Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 89 Advance without retreat

After a war, the number of resentment spirits nearby has been greatly reduced. The most important thing is that the high-level resentment spirits with hunting value have been swept away by him. It is estimated that there is not a certain time to recover.

In desperation, Deng Xi had no choice but to continue to move deeper.

However, he soon found that although the place where he was was large enough, it was still a closed temple with limited space. However, in three hours, he swept all the places and completely absorbed the high-level grievances that could be destroyed in this space.

"Is there only so much?"

Deng Xi was extremely disappointed for a moment.

Although the efficiency of these three hours is 100 times higher than his usual practice, by this time, his power is close to the sixth level of the airway. Originally, he could not practice many family skills because of his lack of skills, and he has also successfully practiced quickly in the actual battle against the enemy.

In particular, Taixuan Tianwen's move can be used as a multiplication, and it has become his most refined and powerful skill at present. Later, even those who had the same opponents as the horrible female resentment at the beginning. He can also directly use this move itself to completely crush his resentment.

But if the cultivation is only here, I will be a little sorry for the reputation of the Netherworld.

Because of its own strength equivalent to the six layers of cultivation, it absorbs the aura here, which can't make him upgrade his cultivation level. According to the words of the horse-faced handsome, aren't those high-level ghost officials who are ready to come in and practice for promotion to the realm of refining gods?

"No, it can't be just like this. There must be other things I haven't noticed. Otherwise, where it can be swept in a few hours, how can it take another month?

Thinking of this, he carefully searched on the edge of the magnificent but covered by the fog.

However, there is no place that looks like a door or similar object.

"There is no around, will it be in the middle?"

Deng Xi was disappointed and could only find the central position of this space with a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Sure enough, when he ran his true spirit and swept away a piece of resentful corpse, a huge relief with a radius of three or four feet appeared on the ground. The carving of the relief looks quite strange. It seems to be a half male and half female strange man sitting on a high pile of corpses, holding a head and gnawing there.

And Deng Xi saw at a glance that the position of the head's eyes concave a small circular pit. He knew that it could definitely be intertangled with the athet in his hand.

Deng Xi looked at the relief carefully and couldn't help nodding secretly: "Okey, this door lock should have been found for me. But the things behind this door don't seem to be so friendly.

He is almost sure that what this relief draws should be what he will encounter after opening the door lock. And when he stared at the strange man on the relief, a deterrent pressure seemed to shoot out of the strange man's eyes and penetrated directly into his eyes. It made him feel a strong warning in an instant, preventing him from opening the ring door lock.

However, Deng Xi will obviously not be scared away by this relief. He turned around and left without even seeing the enemy. Not to mention him, even if Tu Ba himself is here, I'm afraid he can't do it, right?

What's more, the king of hell gave him a month, and he must not only let him play with these previous miscellaneous fish-like low-level grievances. If he doesn't challenge a powerful opponent, how can he quickly improve his cultivation?

Under the crisp sound of "ding", Deng Xi had embedded the metal wrench into the groove, and then stepped back and stared at his feet.

After a moment of silence, the golden light flashed in the circular groove, and a dazzling beam of light suddenly shot out with a buzz, breaking through the thick fog and rushing straight to the zenith of the huge hall.

Deng Xi then looked up and saw a circular light spot about a foot in diameter illuminated by the high stone wall on the top of the hall. Among the light spots, the shadows wandered, as if a silhouette painting was being performed.

Then, I heard a harsh sound of rock friction, and the area illuminated by light spots on the top of the hall began to rotate and sink down, and soon a dark and deep hole appeared.

After about ten breaths, the sound of rock friction finally stopped, and in the hole, the cold fog began to slowly release, which looked strange and strange under the light pillars below.

"Is this the entrance?"

After taking a soft breath, Deng Xi just wanted to fly up, but suddenly stopped.

"Yes, where's my key?"

Thinking of this, he quickly looked down at the round groove, intending to take back his amulet. But then he found that the magic weapon in the shape of a wrench had turned into a golden **, constantly evaporating in the process of evaporating the beam of light. At this time, it had almost evaporated.

