Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 95 Mistake

"What's going on?"

In front of Deng Xi's eyes, the body of the ghost owner of the abyss, as those small souls flew out, was stripped and broken piece by piece, and finally completely scattered.

And those small souls flying out are rapidly flying around the heavenly book world in the golden curtain in the continuous hissing and wailing.

When Deng Xi looked carefully, he saw that many faces among them had been seen on the faces of the ghost owner of the abyss.

"I see." After thinking for a moment, Deng Xi couldn't help nodding: "This guy is originally made of the collection of souls extracted from the brains of countless splits. Although these souls are reincarnated in the same previous life, they are no longer the same person. How can it be easy to forcibly pinch them together now? It is impossible without strong external constraints.

And now, this guy's power has been half extracted and half of it by me. I guess he can no longer control so many souls and can only let them fly away separately.

Originally, Deng Xi was still worried about how to deal with this abyss ghost master. He could kill an opponent whose cultivation level was several times higher than his own, but it was difficult to beat him until his soul was scattered. Simple killing is most likely to reincarnate the other party again.

In view of the fact that the previous reincarnation of the other party can retain the memory of his previous life, Deng Xi is unwilling to go this road, because any enemy who knows the secret of the Three Realms is absolutely not allowed to exist in the world.

Now, in the face of these scattered small souls whose skills have almost completely dissipated, Deng Xi's way to deal with them is naturally much simpler. He only needs to disperse and absorb them and slowly refine them.

So he immediately took one hand, and the real gas in his body turned, and a strong suction was released instantly.

Then he heard the hiss in mid-air, and countless souls suddenly flew down to his palm in horror. In a short time, hundreds of souls were inhaled by him.

However, although these souls have low skills, they each have their own will. As soon as they see Deng Xi's movements, they know that they are going to be refined. Shocked, how could they be willing to be captured? So almost at the same time, he shouted straight to Deng Xi from all directions.

In an instant, in Deng Xi's vision, it seemed that their angry and ferocious faces were everywhere.

Seeing this scene, he shook his head faintly: "Why is it so hard for the moth to fly into the fire?"

The true breath turned sharply, like an abyss, and the infinite suction was instantly released in all directions.


Deng Xi sucked the flying souls for a quarter of an hour before completely destroying them.

And these angry souls, even after being sucked in by Deng Xi, are still manic and constantly rushing left and right in his body. Unfortunately, they are not Deng Xi. There are no treasures in their consciousness that can be used to turn over. No matter how hard they struggle, they can't escape the result of the final refining. At most, it can be delayed for some time.

For Deng Xi, this time, it seems that he has picked up a treasure, because although the strength of thousands of souls is limited, they can gather together and produce powerful ghost cultivation close to the realm of god refining.

So when Deng Xi gradually refined the dark breath contained in these souls, he found that this was simply a huge torrent. It is even more than ten times more than the internal breath he drew directly from the ghost owner of the abyss before.

It seems that when he fought against himself at that time, the abyss ghost master did not exert any of his real strength because he was suppressed by the Three Realms. He was unwilling to say that he had lost this magic weapon, and he was really right.

"If I can return to my body smoothly this trip, I will really earn it."

For almost a month, Deng Xi had nothing to do and completely spent on refining these huge souls.

When the soul of the last split of the abyss ghost owner turned into ashes in his hot furnace, Deng Xi finally waited for what he had been looking forward to for a long time.

On the page under his feet, as if someone was writing with a huge pen, an unprecedented ultra-long text was slowly recorded one stroke.

"The abyss ghost lord, who was originally the ghost king of hell, occasionally got a surge in the cultivation of strange treasures and had to fight against the gods of the underworld, especially with the two kings of hell in the fifth hall. Later, he was killed by Dao Zhengzi, a monk in the world of refining gods, and was reincarnated into a hundred and nine thousand splits... After the splits died, he was intercepted by the king of hell and imprisoned in the secret room of the hidden hall of the underworld. Because of the separation of people, because of mutual feelings, they gradually returned to the memory of their previous lives and began to kill each other to absorb divine consciousness..."

This passage began in the previous life of the abyss ghost owner and went all the way down to before Deng Xi killed him, and the twists and turns and blood were everywhere. It also let Deng Xi know a little about the cause and effect.

