Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 126 Public Execution

Tianming City has indeed turned into an empty city, an empty city with almost nothing but corpses.

Deng Xi suddenly had a strange feeling. If it was just to avenge the Qi family, is it necessary for Bo Yuntian to create such a big killing? Moreover, it is really shocking to be able to raze the Deng family, which is famous in the mainland, to the ground. If it is just to avenge the married daughter of the Qi family, it will be too small.

After quickly sweeping through the city and killing several low-level warriors left by Sihai City, Deng Xi quickly embarked on the road to Sihai City.

Sihai City is only a thousand miles away from Tianming City, which is almost at Deng Xi's feet.

Sihai City is called Sihai and is indeed located by the sea. As the southernmost city of the mainland, it is ten times larger than Tianming City and is one of the three major capitals of the mainland. There are many famous families in the city, and the masters of practicing qi are as vast as a sea of smoke. On the Zhongdu continent, when the name of Sihai City is mentioned, it will be associated with its strong strength.

Of course, talking about such strength at this time is already a joke for Deng Xi.

Qi Xuanji's cultivation is only the seventh layer of the airway, which is not as good as Deng Zhaohua. Bo Yuntian hasn't taken action for a long time. It is said that his cultivation is unfathomable. However, seeing that he broke through a small Tianming City, he also had to gather the strength of several big families and ask for foreign helpers, which shows that he is at most between his grandfather.

As soon as Deng Xi entered the city, he immediately felt a tense atmosphere, which was a kind of tension before the war.

Countless low-level warriors rushed through the streets, as if they were being ordered to mobilize. From time to time, several famous mid-level practitioners with more than four layers of airway will fly by, and they also look in a hurry.

"What is this doing?"

Deng Xi is curious that Tianming City has been broken. Why is Sihai City still so nervous?

Just as he was about to find a people in the city to inquire, he heard someone suddenly enter the gate behind him. He was indeed a dusty horse riding warrior. As soon as he entered the city, he immediately began to shout: "The good news! Good news! The city owner broke through the Hengshui City, and the city owner broke through the Hengshui City!"

While talking, the samurai had rushed in front of him and went straight to a huge temple in the distance.

At this time, I heard a young man eating in a roadside restaurant shouting, "Okay, Hengshui City has also been broken. According to this momentum, we can dominate the mainland in less than half a year!"

For a while, several other guests were also delighted.

"So that's it."

Deng Xi snorted coldly. It seemed that Bo Yuntian's attack on Tianming City and the Deng family was actually the beginning of his expedition to the mainland. No wonder he wanted to gather such a huge strength. No wonder he wanted to slaughter Tianming City. This was killing people to stand up power!

"Unfortunately, your hegemonic dream is almost here."

Thinking about this, Deng Xi walked towards the tallest building in the city.

Bear him, an old man sighed at the shouting young man: "What does it have to do with our people if we play this today and that tomorrow? I really don't know how happy you are after you?"

When he went to the vicinity of the main hall of the city, Qi Xuanji was in the city, except for the city owner Bo Yuntian who went out to fight. Hearing the news, the blood in Deng Xi's body suddenly burned again. So without saying a word, he went straight to the Qi family's mansion in the east of the city.

As the in-laws of the Deng family, Deng Xi also came to the Qi family in his early years. At this moment, he was familiar with the road and quickly touched the door without any inquiry. Before he considered whether to sneak in or kill in with open fire, as soon as the door opened, a housekeeper-like man stepped out and directed the housekeeper to post a huge notice on the bulletin board at the door.

At this time, it immediately attracted a large number of idle people on the roadside to stop and watch.

Then, there was a burst of gloating cheers in the crowd.

Deng Xi didn't feel a little curious. He didn't have to go forward. He looked at it from a distance and read the text on the notice clearly.

"What?" Deng Xi looked at it and suddenly became angry.

It turned out that the content of this notice was that the Qi family would publicly execute the Deng family who killed Qi Xiangyun in the city square and invited the people in the city to watch. And the time is today.

"Okay, let's have a public execution!"

Deng Xi sneered.


Before Shen Shi arrived, the square in the center of the city was surrounded by the lively people of Sihai City, who, like the young people in the restaurant, were extremely enthusiastic about this kind of killing. He not only stood in a good position early, but also talked happily.

One person said, "Well, do you know who is going to kill today?"

Another person said, "Isn't it the family that killed the daughter of the Qi family?"

"Yes! It's them. Those who dare to harm the Qi family, they really have the courage to eat leopards. It's time to make them die ugly!"

At this time, another person said, "What does it have to do with other people's grievances?"

"Yo, it's none of your business, so don't you also come to see the fun?"

The man smiled and said, "I came to see that it's not because they killed someone's daughter, but because there is a famous and strong practitioner in it. Have you ever heard of Deng Zhaohua? That's the person who our city owner doesn't dare to say that he is sure to win. With a stamp of his feet, he can tremble in the mainland of Zhongdu. Now he is about to be killed. It's exciting to think about it! Only when these masters are solved can we truly become the hegemon of the Zhongdu mainland.

As he spoke, his eyes began to look forward to it.

"The hour has arrived!"

A member of the Qi family in the field shouted, and everyone's mood immediately rose even higher. When they looked back, they saw several members of the Qi family led by Qi Xuanji coming at the end of the street. Behind them are several special prison cars, which are the main members of the Deng family.

When everyone saw this scene, they wanted to rush forward with cheering, but they were pushed to both sides by the Qi family.

In a moment, the Qi family walked into the field and sat down in several wooden chairs that had already been discharged.

In addition to Qi Xuanji, the head of the Zhengzhong family, the remaining few people are his wife Mrs. Tang, younger brother Qi Xuanshu, the eldest son Qi Zhendong, the second son Qi Zhenxi and the youngest son Qi Zhenzhong.

At this time, their eyes burned with the joy and expectation of revenge success.

When they sat down one after another, the prison van also passed through the crowd and was pushed into the center of the square.