Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 204 Bloody Storm

Killing often happens in any place and in any era. Whether it is ordinary people or princes and nobles, the killing at the changing times, the dark killing in peacetime.

The development history of the whole world is just to meet the next kill after a kill.

For immortals, there is also killing. This is the time when strength is respected. There are contradictions between immortals, demons and demons, and there are also many contradictions between the same clans.

"Remember, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there is killing."

A short and fat Taoist, with thin white hair and thin Taoist robe, is also dirty as if he hadn't washed it for many years. He held a small wine gourd, poured a sip of wine into his mouth from time to time, stared at the young man in front of him, and made his remarks about the world and killing.

"Old man, let me go if you have the ability." The young man was very angry. He just came out to pee. As soon as he took out the furniture, he was banned by the old guy in front of him. After listening to the old man's speech for a long time, his body had been very comfortable to pee in his trousers without control, and a smell came close to his skin and rushed straight to his nose.

"Tut, the little guy is a little angry. Even if you are a demon, you can't get angry. This urine smell is too strong." The old man smiled strangely and retreated four or five steps to avoid the invasion of the smell of urine, leaving this tormenting smell to this little monster.

"Old man, let me go if you have the ability. Look, I won't die - you." The little monster opened its eyes angrily and scolded fiercely, but he couldn't make a sound at all.

"The little guy is good at lip language, at least I can understand it." The old man smiled and said, "It's easy for me to let you go, but you have to make up for my loss. Of course, I'm also afraid that you will kill me."

The little guy is furious, but now his body can't move, and he can't even move his tongue - but this is because he can't make a sound, which creates the illusion. With his slightly moving lips, it can be clearly seen that he was scolding, and all the scolded objects absolutely exceeded expectations.

For example, no matter what means the old man uses, this small role will definitely blindly worship the old devil Yi Xiangtian. However, being banned and blocked, he could not move or make a sound made him angry. He pointed the object of this anger directly to the sky, and now he was already cursing to the sky.

"Kid, you'd better shut up. Although you scolded the old devil Yi Xiangtian to make me feel good, this good mood will not be disgusted for a long time." The old man was a little empty, and the energetic little monster suddenly found that he could live to his head, and his curses rolled out endlessly.

He did not express any opinion on the old man's words and still scolded Yi Xiangtian. The scolding includes: "Yi Xiangtian, you son of a bitch, make me be beaten; Yi Xiangtian, you are a soft egg, let me be cannon fodder; Yi Xiangtian, you are a bitch... Yi Xiangtian, your whole family is a bitch..."

"It's really a living treasure." The old man shook his head and smiled bitterly. There was nothing he could do. Reach out a little, sealed the little monster's mouth again, and grabbed it like carrying a chicken. "Kid, since you hate the sky so much, I'll pass it on for you." After reaching out and patting, he sealed and collected it. Maybe it's useful. It's just cursing. You are also a talent. Lao Wang still cherishes talent very much. But this can only be heard by the old man himself.

"Who?" At this moment, another guy who didn't see his companion pee came back angrily, staring at the old man with a bloody spear in his hand.

"Ordinary role." Wang Yan announced ruthlessly that he did not need to show mercy to the demons. He stretched out his right hand, his five fingers were like hooks, and pinched fiercely.

"Wo~" broke through the air with a strong force, "Ah!" A scream suddenly stopped, and the demon's stunned eyes turned gray and lost its vitality.


On the soul beast mountain, dozens of century-old trees staggered down in the sound of 'kake'. The wet and dark earth is not covered by the shade of trees, exposed to the sun, and steaming under the blazing light.

A young man smiled. The hem of his well-fitting white robe was shaking gently in the breeze, holding a cyan fan in his hand, drawing flowers, trees, birds, insects, fish and so on the fan.

There was no power fluctuation on his body, like a scholar without the power of a chicken, and even his smile was so amiable.

However, Yan Yuqing knew that this person was one of the top masters under Wing Xiangtian, a famous white prodigal son in Xiandao. Although this person looks meek, he is a typical promiscuous person.

At this moment, his eyes were very **-stiring on the misty and rainy body. He was strongly interested in the elf in front of him, who seemed to be wrapped in flames, and his body even felt a sense of hunger.

He didn't move, and he didn't dare to move. Because she knows that as long as she moves, she will be captured by the other party. He is just the peak of the pulse, and the other party is at least a layer of golden elixir. Otherwise, the breath will not be so restrained and hidden.

