Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 65 Mother and son are connected

In the whole lobby, the most shocking thing is naturally Qi Xiangyun.

Sending Mrs. Zhou to recover from illness was originally an idea that she chewed on Deng Zhengming's ears, but she didn't want the existence of the main wife of Deng's house to affect her series of plans in the future.

At first, Mrs. Zhou was not reluctant to leave Dengjiazhuang, but after knowing that the Deng family intended to drive Deng to the Shen family for marriage, out of a blind mentality, she finally agreed to leave home to recuperate. Since then, it has gradually faded out of the vision of the Deng family.

And at this most critical moment, she suddenly appeared. Mrs. Qi understood that this mysterious figure who claimed to be Deng Xi really wanted to attack her completely.

Mrs Zhou has become ill because of her son. During this period, the whole person has described it as haggard, and people who are less than 40 years old have actually shown old. Deng Xi saw it and felt a burst of regret in his heart. Unfortunately, he was dead and could not appear to greet him. I can only sigh secretly.

"Sir, if I don't come back, I'm afraid that the future family business of our Deng family will fall into the hands of some ambitious people."

As soon as Mrs. Zhou came up, she went straight in, which made the Deng family change color together, while the Shen couple, as the main guests, could hardly sit still. If other people's family makes such a scene, they will turn the groom into a brother-loving murderer. How can this kiss get married? If it hadn't been for the friendship and face of the two families, they would have gone long ago.

Mrs Qi looked miserable in an instant and said sadly, "How do you say this? Has the maliciously slandered little sister also been transmitted to my sister? Sister, you can't believe it."

Mrs Zhou didn't answer her words, just sneered and said directly, "Sister Xiangyun, for so many years, I really haven't seen that you are such a person. Fortunately, Xi'er has called your second mother for so many years. You are so good!"

"Qi, why do you talk like this in front of so many guests?" Deng Zhengming said urgently.

Mrs Zhou shook her head with a bitter smile: "Sir, I know that this is a happy day for the Deng family. I should take care of the overall situation, not sweep away everyone's interest, and shouldn't wipe the face of the Deng family." With that, she owed herself to Shen Zhenting and his wife: "I'm sorry, Lord Shen Zhuang, you and my two sides will not look good today. But this matter involves the tragic death of the child, please forgive me for taking care of it.

Mr. and Mrs. Shen Zhenting's faces were already cloudy. Hearing what Mrs. Zhou said, they could only sigh and smiled bitterly.

Then, Mrs. Zhou turned to Deng Zhengming again: "Sir, my concubine has listened to what happened here just now. Don't you suspect that someone is manipulating Elder Xu, so you dare not believe what he said?

Deng Zhengming nodded and said, "Yes, this person's whereabouts are mysterious and manipulate others to make trouble with evil. How can our Deng family allow such people to talk nonsense and disturb people's hearts here? I also want to know the cause of Hil's death, but how can such news be trusted?

"You don't believe it, I believe it!" Mrs. Zhou's tone suddenly rose to a higher level: "Because the person who really speaks behind Elder Xu is your precious son, Deng Xi, who was framed to death!"


As soon as Mrs. Zhou's voice fell, at least half of the Deng family exclaimed in a low voice. The remaining half can't help looking at each other. Obviously, this news is too shocking.

Mrs Qi's face is shocked at this moment. The voice has long claimed that she is Deng Xi, but she is not willing to believe it easily. Because even if Xiuyun failed her promise and did not refine Deng Xi's soul immediately, it was impossible for him to escape from the ghost refiner's soul weapon again. Even if he can escape from the soul weapon, it is impossible to kill Xiuyun in turn, and learn so many strange skills and run back to set up a game to revenge.

Therefore, Mrs. Qi would rather believe that after someone else killed Xiuyun, she inadvertently found out the clues about the cause of Deng Xi's death, so she came to threaten herself, perhaps because she wanted to get some benefits from it.

As for Mrs. Zhou's words, in Mrs. Qi's opinion, this Mrs. Zhengfang was crazy, so she did not distinguish between true and false. As soon as someone claimed to be her son, she immediately believed it.

"Aqi, do you mean Xi'er? What the hell is going on? Deng Zhengming asked with his lips trembling slightly.

Mrs Zhou took two deep breaths and stared at her husband and said, "Xier was killed by someone to death by a ghost refiner. Now, his soul has broken free from the fetters of the soul weapon and come back to avenge his grievances."

"Is this true?" Deng Zhengming said, "Although the soul is not nonsense, it is too difficult to imagine. Will you make a mistake?"

As soon as his words fell, another Deng family member also said, "Yes, sister-in-law, people and ghosts have different paths. Even if Xi'er is really framed and resentment, it is difficult to have direct contact with people. How on earth can the sister-in-law be sure that this is Xi'er's soul?"

