Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 35 Challenge

As soon as Ming Qiluo's words fell, Wen Donglai was the first to jump out: "Okay! That's right! That boy, your name is Deng Xi, right? Last time you hit Xu Shao, I took good care of you. I really had the courage. Whether you can fight or not, you can't be scared by others, can you?

Deng Xi tilted the corners of his mouth slightly and did not answer. The focus of his eyes at this moment was Li Hufa. As long as he nodded, he could sweep three disciples. Get the exclusive hunting right of the Qiankun Grottoes for a year. At that time, it will be more convenient for him to deal with the gate of the universe with the Xingyue sisters.

When he opened his mouth, not only was he full of anger on the side of the mighty hall, but also a group of disciples of the divine hall began to shout and expressed their support for Deng Xi to continue to fight. Since their number far exceeds that of the withering Wei Wutang, this disturbance has helped the Weiwutang strengthen a lot of momentum.

But at this time, after listening to Sun Guangyuan, the head of the Ghost Hall, who had not spoken, coughed gently, he said slowly, "Lord Wentang, this was originally a fight between this hall and the mighty hall. Do you need to be so excited?"

Hearing what he said, Li Hufa suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Oh? What's your opinion, Master Sun?"

Sun Guangyuan ignored Wen Donglai's fierce reaction to his words at this moment and only nod to Li Hufa and said, "I'm afraid this matter is not as simple as the Mingtang master said, right?"

"What do you mean?" Li Hufa Dao.

Sun Guangyuan smiled and said, "Actually, I have no objection. There will be no difference between fighting and not fighting in this game. My disciple is not that stupid Xu Shao. It is impossible to create miracles here. However, I was thinking that Qiankun Hall is not a place for personal fierceness. There is a temple rule on anyone's head. Since the owner of Mingtang has just announced his abandonment and confirmed by Li Hufa, this result should not be changed. Even if this nephew Deng is brave, it has nothing to do with this scene, right?

As soon as this word came out, the whole audience was silent in an instant. Whether it was the person who saw that Deng Xi's strength was not good enough to help the mighty fish turn over, or the person who was ready to watch his eggs hit the stone, they didn't expect that Sun Guangyuan would make such a move and suppress people with the rules.

Li Hufa was obviously a little surprised, but a moment later, he still nodded and said loudly, "The rules of the palace are like heaven. Since the mighty hall has announced its abandonment, the result cannot be changed. So..."

Hearing what he said, Deng Xi couldn't help but be very anxious. Once the result is confirmed, his plan to open the door of the universe may be abroken, and the only thing missing is that little time. What's more annoying is that I had caught up, but the old man who appeared in the passage blocked it, otherwise everything would be completely reversed.

"Anyway, the results must not be announced!"

Deng Xi's blood surged up in an instant and roared, "Wait!"

This sound was like a thunderstorm, and even Li Hufa couldn't help suffocating in his chest. Those low-level disciples in the hall were even more unbearable and hurriedly covered their ears.

As soon as this sound came out, everyone suddenly realized that Deng Xi's challenge was not to hit the stone, but that he had already had the skills he should not have. If this game can really be fought, the result will be unpredictable.

As for Ming Qiluo, he has a complex expression. On the one hand, he is happy for the surge of Deng Xi's skills, and on the other hand, he is also anxious about Li Hufa's insistence on the results.

"Dun Xi, do you dare to roar in front of me? Don't you understand the rules? What is the crime for the following crimes? Li Hufa said in a calm way.

Now that Deng Xi's words have been released at this time, the whole person has risked. His heart was even more like flying, and then his eyes suddenly lit up, so he looked up and shouted, "Li Hufa, although I haven't been in the hall for a few days, I still remember this temple rules. However, I didn't mean to offend just now. On the contrary, I was just following the rules of the palace.

Li Hufa's eyes condensed and said in surprise, "According to the rules of the palace? According to which temple rule?

Deng Xi smiled and said, "It's the supplementary palace rule after the twelve temple rules."

As soon as this statement came out, not only Li Hufa, but also everyone, including Ming Qiluo, couldn't help but be shocked. Because they remembered the content of this rule almost at the same time.

"If the disciples in the temple are dissatisfied with the result of the handling of any event, they can openly challenge everyone involved in the result. If they win, they will change the result."

Den Xi slowly read it out and then said, "I remember that I didn't quite understand the meaning of this temple rule at first. Therefore, the Lord of the Ming Hall explained to me that this is the most fundamental principle pursued by this hall, and strength determines everything. As long as you can defeat all those who oppose my opinion, you can act according to my will. Li Hufa, am I right?

As soon as the voice fell, the whole audience was suddenly in an uproar. This rule mentioned by Deng Xi is indeed a rule that has always existed in the Qiankun Hall. But this rule is too unrealistic and has never been enforced.

Because since it is the result of one thing, it is usually decided from the top down. If you want to challenge, you will inevitably challenge people who are stronger than yourself. In the middle, it may be the master, the elder and the protector. In the end, it may even be the Lord. Anyone involved in this matter can appear on the list of opponents. In this case, who thinks that they have a long life to do this kind of death-seeming thing?

But today, it is incredible that Deng Xi dares to challenge this rule that has never been challenged before!

The opponents are certainly angry, but those who support him or have the intention to watch the fun are also boiling. This may be the most exciting thing they encountered after entering the Qiankun Hall.

"Interesting, really interesting. Have you decided to do this?" Li Hufa's eyes, which had always been slightly closed, finally opened completely at this moment.

"Deng Xi, calm down!" Only then did Ming Qiluo react. He jumped down from the platform, came to Deng Xi, and then lowered his voice and said, "Aren't you crazy? I can see that you have made great progress, but this kind of challenge is hopeless. It's hard for me to come out of such a person as you, but I don't want you to die so soon. Let's give up. Isn't it just the right to hunt in the cave for a year? It's not enough to die for him."

Deng hoped that Mingqiluo's anxious face couldn't help but feel warm. No matter what the initial starting point was, he could see that the other party's concern for him was indeed sincere.

So he shook his head slightly, suddenly stretched out his hand and held her slender softness: "Don't worry so much, it's not so serious. I'll help you fight for the monopoly of the cave this year."

With that, Deng Xi smiled indifferently and said to Li Hufa, "I've decided to challenge!"

When he said this, he suddenly felt that on the platform, another pair of warm eyes were staring at him with encouraging eyes. He blinked and couldn't help grinning. It was Chang Feng.