Tongtian Baojian

Chapter 421 Power in the Dark

Darkness, endless darkness, shrouded all year round. The cave is dark and humid, and the sky is covered with bright silver light spots.

Don't close to the reins. Yihong traveled all the way, and he was already tired. At this moment, he was strangled by the reins and suddenly slowed down, and a large mass of watery fog spewed out of his nostrils. A gloomy cold wind blew in the darkness. When the wind hit him, all the sweat on his body suddenly turned into frost and lurked on his back.

Yihong can travel 3,000 miles a day, which is the best among the magic horses, and the red tiger horse is also rare in the whole magic world. To enter the dark palace, you must first pass through this cave, which is unusually strange. Every time he comes in, Zhong Buji will feel a kind of unsteady. This cave is dark all year round and seems to devour all the light, but only the light on the top of the cave can shine.

Yihong advanced nearly ten miles and stopped. Zhong Bu approached and took out a black iron plate from his arms, which was engraved with strange patterns. He poured Zhenyuanli Cui in, and the whole black iron card immediately glowed. The light shone on the wall of the cave and immediately opened a hole in front of him. Not everyone can find this place.

Yihong stepped gently and entered the cave.

"Boom!" With a sound, the hole in the hole immediately closed and immediately turned into a closed space. In an instant, the whole space was full of a lot of light, and the light stabbed out like day, and the whole space suddenly rotated.

After a burst of dizziness, Zhong Bujin found himself in another place. **'s Yihong was also confused at this moment, and it was so loud that he reacted.

In front of him is a small city. On the wall of more than ten feet, countless destroyers in black armor and holding halberd are patrolling. As the first defense of the Dark Hall, it has been attacked by many so-called righteous people, and those people finally died. Among them are demons, demons and practitioners.

"Brother Zhong, you're back." Just as soon as Zhong Bujim realized from dizziness, a destroyer had run around him. He could recognize that this young man had been a destroyer for five years. In the past five years, he was able to meet this young man every time he returned.

Maybe this is fate. Zhong Bujin explained this, and then he took out a jade slip from his arms and handed it to A Tong. A Tong accepted it frantically. He looked at it a little, and his face was full of joy. He liked to collect all kinds of spells, and this time he got better jade Jane than ever.

"What's the big deal recently?" Zhong Bu asked nearby.

A Tong's expression changed slightly and paused for two seconds, with a smile on his face again. "Nothing happened," then he lowered his voice and pretended to be mysteriously and whispered, "I heard that the catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming, and the monarch is ready to go." In this way, he covered up his flaws.

"How did you get this news?" Zhong Bu blinked a few times and asked.

"Ha ha, that's what everyone says!" When A Tong saw that Zhong Bujin was successfully changed the topic by himself, he not only breathed a long sigh of secret in his heart.

"Bad boy, hurry up and guard!" When Zhong Bujin spoke, he had completely recovered, and Yihong also recovered. He escaped his black iron token after A Tong's inspection. Shaking the reins slightly, Yihong walked briskly towards the city.


The city is very prosperous. If someone tells you that this is the darkest place in the whole world of float, you will definitely feel that this guy's head is convulsed, and even his head is caught by the door.

Zhong Bu looked sideways and saw that everyone in the city looked busy. Everyone carried something and went to the east of the city.

"Is there going to be a war again?" Zhong Bu smiled closely. Just now, he saw clearly that these people were carrying refined granite and other items. I think someone should have invaded!

Now, the most important thing for him is to rush to the dark palace. This time, he must report it personally. The development of the situation has completely exceeded his previous expectations.

Yihong's speed was very fast. In a moment, he crossed the whole city and then galloped towards a path, which curved and circled towards the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, a magnificent palace is built. The bright light fills the whole palace, and the glazed tiles are reflected in gorgeous light spots.

This is what people call the dark palace. All people don't see the sun all year round because this palace is built underground. But the reality is that this place is comparable to a fairyland. There are a few white clouds floating on the abundant aura and blue sky, and birds shuttle through the palaces.

Zhong Bu approached Yihong and walked quickly to the Taihua Hall. Along the way, a group of dancing butterflies were playing on the lotus flowers in the pool. The lotus swayed slightly and made a circle of water waves.

Zhong Bu felt it. It seemed to be a little different when he came back this time, but it was different there, and he couldn't say it himself.

"Squeak!" With a sound, the heavy and huge door was gently pushed away. Zhong Bujian stretched out his right hand on his left chest and bowed respectfully and saluted, "Captain Zhong Do not approach the eleventh song. Please see the monarch."

"Come in!" Half a sound, just when Zhong Bujie thought there was no one inside, a dull and hoarse voice came from inside.

