Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 338 Sword Gate, Kill the Sun

The 'Jianmen' of the Sun and Moon Sword Sect are two huge bronze casters. They step on the ground and lean forward slightly. Both of them were full of evil spirits and held a huge bronze sword in their hands. The tip of the sword slanted forward and stabbed into the sky. The place where the two swords meet has been dozens of feet above the ground, forming a circular arch.

Within dozens of miles of defense, there are no buildings outside. Similarly, there is no rune. However, the sword gate stands there. It is huge and beautiful. The two huge bronze statues are like guardian gods, guarding the valley behind them.

This is the forbidden place of the whole Sun and Moon Sword Sect. It is also the place where every disciple who joins the Sun and Moon Sword Sect must worship.

And the guardian of this sword gate is the ancestor of the Sun and Moon Sword Sect.

Through the bronze statue, although it has been thousands of years of wind and rain, you can still see the elegant demeanor of the ancestor of the Sun and Moon Sword. In those years, it was a man and a woman who founded the Sun and Moon Sword Sect. The man looked heroic, and the sun marks between his eyebrows were like a sword spirit rushing to the sky. And the woman is also heroic, with a faint moonmark on her forehead, which looks mysterious and gorgeous.

"This is the founder of this sect!" A middle-aged man introduced to a teenager.

"The sword in the master's hand looks very powerful." The teenager stared at the huge sword, with deep envy in his eyes.

"Zhu Yi, why don't you worship quickly!" When the middle-aged man saw his new disciple, he had been staring at the flying sword in his ancestor's hand, which was quite helpless.

"Only when you are obsessed with swords and loyal to swords can you be good at swords." It was the middle-aged man who knew this that he accepted Zhu Yi as an apprentice. The disciple's obsession with the sword made him quite happy.

Zhu Yi took another look and knelt down to the sword gate. A heavy kowtow.

"The master's hand is the [Da Ri Sword], and the master's mother's hand is the [Red Moon Sword]." After worshipping the ancestor, the middle-aged man got up and introduced to Zhu Yi, "Now, let's go to the forbidden land and choose a more suitable flying sword for you!"

Zhu Yi walked alone in the demon world with one sword. He killed countless demons and stayed on the mountain for several months, killing monsters and monsters. Now his cultivation still enters the Yuanying period.

But he was forced to worship by this strange guy.

Sun and Moon Sword Sect, one of the six super sects. This is a sect that countless people want to enter, but Zhu Yi is not very interested. It's just that today's cultivation is too low to help Brother Xiao Fei.

After being separated for so long, I don't know how Xiao Fei is doing now!

Zhu Yi is thinking about Xiao Fei as he walks. Recently, there have been more and more rumors about Xiao Fei, and it is becoming more and more frightening. He knew that a large part of the news was false. The only certainty is that Xiao Fei has now entered the Yuanying period and is guarded by more than a dozen masters of the divine period.

Zhu Yixin's master is called Liu Yuandao, who is a master of the disaster period. This man never accepted an apprentice, but this time he didn't know why he suddenly came up with the idea of taking an apprentice. At the beginning, the news of the admission of the apprentice spread, which immediately caused the whole Sun and Moon Sword Sect to step in.

However, he chose Zhu Yi!

Liu Yuandao suddenly stopped, and Zhu Yi also stopped. Look at the pool in front of you!

The pool is full of hot smell, and the red ** is foaming one by one. The pool is surrounded by heat waves - compelling. The pool is not regular, but born. There are countless prohibitions on it.

"Master, what kind of pool is this?" Zhu Yi's eyes were full of doubts. He couldn't imagine what this huge pool would do.

"Shenjian Pool!" Liu Yuandao said in a very pious voice.

Zhu Yigang was about to ask again, but was preempted by Liu Yuandao.

He seemed to know that Zhu Yi would continue to ask, so he ordered, "Throw your thunder sword in!"

"Ah?" Zhu Yi was shocked and subconsciously held the thunder sword in his hand more tightly.

"If the role of the sinking sword pool is indeed a shapeable flying sword, it will make the flying sword stronger; if the material of the flying sword is too poor, it will melt into the sinking sword pool." Liu Yuandao had to explain, "Thousands of flying swords have been integrated into the red blazing stream here."

"Good!" Just as Liu Yuandao continued to explain, Zhu Yi had released the thunder sword in his hand. Although this sword has been with him for several years and saved himself several times. But to continue to accompany each other, everyone must move forward.

When Liu Yuandao saw Zhu Yi's look when he let go of his hand, he knew that this disciple was made of great perseverance and knew how to choose. I am more and more satisfied.

He sat on the ground and signaled Zhu Yi to do it. He glanced slightly at the huge bronze statue at the mouth of the valley and said slowly, "Our Sun and Moon Sword Sect is divided into five veins, among which there are two veins for practicing the Great Sun Sword and two veins for practicing the Red Moon Sword, and I am the fifth vein!"

Zhu Yi already knew that the master had no other apprentices, so he couldn't help exclaiming.

