Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 44 Don't Give a Way to Live

The location of the Qiankun main hall is still the same, but the people are much worse.

The Guiyutang suffered heavy losses this time, and there were only 30 or 40 disciples who came this time, which is in sharp contrast to the previous grandeur of talent. Moreover, many of them are new disciples with low cultivation.

However, even those seriously injured who were beaten by Deng Xi to break their bones and muscles, they dragged their bodies forward this time, probably to see how Deng Xi died in the earth's death array, so as to relieve his grief and anger.

As for the other two churches, their mood is probably the same, because for them, it is a fool's dream to take back the hunting right of the Qiankun Grotto from Deng Xi, and they can only hope that Deng Xi will die in the battle.

At the gate of the hall, Deng Xi saw Changfeng at a glance.

"Brother Chang, I knew you would be here. You haven't taught me the secret of breaking the array yet. Deng Xi laughed at first sight.

Chang Feng first bowed to Ming Qiluo, and then curled his lips and said, "Kid, don't talk to me. Your master was easier than me in those years. Do you still need me to teach you the secret?"

Deng Xi laughed and said, "Even so, seeing that my younger brother is going to die generously, he won't come to see me these two days."

"That won't work. It's rare that you have time to prepare. How can I bother you? What's more, isn't it the same now? Chang Feng paused and said in a low voice, "You'll go in right away. Brother, there's nothing to do for you. I'll just give you a word: around. Other than that, you can take care of yourself."

After saying that, he quickly turned around and walked into the palace door without waiting for Deng Xi to answer.

"Thank you, Brother Chang!" Deng hoped for his back, and unconsciously felt a slight fever in his heart.

"I can't see that Changfeng is really good for you."

Ming Qiluo didn't know the history of the relationship between the two, which was a little strange. It should be noted that in the Qiankun Hall, some disciples may make friends with each other because of common interests. Otherwise, if you don't dismantle each other, you will already have a good character behind your back.

"Yes, Brother Chang is a good person." With that, Deng Xi suddenly turned around and smiled faintly at Ming Qiluo: "However, my sister hasn't been good to me."

"Go!" Mingqiluo turned red and stared at him and said, "When did you dare to talk to me?"

"I'm just telling the truth." Deng Xi is very wronged.


On the high platform, Li Hufa sat upright and lowered his eyebrows. It was not until Deng Xi and Ming Qiluo entered the field that he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Deng Xi, the Lord specially postponed the date of the test for you this time, which can be regarded as a favor. However, this death array will not be polite to you. Whether you can retreat completely or not depends on your own competition.

"It's not a big problem." Deng Xi smiled faintly: "However, if Li Hufa can give me another ten days and a half months off, I will be more sure."

Li Shanqing snorted softly, and then turned to Ming Qiluo, who had just jumped to the platform: "Can you explain the matter of challenging the death to Deng Xi?"

Ming Qiluo nodded blankly and said, "I've already said it."

"Hmm." Li Shanqing said, "Very good, and it saves my tongue. Deng Xi, let's see how you can survive in this half hour. Layout!"

As soon as the words fell, five old men in green robes flew out from a row of seats behind him and fell down to Deng Xi's side. After standing still, they found that they stepped on the five-star position, 50 steps away, surrounding Deng Xi at the core. One by one, their eyes drooped and stood with their hands on their hands, like mountains.

Then, a heavy true air circled up from the soles of their feet and soon surrounded their bodies. And continue to extend outward, and soon blend with other people's aura.

In a short time, a semi-condensive air wall began to be erected around Deng Xi, which almost extended from the ground to the top of the hall, surrounding the five guardians and Deng Xi at the same time. From the outside, you can only see the vague figures of six people, and you can't see all the details.

At this time, Li Shanqing suddenly rose from the sky from the high platform in a clear roar, flew all the way to the top of the hall, and then turned his head down and slowly floated into the magic array surrounded by the air wall.

As soon as his figure fell into the array, he saw that the top of the air wall began to gradually close and slowly rotate.

As the speed of rotation becomes faster and faster, the figure of the people in the array is becoming more and more blurred, and only the position of each person can be roughly distinguished.

At this time, Li Shanqing shouted in a low voice: "The universe escapes, and the dead!"

As soon as the words fell, the ground under the array suddenly cracked silently, and then slowly sank down. In a short time, the array completely sank under the ground, and looking from above, the sinking round hole was surrounded by black light and waves. Deng Xi's figure was coiling around quickly, chasing back and forth with Li Shanqing, while the other five guardians, although they could not see what they were doing, strange black gas flew out from around them and surrounded Deng Xi in the array.

