Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 62 Wedding Banquet

In the door of the Deng family, Mrs. Qi's lips trembled slightly, closed her eyes, and looked at the box in front of her, which was nearly twice as big as the previous brocade box, and the blood-red handwriting on the box.

"Madam, why don't you repay the old master?"

Ding Yong also saw that Mrs. Qi's expression was different at this time, so he said carefully.

Mrs. Qi opened her eyes in an instant when she heard the words, and then sighed gently and changed her old smile: "No need. This is just an enemy I married in my early years. If you don't have much ability, you will just do this kind of evil way. It's a small matter. It's better not to disturb the old man.

With that, he did not see the reaction of the family in the house, so he returned to his room with the box.

"Well, let me see. What else can you surprise me?"

After Mrs. Qi gritted her teeth, she first operated the true qi protection, and then carefully opened the lid of the box.

In an instant, a strong smell of medicine came to her nose. Mrs. Qi was shocked and quickly held her breath and jumped back to prevent change.

But after a moment, nothing happened except the strange smell of medicine. She finally breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward again.

"Hmm!" As soon as Mrs. Qi saw the things in the box, she immediately snorted angrily and cursed in a low voice: "It's this kind of thing again. Do you think this can scare me? Dream!"

It turned out that in the box was a fragmented headless body, and from the clothes attached to it, it was Xiuyun's body. And the smell of medicine just now comes from the medicinal herbs that prevent the body from decaying.

After Mrs. Qi calmed down a little, she turned her eyes to the place where the previous brocade box was hidden.

"Now the master will come back soon. I can't hide things like bodies at home all the time. Once I find them, I will be in trouble. And the person who sent the body is probably also waiting for the opportunity for the master to come back. I have to get rid of these things first.

Thinking of this, after thinking a little, she put all the corpses of this head and body into her storage bag first. I want to take time to go out and refine these things in a remote alchemy room.

At this moment, a young man outside the courtyard sang loudly: "Madam, the old master is back."

Mrs. Qi frowned when she heard the words: "Are you here so soon?"

Deng Zhengming went to the woman's house to give a bride price. According to local rules, the in-law and his wife will accompany him back and hold a simple ceremony at the man's house to entertain the guests and friends. Even if the marriage between the two parties is booked, they will only wait until the wedding is over.

Therefore, as soon as Deng Zhengming came back, it meant that his father-in-law Shen Zhenting and his wife Huang Zhujun also came. However, Mrs. Zhou, the main room of Deng Zhengming, is not here, and Deng Drive, who is married, is his own son. He has to go to greet him.

So, I didn't have time to dispose of Xiuyun's body.

"Well, if you don't deal with it, you won't deal with it. No matter who you are or what you want to do, I, Qi Xiangyun, will accompany you. If you want to bad my good deeds, it depends on how high you can be!"

She squeezed her fist hard and secretly cheered herself up.

After a while, Mrs. Qi straightened her appearance and stood under the wall at the door with a close maid.

"Master is back." Her clear voice came out from afar.

Deng Zhengming's return home this time can be said to be complete merit and gratified. The infinite sadness of the early loss of the eldest son was finally eased by the finalization of the second son's marriage.

When he and Mrs. Qi gave up Mr. and Mrs. Shen Zhenting into the festive interior hall, the three brothers of Deng Zhaohua and Deng Zhengming were already waiting there.

And as soon as Shen Zhenting saw that even Deng Zhaohua came out, he hurried forward to salute his nephew. After the politeness of the two sides, the atmosphere in the hall was warm, peaceful and harmonious.

At noon the next day, the Deng family banquet held a joint banquet and invited many relatives and friends to witness the marriage of the Deng and Shen families.

With the status and influence of the Deng family, the guests and friends who came to support it were naturally indispensable. For a while, the lobby of the Deng family, which could accommodate hundreds of people, was full and full. Between the crisscross, it is even more lively.

After the owner of the two families delivered a speech, Dengqu, as the bridegroom-to-be, was naturally introduced. On the one hand, he saluted his parents-to-be, and on the other hand, it also made the second young master of the Deng family, who had not appeared much in the formal scene, officially shine in the whole Zhongdu mainland's practice world.

And this second son of Deng is also a young talent second only to Deng Xi in the Deng family. Regardless of literary and martial arts, he can be regarded as outstanding. However, because he has been suppressed by Deng Xi since he was a child, his nature is a little feminine and restrained. Even if Qi Xiangyun has been focusing on cultivating his mind and temperament to take over the family business, it has not changed at all.