"Yes!" He gave a respectful promise and raised his head and walked inward.

The door behind him slowly closed. Darkness has newly enveloped the whole hall, which is in line with the reputation of the dark palace. This was said by the monarch in a self-deprecating manner, and no one would object.

At the northern end of the hall, there is a huge black throne, which is full of thorns and seems to be cast by countless flying swords. Every thorn is a flying sword, and it is not a comfortable thing to sit on it.

After entering the hall, Zhong Bulin found that he was not the only one who came to the whole Taihua Hall. There is one person sitting in each seat. His heart skipped abruptly, and he turned out to be the last one. Two major guardians, five elders, ten guards, 18 song captains, all present.

Don't get close to the panicked clock, find your seat and take a seat in a hurry.

"People have arrived." The right guardian stood up, glanced at the crowd, and then reported to the monarch sitting on the throne.

"Then let's get started!" The monarch said lightly.

The right guardian bowed deeply, then raised his head, turned around and ordered to all the people. Before we start, let's listen to the report of the eleventh song to Zhong Buxi.

Zhong Bu was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that he would let himself speak. In this case, let's inform everyone of the results of this mission.

"The sixth Obsidian Soul Stone was obtained by the bloodline of the White Emperor, and the seventh Obsidian Soul Stone was obtained by the extraordinary of the Zhuo family." Zhong Bu slowly reported, "This time I got an accurate news that Xiao Yutian is now imprisoned in the demon world, and the place guarded by the demon world is the broken hammer in the refined war hammer. Although this treasure has not broken through to the fairy weapon, it is already very powerful, and Bagui is not his opponent. Xiao Yutian got a treasure that can freely enter and exit the forbidden place of immortals - the Immortal Forbidden Stone. At this moment, Bagui has found Xiao Yutian's son Xiao Fei. This son actually practiced many ancient formulas. The most surprising thing is that he has cultivated yin and yang qi and learned [Xianjian Record]. He is likely to get Xiao Yutian's immortal forbidden stone. According to the current observation, he should not have got the forbidden stone, so he will save Xiao Yutian and his wife. And this side needs to deal with the war hammer, so Bagui told Xiao Fei that he could first sacrifice a piece of the war hammer..."

"I lost the sixth obsidian soul stone, which was originally a big pot and will be drilled into the magic weapon for a year, but now that you have received such a strange message, as long as you confirm that these news is true, it is a great achievement, and then you can offset the mistakes." Zuo Hufa's face was gloomy, and his eyes seemed to have shining light spots. He only glanced at Zhong Bujian, and Zhong Bujian felt that all the secrets in his heart had been explored clearly.

"Thank you very much." Zhong Bu's heartfelt thanks.

"Since things have changed, our plan needs to be modified." The right guardian meditated for a moment and turned to the monarch.

"Hmm." The monarch answered lazily.

"There is a very huge fragment of the war hammer in the magic cave of the demon world." The right guardian said seriously and solemnly, "This fragment is guarded by a foreign beast. Generally, the masters who go through the disaster period will only die. Now the signs of the birth of Tongtianbaojian are becoming more and more obvious, and the time is becoming more and more urgent, so we must help Xiao Fei to get the fragments of the Zhantian hammer.

"Guard the heavenly pool, never let people go first." After saying that, the monarch's lowered eyelids slowly opened and ordered.

"Don't worry, Monarch." The right guardian said respectfully.

"The elder and the second elder led the captain of nine songs to help Xiao Fei get the fragments of the Zhantian hammer to ensure that they could not use the forbidden stone." The right guardian directly issued the order.

"Yes, my lord." The two elders immediately got up and agreed respectfully.

"The three elders and the five elders led the captain of nine songs to Tianchi to prevent others from entering the forbidden place of immortals when the fairy road was opened." The right guard ordered it tightly.

"Yes!" The two elders led the captain of nine songs and got up and answered in unison.

"Once again, I warn you that before the fairy road opens, don't use more than five layers of the disaster period. Otherwise, each of you will have to die." The left guardian stood up and warned.

"Yes." Everyone agreed in unison.

"Only when we get the treasure of Tongtian can all sentient beings in the world survive and we enter the fairyland." The left guard said fiercely.

"Don't get close to Zhong, come here." The right guard waved his hand to Zhong Buxi. Let the others break up!"

"Your Excellency!" Zhong Bu stood up and followed the right guard out of the temple door.

"I have bad news for you. Your home has been destroyed and the child is gone." The right guard said with a sad look.

"What?" Zhong Bujin was shocked and muttered to himself, "This is impossible!"