"Hey, brother, what are those black gas?" A disciple who had just entered the outer hall of the vast universe pot in the past two months was secretly asking a man beside him.

And the man obviously saw the death of the earth more than once, and said like a pan-it-shop, "This? Of course, this is the spirit recruited by the death of the earth spirit. As long as it is touched, the operation of the true qi of the whole body will be greatly hindered. The more it is touched, the more power will be reduced. A person with five layers of airway cultivation is likely to defeat later, without even the third level of skills, and then have to fight with the six major guardians. Do you think he can still survive?

"Oh, so powerful, how can you fight this? Does it take half an hour? Isn't it too difficult?"

The brother smiled and said, "Is it too difficult? Nonsense, isn't it difficult for everyone to challenge?

Ming Qiluo couldn't take his eyes off the tense situation in the magic array at this moment and couldn't help biting his lower lip: "Kid, I know I'm good to you, don't let me down. If you die, I don't know where to find someone to treat him well.


In the death array, it is like entering the abyss of purgatory, with no heaven and no top or no bottom. The five guardians live in five directions, constantly printing and casting spells to promote the magic array.

In front of Deng Xi's eyes, the dark spirits, after summoned from the five guardians, chased after one after another. They are like the evil spirits recalled by hell. They are ferocious and fast, and they are not blindly chasing, and sometimes they will go around the front and block them head-on.

For good, due to the reminder of Ming Qiluo and Chang Feng, he was refreshed at this time, walking like the wind, like a butterfly piercing flowers, and shuttled back and forth in the array with these earth spirits. Don't dare to let them touch at all.

However, this land spirit death array is obviously not so simple. In addition to these land spirits, the greater threat comes from Li Shanqing.

As the highest protector above 10,000 people under the whole universe hall, his strength is by no means equal to that of Sun Guangyuan and Wen Donglai. It is extremely difficult for Deng Xi to defeat him one-on-one, not to mention the strong interference of the spirits around him.

I saw sword-like momentum passing through his top and bottom, almost hitting him several times.

It's just because his goal is clear, he only flashes and doesn't attack.

However, he soon found that with the increasing spirit of the earth, the space for him to dodge became smaller and smaller, so Li Shanqing's threat became larger and bigger accordingly.

Finally, with a bang, Li Shanqing's breath released by Li Shanqing rubbed his ribs heavily, making his whole body tremble and his body stagnated.

"It's not good!" Deng Xi's heart was shocked.

According to Mingqiluo, a complete dodge of the other party must be able to persist for at least a quarter of an hour and convert it into more than two or three hours in the magic array. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to persist due to the slowdown after being recruited.

But it's only been a while now!

Sure enough, with this stagnation, a fierce spirit caught up with his body in an instant. After biting his ankle, it quickly penetrated into his meridians from the wound like a wisp of toxin.

And with the infiltration of this wisp of earth spirit, his calf immediately felt a little numb.

Fortunately, Deng Xi had made corresponding countermeasures, and then he gritted his teeth and immediately strengthened his true qi to remove the spirit near his ankle. Previously, he used the highly poisonous qi-eating elixir to cultivate true qi, which was to prepare for this situation.

Although the spirit of the earth is not exactly the same as the poison of the spiritual carving elixir, it has a similar effect on the damage of the body. Therefore, after adapting to the poison of the spiritual eagle internal elixir, Deng Xi has a certain ability to remove this paralyzed attack.

At this time, the numbness on the ankle subsided in an instant, and the body became lighter, and it regained its previous flexibility.


Li Shanqing's heavy blow burst behind him. He thought that Deng Xi would be slow down when he was hit, so the prediction was a little late, which made Deng Xi lucky to escape.

"Huh? Did you recover so soon? Sure enough, there are some ways." Li Shanqing sneered: "However, how much can I see how much you can hold on? The universe is extremely good!"

Hearing his order, the five guardians immediately changed at the same time. Then, Deng Xi felt that there seemed to be some strange distortion and rotation in this bounded empty array.

And your position is the center of this distortion. So that when everything approaches you, the distance from each other will suddenly shrink and become extremely dense. And the speed will also be doubled.

As a result, the space for you to dodge becomes smaller, while it becomes easier for the other party to chase you.

At the same time, in the main hall of Qiankun outside the magic array, after seeing the changes in the death array of the earth spirit, Ming Qiluo and Chang Feng couldn't help changing their faces, while Sun Guangyuan and others were in front of their eyes.

"Isn't this the universe Xuanji that will not be opened until the last moment?" Wen Donglai couldn't help shouting: "It's been used so soon. Obviously, it won't give this boy a way to live. It's funny!"