It was not until Deng Xi was seriously ill and he knew the truth that he finally woke up.

At this moment, it is precisely when he officially became the third generation successor of the Deng family and embraced the beauty, and he wanted to perform hard.

However, a person's temperament and temperament cannot be changed overnight. After saying a few words, his timid nature quickly leaked out. When he opened his mouth, Mrs. Qi quickly dealt with a few words for him and called him down.

When Deng drove past Mrs. Qi, he heard Mrs. Qi's gentle cold hum. Just as he was about to lower his head reflexively, he heard Deng Zhengming's low voice and said, "Look up, you are getting married today. What do you look like?"

Deng Drive frowned when he heard the words, and then took two breaths and raised his head. But the helplessness and distress in the eyes can be seen by others.

And the Shen couple, as the woman's parents, saw Deng Lu's performance, unconsciously looked at each other and sighed gently.

Someone whispered among the guests on the table a little far away.

One person said, "Yo, this second son of the Deng family is far worse than the eldest son in those years."

The person opposite him also said, "That's because the eldest son was only 14 or 15 years old, which was much better than the second son of 17 or 18 years old. Unfortunately, it's only been two or three years, why is it gone?

"Oil, all right, don't say a word." Someone hurried out to stop it. After all, this is the day of the marriage of the second son of the Deng family. This kind of words not only poked the pain point of the master's family, but also wiped the face of the woman's family. No one was good-looking.

I didn't think about it. However, someone wanted to mention the pot if he didn't open it. He ignored the advice and continued: "Who said no? Poor young master of the Deng family should have been the one who had been becified today, but he died inexplicably. Let this dick pick up a bargain.

Originally, these words were still whispering under the table. Due to the lively scene, no one should pay attention to it, but somehow, as soon as these sounds came out, they were clearly heard by everyone. In the end, everyone calmed down and only listened to these people splashing there.

So after continuing to say a few words, these people immediately found that the situation around them was not good, quickly stopped their mouths and looked around in panic. When they realized that everything they said had been heard by others, they drank a few glasses of wine and pretended to be crazy.

However, the atmosphere of the banquet became strange. If others can bear this situation, Mrs. Qi can't bear it in the first place. She couldn't accept that his son took advantage of Deng Xi's death, because it was really the result of her painsive design.

Then, an idea suddenly penetrated into her mind, and she suddenly became alert: "These two are just the elders of two small sects in the city. How can they have the courage to say such a thing in the Deng family? Are they the group of people who oppose me and come to provoke trouble?"

For Mrs. Qi, since the other party is so bold and blatantly sent Xiuyun's body to her, there is no reason to let go of such a good opportunity today. In fact, she has been paying attention to the changes in the field since the beginning of the banquet. So when you see such a strange situation at this time, you will naturally think about it.

When she thought of this, a cold light appeared in her eyes. Then he quietly stood up and walked towards the table of these people.

She wants to see what earth-shaking things the other party can do.

"Ead Elder Xu, Lord Ge, the two drivers came to the children's wedding banquet, and the concubine did not come to thank them, but they were neglected. Now I'm here to give you a toast, and I hope you can have a good look.

Elder Xu and the owner of Gemen, one is the elder of the Yunzhong faction in Tianming City, and the other is the head of a small family that is only 20 miles away from Dengjiazhuang. Whether they are their own cultivation or the strength of the sect, they are not on the same level as the Deng family at all.

At this time, the mother of Master Deng came to toast in person, and they suddenly became a little confused. In particular, he knew that what he had just said had committed this mildew, and he looked even more depressed.

Among them, Elder Xu's tongue is already a little stiff: "Qi, Mrs. Qi, yes, I'm sorry, Lao Xu, I'm drinking too much and talking nonsense. Don't take it to heart."

When Mrs. Qi heard what he said, she shook her head disappointedly. If those words just now are really just drunken words, in her capacity, it is already a little overreacting to come to care about in person, let alone find him any trouble.

"Ead Elder Xu is worried. How can my concubine take it seriously on the wine table? Please feel free."

After Mrs. Qi smiled stiffly, she was ready to return and leave, but she heard Elder Xu suddenly say, "Besides, Mrs. Qi, Mrs. Qi, I just heard that the eldest son seems to have died strangely. Is there any such a thing?"

Originally, when Mrs. Qi came down to toast, everyone's attention had followed, so as soon as this sentence sounded, the whole audience was silent again. Not only were the people who listened to it surprised, but even Elder Xu himself covered his mouth in horror in an instant, as if he didn't believe that he could say it.