"How dare you drive the prodigal son in white." Yan Yuqing held a red sword in her hand, which was not as long as a palm and exquisite. She gently played with it in her hand.

"Because you fit my appetite." The pale green pupils of the prodigal in white are terrible.

"That won't disappoint you..." Yan Yuqing smiled charmingly and twisted her waist gently.

"Oh..." The prodigal man in white pondered, and a pain came from somewhere in his body.

He looked at the pain from the side, and a small bloody hole was pierced in the left shoulder blade, and the hot and bright ** was flowing. He heard that Yan Yuqing's flying sword is very fast, but he doesn't believe that she is just a little woman who hasn't got rid of elixir. No matter how fast the flying sword is, she is only at the same level - because his body is faster.

However, it is obvious that he is a little wrong. He frowned slightly, and then there was a flush of excitement on his face. He stretched out his bloody tongue and gently licked it at the wound, and a drop of playful red blood slipped down the corners of his mouth.

He was very excited. This charming woman, both physically and aggressively, excited him. At the moment when the flying sword came, he avoided the critical point of his heart. Your flying sword is very fast. He praised it.

"Thank you for your praise." Yan Yuqing sneered. At this moment, she had used all her strength and must quickly get rid of this guy, because she heard that several disciples of the Fire Gate not far away had screamed.

The fighting since the morning has only been two hours so far, but countless people have been killed and injured. The number of demons made her sigh very much. There were nearly 30 people under her. Those demon disciples were like leeks, harvesting a stubble and then immediately growing another.

"You're welcome." The prodigal son in white smiled and reached out to block Yan Yuqing's violent kick.

The flower grasps the blade, and the blade is like a light, and it splits down quickly. Yanyuqing's thunderous move, the white prodigal man's left hand, but just as he raised his left hand, Yanyuqing's knee slammed into his armpit.

A sense of powerlessness suddenly came from the left hand, followed by severe pain. The left palm of the prodigal son in white was cut in half by Yan Yuqing's knife. The huge pain made him forget lust and replace it with anger.

"People only know that the prodigal son in white is a prodigal and a lustful person, but they don't know that I actually have another title - angry god." Regardless of the injury of his left hand, the white-clad prodigal did not have to worry about Yan Yuqing's hand knife cutting to the top of his head, because he still punched Yan Yuqing out. Angry God, that is, after I get angry, if a god is possessed, the attack power will be doubled.

While speaking, his body shook and turned into a shadow. He rushed to kill Yan Yuqing, and there was no more pity for him.


The airflow in the whole barren tower is moving uneasily, as if there is a dark flow under the river. Under the influence of this airflow, all the monsters, monsters and soul beasts are shaking their heads uneasily, opening a pair of eyes for help and looking forward, but there is no their rescue god in front of them.

Tong Yao knows that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as she continues to practice, she can easily break through to reach the condensation period. This is a state that countless people definitely yearn for. Even if she grows so quickly in the tower of the wilderness (just for outsiders, the three years here are just their dozens of days), people have matured and improved their cultivation. In the face of those demons outside, she has more power to save themselves and help others. .

However, the aura around is chaotic, full of irritable and uneasy emotions. She can't continue to practice. If she wants to practice forcibly, it must be the result of going crazy.

he sighed and shook his head slightly. He stood up from the futon, slowly suppressed the boredom born from absorbing this scattered aura, opened the door and walked out.

The first thing he saw was Xiao Fei. He closed his eyes tightly and surrounded his body, making his body stained with green. And opposite him, the huge heavenly beast ring jumped uneasily, and the light in Xiao Fei's hand fell one by one.

"Sacrifice?" Such an idea popped up in Tong Yao's mind in an instant.

The air around was more chaotic than in the practice room just now. The air stirred and countless tornadoes rose on the ground. The wind roared like countless wild beasts roaring.

These scattered and violent storms automatically dissipated about a foot close to Xiao Fei, which is the function of the beast control ring, which completely protects Xiao Fei. Tong Yao is much relieved.

At this time, the whole space on the eighth floor suddenly trembled, and the space became more and more unstable. A huge black hole appeared in the air, in which exuded scattered energy.

"Haha, there is nothing wrong with my guess. The wilderness god is indeed gone, and this will be ours in the future..." Zhang's voice shook overwhelmingly in the eighth floor.