"Yes, in the Sun and Moon Sword Sect, only our vein cultivates [Zixuan Sun Sword Trick], and our task is to protect this forbidden place of Sun and Moon." Liu Yuandao said plainly. As for this sword secret, there must be two conditions for cultivation, which must be made by great perseverance!"

"Master, what is the other condition?" Zhu Yi waited for a long time, and Liu Yuandao only said one condition.

"Another condition is that I need to teach myself. The sword formula of this vein cultivation does not have jade slips, but is passed on by word of mouth. Each generation is not allowed to accept more than three apprentices!" Liu Yuandao said very seriously.

"Yes, Master." Zhu Yi knew that at this moment, he officially became a disciple of Liu Yuandao.

Liu Yuandao looked up at the huge bronze statue in front of him with a solemn look, and then slowly put his palm on Zhu Yi's head and said plainly, "The ancestor witnessed that the disciple now awarded Zhu Yi the [Zixuan Sun Sword Recipe]!"

Exquisite catalogues reveal mysterious and unpredictable cultivation formulas, and these strange symbols are engraved in Zhu Yi's mind one by one.

Then, Liu Yuandao tapped his finger, and a red gravel flashed away on Zhu Yi's forehead!

"This is a purple-hect sword. If you privately pass on the [Zixuan Sun-zhancing Sword Secret] to others, it will definitely destroy you!" Liu Yuandao's voice was flat but firm.

"Follow the master's instructions!" Zhu Yi was obviously shocked. Thinking that he would not give privately to others, he immediately agreed.

"Now you can practice the first layer!" Liu Yuandao said slowly.

Zhu Yi didn't expect that this master was so anxious. He immediately restrained his mind, and the mysterious catalogue just now came to his mind.


With the help of Liu Yuandao, Zhu Yi successfully cultivated the first layer of sword formula.

From the moment of cultivation, the meridians in the body seem to be stabbed by thousands of pieces of swords. A series of sensations such as burning, tearing, swelling, crispness, etc. Zhu Yi was so uncomfortable that he wanted to reach out and grab it, but there was no way to grab it! He could only endure and continue to urge the sword formula, which made the meridians more painful.

"The pain to be endured by practicing [Zixuan Sun Sword Secret] is ten million times more powerful than the general sword formula, and it is also ten million times more powerful." Liu Yuandao's lingering voice echoed in Xiao Fei's ears.

Run, run!

has been running for 72 weeks. Due to the exhaustion of the true power in Yuanying, he had to stop!

At this moment, he only felt the pain. He wanted to move his body, but he was powerless and weak. The clothes on my body have long been soaked and glued to my body.

On the surrounding land, the original grass disappeared, full of small scratches. It's like plowing with a sharp weapon.

Zhu Yi's heart was awe-inspiring. He knew that these small scratches were caused by the broken body of the sword that could not be stopped during his practice. The power of this first layer is so amazing!

"This is a elixirs!" Liu Yuandao popped up a pill with a handful of elixir and fell into Zhu Yi's mouth in an instant. He ordered, "Hurry up and refine the elixir, but your thunder sword seems to be a little extraordinary, and it has not melted and sinks into the sword pool."

"Really." Zhu Yi was surprised inexplicably, but the voice of the exit was hoarse and unclear.

Liu Yuandao's fierce eyes swept over, and Zhu Yi immediately stopped and began to refine the elixir in his body with all his strength.

The medicinal power is like nectar, turning into thousands of small light spots and spilling into his meridians. Like the drizzle in spring, it moistens the dry land.

The cold feeling filled the whole body in an instant, and a series of feelings such as pain, numbness, burning... all disappeared. Zhu Yi couldn't help moaning comfortably!

At this moment, the whole sinking sword pool fluctuated violently!

Zhu Yi's moans were immediately drowned out.

He has recovered more than half of his physical strength. Open your eyes and look at the red lava in front of you!

"Master, where is the Thunder Sword?" He searched for a long time, but still didn't see the flying sword accompanying his tide!

"The sword quality is good, it's a pity, it's a pity..." Liu Yuandao did not answer Zhu Yi's question, but said five times in a row!

"Master, what's the pity?" Zhu Yi's eyes widened, and a bad feeling in his heart couldn't help but rise. Is there something wrong with the thunder sword?

"Qi Xuanzhu!" Liu Yuandao still ignored Zhu Yi's problem and took out seven thumb-sized beads of different colors from his arms. The light emitted by the seven beads is intertwined, like a rainbow!

He gently sketched in the void of his left hand, revealing a complicated magic array. The magic array gave birth to an inexplicable force, which suddenly fell above the sinking sword pool and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, a huge red flying sword floated!

"Go!" Liu Yuandao flicked his fingers, and the seven Xuan beads in his hand were connected in a straight line and flew towards the huge flying sword!


With seven consecutive sounds, the flying sword was immediately stained with a colorful color.

"Wo!" The flying sword turned into a stream of light and flew straight towards Zhu Yi!

Zhu Yixi couldn't help but grab it.

"Ze!" A white smoke floated out of his hand, accompanied by a fishy smell of roast meat.

"Ah!" Zhu Yi shouted loudly.