Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 129 Don't leave

Deng Xi's casual blow shocked the people of the Qi family and all the people on the spot.

It was not until then that they suddenly realized that the guy who appeared in front of them was the god and demon king who came to revenge. Looking at his majesty at this moment, I'm afraid that the Qi family can't stop him, and he is repaying the deep hatred of destroying the city. Once the Qi family is solved, will he also slaughter these people?

Thinking of this, someone in the crowd immediately shouted, pushed away the crowd and ran out.

As long as someone takes the lead, other people can't stand such a thing. In the blink of an eye, the onlookers who surrounded the execution platform on the three floors were in a big mess.


"Don't block me!"

"Let's get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Seeing the chaos around him, Deng Xi frowned, and his true energy moved slightly. The qi-eating eagle in the Three Worlds appeared in front of his eyes, and his wings vibated and flew straight into the sky for a long time.


A fenduring demented sound fell from the sky. Those ordinary people with no cultivation and domestic warriors with low skills fell to the ground with their hands covered their ears in a sad scream and began to roll in pain.

Even the Qi family, who had high skills, couldn't help shaking their whole body and hurriedly urged Zhenqi to resist the demonic cry that made them really angry.

Only the Deng family was not affected by this sound due to Deng Xi's magic barrier. Even a few young people didn't know what had happened and could only look around with curious eyes.

A moment later, monks from Sihai City have found the source of this horrible sound. Then they used their own tricks one after another and attacked the spirit-eating eagles hovering in mid-air.

But under the suppression of the soul sound, their skills were already affected, and less than 30% of them were played. Under the rapid dive attack of this strange monster, they were smashed one by one and their intestines were rotten.

After a while, seven or eight Qi family members and other Sihai City monks who tried to fight back were ruthlessly killed. The true qi in the body is swallowed up by it.


When Deng Xi saw that no one dared to fight back, he stretched out his hand in mid-air. The spirit-eating carved wings turned around and made a wonderful roundabout in the air, and slowly fell back to Deng Xi's shoulder. But a pair of sharp eyes still glanced at the surrounding crowd.

"Today, since you came to watch this execution hall, how can you just leave?"

Deng Xi raised his volume and clearly sent every word he said to the ears of the people present:

"You like killing and bleeding so much, I will satisfy you. If anyone wants to leave halfway, then maybe the bleeding person is yourself!"

Hearing this, the people of Sihai City, who were lying all over the world, quickly let out a low sob. Obviously, they are all regretting what's wrong with doing at home? What kind of hustle and bustle do you come to see when you have nothing to do? Are you in trouble now?

And some people are also secretly shouting and scolding: "These city lords kill people and robbing territory, why do they slaughter other people's cities? Isn't it the bad luck for us people to come to the door now?

"This is, what kind of monster is this!"

Seeing that most of his people had almost lost their ability to move, Qi Xuanji couldn't help but be sad and angry. He knew that at this moment, he had reached the juncture of survival, and could only desperately urge the seventh layer of his airway to try to fight to the death with the death.

"Spirit Sculpture." Deng Xi answered directly.

"I haven't heard of it."

"Of course you haven't heard of it." Deng Xi explained leisurely, "This thing has not existed for a long time. I got it from the soul of a ghost refiner. Coincidentally, this ghost refiner is the one who bought your precious daughter Qi Xiangyun to poison me.

When it came to the last sentence, Deng Xi's tone suddenly raised several scales. Let this sentence completely fall into the eardrums of everyone present.

For a moment, there was an uncontrollable whisper in the field.

The rumor that Qi Xiangyun was forced to die by the Deng family has long been consciously spread by the Qi family in the city as an important reason for Sihai City to attack Tianming City. At this time, Deng Xi suddenly shook out the truth, which naturally shocked the heartstrings of those ignorant people.

If Deng Xi hadn't controlled the situation at this moment and pinched their life and death in their hands, they might not have been willing to believe that this was not conducive to the Qi family, because everyone has the psychology of protecting their shortcomings.

But when this matter threatens their own lives, most people's psychology begins to undergo subtle changes. They began to resent the Qi family. They all felt that if the Qi family had not turned black and white and killed the city, they would not have fallen into this desperate situation.

Of course, they dare not blame the Qi family, but how can the private discussion avoid Qi Xuanji's ears?

He was furious and roared at Deng Xi, "You, you are bloody! What evidence do you have?

