Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 360 Killing requires decisiveness

Sun Ying's look, posture, the ** loomed in front of Xiao Fei, plus the delicate voice. Indescribable charm and indescribable seductiveness, many teenagers under the stage saw this scene and were immediately shaken by the coquettishness. They couldn't wait to jump on the stage and fight with Sun Ying for 300 rounds.

Xiao Fei's heart was as stable as a rock, but at this moment, his mind was slightly lost. Sun Ying in front of her was full of charm, and even the small sweat beads slightly oozed from her nose wings became so touching. This is a beauty. It seems that just one look can make people crazy and desperate for it.

Xiao Fei fell into it in front of his eyes. Sun Ying lay on a feathered **. She was naked and half twisted her body. Xiao Fei could see her smooth back and flat lower abdomen. With her subtle breathing, she slightly undulated her right chest. It's very full. That touch of bright red is so touching. His slightly open lips seemed to be calling Xiao Fei's name. And she frowned slightly, as if she was enduring some pain. This pitiful look suddenly made Xiao Fei feel an impulse to comfort him.

"It's not good!" At this moment, Xiao Fei's instinct was immediately alert to the dangerous invasion.

A thrill, Xiao Fei suddenly woke up. In the eyes of outsiders, this was just a moment. Xiao Fei's Qiling Sword just paused slightly and changed the direction of the stabbing.

"Damn it!" Xiao Fei couldn't help scolding in his heart. Originally, this sword was his long-shied sword, and his instant swordsmanship has now reached the point of escape without fluctuation. Even if this move can't hurt the hypocrite, he can at least give himself a slight advantage. After all, this hypocrite is already the peak of the ten-level state of the Huashen period. Although he does his best, he can knock down the peak master of the Huashen period.

Oh, Xiao Fei sighed, and Qiling's sword stabbed the palm print. The slight stalemate pierced the palm print, and the sword of Qiling Sword was exhausted, and they took half a step back. He looked at Sun Ying slightly and saw the woman's snow-white face, and at this moment, red blood kept surging up. Her body trembled slightly and was obviously suffering some kind of pain.

Xiao Fei snorted coldly that this woman must be eliminated. The palm prints collapsed, and countless black sand grains were scattered on the thunder platform. Xiao Fei's heart was awe-inspiring. These black sands seemed to be quite sinister, and I don't know if they were highly poisonous!

The four elders are cultivating the sand palms. Looking at Xiao Fei's flying sword, he slowly pushed his palms out to create a black sand wall, covering his whole body like a bronze bell. Outside, it is impossible to find out what's going on inside.

But the people under the stage know the origin of this spinning black sand storm. Ten years ago, the storm dragon across Yunlan City did not expect to show up again after ten years. The so-called Storm Dragon is that all the black sand condenses into a strange salon. The salon is wrapped around the prey. It only takes a little time to completely smash the whole prey!

Some people who work regardless of the style of the Sun family over the years can't help sweating for Xiao Fei, and some people remind them, "Young man, you should be careful of the old man's black sand!" That's dangerous!"

Xiao Fei was distracted and used his sword with all his strength. Just now, from Luo Tianba's sword, he realized something, and this moment is to verify whether his understanding is correct. An ordinary sword move, one move after another. Swords hit the storm fiercely, and a large amount of black sand was hit and fell on the thunderbolt.

Sometimes, only four elders can be seen from the broken storm. Xiao Fei was quite helpless. He used instant swordsmanship. After piercing Qiling's sword, he went into the sea like a mud cow and lost news. It was also a self-contained space magic. The four elders who manipulated the black sand storm looked solemn and waved strange palm prints in their hands.

Xiao Fei put all the swordsmanship he learned from Luo Tianba. But he couldn't help the four elders, and they couldn't even shake the black sand storm they sacrificed.

"The practitioners of the Yuanying period should not challenge the masters of the divine period!" The voice of the four elders came faintly from the storm, and there was no pride or joy in the voice, as if he was saying the most common thing, as if he were educating his grandchildren.

"You really have a lot of black sand!" Xiao Fei replied coldly. But he also wondered what magic weapon the old man was using. The thunderbole had been covered with a thick layer of black sand, but the black sand storm wrapped around this guy was even stronger.

"If you don't have any other means, you don't deserve to live in this world!" The four elders suddenly and coldly announced.

His hands slowly raised his hand, and the black sand covering him dissipated in an instant. At his head, there was a dark dragon, with a fierce face telling everyone that it was not a good stubble!

"Ang!" The black salon raised in the air and let out a dragon roar. The black sand grains that had been scattered on the thunderbolt suddenly seemed to have been summoned and were not affected by the gravity of heaven and earth. A grain slowly floated up and then threw it directly into the black dragon shadow.

