rest?"

When Qin Er heard this, she was immediately happy. She raised her whip and gave a Thunderbolt in the air. She sat down and the horse suddenly accelerated and ran forward.

Firestone Town, the only inn, looks shabby and crumbling, which is really ordinary.

At noon, everyone rushed to the inn. When they entered the inn, there was a strange smell lingering in their noses. Xiao Fei didn't care about the smell and directly called four bowls of beef noodles. Qin Er twisted her nose exaggeratedly and frowned sadly, and Tong Yao's cold cheeks couldn't help frowning slightly. Even Zhu Yi's nose trembled, as if he couldn't stand it.

The noodles came up quickly, but there was a smell of sheep, which was even more strange after mixing with the smell in the air. Take a closer look, the noodles have been cooked and turned into a ball in a bowl.

Tong Yao and Qin Er took a look at the noodles served and couldn't stand the expression that they wanted to vomit. Tong Yao turned directly to the guest room upstairs. Qin Er dodged far away, "Brother Xiao Fei, you eat it. I'm going to rest."

Zhu Yi's waist was straight and patted his stomach, "You can also help me eat mine!" After saying that, he carried his huge sword and walked up the stairs step by step.

"Is it that bad?" Watching the three people leave one after another, Xiao Fei muttered, took a deep breath close to the noodles, and suddenly a stench rushed into his lungs. Cough~" He coughed several times in a row, and tears rolled around his eyes, threw down the bowls and chopsticks, and ran up the stairs as if fleeing.

The shopkeeper's nose was crooked and his eyes were slanted. He looked at the escaped teenagers with great contemptuously and groaned coldly, "I don't know the goods."

At this moment, a ragged old man in front of the store rushed into the store with a swish. Before the second store had time to put it away, the four bowls of noodles were poured into his broken bowl for begging.

After the four bowls of noodles turned over, a strange aroma immediately appeared. When the beggar was about to have a seizure in the store, he rushed out with a 'swish' and ate happily at the alley outside.

After more than ten days of climbing, several people are indeed tired. Qin Er and Tong Yao live in the same room, and Xiao Fei and Zhu Yi live in the same room.

Xiao Fei pushed the door and entered and found Zhu Yi sitting cross-legged. The bronze sword was across his leg, his eyelids drooped, and his hands pinched a mysterious formula. He had entered a state of cultivation.

Xiao Fei shook his head and took out a Tibetan rune bag from his arms. This is a white Tibetan rune bag, which is real. The array on the Tibetan rune bag opened in an instant. He explored his hand, and the blue Yimu Danding appeared.

This Yimu Danding is Wei Yifei's famous magic weapon. This three-grade magic weapon is more advanced than the Yipin Danding in Xiao Fei's alchemy room.

Xiao Fei remembered that when he received Yimu Danding, those disciples showed their eyes one by one, which was envy.

"They all say that this is the master's famous magic weapon, so is this elixir not only able to alchemy, but also has the function of facing the enemy?"

Xiao Fei held the Yimu Danding with his right hand, and the fragrance of vegetation floated in the air, and there was a faint residual heat.

"Master asked me to practice the fire mantra last time. Since this time, the master did not teach the magic formula alone, so that is to say, you can also use the fire mantra to manipulate this Yimu Danding?"

When Xiao Fei thought of this, he immediately sat cross-legged and immersed himself into the sea of knowledge. Under the control of divine consciousness, the Yellow Dragon True Sutra has been cultivated for more than ten days. The sea of knowledge is obviously more stable and much stronger than before. The spell seeds of the fire spell rotate faster than ever, and each of the 56 charms that make up the fire spell shoots a slight firelight.

As soon as the divine consciousness was introduced, the power of the fire curse suddenly poured into the Yimu Danding. This rune power wandered in the Danding, and Xiao Fei clearly presented the situation in the whole Danding in the sea of knowledge.

The tails of three wooden dragons serve as three tripods, nine dragon heads arch the stomach of the Danding, and nine dragon kisses each spit out a dragon ball. At the place where the three dragons meet, a fire array is arranged.

"This should be the place to control the fire, but where does the source of fire come from?"

Xiao Fei's consciousness continued to go deep along the fire array. After bypassing many runes, he suddenly appeared a group of hunting fire. Although it was divine consciousness and far enough away, there was still a smell of roasted paste floating under control. This smell was like his first alchemy after his hair was burned by fire. Ask.

Xiao Fei immediately returned the same way and carefully looked at the whole fire control rune array, which was very different from the Danding rune array in the Danfang.

"positive and negative array?" After a period of measurement, Xiao Fei finally figured out what the structure of this rune array was.

Two fire control charm arrays are superimposed. Generally, a fire control charm array is used to control the subtle changes of the fire. So is the reverse arrangement of the fire control charm array to absorb the residual heat in the Danding?

"I don't care so much, just give it a try."

Xiao Fei's retrograde fire control charm array suddenly felt that the heat around him was pouring into the Danding. Then, a thin line of fire shot down with the sky, and the dilapidated roof rattled and was pierced into a hole the size of a thumb. The hole was very round, as if it had been burned by fire.

The line of fire accurately fell into the Danding and directly rushed into the fire control charm array. With a 'boom', it fell into the flame under the fire control charm array.

As the line of fire kept falling, suddenly, the whole Danding made a "poof" sound, the flame flashed, and the whole Danding shook, and there was an uncontrollable feeling.

Xiao Fei's face suddenly changed greatly.