Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 206 Variation

The sword light broke and turned into countless silver light spots. After the silver light spots gradually faded, Tong Yao saw the result of the battle clearly.

The guard on the right hand of the bell cracked, and the red blood dripped to the ground. She cried so sadly.

Yuanyuan was extremely angry, but without the cooperation of the pang, his strength was no longer enough to threaten the beast boss and his party.

"Brother, help me." DangDang looked at the red** constantly emerging in her hand in horror. She really couldn't figure out why there was such a** in her body.

Yuan Yuan also didn't know, and he was also very frightened.

How can there be such a** in the body? Aren't we puppets made by the owner? Haven't we shed this kind of ** called 'blood' when we were injured before?

"Ah~" Although he was extremely frightened, his sense of mission made him wave his fist again.

"Bum!" The beast boss also punched and collided with each other. Yuanyuan was violently ejected, fell to the ground and fainted.

The beast boss gasped and looked at the 'Datianyuan sword spirit' wrapped around him, and the countless small sword spirit that made up the 'Datianyuan sword spirit' was not as round as before. He secretly said 'Luckin', and he didn't know why the two dead puppets were afraid of pain and bleeding. What a godsend.

He laughed and led his brothers to move on.

Tong Yao knew that even if she tried her best, she could not stop the eight guys wrapped in sword light in front of her, but she must stop it, even if she died.

In the past two years since entering the Wild God Tower, many dangers have been directly resisted by Xiao Fei. Although she behaved strangely at that time, she must also admit that she has indeed been taken care of.

There was a smile on her beautiful face, and a smile like melting ice and snow. The power all over her body gushed out crazily and gushed out unreservedly. There was a whining sound in the mouth of the solidified ice, fiercely to the eight slowly coming eight people.

"Jian Li!"

The red lips opened gently, and a cold light flashed through the small shell teeth. At the same time, the solid ice in front of him suddenly shook, a dragon-shaped white sword was half hanging, and a trace of cold air emerged from the sword.

Qianyu gently grasped the hilt of the sword, her eyes slowly closed, and her clothes fluttered due to her fierce power.

"It's a little interesting." The beast boss stopped, and the other seven had to stop.

"I don't measure myself." The beast five sneered, "Brother, cut it off with a sword." He suggested.

"That's right, it's over with a sword." Beast Laoqi was even more anxious, "Look, that boy is almost finished sacrificing."

The beast boss nodded, raised his right hand slightly, and the sword light wrapped around everyone immediately differentiated. The bright silver sword light emitted a hot light, and the sword light that could hurt the eyes did not hurt Tong Yao's eyes.

Her closed eyes suddenly opened, and the ice sword in her hand slowly drew out, bringing a vast white light curtain. The light curtain reflects the silver sword light.


When the two sword lights collided, Tong Yao's body trembled, and the powerful force shocked her right arm. The ice sword was severely damaged and turned into a tired ice sword and hid into her arm. The qi and blood in her chest could not be suppressed, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

The silver sword light smashed the ice sword and killed it fiercely on the ground. The storm generated by the powerful destructive power made Tong Yao blow into the air and then fell to the ground fiercely.

She lay weakly on the ground. At this moment, she had no power to fight again, and the corners of her mouth kept overflowing with blood. "Xiao Fei, I'm sorry." She made a weak voice and said with some self-reproach.

"Brother, kill this boy quickly." The second beast and the fourth beast, who had not spoken, shouted in unison, as if they had already discussed it.

"Hmm." The beast boss nodded, and the magic formula in his hand was once again, and the sword light wrapped around him was much weaker. He could see that Xiao Fei's magic weapon was extremely powerful, so this blow must work, because the power of 'Datianyuan sword spirit' was not enough to continue to cut out the sword spirit to attack after resist the rejection pressure of the eighth layer.

The sword was shining, and Xiao Fei did not move. He was completely immersed in the work of sacrificing the Tianyuan beast ring. He did not find the arrival of the beast boss at all, and he was still sacrificing foolishly.

The silver sword light made a 'sizzling' sound, "Cut!" The beast boss's low voice suddenly exploded, which made the already thunderous sword light urge to cut down more powerfully.


Xiao Fei's heart moved, and the two yellow dragons in the divine sea can now do two things. One yellow dragon manipulates to continue to sacrifice, and the other yellow dragon fiercely urges the beast ring.

In the face of this thunderous sword, he has no time to move his body or call the flying sword to fight.

In the shortest time, only the beast ring can be called, which is Xiao Fei's only magic weapon that can be manipulated with divine consciousness, and it is the strongest magic weapon.

"Ding!" The sword was heavily cut on the beast control ring.

Da Tianyuan's sword spirit gently hit the beast ring, and the sound was crisp and pleasant, not like a battle at all. And the sword light completely dissipated, and there was no trace. Even the beast boss and his brothers did not see clearly how this panic sword spirit disappeared.