For a moment, the sand and stones were flying, and the black sand filled the whole thunderbolt. A breath of extreme danger suddenly emanated from the black salon.

"Be careful." Xiao Fei can't care so much now. I had to remind Tong Yao and Yan Yuqing, and Luo Tianba has now drunk his two women. It should be able to withstand this danger.

Xiao Fei is on guard. The fog formed by this black sand actually has a wonderful use to cover the direction of the space.

"Little friend, we are just a test this time, and it won't hurt your life. If you feel that you can't resist my attack, you just need to squeak, and I will put away the attack." The four elders said in a very loud voice from the fog formed by black sand grains.

"Squeak!" Xiao Fei immediately let out a sound.

"Okay, since my little friend is ready, I will start to attack." The four elders seemed to be quite happy, and there was a trace of excitement in the originally quiet voice.

"Bah!" Xiao Fei was too lazy to speak again. This guy just said clearly that as long as he squeaked, he would put away the attack. But after he really 'squeaked', the old man said excitedly, 'Ah, you're ready, then I'll come!'

The black sand around suddenly disappeared, and the whole thunderbolt was completely displayed in front of everyone. Only above the minefield, there is a black hurricane-like salon.

"ji!" The four elders looked solemn, with a very pious right finger and a left hand hook, making a very strange posture. Slowly exhaling in his mouth, as if he had been ordered by the black salon, suddenly roared and suddenly pounced on Xiao Fei.

When the black salon wrapped around Xiao Fei's body, the fierce impact made Xiao Fei immediately spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Insidious, this guy is too sinister!" Xiao Fei took a look at the slightly raised lips of the four elders and knew that his perception was not wrong. This guy was indeed a hypocrite. What did you swear just now? This is just a competition. As long as you distinguish between high and low, you don't have to hurt your life.

The fine black sand hit him, and the strong clothes were smashed into pieces in an instant, and the black salon continued to rotate around Xiao Fei. Countless black sand washed his body. Xiao Fei had not felt this pain for a long time. For the first time since the fairy scar refining, I feel so painful.

He couldn't help roaring, and the fairy marks on his body shone with gorgeous light arcs to resist the erosion of these black sands. Fortunately, there is no poison in this black sand.

Stlock! The four elders looked at Xiao Fei in disbelief. This guy's body is so strong that even ordinary diamond will be eroded by his black sand containing evil spirit.

"Die, let him die!" Sun Wenmao, who was on the stage, was inexplicably excited. He couldn't wait to trap Xiao Fei's heart. Seeing that it was deadlocked, he pulled up and flashed into the area covered by the black salon. He is not afraid at all. These black sands are not dangerous to him at all. He has also learned the skills of the fourth grandfather, and now he is like a fish in water.

"Ky, go to hell!" Sun Wenmao wandered to Xiao Fei's side with an angry face. The scars on his cheeks were still shocking, and a vicious and ferocious sword stabbed Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei could feel the power of Sun Wenmao's sword. He regretted that he did not control the beast ring just now, but now he has no time to control the beast ring, and his defense seems weak.

"I hope my fairy body can still resist this sword!" Xiao Fei pinched a formula with his hands and urged his body with all his strength.

"Ding!" At this time, the flying sword in Sun Wenmao's hand was stopped. Xiao Fei looked sideways slightly and saw that Tong Yao and Yan Yuqing stared at Sun Wenmao with evil faces, and their bodies had been scratched by countless black sand.

"Two bitches, wait for me to kill him and see how I can put you in **!" Sun Wenmao is almost pissed off! This sword just now was completely foolproof. He has seen that Xiao Fei has no power to fight back.

As soon as the words fell, his figure suddenly flashed like a ghost. Xiao Fei suddenly realized that this shameless young master of the Sun family actually stabbed the sword from the bottom up!

"Open!" Xiao Fei's body is running the imperode ball quickly, and a force spreads quickly from Dantian to every cell in his body! As if he felt Xiao Fei's murderous intention, the second layer of fairy scar refining body, which had not matured for a long time, finally matured. All the charms flashed and wrapped Xiao Fei tightly inside. The black salon outside still couldn't get close to him!

"Die!" Xiao Fei's moment is like a changed person, ruthless. Raise your right hand slowly, and then slowly cut it off!

The sword is broken and blood is splashed!

Xiao Fei has understood that he can see that the hatred between himself and Sun Wenmao must have one person to die!

Then let this young master of the Sun family die!

Blood, splashing out of the black salon!

"Someone is dead!" There is silence under the stage!