Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 133 scared to pee

Zhongdu City is located in the heart of the Zhongdu continent and is also the largest city in the whole continent. Even the name of Zhongdu Continent is named after the establishment of this city.

Until 300 years ago, Zhongdu City was superior to major cities with its strong strength. However, after the failure of Feng Mingshan, the city owner at that time, the status of the central capital quickly fell from the position of the hegemon of the mainland.

Of course, the rotten boat still has three catties of nails. Even without the top masters above everyone, the power of the three families of Feng, Xu and Huang in the capital city still has a pivotal position on the mainland. Each of the three families has a strong practitioner who is not weaker than Deng Zhaohua.

But today, like Tianming City a month ago, they have to face a strong enemy they can't imagine.

When thousands of people in Sihai City just blocked the south gate of the capital, the three major families in the city had not realized the seriousness of the matter. They are not ignorant of the ambition of Sihai City. They even heard the news that Tianming City was captured, but the strength of Sihai City has never been in their eyes.

Because in addition to Bo Yuntian, the owner of the city, and Hu Chao, the owner of the second largest family in the city, who has the cultivation of the eighth floor of the airway, the rest of Sihai City are under the seventh floor of the airway, and the Feng Xuhuang family here has four famous masters of the eighth level of airway cultivation.

So when they heard that Bo Yuntian dared to invade the capital, it was somewhat unbelievable. When he went to war, he did not immediately go all out, but first sent two seventh-level airway monks of Xu Huang's family to find out the details.

As a result, the two did not return, and dozens of low-level disciples who stood up to cheer were eliminated by the First World War.

Only then did the capital realize that things were not good. The three families immediately came out and fought to the death with each other outside the South Gate.

At the beginning, Feng Xuhuang's three families each had a top master, and fought with Bo Yuntian and Hu Chao more than 100 moves. The scene was two points, and it was undefeated.

For a long time, Feng Chenghua, the owner of the capital, gradually felt that there seemed to be a more powerful master hidden in the other party's camp. For fear that things would drag on for a long time and make a change, he made a decision and personally attacked the other two. This situation turned sharply, and the two masters of Sihai City were immediately in danger and could not resist.

However, at this time, in the camp of Sihai City, one person suddenly flew out, and a sword array that seemed to destroy the world, defeating the four-person coalition in one fell swoop. And this is exactly what Deng Xi saw.

"Master Feng, the winner has been divided. I think you don't have to resist anymore, do you?"

It is the thin cloud sky with a magnificent body, like a giant. He came forward with a big laugh, and Feng Chenghua and others have vomited blood and fell to the ground seriously. They even seemed very difficult to speak: "Bo Yuntian, who is this person? When did you produce such a powerful monk in Sihai City?

Bo Yuntian shook his head: "Why must it be from my Sihai City? As long as it can help me live in the mainland, who can't use it?

"It's a person from Dongzhou!" Feng Chenghua suddenly woke up, stared at the long, jade-like middle-aged monk angrily: "You are from the Dongzhou mainland!"

"Yes, Qingchengzi is the person of Dongzhou." The man stood where he was far away and nodded slightly to him.

Feng Chenghua said angrily, "Aren't you people in Dongzhou mainland who are dedicated to seeking Taoism and focusing on practicing soaring? How can you be willing to be a lackey of Bo Yuntian?

The clarify did not answer his question, but only smiled and walked back to his original position.

And Bo Yuntian's face was embarrassed, and then he sneered: "Running dog? Qing Chengzi's cultivation is profound and has a towering path. How can he be a lackey of any person? Bo is a sincere offer this time, so Brother Feng doesn't have to be intentional to provoke him, right?

Feng Chenghua took a few breaths and then said, "Bo Yuntian, if you suppress our cities with your own ability and dominate the mainland in one fell swoop, Feng has no opinion and may admire you. However, Feng Chenghua, I am not convinced that you have found people from Dongzhou mainland to work for you!"

Bo Yuntian smiled and said, "Don't you accept it? So what? What Bo Yuntian want is the result! As long as the whole continent crawls under my feet, do you have any obstacles to me?

When Feng Chenghua heard this, a burst of blood surged up in his chest. As soon as he opened his eyes, he almost fainted.

"Well, that's it. Let your people go out of the city and surrender. I can spare you not to die. Otherwise..." Bo Yuntian turned back to the guide and shouted sharply, "The end of Tianming City is the end of Zhongdu City!"

"What did you say!"

This time, not only Feng Chenghua, but also the owners of other ethnic groups drank angrily at the same time.

