Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 407 Ancient Secret

All people were shocked and glanced at the whole space, but they couldn't find the existence of another stranger at all. Even if the other party can completely integrate into the darkness, it will never reveal a trace of breath.

Everyone looked at each other in con sight. Bagui raised his hand and slapped heavily on the bronze tripod in front of him. The bronze tripod made a muffled sound.

"Who is it?" Disturbed by the sudden voice, Xiao Fei's silent heart was instantly enraged. He stood up and roared.

"Haha, haha..." The dull voice rolled in and looked very happy.

" shut up!" Bagui's face was pale, his tone was full of anger, and the ghost fire under the bronze tripod suddenly jumped, like a demon with teeth and claws.

"Ba Laoer, you are lucky this time. Don't think you can really help me." The arrogant and domineering sounded again, and a pale cyan figure appeared above the bronze tripod. A touch of cyan can be faintly seen on the pale cheeks, and a pair of eyes are full of ridicule at this moment. Originally, this was a very beautiful face, but the smile in his eyes made people very unhappy.

"Shangguan Qi, at least I stopped you. It's not me who was sealed." Bagui seemed to see the suppressed man in the bronze tripod and hummed coldly.

"Look, in order to suppress me, your wound can't be healed. If the wound can't be healed in three days, you will become a one-armed Bagui!" Shangguan Qi looked leisurely and complavoid, as if everything was under his control.

"You don't need to bother. You still have to think more about your way out!" Bagui frowned slightly. How could the strength of this hateful guy suddenly soar so much, which made him puzzled. Seal!"

Bagui shouted angrily and suddenly spit out a mouthful of Zhenyuan power. Under the burning of Zhenyuan power, a touch of blue light slowly suppressed Shangguan Qi's illusory appearance.

"Haha, you are fighting for your life to find such a fool. This boy can still save him..." Shangguan Qi's voice suddenly stopped.

"Young master, you don't have to worry about that guy just now. Whatever he says, you just think he's farting. Bagui's body was slightly weak. Obviously, the seal just now consumed a lot of his true power.

Bagui finished speaking, but no one answered. For a moment, the atmosphere fell into silence. The air in the wooden house is condensing bit by bit, as if it is going to freeze.

Luo Tianba glared at Bagui. From the words just now, there were only a few words he got from the sect. He was sure that the demon clan in front of him must have participated in the battle of that year.

Xiao Yutian, a once-in-year-old wizard of Tianjianmen, was punished to repent in front of the thinking wall of Tianjianmen for colluding with demon women. However, the master of the demon clan killed in front of the wall and tried to take Xiao Yutian away.

"Disciples of Tianjianmen, you must know Xiao Yutian." Bagui felt that the atmosphere was really a little depressing. Although he was injured, he could still suppress these people. The problem is that you will never hurt Xiao Fei, so if there is a conflict between the two sides, the end will become difficult to deal with. Therefore, he took the lead in breaking the silence, and the target was Luo Tianba, who looked at him angrily.

"Disciple of Tianjianmen, Luo Tianba." Luo Tianba seemed to introduce himself, but there was anger hidden in his tone.

"You have a murderous spirit. Do you want to kill me?" Bagui smiled as if it was just a joke.

"Yes." Luo Tianba did not hide it and admitted it.

"Why?" Bagui asked.

"I've seen the war rage in front of the wall." Luo Tianba's eyes shine, and the light is slightly silver. Familiar people know that this is Luo Tianba's bright sword that is urging him. You are one of the demons who slaughtered my disciples of Tianjianmen in those years.

Bagui did not answer, but fell into meditation.

In that battle, the demon clan dispatched 13 masters, and as a result, four fell in Tianjianmen. If the four elders hadn't died, more people would have died. Of course, in return, they also killed many disciples of Tianjianmen. However, Xiao Yutian also disappeared halfway.

"Hey..." Bagui sighed. He had already understood the idea of Xiandao, so he said plainly, "Do you resent us for killing the disciples of Tianjianmen?"

"Of course." Luo Tianba said hatefully. They were originally in Tianjianmen, but they were just good practitioners and did not provoke you, but they were killed by you.

"Our four elders also died in your Tianjianmen, and I don't know if the bones have been smashed and raised by you." Bagui's tone is still flat. He doesn't want to provoke contradictions now. If there is a conflict now, it will be very unfavorable to the next thing. Immortals, demons and demons have accumulated grievances for a long time. Immortals kill demons and demons to obtain refining materials; demons and demons certainly do not want to be slaughtered.

"Nonsense." Luo Tianba retorted angrily, "We have always grown up brightly, so that we will not hunt for materials from demons and demons."