Mrs Zhou raised her eyebrows and shouted with an angry face, "You men, what are you talking about? Is there anyone who can't recognize her own child as a mother? Even if I can't see him and just ask a few words, others will not pretend!"

"This..." Deng Zhengming was stunned. The so-called mother and son are connected. He really can't refute Mrs. Zhou's words. But if what she said is true, it means that Mrs. Qi did murder Deng Xi, which is a more unacceptable result for him. He can't believe it and doesn't want to believe it.

So, he suddenly turned his eyes to Mrs. Qi and asked painfully, "Xiang Yun, what's going on?"

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable to her, Mrs. Qi's mood gradually became uncontrollable. Her eyes wandered and her face turned red. After a moment, she suddenly cried out: "Master, don't even believe you? My concubine has been in the Deng family for so many years and has never kept her duty. Why did she and her sister blush for one thing? This is deliberately framed by someone. Sister or Nezi is eager and blinded, sir, you have to be the master of the concubine!"

When Deng Zhengming saw this situation, his forehead suddenly exploded and he didn't know what to do. With his cultivation, if he competes with skills and fights with others, he has never been afraid, but this kind of internal chaos makes him at a loss. The left hand is meat, and the right hand is also meat. No matter which side is reasonable, it is his disaster.

And at this moment, Elder Xu said again: "Enough!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's attention immediately turned to him. According to Mrs. Zhou, it was Deng Xi who controlled his speech, so the focus of everyone's attention to him at this time was very different from that just now.

"I think everyone has understood Mrs. Zhou's words." Elder Xu said, "Yes, I'm Deng Xi. I just use Elder Xu's body to speak. It's not convenient to be polite. Please forgive me."

"You, are you really Hill?" Deng Zhengming's voice trembled and muttered.

"I remember that in the Mid-Autumn Festival, my father said at the head of my bed that when the child recovered, he would take the child to Heiyun Mountain to hunt the green tiger. I don't know if my father still remembers it." Elder Xu's expression seemed calm, but in his voice, anyone could clearly see the uncontrollable excitement.

"Oh, my God!" After looking at Elder Xu for a while, Deng Zhengming fell into the seat and buried his head in his hands.

On the other side, Mrs. Zhou's face was full of tears.

Deng Xi did not stay in the sentimental dialogue with his relatives' yin and yang. He suppressed the grief in his heart and controlled Elder Xu to turn his face and say to Mrs. Qi, "I know that if I just expose the things you have done with Xiuyun, you will definitely have all kinds of sophistry. I also know that if you rely on my mother to subdue you, you will not be willing to accept the crime. Therefore, all my allegations will put the evidence in front of you and convince you.

With that, he glanced at his relatives with his head held high: "Dear uncles and elders, I think that at this time, everyone must have begun to wonder what happened to the corpse I just mentioned. And Er Niang must not want to take it out, but fortunately, she doesn't need to take it at all. I can let it out by itself.

As soon as he finished saying this, Elder Xu's body shook slightly, and then he stretched out his hand to cover his mouth with a panicked face and said, "Me, what happened to me just now? That's not what I said."

As soon as everyone saw it, they knew that Deng Xi had lifted his control of him, so he did not ask where his soul was going next.

So everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Mrs. Qi.

And Mrs. Qi is heartbroken at this time. Although she is also a Taoist person, there is nothing she can do in the face of ghosts. I could only subconsciously hold down my storage bag.

Sure enough, just a moment later, she only felt her storage bag vibrate, as if something was about to rush out.

She was ready to suppress it, but the power of the rush was so amazing that with the strength of the fifth layer of her airway, it was not blocked at once. In an instant, a red shadow flashed, and a mass of humanoid objects flew out of her waist and landed on the ground in the middle of the lobby.

"Oh, my God, what is this?"

There was a sudden disturbance during the banquet. Because although everyone is ready to see a terrible corpse, the group of things in front of them is already blurred and the original shape can't be seen at all.

And after this thing landed, it slowly wriggles and deforms, gradually lengths and rises, and differentiates into the trunk limbs and skulls. Finally, the image of a thin and tall old man with white hair suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"What kind of magic is this?" Someone was surprised.

As soon as his words fell, the old man smiled faintly and said, "Yes, this is right. This is the side art of the ghost refiner, the puppet skill. What you see is the transformation of Xiu Yun, a dead ghost refiner, who was bought by Mrs. Qi, gave the charm of the charm to Mrs. Qi, and then Mrs. Qi found the opportunity to come down on me. After years of sucking sperm and blood, I lost my life and died. And my soul was included in his soul weapon by this ghost refiner. During this period, I toss and turned several times and encountered a wonderful experience. Unexpectedly, I killed him in turn, which is what happened today.