However, like all the previous records in the Three Realms, these narratives are still too brief, and many key points are endless. For example, what is the entanglement between the ghost owner of the abyss and the king of hell? At that time, it was not mentioned in detail what Dao Zhengzi fought with the former owner of the Three Realms.

When he saw that the text was about to be written to the end, Deng Xi suddenly had some inexplicable expectations, because so far, the portrait of the abyss ghost master has still been written, and what kind of shape will this guy gathered by 1009,000 incarnations draw? It's not the same as the previous book, he is a middle-aged monk, is he?

As a result, when the invisible brush began to draw the image of the underworld giant, Deng Xi couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Because this portrait is exactly the same as the huge relief on the ground in the Netherworld Hall. It is a picture of a half-length male and half-female monster holding its head.

For a moment, Deng Xi couldn't help wondering what the main writer of this treasure was. Why is the painting the same as the relief in the hell? Is there any special connection between them?

Before he could think about this idea, he suddenly saw the strange distortion of the scenery in front of him. The Three Realms on the ground, the ink illustrated book, and the golden light curtain around him turned into a chaotic situation in a moment, and his divine consciousness soon seemed to enter. Entering a strange passage, he began to fly rapidly.

After about ten breaths, this chaotic situation suddenly subsided, and my consciousness seemed to return to the body.

And when he raised his eyes and looked around, he couldn't help but feel a burst of joy. Because this is the place where he stood before he was finally attacked and killed by the abyss ghost master. He finally came out of the heavenly world of the Three Worlds.

But immediately, he frowned again. Because of the rest of the light, he saw the body on the ground, a body of Tu Ba in a different place.

"Isn't this me?" Deng Xi smiled bitterly.

That is to say, the body you are in at this moment is not the body formed by your original transformation, but the body of the underworld of the abyss ghost master.

Of course, this is really not a thing for Deng Xi, who has been dismembered too many times. As long as his consciousness is still there, as long as the baby "Three Worlds" in his mind is still there, anyone's body is no difference to him.

Even this sentence, the body of the abyss ghost owner is a hundred times stronger than his own body due to the perennial cultivation of this powerful ghost cultivation.

"Well, if I change the shell, can I mention my cultivation more? This is equivalent to low cultivation and high cultivation, which is a strange thing that has never been seen in ancient and modern times!" Thinking of this, Deng Xi couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, in his keen senses, he suddenly noticed that behind a boulder not far away, someone seemed to make a slight breathing sound.


Deng Xi was surprised that there were still fish that had not been killed by the ghost owner of the abyss in this claus? Or did other ghost officials pass through the door and enter here?

With this in mind, he quickly turned his mind and threw his consciousness there, and then his whole body relaxed and smiled faintly. Because behind the stone, there are two familiar figures, the Xingyue sisters.

At this moment, this pair of beautiful sisters all looked sad and curled down nervously. Needless to ask, they must have been worried about their fate when they saw their ghost body killed by the abyss ghost owner in an instant.

"Come out, I see you."

Deng Xi said with a smile.

And as soon as his words came out, he felt uncomfortable, because from his throat, it turned out to be the voice of a crisp and beautiful young woman. It was the woman who was transformed by the abyss ghost master when he killed his ghost.

"Okay, I changed this and that all day long, and this time I finally got into a woman's body." Thinking about it, he quickly looked down at his raised chest at this moment, reached out and touched the smooth jade-like skin on his face, and couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

At this time, the Xingyue sisters, who knew that they could not hide, stood up with their heads held high and walked to Deng Xi angrily.

Deng Xi couldn't help sighing with a bitter smile and a burst of regret in his heart. Obviously, from the perspective of the two of them, Tu Ba's head was different and his brain was sucked, while the abyss ghost master recovered after a month of losing his soul. They probably thought that their consciousness had been destroyed by this powerful ghost gathered by thousands of splits, right?

At this moment, the faint tears in their eyes and the months of waiting are all for themselves.

So, he originally wanted to tease the pair of sisters a little, but he quickly gave up the idea. So when the two came to him, he nodded hard to them and smiled gently, "Miss Xing, Miss Yue, thank you for your hard work."