Bagui smiled bitterly. Now he is too lazy to argue with Luo Tianba, and he is not very interested in this. If you hate me, as long as you feel that your strength can kill me, come to me at any time.

"You..." Luo Tianba was furious and couldn't stand it. This guy obviously felt that he couldn't beat him now, so he said such bullshit.

"The hatred and contradictions between immortals, demons and demons are too complicated." In the realm of Beiming, where the Fire Cloud Venerable lives, the whole realm of Beiming is similar to the place where immortals, demons and demons converge. There are also small contradictions between them, but there is no big hatred. Perhaps, all people unite to resist the invasion of monsters and monsters in order to survive.

"Young master, please come back with me!" Bagui suddenly straightened up and knelt down on one knee.

"Who are you and why should I go back with you?" Xiao Fei was slightly stunned. Just now, he was worried about the conflict between Luo Tianba and Bagui, but now the situation suddenly turns to him.

"Guardian, Bagui." Bagui replied solemnly.

"What guardian?" Xiao Fei said coldly. Speaking of the demon clan, he was somewhat resistant, but it was also mixed with some expectations.

"Bagui is the guardian of Miss Abi, and you are Miss Abi's son." Bagui's explanation of this problem is very simple, like a stupid child.

Xiao Fei opened his mouth speechlessly, but he didn't know what to say. He had already learned from the conversation that the old demon old man named Bagui in front of him was his current guardian, but what he asked was - what is the patron saint?

"Guardians, only demons with pure blood will have guardians. The guardian will protect the owner's safety, so he can give up everything, including life. The guardian is also the master's mentor. He calls the master to practice martial arts, which is just martial arts. Seeing Xiao Fei's helplessness, the fire cloud master explained. The pure demon clans of blood demons are generally large clans, and these demon clans have their own family's cultivation methods, so the guardians can only teach their masters martial arts.

"Guardian, what happened to my parents?" Xiao Fei does not completely trust the demon clan in front of him. Although he does not know whether he has the value of being deceived, there is no harm in being careful.

"Young master, just call me Bagui." Bagui insisted.

"Okay, Bagui." Xiao Fei asked again, "Tell me what's wrong with my father and mother?" He has been dependent on his father since he was a child, and his mother is just a noun. He saw the illusion in his dream that he wanted a mother too much. At that time, he comforted himself like that.

"Miss Abi has been banned." Bagui's expression became very low, "Since you were born, you have been banned, and now it has been 22 years."

Xiao Fei held his breath and did not disturb Bagui, but listened quietly.

"Thirty last year, Xiao Yutian suddenly appeared in the place where the young lady was banned." A strange light flashed in Bagui's eyes, which seemed to be happy. As a guardian, I have been accompanying the young lady. The sudden appearance of Xiao Yutian that day stunned me for a moment. Unfortunately, it still shocked the guards of the mansion..." With this, his look dimmed again, and his expression showed a trace of panic.

"What's wrong with my parents?" Xiao Fei learned how to shout when he was in a small mountain village.

"I was imprisoned." Bagui said with shame.

"Why?" Xiao Fei asked in a low voice.

"In those years, Xiao Yutian and Miss Abi, they got a treasure." Bagui said strangely.

"What treasure?" Xiao Fei asked eagerly, and he didn't even notice Bagui's strange look.

"Believe of the disciples of Tianjianmen, Luo Tianba also knows it. If I expected it, you must also want to find that treasure!" Bagui suddenly looked at Luo Tianba with a scornful smile between his eyebrows.

"How do I know!" Luo Tianba denied it.

"Regarding the treasures of Tongtian Baojian, the masters of the whole flotation world know that Tongtian Baojian exists in the forbidden place of immortals, and the key to enter the forbidden land of immortals, in addition to the heavenly track contained in the star soul stone, there is another way, that is the forbidden stone!" Bagui spoke slowly and looked at Xiao Fei and others at the same time.

"It is said that the Immortal Forbidden Stone can directly enter the forbidden place of immortals, but I don't know if the rumor is true?" The Fire Cloud Master obviously knew all about this and sighed.

"It's true." Bagui said firmly. Xiao Yutian and Miss Abi used the fairy stone to enter the forbidden place of immortals.

"Is this true?" All the people were shocked, Luo Tianba and Huoyun asked at the same time.

"Has my parents been in?" Xiao Fei was also shocked. How could this be possible?

"They accidentally reached the edge of the forbidden land of immortals and got the forbidden stone, but the forbidden place of immortals did not reach the time to open. They forcibly entered and were injured." Bagui sighed and said. Now, everyone wants to get the forbidden stone. You should know that the catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming!"

"I don't care about the forbidden stone. I'm going to save my parents." Xiao Fei stood up and was about to walk out.