What does this mean? Is this key going to be consumed? Is it necessary to enter the next scene without this soul charm?

When I thought about this, a slight uneasiness couldn't help but rise from the bottom of my heart.

Although the previous series of wars were not too much pressure on me, at least at the beginning, it was relying on this amulet to be thrilling. Now that you suddenly enter a more dangerous place and lose this treasure, don't you have to face a serious crisis immediately?

More importantly, the resentment of those resentment is transformed by this soul charm. Without it, how can we cultivate it?

At this time, he couldn't help but be a little annoyed. If he was really a hell official, Tu Ba or Tu Guang, he must have known these insiders and knew how to deal with them. However, he was a fake. Relying on the words of others, he broke in directly with the scattered records in the Three Realms, which was somewhat impudish.

However, since it has reached this point, there is really no reason to enter the treasure mountain and return empty. And the golden ** melted into the soul charm is lost at the sight. If you hesitate, I'm afraid there will be no chance. So after gritting his teeth secretly, he finally turned around and rose into the air.

When Deng Xi's body entered the range of the beam of light, he suddenly felt that the surrounding scene began to distort rapidly, and then it was pulled into pieces. Instead, there is a flying light curtain.

After a period of high-speed movement, the light curtain suddenly dissipated. The dark scene of hell returned to his side again.

Dun Xi knows that it should be the place.

Because he lost the protection of the amulet, he boosted his whole body early in case of accidents. However, when his mind condensed and saw the surrounding environment clearly, he was not surprised.

Because the previous miserable situation of resentment is no longer here, and what appears in front of me is another scene of purgatory.

Looking around, in the thick fog, a large number of broken limbs and feet are scattered on the ground, mainly hands and feet, and there are also some parts of the torso, but it is almost impossible to see a complete body connected to the head, as if this is a special place to collect residual limbs.

"What's the situation? The Netherworld Hall is a place for people to try, not a corpse. What's the use of piling up so many corpses? It's not likely that these limbs can jump up and attack me, right?

Of course, these limbs are only limbs after all. At this moment, although he does not have the protection of the soul charm, when he passes through these limbs, they do not inexplicably jump up and get into trouble. And the silent four fields are silent, which is very different from the scene of countless grievances when they first took off the soul charm.

Is it that this place is the same as the place I just passed, just experienced a fierce battle, so that the resentment has been swept away and has not yet recovered?

"Wait a minute! No!"

Den Xi's heart suddenly jumped, because he immediately recalled the thing carved on the relief on the ground.

A half-male and half-female monster sits on a huge pile of corpses, holding a head in his hand and nibbling. And now all the bodies have no head, can you say..."

When he thought of this, he had already stared straight and sucked deeply into the cold underworld air around him.

"They were all eaten by that man?"

When this idea came into Deng Xi's mind. A kind of bone-to-bone cold instant goes straight to the brain from the back. He has guessed what type of opponent he will probably face.

Inadvertently, he looked back and saw that the direction of the place was a thick wall. There was also a huge relief on the wall. The content of the carving was a spectacular scene of a large number of resentment flying from the sky, which was exactly what he had just experienced. In the middle of the relief, there is also a small annular groove, which also looks like the position of the enchantment.

Deng Xi was stunned when he saw this. Since he still needs the key to unlock it, that is to say, there should be a soul charm after entering here? My own one has clearly been dissolved. Is it possible to find another one from here?

With this in mind, he finally had a little vague expectation in his heavy heart. Anyway, let's see what happens first.

After a little exploration, Deng Xi found that the broken bones on the ground were not irregularly scattered, but gathered in one direction. The more they moved in this direction, the more bones there were on the ground. But it is not surprising that there is still not even a head in it.

"You are a head-eating evil spirit. You can eat such a resentment. I really don't know how deep your resentment will be!"

As Deng Xi moved forward, he had clearly felt that in the thick haze of the underworld in front of him, a shocking resentment was surging out.