Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 57 Not negotiable

"Discussion?" The soul messenger frowned and said with a cold smile, "Does the ghost discuss with the ghost official? Are you telling a joke to Ben?

Deng Xi's heart tightened. In fact, he knew very well that among the three worlds of people, ghosts and gods, the underworld is the most unreasonable world. Each hall of the Yin Division has the strictest rules. Once any ghost is detained, it can only be controlled honestly.

If you are lucky, you can be reincarnated after walking around each hall. And bad luck, in the 18th hell of the underworld, all kinds of cruel punishments are waiting for you.

Therefore, no ghost has any room to speak here, and once they say something wrong, the disaster will be unbearable.

But Deng Xi can't accept the result of going to hell with the soul messenger at this moment. Because no matter how lucky he is, whether he is directly reincarnated or tortured in hell. In the end, once he crossed the bridge and drank Meng Po soup, everything in his life had nothing to do with him.

In Deng Xi's heart, the cause of his death has not been identified, and the hidden undercurrent of Deng's family has not been revealed. How can he be willing to let go?

"Sorry, three messengers, I know that hell is strict and the punishment is harsh, but I do have a wish that I can't enter the hell. Please tolerate the three men and suspend the detention.

But after listening to Deng Xi's words, the expressions of the three soul-retaining messengers in front of them did not even move. Perhaps, after many years of being poor, they have already seen too many soft and hard pleas, and they are almost happy and angry.

"I'm stubborn!" The soul messenger snorted, "I'll give you another chance to say one last word, go or not?"

While talking, the aura of the three of them was released in an instant, and the tide surged to Deng Xi and others.

Dun Xi and others were shocked again.

In fact, in terms of cultivation alone, the power of these soul messengers has not reached the realm of the fifth level of the human airway, and they are not the opponents of Deng Xi and others. But their strength is that as a special envoy to detain souls, their mourning sticks have the special power to control ghosts.

As long as they are in the human world, as long as their soul strength comes out, no matter how powerful the soul is, they can't resist the fate of being detained.

While talking, Deng Xi only felt that whether it was Ming Qiluo around him, the Xingyue sisters behind him, and Chang Feng, who had been on alert all of his whole body, had made great efforts and was ready for the most difficult battle.

If you can still rely on strength and luck to fight fiercely, the current scene is almost the final struggle with fate. Moreover, it is likely to be a meaningless struggle.

Thinking of this, Deng Xi suddenly sighed helplessly, and then bowed his head and said to Ming Qiluo, "Sister Ming, you are different from me. I still have important things in my life that have not been solved. You have lost your memories of life, and there is no need to anger the hell for things that have no impact on you. Otherwise, you first..."

As soon as his words fell, he heard Mingqiluo shouting loudly, "Deng Xi, what are you talking about? Do you want me to put you down and go to hell for reincarnation?


As soon as Deng Xi hesitated, Ming Qiluo stiffen his face and stared at Deng Xi and said, "Are you also kidding me? I have already said that I don't know anything about the past and what is reincarnated. The most precious and only thing I can't let go of now is this experience since I met you. Do you want me to go to hell now? Do you want me to give up this last most precious memory? You are so cruel."

Deng Xi was stunned when he heard this, and a warm heat flow poured into his heart in an instant. So he couldn't help blurted out: "No, that's not what I mean."

"It's not good!" Ming Qiluo's smile bloomed in an instant, as if it was sunny at the beginning of next month, and the clouds dispersed: "What I said will never change. I won't go anywhere, I'll be with you."

As soon as she finished her words, Jiang Yue immediately followed and said, "Ah, a touching confession of life and death."

When Deng Xi was boiling, he curled his lips angrily as soon as he heard this: "I said, what are you coming to join in the fun?"

As soon as she heard this, Jiang Yue was immediately unhappy: "Hey, what does it mean to join in the fun? I just conveyed my sister's words to you. You don't have to persuade both of us to surrender. Anyway, it's right to follow you. Moreover, our foundation is not even a ghost at all, and it's not our turn to arrest them.

Deng Xi couldn't help laughing after thinking about it. Yes, who has heard that stone carving also has a soul? Maybe there is no name of the Xingyue sisters on the roster of Yinsi Difu.

"Dun Xi, it seems that you and your few women will not surrender." At this time, I heard Chang Feng laugh loudly: "In this case, I'm alone and won't do this unlucky thing. Isn't it just fighting against hell? If we save ourselves on this trip, how can there be a reason to send ourselves away? I'll do this with you."

His words are resolute and hard to refuse. Deng Xi also heard a secret nod.

At this time, the three ghost officials on the opposite side were a little unbearable: "Ignorant children, it's easy to have a hard mouth, and the skin and flesh are bitter. Let's see how you can resist!"

In an instant, there was only a low roar, and the ghost official at the head had already released his meditarian ghost.

For a moment, a force that made the "human" lose strength immediately broke through the air and headed for Deng Xi.

Seeing the other party take action, Deng Xi and Ming Qiluo were shocked. Although the other party's attack has a great impact on their true qi operation. But Fortunately, the two of them were not bad. After trying their best to lift their energy, they finally tried their best to dodge to both sides.

"Do you really want to resist arrest?"

The soul messenger snorted and attacked them again. His mourning stick kept rushing to the two of them, and the power of the anesthetic soul crisscrossed, which was invincible.

Deng Xi and Ming Qiluo dodged the deadly soul restraining power while attacking backhanded, and their skills were higher than the soul restraining messenger, but after a moment, the two gradually reversed the situation.

The other two soul-holding messengers shouted angrily as soon as they saw that the momentum was not right and attacked at the same time.

Although not every soul-retaining messenger has the opportunity to encounter ghosts with airway cultivation, this time, because they need to face Xiuyun, a powerful ghost refiner, the personnel sent naturally have corresponding means.

Therefore, when the three ghost officials took action together, the situation changed in an instant. They came out and immediately formed a strange formation.