Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 41 Lord

Deng Xi has heard the voice of the ghost refiner who received his soul, but it is not the same as the voice at this moment. And now this sound should have just been heard recently.

"That's right, the old man in the corridor!"

Deng Xi remembered in an instant. Is this the old man who almost missed him before? No wonder it looks so strange that it is the owner of this Qiankun Hall. Moreover, it should be the incarnation of the ghost refiner.

At this time, all the focus of attention turned back to Deng Xi.

And Li Hu's law said, "Since the Lord has opened his mouth, I don't need to repeat it again. Where is the temple protection? I don't think you need me to tell you, do you?

"Yes, I've heard someone say that." Deng Xi nodded.

"That's good." Li Hufa said with satisfaction, "You should start now. However, let me remind you first that there is no door to protect the temple. When you get to the place, the temple owner will naturally use his magic power to take you in.

Deng Xi couldn't help but jump when he heard the words. It was the first time he heard that there was no door to protect the temple. Then the way to get in and out should be through some kind of transmission array. Just in this way, you can't go in and out at will. What should I do if I want to steal the Xuanfu tripod in the future?

It's just that this is the next step of worry. At present, it's better to get through the death of the earth first.

It is only a thousand steps away from the main hall of Qiankun to the temple of protection, and when he arrived here, he saw the wall of the palace towering, from the bottom to the top, and there was no gap.

While Deng Xi was observing left and right, he heard the sound suddenly float out from behind the palace wall in front of him: "Good, you're finally here."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the black light spinning in front of him, and the space in front of him seemed to be suddenly clicked, tearing a hole in mid-air, revealing the deep bottomless black hole in *.

And then, the tone became louder and louder and surrounded Deng Xi.

Deng Xi couldn't help but tighten his heart and instinctively had the impulse to return and escape, but as soon as his body moved, the black hole suddenly expanded and instantly crossed his body and swallowed him in one bite.

In an instant, there was darkness in front of him, and Deng Xi seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss. Everything around him was quickly moving away from him, making him feel a sense of collapse.

For good, the feeling came and went quickly. When he finally found the feeling of being down-to-earth, the darkness in front of him seemed to have been suddenly removed from the curtain covering his head, and the light was restored.

Then, he was shocked to find that he was standing on a huge stone isolated on the bottomless abyss. The boulder is dozens of steps, and there is nothing around, only a dim blue light. In front of himself, from the boulder, there is a ladder suspended in the air composed of hundreds of stone slabs.

Looking up this ladder, I saw a huge black jade throne as big as a house in the middle of the day.

"Are these all illusions?"

Deng Xi couldn't help taking a cold breath.

With his cultivation at this moment, his divine consciousness can extend out and reach dozens of feet, but no matter how he tries his best to expand his divine consciousness, he can't reach the edges around him. It seems that the place where you are is really endless emptiness.

"This ghost refiner is very good at creating scary scenes." Deng Xi secretly said in his heart, "No wonder those who have seen the Lord will have a look of awe in their eyes. This scene alone is frightening enough to scare people. But I don't know what an amazing situation he will cause in his incarnation camp.

Since you are here, there is no room for retreat. After adjusting his breathing slightly, Deng Xi held his head high and walked up the floating stone ladder.

It didn't take long for Deng Xi to reach the end of nearly 500 steps of stone stairs.

When I looked up, I saw nothing on the huge throne in front of me.

Deng Xi frowned slightly, and then said loudly, "Deng Xi, a disciple of the mighty hall, came to visit the Lord."

As soon as his voice came out, it quickly dissipated, and there was no echo, which made him more lonely.

"What the hell is this? Want to see me but don't show up? Do you deliberately create a sense of mystery? Deng Xi thought.

Then, he thought that this is the throne of the temple, so the Xuanfu tripod should be on its head.

Thinking of this, Deng Xi quickly looked up. Sure enough, in a curled vortex directly above the throne, there was a gray and thick-colored several-inch tripod, which was slowly rotating.

Its external image is not conspicuous, but judging from the hidden rich breath in it, it is indeed a powerful magical treasure.

"That's it!" Deng Xi couldn't help but be excited.

And while he was staring at the mysterious tripod, he suddenly found that under the small tripod, in the empty space, something began to emerge slowly like a burst of smoke.

Deng Xi was shocked and quickly took a look. However, these green smokes are constantly condensing and thickening, gathering thick and turbidity, and slowly falling down to the throne.

In a moment, the green smoke had condensed into a vague human figure. After that, after more than a dozen breaths, a complete body quickly condensed in front of Deng Xi's eyes. And slowly landed in the giant throne.

Deng Xi saw it very clearly. Sure enough, he was the strange old man who blocked his way. It's just that at this moment, the breath emanating from his body is no longer the situation he saw before.

"To make such trouble, I really try my best to scare everyone in this soul weapon. Unfortunately, it's me who happened to meet this time.

Therefore, because Deng Xi already had a belly manuscript in his heart, when he saw this temple master respected as a god by the whole universe hall, he just smiled faintly. He bowed and said, "Deng Xi has seen the Lord."

When the old man saw Deng Xi's performance at this time, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, and then said, "Deng Xi, you wanted to see me so much before, but you didn't know what happened?"

Naturally, Deng Xi couldn't make it clear about Xuanfuding and opening the door of the universe, so after a moment of meditation, he bowed and said, "Go back to the Lord's words. Originally, there was nothing to do, but after entering the hall for so long, I haven't seen the Lord, and I wanted to come and see it. But now, I really have some questions and want to ask the Lord.

"Oh?" The old man smiled softly: "What's the problem? Just say it directly."