And Feng Chenghua's lips trembled slightly and said, "It's true that the whole city of Tianming City has been slaughtered!"

Bo Yuntian said in a low voice, "Not bad! The owner of Tianming City thought that he could resist stubbornly by relying on Deng Zhaohua, which was to seek his own death.

At this point, the heads of the three ethnic groups in Zhongdu City have already looked at each other. They were still somewhat skeptical about Bo Yuntian's ability to slaughter Tianming City. After all, there is still the Deng family supporting the overall situation. Even if Sihai City can defeat them, it should be a tragic victory. But at this time, when they saw the powerful Dongzhou monk, they finally had to believe it.

For a moment, a feeling of doomsday enveloped them in an instant. There is no other choice but to yield.

This is an era where strength determines everything, and there is nothing they can do.

However, just as they looked at them and were helplessly preparing to issue the order to surrender, they heard the Dongzhou mainland monk named Qing Chengzi in the distance and suddenly said, "What?" A sound.

"What's wrong, senior?" Bo Yuntian frowned slightly and asked in a blink of an eye.

You should know that since this overseas master was hired by him, except for a limited one or two moves, he has been calm and has never been moved by anything outside. What will surprise him this time?

"There is someone nearby who has amazing cultivation." Qing Chengzi frowned his slender eyebrows for the first time.

"What?" Bo Yuntian was shocked when he heard the words.

Obviously, it can be described by Qing Chengzi as having the word "amazing", this person's ability must be the same, but where did such a master come from Tiandu City? If so, Feng Chenghua will not be forced to this moment by himself.

While talking, Qing Chengzi held his breath and began to expand his aura around. His aura is as clear as water, which makes all those who are immersed in it feel a light feeling like a spring breeze, indicating that his cultivation has already practiced to clear up and enter the realm of heaven and earth.

This realm is more natural than Deng Xi's ten thousand laws, but each has its own advantages and wins. For controlling the qi of heaven and earth and operating for the enemy, the natural realm of Wanfa is more practical; and if it is to refine the qi to advance in order to fly to the heavenly world, this realm of Qingchengzi is more favorable.

"Who is coming? You might as well show up and see."

Before Qing Chengzi's words fell, Deng Xi's loud laughter passed through the dense woods in the distance and transmitted far away.

The source of this laughter was obviously still advancing rapidly, and the speed of this advance was so fast that when Deng Xi's figure had flashed out from behind the woods, the point of laughter was still far behind him. That is to say, he runs faster than sound!

In an instant, everyone present except Qing Chengzi was shocked by this shocking appearance. This also includes the ninth-level disciples of the airway brought by Qing Chengzi. You should know that even their master has never reached such a speed.


When Deng Xi's figure stood still, the huge sound explosion caused by his rapid flight instantly spread around, forming a shocking shock wave. Its power almost caught up with the moves of a master of six or seven layers of airway.

So those low-level warriors of Sihai City near him fell to the ground by Qiqi under the impact of this shock wave, covering their ears in pain, and some people's ears even oozed bright red blood.

Even monks with slightly higher skills must grit their teeth and lift their breath to resist the damage of the shock wave to the eardrums.

Seeing this scene, Feng Chenghua and others, who were lying on the ground panting, couldn't help opening their eyes with joy. Although they don't know who they are, in despair, the enemy of the enemy naturally becomes a friend in their eyes. And such a tough friend.

The sound burst dissipated, and the warriors of Sihai City finally breathed a long breath. One by one, they put down the hands that covered their ears.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a master on the mainland of Zhongdu." Qing Chengzi's eyes seemed to have a slight smile, as if he was relieved because he finally found an opponent worth doing.

Then he turned his head and asked, "Lord Bocheng, do you recognize this man?"

But as soon as he finished asking, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. Because several patriarchs, including Bo Yuntian, seemed to have seen ghosts and opened their eyes wide in surprise.

"What's wrong? Does the Lord Bocheng really know this person? Qing Chengzi asked again.

"I recognize it." Bo Yuntian turned his head.

Qing Chengzi said strangely, "Why did the Lord Bocheng have such an expression?"

Wait for Bo Yuntian to answer, but heard Deng Xi sneer in the distance and said, "Because Lord Bocheng and several elders thought they had seen a ghost."

Qing Chengzi said "Oh" and smiled, "What? Shouldn't you be dead?"

Deng Xi nod and said, "Yes, not only should I be dead, but I have indeed been dead for a long time." He raised his head and made a thoughtful gesture: "It's probably been a year, right?"

As soon as this came out, at least half of the thousands of people at the scene almost peed.