Deng Xi laughed and said, "How did I die? Does anyone know better than me? Speaking of evidence, it was already clear that your daughter committed suicide because of the exposure of the matter. But now, I don't have so much time to go around with you. I want to see the evidence and give you the fastest way. After going to hell, I will ask Mr. Yan that I have a good relationship with the King of Hell in the Fifth Hall. Tell me my name, and she will let you see it.

"You!" Qi Xuanji was shocked. He knew that when the other party finished saying this, he was going to attack himself.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Deng Xi did not pay attention to him anymore, but turned around and didn't know what he had done, so he easily opened the torture tools that blocked the Deng family. These levels of rune spells are as useless as children's graffiti in Deng Xi's eyes.

However, although their ban has been removed, their own skills are difficult to recover for a while, and they can only cross their knees on the ground and calm down.

"Grandpa, I have a lot of experience in practicing our Taixuangong recently. I'll call you and your father right away. Do you think you can play well?" Deng Xi said with a smile.

Deng Zhaohua and Deng Zhengming have already seen that Deng Xi's skills have made rapid progress in this trip. Of course, they were all happy to hear him say.

"Go ahead, Xier, let's all see how far you have entered the country now." Deng Zhaohua said.


After a while, Deng Xi's body was like a ghost meteor, and he returned to Qi Xuanji in the blink of an eye.

"Didn't you say that I used the demon method? Well, I don't need those tricks that you can't understand at all now. I just use my Deng family's unique skills to fight with you, so that you are despicable and shameless and rely on more to win. Let's see the real power of our Deng family's martial arts! So that you can understand. Now, let's go together!"

Originally, the father and son of the Qi family and Mrs. Tang were still frightened by the other party's amazing move and the horrible monster summoned in front of them, knowing that they were afraid of death today. At this moment, when he heard that the other party actually tied his hands and feet and only used the Deng family to pass on martial arts, he was suddenly refreshed and had a kind of ecstasy that he had found a glimmer of life in death.

So they looked at each other and nodded at the same time, and then turned around and attacked Deng Xi like a storm.

Qi Xuanji and Deng Zhaohua have been friends for many years and are very familiar with the tricks of the Deng family. Even for Deng Zhaohua, who is superior in strength, he still has the power to fight, not to mention just Deng Xi. If you gather Mrs. Tang, who is similar to her own skills, and with the assistance of several sons, there may not be no vitality.

In fact, he raided Dengjiazhuang this time, that is, he borrowed three more masters from other families in Sihai City, and successfully besieged Deng Zhaohua. The super masters who were invited by Bo Yuntian from overseas did not have time to take action.

"Bum bang bang..."

Deng Xi was not in a hurry to impose a killer, but only used a series of the simplest Taixuan punches to resolve the other party's face-to-face offensive.

Today, since the other party wants to kill the Deng family cleanly in broad daylight and in full view of the public, he naturally does not want the other party to die too simply. He wants to make the people of the four sea cities remember this revenge killing.

"What a strange punch!"

Deng Xi's move is obviously only the basic move in Taixuangong, but the strong fist strength makes their violent attack hit in the sand like the same move, with a powerful feeling of regret.

At this time, Deng Xi began to slowly whisper: "Taixuan's spirit is strong and soft, like a hanging lake, moving like a mountain torrent. Dad, this is the first realm of Taixuan. I haven't forgotten what you taught me in the third month. The next is the second."

Deng Zhengming laughed and said, "Xier, my good Xier, that's right, that's it."

"What is the first and second? You take it!" Qi Zhenzhong roared, and the long sword in his hand soared like a dragon, and threw it into the punch marks that Deng Xi was hitting.

He attacked there, but Qi Xuanji's heart was shocked. No wonder they had never seen the Deng family use such a fist, because in fact, this is only a feature of the entry realm of Tianxuangong, but in Deng Xi's hands, it can actually block the strong offensive of so many of their masters. This feeling of lifting weights is too amazing. If there is no foundation beyond the opponent's skills of several levels, who dares to do so?

However, Qi Xuanji quickly put away his distractions, because Deng Xi's fist strength in front of him had changed, and the pressure was nearly doubled as before, and he hit them with the huge punch print.


The fist print burst, and Qi Xuanji only felt that his chest was stuffy. He couldn't help but turn over and fall back. In his ear, his youngest son's tragic cry sounded harshly at this time.


"Zhong! My son!" Mrs. Tang shouted, flew up and picked up Qi Zhenzhong's body, but at this time, Qi Zhenzhong's chest was sunken, his mouth was bleeding, and he was dying.

"In the defense of Qi, it is like hanging upside down in the long sky, gathered in a bunch, which can break the stone and divide the gold, through the mountain to the mountain, Dad, I played well, right?"