Xiao Fei flew out and hit the wall heavily. The wall of the Bauhinia Pavilion was very hard, and he was stunned. His mouth is bleeding and his spirit is weak, and he has obviously been severely damaged.

"Kid, it's not that I'm treacherous, but that you dare to touch the Tianyuan beast ring." The beast boss looked at lying on the ground and sighed. The teenager with bleeding from the corners of his mouth, after nearly three years of practice in the Wilderness Tower, Xiao Fei has changed from a teenager to a real teenager.

This is also the difference between 13 and 16 years old. He has grown taller, his hair is longer, his body is stronger, his appearance is more mature, and his cultivation is deeper.

But with so many changes, he still can't resist the attack of the beast boss. At this moment, he can only watch them sacrifice the Tianyuan beast ring. How will the next thing develop - will they kill themselves directly after the success of the sacrifice? Xiao Fei doesn't know.

Xiao Fei looked at the ring of the heavenly beast that was about to be successfully sacrificed and sighed helplessly.

"Thank you for roasting the rabbit for more than a year. It tastes really good. Although I am a soul body and have no physical taste, it is indeed a wonderful barbecue. However, you didn't follow my instructions. Don't you know that this is the magic weapon I asked you to activate with blood? The beast boss's voice was calm and said slowly.

Xiao Fei did not answer, as if what the beast boss said had nothing to do with him, and even closed his eyes.

The beast boss looked around for a week. Yuanyuan hugged the throbbing bell, comforted the little girl and treated the wound on the bell's hand with healing medicine. Tong Yao lay on the ground, her hair was messy and her eyes were light, as if she was recovering her strength; Xiao Fei was still energetic. Judging from the breath, it was obvious that the true qi in her body had been scattered.

"The Tianyuan Beast Ring belongs to us." The beast boss announced that everyone had no combat effectiveness.

Just when his hand could touch the Tianyuan beast ring, the whole eighth floor of space shook, and even the air produced a tremor. After the tremor, there were countless ripples. The shield formed by Datianyuan's sword spirit was unstable for a while, and everyone was shocked.

The beast boss has grabbed the Tianyuan beast ring, and the great Tianyuan sword spirit suddenly collapsed and turned into tens of millions of silver lights. A sense of weakness suddenly hit his heart, and the pressure around him was overwhelming.

"Heaven and earth live together." The beast boss didn't care about the Tianyuan beast ring that was already readily available and shouted, and the eight brothers were scared to operate their mana and build a defensive array - heaven and earth live together.

The crisis has been resolved, and all eight people feel that their eyes are black and their feet are weak, but they still need to summon up their strength to resist rejection.

The beast boss laughed. He was so happy that he had no master in the wilderness tower, and he could finally get the body and become a free demon from then on.

He suppressed his impulse to sleep and glanced at the Tianyuan beast ring on the ground, "Lao Ba, you are close to it. Bring the Tianyuan beast ring."

"Yes, big brother." The fatigue on Lao Ba's face was very strong. Just as he lowered his head to get the Tianyuan beast ring, the corners of his eyes slanted slightly, showing a very strange smile.

"Lao Ba, take out all our bodies so that we don't have to resist this repulsion." The beast boss's face showed joy, and the other six people also showed joy. The eighth floor of the Wild God Tower rejects the soul body, but as long as there is a body, it will not be rejected.

"Brother, I can't take it out. The Tianyuan beast ring has been refined by him. Let's kill that boy." Lao Ba shook his head and suggested that he looked at the Tianyuan beast ring in his hand and grabbed it.

"Just kill them all so as not to get in the way." The beast seven is very happy and is about to get the body, which is really exciting.

"No," the beast boss shook his head, tired waves after wave, losing 70% of his strength and making him weak. The two of them have to replace us as guardians so that we can escape," he stressed. "The tower of the wilderness must have guardians."

"Hahaha~" Beast Ba suddenly laughed loudly, and the expressions on his face twisted together.

All the people looked at Lao Ba in front of them inexplicably. Their brothers became strange at this moment, and a dangerous breath lingered in their hearts.

"Old Eight, what are you doing?" The beast boss shouted loudly, hopeing to wake up the beast.

"Lao Qi, do it." The beast eight stopped laughing, and his eyes became extremely fierce and murderous, and he nodded to the beast seven.

A powerful force appeared on their bodies, which was much stronger than the other six people. Looking at the surprised expressions of the six brothers, they laughed and the opportunity finally came.

"Eight brother, what's there to discuss? There is no need to hurt the harmony between brothers." Beast Lao San looked at his best brother in front of him, but thought, why could Lao Qi and Lao Ba stand together?

"Really? Third brother, are you really willing to help me realize my dream? The beast Laoba leaned forward slightly and asked with a pious look.

"What's your dream, eighth brother?" The third beast.

"Do-desolation-god-tower-master-man." The beast said word by word.